jueves, 29 de febrero de 2024

Swiss Alps to be laser scanned by drones; Swiss-Austrian consortium partners for flight tests

Private US moon lander still working after breaking leg and falling, but not for long

Justice Department looking into Boeing blowout

Singapore Plans To Buy Eight F-35As Along With Twelve F-35Bs

Kaman readies uncrewed ‘Kargo’ quadcopter for front-line logistics

Second A-50 loss strains Russian AEW&C capability, UK MoD says

Airbus modifying CFM56 engine-control logic after serious A320 thrust-reverser incident

Qantas crew ‘unnecessarily’ shut down engine on 737

MagniX Eyes Medium Bells for Next Electrification Project

Airbus Sees eVTOL Race to Market as a Marathon

Engine Backup System Could Buy Time for Pilots

Lyte Launches Private Version of Hydrogen-electric VTOL Aircraft

AESA emite el primer certificado de operador ligero UAS (LUC) | AESA-Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea - Ministerio de Fomento de España

Sikorsky apunta a los rotores basculantes y a la electrificación

miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2024

Breaking News: Congressionally-mandate safety study finds flaws at Boeing (Updated with Boeing comment)

Boeing’s safety improvement since the 2018-19 MAX crisis needs more work

FAA panel finds Boeing safety culture wanting, recommends overhaul

China’s homegrown C919 jet in spotlight at Singapore air show, but not quite ready to compete

Leonardo C-27J Flying Testbed Tests Innovative Solutions For Clean Sky 2 Programme

Universal Hydrogen Successfully Powers Megawatt-Class Fuel Cell Powertrain Using Company’s Proprietary Liquid Hydrogen Module - Universal Hydrogen

Safran to establish new French manufacturing plant for Leap and military engine parts

FAA gives Boeing 90 days to submit quality improvement plan

Airbus Helicopters sees ‘no need’ for H125 successor now as programme nears 50-year milestone

Airbus and LCI to partner on development of Advanced Air Mobility Ecosystems

THC signs historic framework agreement for up to 120 Airbus helicopters

Airbus Helicopters and LCI unveil new Flight Path partnership

Brussels South Charleroi Airport closed for a few hours after landing incident with Ryanair aircraft

Sikorsky unveiled renderings of its HEX concept hybrid-electric and autonomous tilt-wing technology demonstration aircraft

Airbus Teams With Aircraft Lessor LCI on Advanced Air Mobility

Ha volado el primer avión tripulado a hidrógeno francés

Aéronautique : Beyond Aero accomplit le premier vol habité à l'hydrogène en France

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024

eVTOL operations a step closer in the UK as aviation regulator looks at vertiport design proposals | Civil Aviation Authority

Everything New We Just Learned About The Collaborative Combat Aircraft Program

NORAD fighters intercept high-altitude balloon over US

Advancing eVTOL operations in Japan

Rolls Royce tackles Trent engine issues as profits take flight

Boeing Celebrates 40 Years Since The 737 Classic's 1st Flight

sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

Boeing HR head to retire, replaced by former White House lawyer

A decade after a Boeing 777 disappeared, planes still at risk of vanishing

Ukraine Says It Has Shot Down Another Russian A-50U Mainstay

Putin Flies Aboard Modernized Tu-160M Strategic Bomber

We fly Mwari, Paramount’s low-cost warrior with a big spirit

High-flying AALTO preparing to meet stratospheric demand for Zephyr services

Unapproved parts scandal spurs creation of aerospace supply-chain task force

FlyEurop launches as Belgium’s first eco-responsible private airline with Diamond DA62 aircraft

Qantas operates special A380 flight from Melbourne to Sydney amid severe weather impact

Ukraine says its Air Force downed Russian A-50 surveillance aircraft

US returns to the Moon after half a century with nail-biter landing

Mosquito-spreading drones could slash the spread of disease

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2024

Joby completes third of five-stage FAA type certification process

Rolls-Royce aims to double time-on-wing for A350-1000 engines operating in sandy conditions

