jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024

The MND:The PLA Rocket Force launched an ICBM to the high seas in the Pacific Ocean

Cierva C.4 Autogyro Replica Flies Again in Spain - Vintage Aviation News

Aurora publica un nuevo vídeo de su «ekranoplano» Liberty Lifter

MSFS2020 recauda 3M$ para restaurar el An-225, cuya reconstrucción ya evalua Antonov

FAA boss: Boeing faces yearslong safety culture change

First Image of Unidentified Object Shot Down By F-22 Over Canada In 2023 Emerges

JGSDF V-22 Osprey Lands on Helicopter Carrier JS Izumo as Tilt-Rotor Appears to Resume Regular Flights

Modernizing The AC-130 Gunship How The USAF Keeps This Iconic Aircraft Combat-Ready

What Are The Implications Of Laser Weapons On Future Aerial Combat?

Parts Holding Up Restoration Of An-225 "Mriya" Destroyed During Russian Invasion Of Ukraine After Microsoft Flight Simulator Raised $3 Million For The Project

IATA Wings of Change Europe to Offer Agenda for European Competitiveness

IATA Announces Matchmaker Platform for Airlines and SAF Suppliers

Indonesian Aerospace still hopeful of getting KF-21 prototype

MTU modifies Flying Fuel Cell validation plan and drops Do 228 test flights

Safran and MTU name top management for EURA military helicopter engine JV

South African National Defense Force advances with C-390 acquisition process

Italy plans to spend 1.6 billion euros on new aerobatic aircraft

Boeing strike continues as machinists reject “final offer” without ratification vote

Air France to offer free ultra-high-speed Wi-Fi on all flights starting in 2025

Victorian man arrested after allegedly faking aircraft mayday calls

RAAF signs deal with Anduril on northern base defences

Sightseeing capsule makes its first balloon flight to the edge of outer space

Behind the scenes with flight display pilots: “Awesome, cool, gigantic.” | Airbus

Not everyone can become a display pilot. Only a select few are allowed to show off the capabilities of Eurofighter jets, A400M transport aircraft, NH90 helicopters or historic Me262s to the public. Captain Noble, the Luftwaffe's Eurofighter display pilot, is one.


miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2024

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024

IATA - IATA Releases Enhanced Policy and Finance Net Zero Roadmaps

Boeing raises its offer to the Machinists to try to end the strike

Greek F-35s Possibly Built Both in the U.S. and Italy, First Deliveries in 2028

Comac C919 and ARJ21 Begin High-Altitude Testing In Tibet

7 Countries Lining Up To Buy Boeing F-15EX Fighter Jet Variants

GE Tapped For KC-135 Recorder Systems | US Sends Additional Troops To Middle East | Israeli Airstrikes In Lebanon Killed Hundred Of People

Beyond the F-35: Upgrading Australia’s fighter fleet

How an A330 topped up the tanks of a KC-30A

Watch: Chinese company prangs reusable rocket on landing

'Inside-out Wankel' engine powers US Army's tiny new 10-kW genset

Advanced manufacturing revs up in Europe with 3D printing | Research and Innovation

Sky high – Europe’s first drone cargo airline gets ready to take off | Research and Innovation

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2024

La USAF publica el PRIMER vídeo en vuelo del B-21


Resultados del Campeonato de España de Vuelo Acrobático 2024: Fantoba Campeón de España en Clásico y Velarde Campeón de España en Freestyle

  • Camilo Benito y Manuel Fernández Gómez han completado el pódium de Ilimitado Clásico.
  • En Freestyle el campeón ha sido el piloto madrileño Juan Velarde arrebatando el título a Fantoba que se quedó con la Plata y Benito con el bronce.
  • Jon Ochoa, Juan Comas y Salvador Jiménez, se adjudicaron el oro en las categorías Elemental, Deportivo e Intermedio, respectivamente.

