viernes, 10 de febrero de 2023

"El Ejército del Aire español armará sus drones Predator y estudia su despliegue en el Índico" en YouTube

Australia to remove Chinese-made cameras from defence sites

Germany to give Slovakia Mantis air defence systems 

Germany will give Bratislava two sets of the MANTIS air defence system to protect Slovakia's eastern border with Ukraine, the Slovak defence ministry said Thursday. "Slovakia will receive the systems free of charge and permanently," the ministry spokeswoman Martina Kakascikova told AFP. "The training of Slovak soldiers to use the system will begin in the coming months," Slovak Defence M

Airbus joins forces with New Zealand’s hydrogen ecosystem partners

Airbus and Air New Zealand's partnership on hydrogen-fuelled aviation is entering a new phase by welcoming the country's key "hydrogen ecosystem" players. The resulting consortium will pave the way to further act upon New Zealand's – and also the wider aviation industry's – collective ambition towards decarbonisation.

Bjorn’s Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 57. Summary

U.S. Air Force F-22 Shoots Down Second ‘High Altitude Object’ Over Alaska

Russia Denies Putin Involvement In MH17 Downing

54 Years Ago Today: The Story Of The Boeing 747's First Test Flight

FAA Urges Laser Manufacturers, Distributors to Add Warning Label to Not Shine Lasers at Aircraft

Boeing Donates 500,000 USD to Earthquake Recovery and Relief Efforts in Turkey

U-2 spy planes monitored Chinese balloon during USA transit

Analysts diverge on optimum timeframe for next Boeing aircraft launch

New consortium to enable zero emission aviation to take off in Aotearoa New Zealand

Collaboration of ATR and Pratt & Whitney Canada Aims for 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel Readiness in PW127-Powered ATR Aircraft

Air New Zealand partners with Embraer on sustainability

French Military NH90 Helicopter Flown on 100% SAF

Bombardier Plans 12% Production Boost in 2023

Geely begins testing the largest eVTOL prototype ever flown in China

Skydweller Completes First Autonomous Flight - YouTube

Viajar en avión como sardinas el lata

"Como sardinas en lata" 🥫
Durante años la aviación se enfocó incansablemente en aumentar los límites de seguridad. 💡
Desde hace una década, el esfuerzo parece estar puesto en lowcostizar y, a la vez, rentabilizar cada cm². 

[Análisis y opinión] ¿Por qué los aviones de pasajeros seguirán teniendo forma de tubo? - Sandglass Patrol