New Fuel Efficiency Certification Rules Apply to Bizav

Skyryse One™, el primer helicóptero de serie que se vuela con una sola palanca y una tablet

Skyryse One™ is the world's first production fly-by-wire helicopter piloted with a single control stick

Boeing anuncia que el F-15EX puede volar a casi Mach 3 - Sandglass Patrol

Chinese UAV developer United Aircraft Unveiled Large Tiltrotor Project in Singapore

Singapore Airshow 2024 - Day Two

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2024

KAAN (antes TF-X), el caza turco de 5ª generación, ha realizado su primer vuelo


Boeing Boasts Near Mach 3 Top Speed For F-15EX


 A Boeing F-15EX can reach nearly Mach 3 in controlled flight in a “clean” configuration, meaning no external pylons, munitions or sensors, Boeing’s program manager said Feb. 21 at the Singapore Airshow.

Latest Elbit Hermes UAV Sparks to Life

Rolls-Royce details £1bn improvement plan for Trent-family engines

ST Engineering Lands First Customer for Airfish WIG Craft

With Boeing in hot seat, claims against supplier Spirit AeroSystems take shape

Airbus and TotalEnergies sign strategic partnership for sustainable aviation fuels

Maiden Flight for Turkey’s KAAN fighter jet

Super-simple Skyryse One helicopter is flown via one stick and two screens

martes, 20 de febrero de 2024

Singapore Airshow 2024 - Day One

Iran unveils air defence systems as Middle East tensions soar

Boeing, Thai Airways Announce Order for 45 787 Dreamliners to Grow Fleet and Network

Safety Innovation #12: Aircraft Autonomous Distress Tracking


Following EASA certification last year, Airbus introduced a new-generation Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) device with Autonomous Distress Tracking capability (ADT) – referred to as "ELT-DT" – on its commercial aircraft.

Breeze Airways discloses order for 10 additional A220 aircraft; announces all-A220 commercial operation by end of 2024

Make the fix on Boeing 737-9 door plug fail-safe

Singapore Airshow 2024 - Day Zero

Singapore Airshow 2024 - Preview

The light fantastic

Belgian Air Force Unexpectedly Cancels F-16 Solo Display Team


The service decided to cancel the 2024 season and focus on the transition to the F-35

Boeing, Thai Airways Announce Order for 45 787 Dreamliners to Grow Fleet and Network

Royal Brunei Airlines Orders Four Boeing 787 Dreamliners

Australian hydrogen start-up AMSL Aero emerges with long-range ambitions

Pratt & Whitney sees F100 remaining relevant for 50 more years

Airbus commercial chief cautions against C919 complacency

Airbus advances development of newly-designated A350-1000F

Eleven skydivers escaped Swiss P-750 before fatal Grenchen crash

Airbus to launch Sustainable Aviation Hub in Singapore

US Air Force EA-37Bs to Receive Upgraded EW Systems | British Soldiers Fired Archer | Embraer And Mahindra Offer C-390 Millennium To India

Boeing aims to stabilise current MAX output in 2H24

Leonardo tests ‘innovative and sustainable’ flight solutions and aeronautical technologies under Clean Sky 2 programme

India gives initial nod to buy 15 Airbus C-295, 6 refuelling aircraft

Textron Aviation’s Cessna SkyCourier chosen by Hinterland Aviation for fleet expansion, revolutionising regional connectivity in Australia

China’s C919, aiming to challenge Boeing and Airbus dominance, debuts internationally at Singapore Airshow with a sale of 40 aircraft to Tibet Airlines

AMSL Aero to modify Vertiia electric VTOLs for firefighting

Singapore Airshow Bounces Back To Full Strength

How WASPs made a difference in the fight for Veteran status

Ultra-high density hydrogen storage holds twice as much as liquid H2

Febrero es el Mes de la Historia Negra, al menos en USA y Canadá

Febrero es el Mes de la Historia Negra, al menos en USA y Canadá.