Valladolid/Madrid, lunes 23 de septiembre de 2024 – Se ha celebrado el Campeonato y Open de España de Vuelo Acrobático (CEVA), organizados por la Real Federación Aeronáutica Española (RFAE) y el Club Acrobático Central, en el Aeródromo Beatriz Cantos Matilla (LETC), ubicado en Valladolid (Castilla y León). Este enclave, especializado en aviación deportiva, reunió a los mejores pilotos nacionales del vuelo acrobático.

En la modalidad de Clásico, en la máxima categoría, Ilimitado, conocida como la "reina" de este deporte, Cástor Fantoba se proclamó campeón con una extraordinaria actuación, logrando 11.360,0800 puntos (75,33%). Camilo Benito le siguió en el segundo lugar con 11.027,1200 puntos (73,12%), mientras que Manuel Fernández Gómez ocupó el tercer escalón del podio con 10.625,7500 puntos (70,46%).

El piloto navarro Cástor Fantoba, compitiendo por primera vez en un Extra 330, al no disponer de su inseparable Sukhoi 26, demostró una vez más su excelencia técnica y puso en valor su experiencia para coronarse campeón de España en la categoría ‘reina’ del campeonato, Ilimitado. “Ha sido un placer compartir podio de clásico con dos jóvenes talentos y por supuesto con Juan en Freestyle que hizo un programa impresionante, disfruté mucho viéndole volar.” Comentó Fantoba al cierre del evento.

En la modalidad Freestyle, disputada como broche final del campeonato, el triunfo fue para el madrileño Juan Velarde como campeón absoluto, quien ofreció una actuación sobresaliente y se llevó el oro con 3.260 puntos (81,50%). En segunda posición se situó Cástor Fantoba con 3.110 puntos (77,75%), y el tercer lugar fue para Camilo Benito, con 2.110 puntos (52,75%).

Velarde, emocionado por su victoria, comentó: “Ganar en Freestyle es siempre especial. Es una disciplina en la que puedes mostrar tu estilo único y conectar de una manera diferente con el público. Este campeonato ha sido muy reñido y me siento honrado de haber competido contra pilotos de tan alto nivel. Recibir el primer Trofeo Olivier Masurel de manos de su familia ha sido, sin duda, uno de los momentos más emotivos”.

El campeonato reunió a los 20 mejores pilotos del panorama nacional más cuatro internacionales, que compitieron en las distintas especialidades de Clásico, abarcando todas las categorías. Además, cinco destacados pilotos se disputaron el título en la espectacular modalidad de Freestyle. A continuación, se presentan los resultados:






1-Cástor Fantoba 11.360,08 puntos (75,33%).

2-Camilo Benito 11.027,1200 puntos (73,12%)

3-Manuel Fdez 10.625,7500 puntos (70,46%).

1-Cástor Fantoba

2-Camilo Benito

3-Leone Gambardella (GRE)


No se disputó

1-Jorge Loureiro (POR)

2-Riccardo Cresci (ITA)


1-Salvador Jiménez 3.002,2080 puntos (64,15%)

2-Juan Pérez 2.900,3750 puntos (61,97%).

1-Marko Rado (SVK)

2- Salvador Jiménez

3-Juan Pérez


1-Juan Comas 2.025,2500 puntos (71,06%)

2-Alejandro de Diego 2.002,5000 puntos (70,26%)

3-Alvaro Lapetra 1.896,6250 puntos (66,55%).

No se disputó


1-Jon Ochoa 1.141,8750 puntos (72,27%)

2-Daniel Antón 1.096,2500 puntos (69,38%)

3-Mario Mondaray 1.057,1250 puntos (66,91%)

No se disputó






1-Juan Velarde 3.260 puntos (81,50%).

2- Cástor Fantoba 3.110 puntos (77,75%),

3- Camilo Benito 2.110 puntos (52,75%).

1-Juan Velarde

2- Cástor Fantoba

3-Leone Gambardella (GRE)

La línea de jueces del campeonato ha estado formada por Guy Auger, Lucca Andreotti, Eladi Lozano y Gonzalo Fernández, jueces internacionales de Francia, España e Italia respectivamente.

