lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

China Airlines and Boeing Announce Order for Four 777 Freighters

NIAR, partners offer tanker-converted 777-300ER PTF to US Air Force

How A330-200 assembly will shift to USA if Lockheed wins tanker deal

Turkey: Naval Version of Heavy Attack Helicopter ATAK-II to be Developed

Naval Version of Heavy Attack Helicopter ATAK-II to be Developed

Airlines may pay out for one-hour UK flight delays

FAA and UK Analogue Agree to Carry Over Simulator Certification

SW-51 Mustang Coming To America Via Titan Aircraft

Jetpack racing could join this year's Air Race World Championship

Skydweller Aero Inc. signs lease for manufacturing facility at Airpark

Japanese company says «Battery breakthrough achieves energy density necessary for electric planes»

sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

Bjorn's Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 4P. Reality checks, the deeper discussion.

US firm Elroy Air unveils Chaparral heavy-cargo autonomous VTOL vehicle

FAA and cellular companies agree on further 5G interference mitigation

Lazzarini reveals 150m airship-style superyacht concept powered by helium gas

Norwegian recruits 270 cabin crew to reopen base at Stockholm Arlanda

First Customer Dassault Falcon 6X Heads To Little Rock

viernes, 28 de enero de 2022

Comparecencia del presidente del Gobierno en su visita a las instalaciones de la empresa de ingeniería Inventia Kinetics Getafe 


Bueno, gracias a la dirección de Inventia y por supuesto, gracias a sus trabajadores y trabajadoras que nos acompañáis.

Creo que esta crisis del COVID-19 nos deja dos lecciones que me gustaría subrayar y recordar. La primera tiene que ver con eso que llamamos la reindustrialización. Decimos que Europa, una de las principales lecciones que tiene que extraer es cómo reindustrializarnos, cómo crear trabajo, buen trabajo, empleo digno, empleos estables. Eso está vinculado con la reindustrialización.

En muchas ocasiones pensamos en las grandes industrias, en las grandes corporaciones, pero se nos olvida que después de esas empresas tractoras detrás y a sus lados, pues hay pequeña y mediana empresa industrial, como la que estamos viendo aquí en Inventia en Getafe. Y me gustaría ponerlo en valor.

Me gustaría poner en valor que desde luego desde el Gobierno de España, también desde Europa. Y en eso también tiene mucho que ver los fondos europeos. Lo que queremos es hacer una apuesta decidida por la reindustrialización de Europa y por la reindustrialización de nuestro país.

La segunda lección que me gustaría también compartir con los trabajadores y trabajadoras y también con la dirección de esta pequeña mediana empresa de Inventia, es que esta pandemia, como bien se ha dicho antes, tiene que reforzar los vínculos, tiene que reforzar la colaboración y la cooperación entre empresas de la cadena de valor, del sector por ejemplo aeronáutico, pero también tiene que reforzar los vínculos entre la administración pública y el sector privado.

Hoy, cuando venía para acá, leía un informe de una universidad que decía que sin los expedientes de regulación temporal de empleo, sin los ERTES, muy probablemente nuestro país hubiera sufrido unas tasas de desempleo del 42%. Hoy, afortunadamente, también gracias a los ERTES, que me contaban además, precisamente que estáis de nuevo todos incorporados a vuestros puestos de trabajo, tenemos una tasa de desempleo del 13,3%. Tenemos más de 20 millones de personas ocupadas en cifras de empleo que no teníamos desde el año 2008, es decir, desde antes de la crisis financiera.

Y eso tiene mucho que ver también con todo el esfuerzo que hemos hecho las empresas y las administraciones públicas por proteger en los momentos más complicados de la pandemia, el empleo, el tejido productivo y posteriormente ir adaptando esos mecanismos de protección laboral y también los créditos ICO efectivamente, a la reactivación y a la recuperación económica que ahora mismo estamos viviendo en nuestro país.

Y esa colaboración público privada, ahora tenemos que extenderla a uno de los principales desafíos que tiene nuestro país y es precisamente la modernización de nuestro tejido productivo y la reindustrialización de nuestro país.