El Mes de la Historia Negra es un reconocimiento de las contribuciones, logros, e historia de los Afroamericanos. Lo que empezó como la Semana de la Historia Negra en 1926, fue ampliada al Mes de Afroamericanos 50 años después, en 1976, por el ex presidente Gerald Ford.

Mi especialidad ha sido siempre la divulgación sobre aviación, y por tanto creo que debo contribuir en este mes con 3 pioneros de la aviación que tuvieron que emigrar para poder triunfar. Ambos estadounidenses.

Elisabeth "Bessie" Coleman, la primera aviadora negra. En USA no hubiera podido aprender a volar, por eso emigró a Francia, y a su regreso a USA abrió la primera escuela de vuelo donde no se discriminaba por ser mujer o de otra raza. Podéis leer más sobre ella aquí.

Eugene J. Bullard nació en USA, a finales de siglo XIX. Pero fue en Francia donde fue condecorado como héroe. Corrió en carreras de caballos, fue boxeador y finalmente piloto de caza, aunque jamás voló bajo la bandera de su país. Podéis leer más sobre él aquí.

Josephine Baker, más conocida como artista de bodevill, fue aviadora, voluntaria en las IPSA (enfermeras piloto socorristas del aire) y espía.

Podéis leer más aquí.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2024

Día Internacional Conmemorativo en recuerdo de las Victimas por Accidentes de Aviación 2024

omunicado elaborado por el Consejo General de la Psicología de España.


El 20 de febrero de 2024, hará tres años desde la primera vez que se celebra el Día Internacional Conmemorativo en Recuerdo de las Víctimas por Accidentes de Aviación. Desde la División de la Psicología del Tráfico y de la Seguridad del Consejo General de la Psicología, al que pertenece la Psicología Aeronáutica, queremos apoyar, reconocer y ofrecer nuestra colaboración a las asociaciones de víctimas de accidentes de aviación.

El factor humano aparece como principal variable y, en ocasiones, elemento final de una cadena de errores en el conjunto de las estructuras necesarias para un vuelo seguro. Por ello, constituye una de las prioridades centrales en la investigación para la mejora de la seguridad aérea.

En el año 2022 se produjeron 60 sucesos en territorio español relacionados con investigaciones sujetas al Reglamento (UE) nº 996/2010, de los cuales 34 se clasificaron como accidentes y 26 como incidentes graves, si bien en ninguno de los casos referido a aviación comercial. En los 34 accidentes mencionados se contabilizaron un total de dos víctimas mortales y cuatro heridos graves. En lo que respecta a las aeronaves ULM, se produjeron 33 accidentes, en los que se contabilizaron un total de seis víctimas mortales y cinco heridos graves.

El año 2022, se sitúa comparativamente, respecto a los diez últimos años, un 24% por encima de la media en lo referente a accidentes, y un 49% por encima de la media en lo relativo a incidentes graves. Durante ese periodo se originó un aumento de un 17% en las notificaciones recibidas en la CIAIAC respecto al año anterior. En ese mismo año, el incremento fue de un 45,9% n las operaciones totales, según datos facilitados por Aena para su red de aeropuertos, si bien en la aviación comercial el número de accidentes se redujo drásticamente. Esto ha sido posible gracias, entre otras causas, a la psicología aeronáutica, aunque todavía queda mucho por hacer y en eso sigue la Asociación Española de la Psicología Aeronáutica (AEPA).

La Psicología Aeronáutica abarca el estudio de los procesos psicológicos, emociones y comportamientos de los pilotos en su labor de manejo de una aeronave y de preservar la seguridad en vuelo; así como también estudia la tarea de otros profesionales del sector como son los controladores de tráfico aéreo, personal de asistencia en tierra, etc. La psicología aeronáutica orienta su atención, en especial, hacia el cuidado de la salud mental para promover la gestión de riesgos y la seguridad operacional. Se intenta comprender y predecir qué actitudes y comportamientos contribuyen a la óptima ejecución del sistema y cuáles la degradan. En este cometido la Asociación Española de Psicología Aeronáutica cumple 25 años también este mes de febrero.