Puedes consultar las clasificaciones completas en este enlace: CEVA 2024 RESULTADOS

Uno de los aspectos más destacados de este campeonato ha sido su firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Gracias al patrocinio de Air BP, proveedor oficial de combustible, las emisiones de carbono generadas por el evento estarán completamente compensadas, reafirmando el compromiso del Campeonato de España de Vuelo Acrobático (CEVA) con el desarrollar el deporte de forma responsable.

El éxito de CEVA 2024 no habría sido posible sin el valioso respaldo de la Diputación de Valladolid, Unlimited Aerobatics (UA), Grupo Albión y la inestimable colaboración del Aeródromo Beatriz Cantos Matilla.

Space Perspective completes major uncrewed test flight of Neptune

Space Perspective, known for offering carbon-neutral spaceflight experiences, has successfully conducted a full flight profile of its uncrewed Spaceship Neptune-Excelsior, marking another milestone toward crewed missions

Iran unveils new drone, missile amid rising tensions

Ukraine claims to destroy two weapons arsenals deep inside Russia

Capsule carrying 2 Russians and 1 American returns to Earth from space station

AFRL Showcases Common Chassis Concept for Low-Cost Attritable Drones

Leonardo AW249 Next-Gen Attack Helicopter Takes Part In “Stella Alpina 2024” Operational Exercise

Japan Pushing Domestically-Developed Electronic Warfare Aircraft based on the Kawasaki P-1 MPA

Ukraine in Talks with Allies for Gripens and Typhoons – Ukrainian Defense Minister

FAA Proposes $633,009 in Civil Penalties Against SpaceX

FAA Hits Air Traffic Controller Hiring Goal

Boeing: Southeast Asia Air Traffic to More Than Triple through 2043

Boeing Completes First Flight of UK E-7 Wedgetail

L3Harris exploring intelligence and crisis-response roles for Armed Overwatch turboprop

Flight of the Phenix: Start-up completes first phase of flight tests with Ultra 2XL rotorcraft

AVIC delivers first AS700 civilian airship

How supercomputing capability helps advance Open Fan design

MTU completes hydrogen test milestone for Flying Fuel Cell system

Ecojet delays launch until 2025 but insists it is building for the long term

Airbus, Tata STRIVE launch new centres to empower Indian youth with future-ready skills

Airbus reports share buyback transactions 16-20 September 2024

Air Belgium files for bankruptcy protection, axes pax ops

Australia's FlyOnE raises A$600k, takes on air taxi ops

Northrop Grumman Demonstrates MQ-4C Triton Navigation Systems Over the Arctic Ocean

DAF provides B-21 Raider program updates

C919 flies to Lhasa for the first time, China-made commercial aircraft meet in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

Boeing completes first flight of UK’s E-7 Wedgetail, advancing RAF’s airborne early warning capabilities

Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 demonstrator reaches Mach 0.617 with record fourth test

NATO jets intercept six Russian aircraft flying over Baltic Sea

Qantas looks to move in on Haneda as Virgin bows out

Watch: First flight video of B-21 nuclear bomber from US Air Force

Porsche's 6-stroke engine doubles up on power and compression

Japan Pushing Domestically-Developed Electronic Warfare Aircraft based on the Kawasaki P-1 MPA - The Aviationist

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024

Sikorsky Receives FAA Certification for Life Extension of S-92A Main Gear Box Housing

Eerde, Netherlands Celebrated 80th Anniversary Market Garden

Jordanian military aircraft crashes in Bleid, Belgium; two pilots injured

Embraer showcases E195-E2 aircraft in Belgrade

Hypersonix and Southern Launch team up for 2025 spaceplane lift-off

Australian Government unveils $22m rocket motor plant for advanced missiles

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024

Ver "Frecce Tricolori, a new livery designed by Pininfarina." en YouTube

Y catorce años después…el VTOL «Ares» de Piasecki ha volado


Arranca El Campeonato y OPEN de España de Vuelo Acrobático 2024 este miércoles 19 con los mejores pilotos del vuelo acrobático