Y en ese sentido, cuando hablamos de los fondos europeos, que son una gran oportunidad para crear empleo, crear empresas y reindustrializar nuestro país, creo que es fundamental poner en valor que esos fondos europeos a quien debe llegar son precisamente a las empresas, como Inventia, como esta pequeña mediana empresa vinculada con un sector industrial tan importante como es el sector aeronáutico.

Por tanto, con mi presencia, con la presencia del Gobierno de España, lo que quiero trasladar precisamente a los trabajadores y trabajadoras y a la dirección de empresas como a vuestra como Inventia es el compromiso, el compromiso de España rotundo, total para que esos fondos europeos lleguen a las pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Porque al final, cuando hablamos de reindustrialización, estamos hablando de empresas como la vuestra, así que yo creo que tenemos por delante muchísimo trabajo. Creo que lo que tenemos por delante, sin duda alguna, va a ser mucho mejor que estos dos últimos años que hemos sufrido como consecuencia del COVID-19. Y quiero dar con mi presencia el testimonio de que estos fondos europeos son una gran oportunidad para modernizar nuestro país, para hacer crecer a nuestro país, por reindustrializar nuestro país. Y que trabajadores, trabajadoras, dirección, nosotros vamos a estar en esto, vamos a estar en esa colaboración y en regularizar nuestro país

Así que muchísimas gracias por vuestra acogida, por vuestra hospitalidad y os deseo toda la suerte del mundo, porque vuestra suerte, pues evidentemente es la suerte de nuestro país.

Sánchez visita la empresa "Inventia Kinetics"

Lilium arrives at ATLAS Flight Test Center in Spain and

Boeing Hints at Next New Jet as It Weighs Tough Engine Decisions - Bloomberg

OCCAR and Australia signed a Framework Agreement to facilitate Australia’s participation in OCCAR programmes

OCCAR and Australia signed a Framework Agreement to facilitate Australia's participation in OCCAR programmes 


This study explores the potential performance characteristics, fuel-related costs and emissions, and replaceable fossil fuel market of LH2-powered aircraft entering service in 2035. In keeping with aviation's conservative approach to new aircraft design, only evolutionary advances in design parameters that are feasible by 2035 are considered. Two LH2 combustion designs are assessed: a smaller turboprop aircraft targeting the regional market, and a narrow-body turbofan aircraft suitable for short and medium-haul flights. These designs are benchmarked against the ATR 72 and the Airbus A320neo, respectively. Both designs will require an elongated fuselage to accommodate LH2 storage behind the passenger cabin. Gravimetric indices (GI), which denote the ratio of the fuel mass to the mass of the full fuel system including the cryogenic tank, of between 0.2 and 0.35 are investigated. Seating pitch (SP) values of 29 and 30 inches, mimicking the seating density of low-cost and regular airliners, are used. The potential market coverage of LH2­-powered aircraft families, which include variants of the baseline design with different range and passenger capacities, are analyzed as well.

continue reading


This study investigates the market potential and atmospheric impacts of two potential supersonic transport (SST) aircraft: a small jet ("Small SST") seating 15 passengers and designed for 140% the speed of sound (MN 1.4), and a larger airliner ("Large SST") seating 75 and operating at MN 1.7. We model the potential market and climate impacts of both aircraft without environmental constraints, and then under noise and climate constraints. The number of supersonic aircraft, potential operations, and overall fuel burn under four scenarios in 2035 are projected using a modeling suite from the MIT Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment; the GEOS-Chem global chemistry transport model is used to derive the radiative forcing (RF) impact of ozone, water vapor, methane, and black carbon and sulfate aerosols from those operations.

We find that environmental limits will sharply constrain the potential supersonic market.

jueves, 27 de enero de 2022

AAIB Report: Various aircraft, Blockage of pitot probes by insects, Heathrow Airport

Between 9 June 2021 and 19 July 2021, several aircraft suffered from abnormal pitot/static system events, two of which resulted in rejected takeoffs. 