Las investigaciones sobre accidentes han demostrado que un percance no puede producirse por el error de una sola persona, sino que es necesario contemplar también los fallos latentes del sistema, tanto en los operadores, en el diseño de las aeronaves e incluso en las normas y políticas vinculadas con la seguridad aeroespacial que tienen que actualizarse y seguir las recomendaciones, si las hubiera, de la investigación de un accidente.

En este ámbito queda enmarcada también la actuación de los profesionales de la Psicología en general, y de la Psicología aeronáutica en particular, a la hora de intervenir en aquellas actuaciones relacionadas con la asistencia a las víctimas de accidentes de aviación civil.

La Psicología está con las vÍctimas desde la prevención, intervención, asistencia y apoyo.

20 de febreri¡o: Día Internacional para la Conmemoración de las Víctimas de Accidentes de Aviación y de sus Familias


1st Airbus A321XLR For Launch Customer Aer Lingus Spotted In Hamburg

Lufthansa Technik Has Completed Its 1st 12-Year Airbus A380 Check

Wake Turbulence From Airbus A320 Caused A Fatal Light Aircraft Crash

China’s Z-10ME makes international debut in Singapore

Singapore start-up plans to produce reclaimed carbonfibre from end-of-life jets

CFM touts 'better than predicted' performance of open-fan engine in windtunnel tests

A320 wake turbulence triggered SR22’s fatal in-flight upset

Belgian Pilatus PC-12 skids off runway at Courchevel Altiport: pilots slightly injured after loss of wing

Marathon E195 at Belgrade on Feb 18th 2024, overran runway on takeoff

Embraer Teams with Mahindra for C-390 in India

Bombardier Expands Cost-Per-Hour Program to Defense Business

AVIC AG600M seaplane completes cold weather tests in China - AeroTime

Embraer 190 de Air Serbia regresa dañado tras colisionar con las luces del final de la pista

Los diseñadores de eVTOL en pie de guerra con la FAA por los requisitos de ruido - Sandglass Patrol

Los diseñadores de eVTOL en pie de guerra con la FAA por los requisitos de ruido - Sandglass Patrol

Singapore to require departing flights to use sustainable fuel from 2026 | Reuters

sábado, 17 de febrero de 2024

Drones, F-16s: a guide to Ukraine military aid pledges

A traveler landed at LAX without a boarding pass, the second time in four months

Last Remaining Blackburn Beverley Could Be Rescued By A Tiny UK Aviation Museum

First new RNZAF Hercules rolls off the production line

First Look At Laser-Guided Rocket Counter Drone System Blasting A Russian Drone

Bell ensaya su nuevo concepto de bancada de motor basculante


viernes, 16 de febrero de 2024

Russia developing 'troubling' anti-satellite weapon: White House

US operator Precision uses Airbus Helicopters’ Super Puma/H215 and Flexrotor to provide rapid support for fire fighting missions.

Airbus reports Full-Year (FY) 2023 results

Airbus coordinates four European Defence Fund R&D projects

Press Release: Lufthansa Systems introduces AI-powered ops assistant

Ryanair, Southwest, United take biggest hit from FAA cap on 737 MAX production

Boeing plans gradual 737 ramp-up while tackling factory flaws

Accident investigators push the FAA for better cockpit voice recorders on all planes

Japan space agency says test flight for new flagship rocket is rescheduled for Saturday

SpaceX launches what could become 1st successful commercial lunar lander

Design Of Pratt & Whitney’s Next-Generation Adaptive Propulsion Prototype Progresses

Exclusive: U.S. Marine Corps F-35C Suffers Nose Landing Gear Collapse While Parked

FORCES: Ukraine Establishes the UAV Force

Airbus A321XLR Timeline Slips: Which Airlines Are Affected?