Vertical's new VX4 prototype completes phase 1 of piloted testing. Vertical

Ver "First Flight of Piasecki ARES Tilt-Duct VTOL" en YouTube

Septiembre, hace 60 años: Primer vuelo del XB-70 Valkirye - Sandglass Patrol

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Boeing considers temporary layoffs to cut costs during Machinists strike

Let’s Talk About the Recent B-52 ‘Double-Transatlantic’ Training Mission to Poland

Ukraine Pushes for AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters Rejected by Slovakia

Celebrating 60 Years of the XB-70 Valkyrie Mach 3 Super Bomber

Boeing: Africa Commercial Fleet to More than Double Driven by Single-Aisle Jet Demand through 2043

Boeing to pay Embraer $150 million to settle dispute over failed acquisition

Airbus reports share buyback transactions 9-13 September 2024

Airbus selected by MDA Space to deliver over 200 Sparkwing solar arrays

F-15EX Makes Debut At OIA | US Approved Weapons Sales To Israel | DoS Approved F-35 FMS To Romania

KLM operates first Airbus A321neo commercial flight, boosting sustainability efforts

B-2 returns to Edwards on 35th anniversary of first flight

Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars | Defector

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

Heart Aerospace Completes Ground Support Procedure Tests for Electric Aircraft | Heart Aerospace

Heart Aerospace Unveils First Full-Scale Demonstrator for 30-seat Hybrid-Electric Airplane | Heart Aerospace

“Hyper focus on reliability and durability out of the gates” - Leeham News and Analysis

Bjorn's Corner: New engine development. Part 23. New versus old, GTF versus V2500 - Leeham News and Analysis

US Approves Possible Sale of Nine KC-46A Pegasus Tankers for Japan

U.S. State Department Approves $7.2B Sale Of F-35 Jets To Romania

Italy’s Frecce Tricolori display team to get new M-346 jet trainers

Pentagon signs largest-ever order for Raytheon AMRAAM missiles

Canada to deploy maritime patrol aircraft to enforce North Korea sanctions

Boeing still evaluating thrust-link problem’s affect on 777-9 timeline

Airbus annonce la certification de type H160 au Canada

Airbus marks 40 years of growth in Canada with helicopter order for Ontario

Pilots of an Alaska Airlines jet braked to avoid a possible collision with a Southwest plane

China wants to replace Jeff Bezos as Musk’s greatest space threat

How long Boeing Machinists’ strike could last and how it impacts WA

USAF Funds Canopy’s Sweat Gland System For Hypersonic Missiles | Turkey Finalized Çelik Kubbe Plans | Malaysia And France Conduct Joint Drills

US Awarded Elbit AN/PVS-14 Deal | BBMF Spitfire Remain Grounded | Lockheed/Tata To Expand C-130J in India

AAR Government Was Awarded $1.2B For Poseidon Work | Ukraine Introduces DOT-Chain | Edge Group Tapped By Brazilian Navy For MANSUP

Air China begins commercial C919 operations

Israeli shipper pleads guilty to smuggling parts to Russia

Venezuela threatens to halt flights with Spain

United Airlines to offer free Wi-Fi using SpaceX’s Starlink in 2025

NASA’s X-59 progresses through tests on path to flight

Ultra-efficient blended wing airliner: The perfect hydrogen platform?

Watch: World's first private spacewalk

Boeing says it is ready to negotiate new agreement after workers vote to strike

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2024

DroneShield to continue scaling local operations

Additional T-7A, BTX-1 aircraft arrive at Edwards AFB

‘Light Fighter’ Concept Emerges During US Air Force Chief’s Speech at UK's Air and Space Power Association Amid NGAD’s Uncertain Future - The Aviationist

Allvin unveiled what the Royal Aeronautical Society has later defined as a 'notional Light Fighter concept' while calling for a shift of the next generation aircraft development from the 'built to last' philosophy to 'built to adapt.'


