jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Boeing fuel tank issue keeps 767 freighters and KC-46 tankers undelivered - The Air Current

Près de Toulouse. Transport du futur ou coquille vide ? Hyperloop TT nous a ouvert ses portes | Actu Toulouse

U.S. RC-135 Intelligence Gathering Jet Flying Unprecedented Mission Inside Finland’s Airspace

Operating from the Finnish airspace, the U.S. ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance) aircraft can spy on the Russian forces near the border with Finland. Flying as JAKE 11, the Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint #62-4131 aircraft is [...]


How The FAA Is Looking To Counteract Increasing Bird Strikes In US Aviation

Lyte Aviation Seeks To Disrupt the eVTOL Market with 40-Seat SkyBus

Japan Airlines Selects 737-8 to Grow Sustainable World-Class Fleet

Rolls-Royce ready to run UltraFan ‘imminently’

Avio Aero gears up to deliver final missing component to Airbus Racer project

[Australia] RAAA joins alliance to push case for regional aviation

The Regional Aviation Association of Australia (RAAA) is one of more than 30 peak bodies that has joined the Regional Australia Institute's (RAI) National Alliance for Regionalisation, which aims to better position the regions for future growth.


HeliHub.com : ADS calls for action to make eVTOL market a reality in the UK - HeliHub.com