jueves, 3 de marzo de 2022

Embraer Joins Boeing And Airbus In Halting Supply To Russia

General Atomics launches Gambit for loyal wingman role

BAE Systems demonstrates manned-unmanned teaming capabilities in flight test

NetJets Agrees To Buy and Operate 150 Lilium eVTOLs

FAA Expanding Use of Review Boards for Aircraft Certifications

Rusia podría usar An-2 no tripulados como cebo para la antiaérea ucraniana

Primera estación solar en UK para cargar el CH750 eléctrico de NUNCATS

Ukraine jets hit Russian column; Russia has used thermobarics, Ukraine military says

Ukraine jets hit Russian column; Russia has used thermobarics, Ukraine military says

Lufthansa Group considers adding aircraft originally destined for Russian airlines | International Flight Network

Guerre en Ukraine. Airbus stoppe ses services aux compagnies russes et étudie son futur à Moscou

Impact on Europe to Asia routes due to closure of Russian air space

Eamonn Brennan (@eurocontrolDG) twitteó a las 2:18 p. m. on jue., mar. 03, 2022:

The closure of Russian airspace to EU operators has a big impact – up to 5 hours extra flying time for a flight between Helsinki & Tokyo
https://t.co/nrtfWOvEGI (pdf)

Russia can't attend Farnborough Air Show

Following the on-going events taking place in Eastern Europe, we have made the decision to suspend Russian participation at the 2022 Farnborough International Airshow, taking place in July.

Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine, and everyone affected by the current situation. We continue to hope for a timely and peaceful resolution. 

Press release


Ukraine conflict: Turkey airlifts additional TB2 UCAVs to Ukraine