Analysis: 5 Mitigation Strategies That Airlines Are Taking Against Climate Related Transitional Risks

Administrator Whitaker received valuable feedback from FAA employees involved in the oversight of Boeing

Next Generation Civil Tiltrotor takes shape as Leonardo eyes first flight milestone

Delayed Eurodrone design review will happen later this year, Airbus says

A320neo successor would be based on new platform burning sustainable aviation fuel: Faury

Southeast Asia’s fixed-wing combat fleet set for growth

Heart makes redundancies to support shift in ‘strategic focus’

FAA proposal targets 787 anti-ice system overheating risk

Airbus reports Full-Year (FY) 2023 results

US Marines Test Unmanned Boat Prototype | MBDA Germany Exports The Enforcer | Japan Receives US Training On Tomahawk

Lockheed Martin And Red 6 Announce Augmented Reality Integration Progress For TF-50

Biden slashes F-35 jet order 18% in 2025 budget request

Bizarre toilet troubles: Passengers’ absurd journey on KLM flight

Australia: VTOL surveillance drone receives CASA approval

Australia: Opposition demands explanation over Taipan scrapping

Asia-Pacific Air Power Demand Fueled by China Threat

Reliable Robotics Autopilot Tech Earns FAA Nod

Edwards hosts F-16 50th anniversary celebration

[Podcast] De niño que tiraba pelotas de playa desde una avioneta a evacuar Afganistán

Unmanned systems seen as future of battlefield casualty evacuation

Lockheed-Martin-Sikorsky gana un contrato con la OTAN para un estudio de un helicóptero de próxima generación

Reliable Robotics Marks Progress On Certifying Autonomous Systems | Aviation Week Network

martes, 13 de febrero de 2024

Bell helicopters: "HSVTOL Sled Transition Test" @ YouTube

RTX's Pratt & Whitney business completes key design review on Next-Generation Adaptive Propulsion offering

NASA Solar Sail Technology Passes Crucial Deployment Test - NASA

Boeing acquires OzRunways, a leading Australian electronic flight bag provider

Programa FARA, una víctima secundaria de la guerra en Ucrania - Sandglass Patrol

lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024

El RACE FEST regresa el 16 de marzo de 2024 con una gran variedad de actividades para todas las edades


General Atomics Aeronautical’s Gambit Series lets U.S. forces move fast and move first - Breaking Defense

Enhancing U.S. Navy’s MQ-25A UAS with next-generation vehicle management system computer | BAE Systems

Israel deploys new military AI in Gaza war

India Airbus C295 programme receives approval from Indian regulator to produce detailed parts and assemblies in India

Safran invests in Avnos, at the forefront of CO2 capture

U.S. AFSOC Demonstrates Simultaneous Control Of Three MQ-9A RPAs By A Single Crew

Transatlantic Love: Inside Iberia’s 500 Ton Valentine’s Day Flowers Delivery Operation

Lukla: 5 Fast Facts About The World's Most Dangerous Airport

Joby and Skyports net exclusive deals for Dubai eVTOL operations

India Airbus C295 programme receives approval from Indian regulator to produce detailed parts and assemblies in India

Enhancing U.S. Navy’s MQ-25A UAS with next-generation vehicle management system computer

Dutch court orders halt to export of F-35 jet parts to Israel

Air Arabia Maroc launches flights from new base Rabat to five European destinations, including Brussels

Lawmakers Urge FAA To Ease Path to Mental Health Care

Bell ground tests high-speed tiltrotor technology for SPRINT X-plane

[España] El RACE FEST regresa el 16 de marzo de 2024 con una gran variedad de actividades para todas las edades


Madrid, 11 de febrero de 2024 – El Real Aeroclub de España (RACE) anuncia la celebración de la segunda edición del RACE FEST, un evento de promoción de la aviación en todas sus facetas que se celebrará el próximo 16 de marzo de 2024 en el aeródromo madrileño de Cuatro Vientos.

El RACE FEST tiene como objetivo acercar la aviación al público en general y fomentar la afición por el vuelo. Para ello, el evento ofrecerá una gran variedad de actividades para todas las edades, incluyendo:

       Exhibiciones de vuelo simulado: Patrullas aéreas DCS.

● Simuladores de vuelo: Experimenta la emoción de volar en un avión real.

