viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

Scientists hail new battery with 4 times energy density of lithium-ion

World's largest battery maker announces major breakthrough in energy density 

In one of the most significant battery breakthroughs in recent years, the world's largest battery manufacturer CATL has announced a new "condensed" battery with 500 Wh/kg which it says will go into mass production this year.

Ver "AERO 2023 Friedrichshafen Part 2" en YouTube

Ver "AERO 2023 Friedrichshafen Germany. Part 1" en YouTube

"Robin's DR401 Turbine" @ YouTube

"AERO 2023 Day 2" @ YouTube

"AERO 2023 - Day 1" @ YouTube

Ver "Certificado la capacidad máxima del T-23 A400M @airbus en la modalidad de apertura automática" en YouTube

Airline blunder sells $10,000 Asia-U.S. business class tickets for $300

Eagle-eyed travelers snapped up heavily discounted tickets in the fanciest cabins on All Nippon Airways after a currency conversion blunder.

First (And Only) Ukrainian Black Hawk Seen In Action

The Last MC-130H Combat Talon II Special Operations Aircraft Has Been Retired

Mirus Aircraft Seating Opens The UK's Largest Crash Test Facility

Britten-Norman & Cranfield Merge To Bring Zero Emissions Airplane To Service By 2026

FAA Selects Sustainable Design for New Control Towers at Municipal, Smaller Airports

Pentagon to fund expansion of rocket motor production at Aerojet Rocketdyne

Momentum grows in Washington for changes to 1,500h pilot-experience rule

Leaked Pentagon document suggests China’s WZ-8 supersonic UAV in service

Russian prime minister foresees strong demand for TVRS-44 Ladoga turboprop 

Russian prime minister Mikhail Mishustin claims demand for the new UZGA TVRS-44 Ladoga regional turboprop stands at some 550 aircraft.

Airbus Atlantic showcases two demonstrators for the aircraft of the future at JEC World 2023 - JEC

Most advanced AMRAAM variant, AIM-120D-3, completes critical milestone for operational use

Malmö (Sweden) and Copenhagen (Denmark) are working on a plan to connect their metro systems

Swedish and Danish air forces in joint action after Russian reconnaissance aircraft over the Baltic Sea

Major SAF Plant on Tap for Spain

Diamond Aircraft To Begin SAF Testing in Diesel Engines

Raytheon Technologies awarded $237 million counter-UAS contract

Air Guard units practice aerial wildland firefighting

'Chemtrails' debunked

[España] Nace la Alianza para la Sostenibilidad del Transporte Aéreo - Alaspain