GA presenta Sparrowhawk, un drone lanzable desde el MQ-9B (portaaviones aéreos 13) - Sandglass Patrol

General Atomics unveils two drones that can be launched from other drones

EU launches 'game changer' space startup fund

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022

Qatar Airways Tipped To Place The 1st Boeing 777X Freighter Order

Spain Approves Eurodrone Spending, Contract Signature To Follow

Boom Supersonic Selects Greensboro, North Carolina for First Supersonic Airliner Manufacturing Facility

Primer vuelo Airbus C295 Clean Sky FTB2

The Future of Small UAS | General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc.

Electrifying ideas – winners named in RAeS electric air race design contest

easyJet welcomes ICCT study confirming the viability of hydrogen-powered aircraft for short-haul aviation

US government sues to stop Lockheed Martin from acquiring Aerojet Rocketdyne

Kratos, Hypersonix team up on hypersonic drone programme

Airbus Helicopters bounces back in 2021

L'Égypte va finalement acquérir jusqu'à 12 C-130J-30 Super Hercules

Snowfall grounds hundreds of flights in Greece and Turkey | Travel Weekly

The Airbus C295 technology demonstrator of Clean Sky 2 makes its maiden flight | Airbus

Press release 

Seville, 26 January 2022 – The Airbus C295 Flight Test Bed 2 (FTB2) has successfully performed its maiden flight from the Final Assembly Line in Seville. The aircraft now starts a flight campaign with the aim of testing the new semi-morphing wing, the new affordable flight control system, as well as a SatCom antenna embedded within the aircraft's fuselage.

"The first flight of the C295 FTB2 is a key milestone that represents an important step forward in the programme, following the successful integration of the new aero structures, power-on and ground tests. A few years ago this programme was just a dream of a more sustainable future for aviation. Today we are at the final stage and we finally made it fly" said Francisco Javier Sánchez Segura, Executive Vice President Engineering Airbus Defence and Space.

Based on the Airbus C295, the Flight Test Bed 2 is an in-flight demonstrator of the European Clean Sky 2 (CS2) and the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, where technologies related to CS2's future regional multimission aircraft are tested.

The modifications include new materials and technologies designed to achieve noise, CO2 and NOx emissions reduction. With these technologies applied in a future regional multimission configuration, up to 43% CO2 and 70% NOx reductions can be achieved in a typical Search and Rescue mission of 400 nautical miles, as well as 45% less noise during take-off.

The main modifications in the aircraft are a new high-efficiency semi-morphing wing, new dynamic winglets and a flat panel SATCOM antenna integrated within the top of the fuselage.  In addition, innovative flight controls for primary control surfaces, including ailerons, flaps and flap tabs with improved aerodynamics, are capable of adjusting in-flight and contribute to a more efficient high lift system.

The new flight control system leverages digital control systems to optimise the aerodynamic shape of the wing in flight, while a new multifunctional flap has been completely redesigned and includes flap tabs in the trailing edge controlled by electro-mechanical actuators.

But the advantages also extend into the manufacturing process, not least with the use of advanced materials and manufacturing ranging from the use of Scalmalloy and additive manufacturing, to a new assembly method for the aero structures of the wing.  A one shot assembly approach has been used for the new composite winglet and winglet tab, moving from the conventional ribs approach to a multi-spar integrated torsion box. Finally, jig-less methods have been used for the assembly of flaps and ailerons.

As a result, the C295 FTB2 brings improvements not only to the purely operational aspects of the aircraft, but helps introduce new improvement to the design and manufacturing process. 

martes, 25 de enero de 2022

Rolls-Royce’s Electric Plane Breaks The World Speed Record

Airbus crea una aerolínea de carga y da una segunda vida al Beluga ST


nota de prensa

CESA coordina el proyecto europeo NNEOS (Nacelle cowl NExt generation Opening System) dentro del programa Clean Sky 2, para actividades de I+D en el campo de “Configuraciones Avanzadas de Motores y Aeronaves”. CESA desarrolla un innovador sistema de apertura del capó de la góndola basado en un accionamiento electromecánico que permitirá acceder por completo a los componentes del motor y la góndola y, como consecuencia, ayudará a mejorar drásticamente la mantenibilidad de todo el sistema.

El concepto NNEOS incluye tanto el accionamiento electromecánico (EMA) como su Unidad de Control Electrónico (ECU). El sistema en desarrollo será compacto, seguro, fiable y fácil de operar y podrá soportar las duras condiciones ambientales requeridas, como son las altas temperaturas durante el vuelo y las operaciones de mantenimiento.

