martes, 16 de agosto de 2022

Sustainable Air Transport. Part 32. Mixed architectures, Part 2.

Bjorn's Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 32. Mixed architectures, Part 2. 

Airbus nears 800 sales for A220, but major challenges continue

Korean Air to help develop stealthy loyal wingman UAVs

US regional airline Tailwind to fly floatplanes between New York and DC area

Allied Air Command | Partner Australia hosts multinational capstone live-fly exercise Pitch Black 2022

About 100 aircraft and 2500 military personnel from 17 nations will arrive in the Australia's Northern Territory in mid-August to commence Exercise Pitch Black 2022.,Partner%20Australia%20hosts%20multinational%20capstone%20live%2Dfly%20exercise%20Pitch%20Black,commence%20Exercise%20Pitch%20Black%202022

Slovakian Minister of Defence: Ukraine doesnt have our MiG-29 jets

461st Flight Test Squadron receives brand new F-35A > Edwards Air Force Base > News

The upgraded fleet will be used to test the Technical Refresh 3 and Block 4 configurations of the Air Force's newest fighter that will create tactical and operational advantages over peer competitors. 

Airspeeder clocks up 250th test flight ahead of Grand Prix race series

Zapata launches 250-km/h, flip-capable, jet-powered flying deck chair

Germany to Keep Last Three Nuclear-Power Plants Running in Policy U-Turn - WSJ

Qatar receives first Typhoon at ceremony in the UK

American Airlines announces agreement to purchase 20 Boom Supersonic Overture aircraft with an option for 40 more -

NTSB releases final report on Red Bull Plane Swap accident — General Aviation News