US Military Aircraft Part Falls Into School Parking Lot After 'Malfunction' - Newsweek

Exclusive: Russia produces kamikaze drone with Chinese engine | Reuters

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024

Catch Me If You Can! When Russian MiG-25 Supersonic Jet Flew Over Israel & Tel-Aviv Watched Helplessly

Ukrainian drone strike ignites Russian fuel tanks

Airbus commences limited share buyback to support future employee share ownership plan activities and equity-based compensation

Airbus SE (stock exchange symbol: AIR) is commencing a share buyback programme, for the purpose of supporting future employee share ownership plan activities and equity-based compensation plans.

Using aircraft as sensors to prevent runway overrun

The Braking Action Computation Function (BACF) allows the aircraft to measure braking efficiency during landing, improving awareness of runway conditions.

Slow production ramp up, international sanctions slow C919 progress

Slow production ramp up, international sanctions slow C919 progress https://leehamnews.com/2024/09/09/slow-production-ramp-up-international-sanctions-slow-c919-progress/ 

Battery-powered devices are overheating more often on planes and raising alarm

SpaceX launches billionaire to conduct the first private spacewalk

U.S, Europe Are Helping Ukraine Develop Substitute for S-300 Air Defense System and R-27 Missile

Netherlands Announces More F-35 Fighters, NH90 Helicopters in New $2.7B Defense Plan

Ukraine Reveals New Guided Glide Bomb on the Su-24 Fencer

Angels With Rotors (Part 2): U.S. MEDEVAC Helicopter Operations From Vietnam to Present Day

RTX Fined $200M for Leak of F-22, F-35, B-2, E-3 And Other Aircraft’s Data to Russia, Iran, China

Egypt Orders 1st-Ever J-10C Fighter Jets From China

The Boeing 797: Everything We Know So Far

Boeing's New 797 Will Be Built In Washington

Boeing Pioneering Quantum Communications Technology with In-Space Test Satellite

BAE Systems awarded $4 million from DARPA for tactical autonomy program

Joby Applies to Become First Certified Electric Air Taxi Operator in UAE

For the second night in a row, drone activity disrupts flights at Stockholm Arlanda Airport

Stockholm Arlanda Airport lacks drone pilot tracking system amid recent airspace intrusions

Delta Air Lines Airbus A350-900 clips tail off Delta Connection CRJ-900 at Atlanta Airport, U.S.

Elon Musk plans to send first Starships to Mars in 2026

Quirky ground-effect 'seaglider' approved for full-scale flight tests

World's first aerospike aircraft to fly this month after crash setback

Japan to Test F-35B Aircraft with JS Kaga off San Diego - Naval News

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2024

Former Boeing inspector alleges ‘scrap’ parts ended up on assembly lines


Foto y vídeo: ANKA-3, el avicón de combate no tripulado turco, por primera vez con armas - Sandglass Patrol

easyJet joins forces with JetZero in its bid to develop blended wing body aircraft for commercial aviation

easyJet joins forces with JetZero in its bid to develop blended wing body aircraft for commercial aviation

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024

TUSAŞ’s Hürjet Exhibits Its Capabilities in Egypt | TURDEF

UK navy personnel dead after helicopter crash in Channel

Teenager completes first Air League Electric Flying Scholarship

Bjorn’s Corner: New engine development. Part 23. Development risks.

OPINION: Stop Comparing Boeing Starliner Astronauts to Airline Passengers Stranded on Holiday

OPINION: Stop Comparing Boeing Starliner Astronauts to Airline Passengers Stranded on Holiday https://www.airlinereporter.com/2024/09/opinion-stop-comparing-boeing-starliner-astronauts-to-airline-passengers-stranded-on-holiday/ 

Amid Boeing’s Starliner troubles, WA space industry thrives

Austria Considering Joint M-346 Acquisition With Italy

Angels with Rotors: The Early use of US Medical Evacuation Helicopters

Turkey’s ANKA III UCAV Flies with Munition for the First Time

One Crew Member Lost as Royal Navy Merlin HC4 Ditches in the English Channel

Boeing Offers CH-47 Chinook for Poland’s Heavy Transport Helicopter Needs

Innovation, Technology & Global Challenges Key Themes of IATA’s World Safety and Operations Conference