● Charlas y talleres: Aprende sobre la historia de la aviación, las últimas tecnologías y las diferentes profesiones del sector.

● Exposición estática de aviones: Observa de cerca una gran variedad de aviones, desde pequeños aeromodelos hasta aviones históricos como el C4.

● Stands de empresas e instituciones: Conoce la oferta de las empresas y asociaciones del sector aeronáutico.

● Podcast en vivo: Prestigiosos podcasts realizarán grabaciones en directo durante el evento.

El RACE FEST se divide en dos zonas:

        Salón Ibiza: Aquí se encuentran las zonas de conferencias, exposiciones, talleres y stands de participantes.

● Zona de vuelo: En el corralito del RACE se encuentra la zona de exposición estática de aviones.

● El RACE FEST es una oportunidad única para disfrutar de la aviación en familia. La entrada al evento es gratuita.




Más información:

● Web: https://www.racefest.es


Sobre el Real Aeroclub de España (RACE)

El Real Aeroclub de España se constituyó oficialmente el 18 de mayo de 1905, siendo el primer aeroclub de España La inauguración oficial de sus actividades en el campo de vuelo del Gasómetro en Madrid fue presidida por el rey Alfonso XIII.

Esperamos contar con su presencia en el RACE FEST 2024.

How monumental is China’s challenge to build its own jet engine for the C919 as it seeks aviation self-reliance? | South China Morning Post

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2024

Boeing discloses customer interest in restarting C-17 production | News | Flight Global

2 dead after plane crashes onto highway near Naples, Florida, and bursts into flames - CBS News

SEPI vende sus participaciones en el capital de Alestis Aerospace | SEPI


La Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) y Aciturri Aeronáutica S.L.U. han formalizado la venta de las participaciones sociales en Alestis Aerospace S.L., de las que es titular SEPI, que representan el 24,05% del capital social de la empresa, en cumplimiento del ejercicio de la opción de compra prevista en el pacto de socios suscrito en 2019 realizada por Aciturri. 

Taiwan detects record eight Chinese balloons

LIDS: The USArmy's Answer to Evolving Unmanned Aircraft Threats

Aerojet Rocketdyne Powers Key U.S. Missile Defense Test with Advanced MRBM Target

Delta Air Lines To Fly 60 WWII Veterans To Normandy For 80th D-Day Anniversary

New EDGE chief executive Al Marar ready to drive international growth

Which unmanned systems starred at Riyadh’s World Defense Show?

‘Whistling sound’ heard on previous Boeing MAX 9 flight before door plug blowout, lawsuit alleges

Spirit AeroSystems aims to bring more technology to the 737’s manual-centric fuselage production process

FlyNow eCopter takes a smaller, simpler approach to "air taxi" travel

Analysis: 5 Climate Related Transitional Risks That Are Impacting Airline Operations

Contrasting Markets: 5 Reasons Why Budget Airfares Are Cheaper In Europe Than The US

WARPLANES: Air Force Inventories for India, Pakistan, and Iran

Naval Osprey variant unsuitable for carrier delivery role: Pentagon report

Five people aboard business jet during crash on South Florida interstate

[Australia] $400m extra investment in Ghost Bat program

Aparece la 1ª foto de un F16 con librea ucraniana. Uno de los pilotos entrenados: "El F-16 superó las expectativas"

viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024

Sikorsky Completes Flight Tests of Three Hellenic Navy MH-60R Helicopters


Boeing CFO Brian West to Speak at Cowen Aerospace & Defense Conference February 13


The F-16 exceeded the expectations of Ukrainian pilots during the training. Interview with the pilot of the Air Force Phantom

Iraq condemns U.S. drone strike as 'clear aggression,' violation of sovereignty

Iraq on Thursday harshly chastised the United States for a retaliatory drone strike that killed a commander of an Iran-backed militia within its borders, calling it "a clear aggression and violation of Iraqi sovereignty" that is "dragging the region into dangerous repercussions." U.S. Central Command launched the strike Wednesday in response to an attack on Tower 22 base in Jordan late…

