domingo, 9 de abril de 2023

Russia Warns Air Operators Of Erupting Volcano

The Boeing 737 MAX: Its Rise, Fall And Re-Emergence

Why Airlines Want Single European Skies Implemented

Qantas 737 and Jetstar A320 in dangerous midnight runway mix-up

AFRL conducts first flight experiments for communications in terahertz band

Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, researchers successfully conducted flight experiments Dec. 2- 6, 2022, in Rome, New York to prove the viability of communications at radio frequencies above 300 gigahertz, or GHz, known in research communities as terahertz, or THz, band. Over three days of flight experiments, researchers from AFRL's Information Directorate, in collaboration with

Airbus Helicopters and China’s GDAT sign for 50 H160 helicopters

During French President Macron's visit to China, Airbus Helicopters has signed a contract with GDAT, one of China's most prominent helicopter lessors and operators, for 50 H160 helicopters.

Aging, unreliable runway safety device leaves U.S. airports vulnerable 

The technology — which tracks vehicles on or near runways to alert controllers before impending crashes — often uses decades-old radar equipment.

Why Ryanair's CEO Says The COMAC C919 Is Good For Western Airlines 

Ryanair's CEO has revealed that the launch of the COMAC C919 will be good news for airlines in the West. However, this is perhaps not for the reasons that you think. Michael O'Leary suggests that taking up Chinese airline orders would weaken the order books of Airbus and Boeing, creating opportunities for non-Chinese airlines.

El Al Boeing 787-9 Engine Problems Lead To Shut Down And Diversion

Airbus Deliveries Drop As Supply Chain Hits A350s

Over 410 Aircraft & 82 Future Deliveries: Inside Turkish Airlines’ Fleet Plans

DA62 MPP Sees Continued Success in European Survey Market 

2Excel Expands Diamond Survey Fleet Diamond's twin-engine aerial survey aircraft has once again proven popular, with another sale to 2Excel in the UK. The company opted for a DA62 Multi-Purpose Platform with a Trakka TC-375 camera and the Diades Marine C-Ranger 200 maritime radar, able to provide surveillance over marine and coastal environments. The DA62 MPP took pole position as a recon aircraft, combining a slow loiter speed and 10 hour endurance to provide the same data collection at a fraction of the cost.

Russian University to Open Aerospace Campus in China

Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation - The New York Times 

The leaked documents do not provide specific battle plans but they offer a snapshot of time — the American and Ukrainian view, as of March 1, of what Ukrainian troops might need for the campaign.Credit...Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times