lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

H3 Dynamics and Carbonx to build Hydrogen-Powered Drones

Sustainable Air Transport. Part 50. eVTOL production volumes.

Bjorn's Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 50. eVTOL production volumes. 

Nope, not convinced about Boom’s new entrant engine plans

Pontifications: Nope, not convinced about Boom's new entrant engine plans 

ATSB criticises Boeing safety inspection as Virgin 737 rolls right

FAA Proposes Airworthiness Directive For Boeing 787 Equipment Water Leaks

[Vídeo] Avión de los hermanos Wright en vuelo

Is This Offshore Advanced Air Mobility Concept The Small Airport Of The Future?

Why Did Boeing's Proposed Supersonic 2707 Airliner Fail?

Supersonic civilian aircraft prospects dim as 2023 opens

Is alternative propulsion ready for aviation transfer of power?

Emirates Airbus A380 Slide Inflates With Jet Bridge Attached In Manchester

UltraFan: Rolls-Royce Will Begin Testing Its Biggest Ever Engine Early Next Year

COMAC delivers first domestically built ARJ21 regional jet to a foreign airline

"The AH-1Z Viper: Most Advanced Attack Helicopter in the World" @ YouTube

Beta achieves multi-mission flight from New York to Kentucky - Vertical Mag