Uno de los desafíos más importantes en el desarrollo del sistema NNEOS, son las restricciones de temperatura, tanto para el actuador electromecánico como para la unidad de control electrónico, pues se enfrentan a temperaturas de hasta 250ºC, sin degradación del rendimiento y la durabilidad del sistema.

Para minimizar la degradación del EMA se están desarrollando materiales de aislamiento especiales, aplicando soluciones de diseño de compensación térmica que permitan asegurar una lubricación y envolvente de trabajo adecuados entre los componentes que operan en un entorno tan extremo.

Para enfrentarse a este desafío, CESA y el Centro de Ingeniería de Energía Eléctrica de la Universidad de Canterbury (EPECentre) colaborarán para diseñar, desarrollar y probar un prototipo de motor sin escobillas. El motor resultante de esta colaboración se integrará en el sistema final junto con los demás componentes y subsistemas de alta temperatura. El EMA y la ECU se someterán a una validación final bajo condiciones de trabajo representativas.

La ECU contiene la electrónica capaz de leer la posición comandada y, como consecuencia, controlar el motor del EMA. Aunque la ubicación de ambas será diferente, a la ECU se le aplican también requisitos de temperatura de trabajo por encima de lo habitual. Además, se ha seleccionado una arquitectura sin sensores basada en un hardware simple y se ha desarrollado una secuencia automática de bloqueo/desbloqueo que permite minimizar la intervención humana en esta área crítica del actuador.

Por otro lado, el sistema de actuación NNEOS debe permitir el acceso del personal de mantenimiento para realizar procedimientos de inspección y reparación. Dado que los operadores tienen que trabajar debajo de la góndola, esta función se considera crítica para la seguridad, ya que un cierre involuntario de la góndola podría atrapar al operador debajo. Por lo tanto, las características de seguridad y fiabilidad son clave en este desarrollo.

Los principales desafíos que se están abordando son la fiabilidad de los componentes de alta temperatura, así como garantizar caminos de carga redundantes para eliminar cualquier punto de fallo crítico.

Cepsa e Iberia unen para desarrollar y producir biocombustibles sostenibles para la aviación (SAF)

  • Las dos grandes compañías españolas se unen para desarrollar y producir biocombustibles sostenibles para la aviación (SAF) a gran escala, a partir de residuos, aceites usados reciclados u otras materias primas de origen vegetal sostenible (bios de 2ª generación


  • El acuerdo, que también incluye a Iberia Express, contempla otras alternativas energéticas, como el hidrógeno renovable y la electricidad, para fomentar la movilidad sostenible en aeronaves y flotas terrestres (vehículos para el suministro, las operaciones de carga y descarga de equipajes, asistencia al avión y remolcado hasta la pista de despegue) 


  • Cepsa, uno de los líderes en el suministro de combustibles para la aviación del mercado en España, se convierte en un proveedor estratégico para el Grupo Iberia, que se asegura el acceso preferente a un combustible escaso (biojet), logrando así la aerolínea una ventaja competitiva tanto para clientes como para inversores (gracias a las mejores calificaciones en los índices de sostenibilidad) 


  • El Grupo Iberia está desarrollando su estrategia de sostenibilidad sobre tres pilares: operaciones más eficientes, una experiencia de viaje más sostenible para sus clientes y compromiso con la investigación y desarrollo de los combustibles sostenibles y otras tecnologías que contribuyan a la descarbonización del sector  


Los presidentes de Iberia e Iberia Express y el consejero delegado de Cepsa han firmado hoy un acuerdo para avanzar en la descarbonización del sector aéreo, a través del desarrollo e investigación de combustibles de origen sostenible y otras alternativas energéticas como el hidrógeno renovable y la electricidad, para fomentar la movilidad sostenible de aviones y de la flota de vehículos que les prestan servicios en aeropuertos.