Russian state lessor agrees delivery terms for nearly 240 domestically-built aircraft

Il-114-300 prototype emerges in United Aircraft livery as test flights progress

JetZero progresses blended-wing design as airline interest grows

‘Enormous stress’ on turbine blade likely caused Leap-1A failure on IndiGo A321neo

Braced for change: Clean Aviation plans radical reshaping of regional aircraft wings

Zelensky presses allies over cruise missile targeting restrictions

Boeing faces potentially crippling strike as negotiations go ‘down to the wire’

Northrop releases first flight video of Scaled Composites Model 437 low-cost jet

Saurya CRJ200 crash inquiry cautions carriers over weight-and-balance compliance

Airbus completes acquisition of infodas, strengthens cybersecurity portfolio

Airbus built Sentinel-2C satellite successfully launched

NG Tapped For F-16 IVEWS | IOS Declared For IRIS-T SLM | Aegis FMS Approved For Japan

USAF ACC Received 1st EA-37B | Britain Suspends Arms Exports To Israel | Ukraine Distributes Khorunzhy Carriers

Russia's smartavia signs LOI to lease 45 MC-21s

Rossiya to reactivate B747-400s in 2025

TAP’s 2015 privatisation may have been fraudulent - report

Dutch Government: Extra F-35s and extra helicopters: 2.4 billion euros to Defense in coming years

Iraq orders 12 Airbus H225M helicopters for enhanced military capabilities

Three Belarusians named suspects in 2021 Ryanair plane grounding case

Three Belarusian citizens have been named as suspects in the forced grounding of Ryanair flight FR4978 in 2021, according to the Polish Prosecutor General's Office. The incident occurred on May 23, 2021, when the Belarusian air force forced the Athens-to-Vilnius flight to land in Minsk. Once grounded, Belarusian authorities arrested opposition activist and journalist Raman […]


Six injured as severe turbulence strikes Turkish Airlines flight to Taiwan

NASA to test-fire troubled thrusters on Boeing Starliner’s return

Australia commits to Joint Strike Missile acquisition

Embraer tips more than 200 E-Jets in Australia by 2030

$199 DJI Neo packs big-drone energy in a bite-sized package

Starliner returns to Earth empty – crew still 'not stranded' on ISS

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2024

Engine troubles for airline Cathay Pacific forces the cancellation of dozens of flights this week

US Coast Guard Cuts Lifespan Of MH-60T Jayhawk Helicopters & Grounds Units

2050 Net Zero Goal: What Kind Of Progress Have Airlines Made So Far?

IATA Welcomes Abolition of Swedish Aviation Tax

UK halts exports of some defence equipment to Israel over Gaza action

Poland’s WZL-2 completes maintenance work on its last Su-22

Malawi vice-president's Dornier 228 meandered in marginal weather before fatal collision

Cathay Pacific inspections find 15 A350s need engine parts replaced

US seizes Venezuelan President Maduro’s plane amid ongoing sanctions enforcement

Cathay Pacific grounds Airbus A350 fleet for inspections after engine failure incident

Vueling A320 at Amsterdam on Aug 31st 2024, fuel leak

Revista de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica RAA 935

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2024

China rolls out the red carpet for African leaders

UKMTO: Merchant vessel struck by 2 projectiles in Red Sea

On Boeing’s factory floor, workers feel ‘overmanaged and undersupported’

Unqualified F-35 Pilot At the Controls During Utah National Guard Apache Crash, Investigation Reveals

U.S. Air Force Awards RTX $1 Billion Contract to Upgrade F-22 Sensors

Sikorsky Flight Tests UH-60 Armed Black Hawk

US Military Officials: Ukrainian F-16 Downing Probably Not Friendly Fire Incident

Astronauts Report Boeing Starliner Now Making Unexplained Sonar-Ping Noises

Sikorsky Tapped For CH-53K Support | Iraq Downed Turkish Drone | DoS Approved HIMARS Sale To Croatia

Maastricht Aachen Airport celebrates 100th electric flight

Hydrogen or battery? World-first train glides along on either