DARPA's REMA Program Revolutionizes Commercial Drone Autonomy for Military Use

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is at the forefront of enhancing commercial drone technology with its latest initiative, the Rapid Experimental Missionized Autonomy (REMA) program. This ambitious program seeks to significantly advance the autonomy of commercial drones, enabling them to autonomously proceed with their predefined missions even when the connection to their ope…

Airbus awards landmark aerospace order for A220 aircraft doors to Bengaluru-based Dynamatic Technologies

Giving a significant push to the Government of India's 'Make in India' vision, Airbus has awarded a contract for the manufacturing and assembly of its A220
Family aircraft doors to Bengaluru-based Dynamatic Technologies. This is one of the largest aerospace export contracts to India

Iberia Express: how not to do a sub-brand

Rudder bolts inspected on all Boeing 737 MAXs; no more faults found

Boeing’s poor performance in defense offers more signs of deep trouble

COMAC C929: 5 Things You Didn't Know About The Planned Chinese Widebody

Reports Suggest Airbus Is Forecasting Delivery Delays In Late 2024

FAA Moves to Accelerate Air Traffic Controller Hiring by Enhancing College Training Program

Boeing to showcase sustainable aviation, advanced air mobility, defense and services at Singapore Airshow 2024

Joby prototype lost propeller blade before 2022 crash: NTSB

C919 to make international debut at Singapore air show

Airbus eyes Saudi Arabia’s tanker, airlift and maritime patrol needs

Spirit AeroSystems closing in on new financial terms with Airbus

Boeing 737 MAX 9 door plug bolts appeared to be missing on Alaska jet, NTSB says

Delay hits Belgium’s F-35 delivery: advanced software certification pushes timeline back by six months

Embraer and Mahindra collaborate on C-390 Millennium for Indian Air Force, reinforcing ‘Make in India’ initiative

[Australia] Marles reaffirms decision to dispose of Taipans despite repair offer

Venice Conference Makes Case for Amphibious Aviation

Venice will host the first annual Future Opportunities for Seaplanes & Amphibious Aviation conference on March 20. Joint organizers Quaynote Communications and Arena Group selected the historic trading port on Italy's Adriatic Sea coast as a focal point for innovators looking to tap the potential for water-based air transportation


Gulfstream G700 To Make Singapore Airshow Debut

LuftCar signs deal to develop detachable flying vans in the Philippines

FAA’s Boeing Crackdown Offers Preview Of Broader Changes | Aviation Week Network

"With manufacturing, there has been an oversight approach that has focused heavily on audits, checking the paperwork to make sure it's correct and making sure that systems are in place," FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker told the House aviation subcommittee during a Feb. 6 hearing. "We are migrating to a system that is what I would call 'audit plus.' We're going to have more of a surveillance component, much like you would find on the flight line or in maintenance [hangars], where inspectors are actually on the ground, talking to people, looking at the work that's being done. So we're proposing at this point to expand the oversight approach to include both audit and inspection, which is why we're moving inspectors into facilities."

Continue reading:

Army cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup - Breaking Defense

How startup culture runs on bullshit.

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2024

Archer Announces Three Conforming, Piloted Aircraft Are Now Under Construction; Aircraft Will Be Used In FAA “For Credit” Testing

Boeing Reports Fourth Quarter Results

Boeing CEO to employees: ‘increased scrutiny will make us better’

Boeing CEO to employees: 'increased scrutiny will make us better' https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2024-01-31-Boeing-CEO-to-employees-increased-scrutiny-will-make-us-better 

Airbus opens first service centre dedicated to the entire lifecycle of an aircraft

Airbus partners with Tata Group to set up India’s first helicopter Final Assembly Line in the private sector

Airbus partners with Tata Group to set up India's first helicopter Final Assembly Line in the private sector https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2024-01-airbus-partners-with-tata-group-to-set-up-indias-first-helicopter?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss 

Airbus announces purchase of Eutelsat OneWeb’s stake in Satellite Constellation Manufacturing Joint Venture

Airbus announces purchase of Eutelsat OneWeb's stake in Satellite Constellation Manufacturing Joint Venture https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2024-01-airbus-announces-purchase-of-eutelsat-onewebs-stake-in-satellite?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss 

The world’s first metal 3D printer for space is on its way to the ISS

The first metal 3D printer for space, developed by Airbus* for the European Space Agency (ESA), will soon be tested aboard the Columbus module of the International Space Station (ISS). It could be a real game changer for manufacturing in space and future missions to the Moon or Mars.