Para las tres compañías el desarrollo de los combustibles de origen sostenible (SAF) son una prioridad para continuar avanzando hacia una industria cada vez más baja en carbono y contribuir así a la consecución de la Agenda 2030. Este proyecto, que contempla la investigación y pruebas en vuelo con SAF, contribuye a los Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible número 7 (Garantizar el acceso a una energía asequible, segura, sostenible y moderna), 8 (Promover el crecimiento económico inclusivo y sostenible, el empleo y el trabajo digno) y 13 (adoptar medidas urgentes para combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos).

Cepsa está trabajando en un ambicioso plan para dar un giro verde a todos sus negocios y convertirse en un referente de la transición energética en su sector. Además, la compañía cuenta con una amplia experiencia en este ámbito: lleva más de 10 años produciendo biocombustibles en sus centros industriales y desarrolla estudios pioneros a nivel mundial para convertir residuos y aceites usados en combustibles de origen renovable de alto valor energético.

Para Maarten Wetselaar, consejero delegado de Cepsa, “esta alianza muestra la apuesta de Cepsa por la sostenibilidad y la firme determinación de apoyar a nuestros clientes, dotándolos de soluciones viables que aceleren su transición energética. Como referente en el suministro de combustibles para el sector aéreo, compartimos con el Grupo Iberia el objetivo común de impulsar la descarbonización del transporte como herramienta de lucha contra el cambio climático”.

Como parte del Grupo IAG, Iberia e Iberia Express se han comprometido a lograr cero emisiones netas en 2050, y a operar un mínimo de un 10% de sus vuelos con combustibles de origen sostenible en 2030.

Para lograrlo, el Grupo Iberia está desarrollando su estrategia medioambiental sobre tres pilares: operaciones más eficientes −donde se incluyen todas las iniciativas de renovación de flota, reducción del consumo de combustible y electrificación de sus vehículos, entre otras−; una experiencia de viaje más sostenible para sus clientes −a través de la digitalización de servicios, la eliminación progresiva de plásticos a bordo, el desarrollo de su sistema de gestión de residuos y la compensación de la huella de carbono−; y su compromiso con la transición ecológica de la aviación, sobre todo, a través de su colaboración en la investigación y desarrollo de combustibles de origen sostenible.

“Para la descarbonización del sector aéreo es imprescindible el desarrollo, producción y distribución de los combustibles de origen sostenible a precios asequibles y en cantidad suficiente para abastecer a las aerolíneas. Confiamos en que este acuerdo con Cepsa contribuya a ese objetivo”, ha comentado Javier Sánchez-Prieto, presidente y CEO de Iberia.

Por su parte, Iberia Express, como aerolínea low cost de corto y medio radio dentro del Grupo Iberia, también apoyará desde su ámbito de actuación la transición hacia fuentes alternativas de propulsión de las aeronaves como parte de esta iniciativa. Para Carlos Gómez, CEO de Iberia Express, “es el momento de crear sinergias entre compañías que tenemos un mismo objetivo, poder desarrollar nuestra actividad y nuestras operaciones minimizando el impacto ecológico. Este acuerdo es un importante paso en este camino hacia un transporte aéreo más sostenible, en línea con nuestro compromiso conjunto con la descarbonización del sector”.

Combustibles sostenibles

Los biocombustibles para la aviación tienen un papel clave en la descarbonización del turismo y del transporte aéreo. En comparación con el combustible convencional, el SAF puede reducir las emisiones de la aviación hasta en un 80% respecto al queroseno convencional, durante todo su ciclo de vida, según la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo.

Además, aportan otros beneficios: impulsa la economía circular, aumenta la independencia energética (y, con ella, la seguridad de suministro), asegura el mantenimiento de un importante motor de la economía española (200.000 empleos de calidad) y puede utilizarse de manera inmediata sin necesidad de renovar la flota y aprovechando las infraestructuras de suministro actuales.

Para la consecución del objetivo de crecimiento cero de las emisiones de carbono, desde 2020, la Asociación del Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA) está impulsando el uso de biocombustibles sostenibles, entre otras iniciativas, por su significativa reducción de CO2.

Este acuerdo entre Cepsa y el Grupo Iberia está en línea con el conjunto de medidas Fit for 55 de la Comisión Europea, que incluye una iniciativa legislativa denominada ‘RefuelEU Aviation’, que pretende impulsar la oferta y demanda de biocombustibles de aviación en la Unión Europea, alcanzando un uso del 2% en 2025, del 5% en 2030 y del 63% en 2050.

