viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

‘Indo-Pacific Jump’: Italian Contingent Of F-35A, F-35B, AV-8B, Eurofighter Jets Deploy To Japan, Australia For Joint Drills

A Closer Look At The Airbus 6th-Gen Future Combat Air System

IATA: Spanish Government Should Adopt Ecological Commission's Recommendations for SAF Production

Boom founder seeks patent for future supersonic propulsion system

MQ-9B updates to improve performance in long-range kill chains

Think tank lays out role of unmanned aircraft in future Taiwan conflict

Fokker Next Gen ditches hydrogen-powered F100 to focus on clean-sheet design

Fokker Next Gen has ditched plans to modify a Fokker 100 to run on hydrogen power to focus entirely on developing a clean-sheet zero-emission airliner for service entry in 2035. 

Finnish Border Guard picks SNC-modified Challeger 650s for Dornier replacement

US FAA adopts airworthiness directive for 13 Boeing 757-200 US planes

Roof collapse at Delhi Airport Terminal 1: one dead, six injured; operations disrupted

Vietnam Airlines eyes purchase of Chinese C919 jets amid aircraft shortage

Plus Ultra. La agrupación del Pacific Skies rinde homenaje a la gran aventura aérea española

El Pacific Skies se ha puesto en marcha. Lo ha hecho desde la basé aérea de Albacete. Desde allí han partido hacia Alemania seis Eurofigther (cuatro más dos reservas) de las alas 11 y 14, y un A400M del Ala 31, en lo que representa el primer salto de este despliegue aéreo único que recalará en ocho países diferentes. Este primer día del despliegue ha tenido como testigo a más de treinta medios de comunicación diferentes llegados de toda España, que han aterrizado en Albacete en un vuelo del Ala 35 fletado desde Madrid. La prensa destacada hasta este acto ha podido constatar de primera mano las dos premisas fundamentales que rodean a este histórico despliegue: proyectar y mantener una fuerza aérea a lo largo de 58 000 kilómetros.

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Destroying the ISS: NASA Selects International Space Station US Deorbit Vehicle

"Selecting a U.S. Deorbit Vehicle for the International Space Station will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition in low Earth orbit at the end of station operations. This decision also supports NASA's plans for future commercial destinations and allows for the continued use of space near Earth," said Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "The orbital laboratory remains a blueprint for science, exploration, and partnerships in space for the benefit of all."

El «barón rojo», cuarto en el campeonato alemán de acrobacia