Airbus, Avinor, SAS, Swedavia and Vattenfall pave the way for hydrogen aviation in Sweden and Norway

Airbus, Avinor, SAS, Swedavia and Vattenfall have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to investigate the feasibility of a hydrogen infrastructure at airports in Sweden and Norway.

Brussels Airlines: the new paradigm of Lufthansa Group efficiency

Pontifications: It’s been five years since Boeing’s last normal year. Five more to go.

FAA tells Congress not to raise the mandatory retirement for pilots until it can study the issue

FAA head: Oversight of Boeing ‘is not delivering safe aircraft’

Photos Of EA-37B Compass Call In Anechoic Chamber Emerge

Swiss Air Force To Practice Highway Operations For The First Time In Three Decades

FAA designates Las Vegas Area a ‘No Drone Zone’ for Super Bowl LVIII

TsAGI Completes SJ-100 Landing Tests

TsAGI Completes Wind Tunnel Test Cycle of SJ 100 with Russian Engines

NATO launches ‘platform concepts’ tender for next-generation rotorcraft project

BAE reveals autonomous collaborative platform demonstrator will fly within two years

USAF special operations test air-launching small UAVs from MQ-9A

Saudi Arabia discussing potential F-15EX buy, Boeing says

Eco-tourism operator Grands Espaces reserves early Airlander 10

Cosmic aims for the stars as it secures $4.5m seed funding to advance all-electric Skylark

Australia to lease five UK H135s for Black Hawk pilot training

Red Wings puts Tu-214 on international routes and plans to re-introduce Tu-204

Boeing Wins CH-47 Upgrade Deal | DoS Approved Hellfire Sale To The Netherlands | France To Modernize Its Armed Forces

Turkey still interested in Eurofighters despite progress on US F-16s

Embraer highlights its growing Asia Pacific presence at the 2024 Singapore Airshow

Lockheed Martin, MilDef Announce MoU To Explore Industrial Collaboration With Sweden’s Aerospace Sector

Luxaviation eyes eVTOLs for charter fleet expansion

Taylor Swift issues cease-and-desist to student tracking her jet, threatens legal action

Piper Unveils M700 Fury M-class Turboprop Single

Pilot Shortage? ALPA Notes Record Pilot Numbers

Researchers create green steel from toxic red mud in 10 minutes

Aurora’s Liberty Lifter X-Plane Progresses Through Preliminary Testing - Aurora Flight Sciences

eHang's eVTOL air taxi will cost buyers less than $350,000 (in China)

Self-extinguishing lithium battery puts out its own fires

#280, Pivotal Debuts Helix Personal Flying Vehicle - The Weekly Driver

Climate Impulse: la vuelta al mundo en un avión a hidrógeno



Après Solar Impulse, qui utilisait l'énergie solaire, Bertrand Piccard se lance dans un nouveau défi : un tour du monde sans escale dans un aéronef propulsé par de l'hydrogène liquide. Le projet, qui se fait en partenariat technique avec la société Syensqo*, a pour nom Climate Impulse.

NTSB Boeing 737 Max 9 report: Bolts appeared missing from Alaska Air plane

*    The NTSB's preliminary report comes about a month after a door plug blew out of an Alaska Airlines' 737 Max 9.
*    Boeing's CEO said on Jan. 31 that his company "caused" the issue.
*    The FAA has halted Boeing's planned production expansion of the 737 Max.


Japan Airlines crash: Air traffic controllers call for 'significant' staff increase | Reuters

Voyager 1: Humanity’s most distant space probe jeopardized by computer glitch | Ars Technica