MC-21-300 aircraft to be tested under low sub-zero outdoor temperatures in Yakutia

James Webb Space Telescope reaches deep-space destination

Airbus’ deploys Beluga A300-600 ST fleet to serve industry’s outsized cargo transportation needs




Airbus has launched a new service to offer outsized freight transportation for customers worldwide. Key to bringing this to reality is the unique capability of its BelugaST ‘Super-Transporter’ aircraft, based on the A300-600 design. Today the five-strong aircraft fleet, which has hitherto been the backbone of Airbus’ inter-site transportation of large aircraft sections, is moving on from ‘in-house’ duties.

In their place Airbus is introducing six new-generation BelugaXLs – based on the larger A330-200 platform – to support Airbus’ ramp-up of its airliner production. For the BelugaSTs, this means that a new stage in their operational life can now begin in earnest – especially as the airframes still have plenty of available flight-hours remaining before reaching their original design service limits.

First mission: transporting an Airbus helicopter to Japan

The launch of the service took place during the last week of December 2021, when Beluga “No. 3” delivered a brand new helicopter from Airbus Helicopters’ manufacturing site in Marignane, France, halfway across the world to Kobe in Japan. Along the way, the Beluga stopped to refuel at various transit points – including Warsaw (in Poland), Novosibirsk (in Russia) and Seoul (in Korea). Notably, the whole helicopter could be accommodated inside the Beluga without any prior disassembly -- only needing its long rotor blades to be folded back.

New service dedicated for “outsized freight” customers

Over the years the Beluga fleet has occasionally been called upon over the years to transport outsized cargo (such as industrial machinery, complete space satellites etc.) ie. unrelated to its normal day-to-day job of transporting Airbus aircraft sections. With the new service, these five Belugas will be dedicated solely to transporting such cargo for commercially contracted customers. Typical industry sectors which would be served include: engine manufacturers; space industries; helicopter manufacturers; oil & gas and energy providers; machinery manufacturers; land vehicles and other military equipment; humanitarian supply distributors etc., to name a few.

Largest cross-section to open new markets

The Beluga benefits all possible market applications, since it possesses the world's largest interior cross-section of any transport aircraft, accommodating outsized cargo of up to 7.1m in width by 6.7m in height.

Phillippe Sabo, Head of ATI Air Oversize Transport at Airbus, notes: “The Beluga’s wider cross section will open up new markets and new logistical possibilities – which would not be feasible with other current airborne transport means. For example, customers could consider in their future manufacturing process to make larger parts to be transported whole without prior disassembly.” He adds: In the case of transporting helicopters, not having to dismantle them first really is a plus.”

Clement Beaunis, Project Leader of Airbus Beluga Transport, says: “The large dimensions accommodated are also attractive for satellite manufacturers for example, as they would like to design bigger ones in the future. In contrast, today they are constrained in size by the available transport means. The Beluga will relieve that constraint.”

Another ‘use-case’ is if an airline is facing an AOG situation due to an on-wing engine issue. Sabo explains: “The Beluga can bring a full engine-change kit directly to the airport allowing the AOG team to change the engine in a few hours. This is possible because the Beluga can transport the engine and inlet in a fully dressed configuration. Whereas with other air transport means the engine would first need to be partially dismantled, and would subsequently need around two days to reassemble and re-test.”


Dedicated airline to be created for worldwide operations

For the initial Beluga missions -- such as this first one to Japan -- Airbus’ in-house ‘airline’ Air Transport International (ATI) is using its own aircrew. However, in the near future, once Airbus has commissioned all six new BelugaXLs, the fully released BelugaST fleet will be handed over to a newly created dedicated subsidiary airline with its own Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and staff.

Sabo points out: “Whereas the ATI structure is inherently focused around the European network of Airbus’ plants, the new airline which we will create will be flexible and agile to address the needs of external markets. Moreover, it will have a worldwide scope and we will be organised for that around the globe.”

In addition, to better meet the demands of a truly international operation, the Belugas will be upgraded with a new generation Flight Management System (FMS) with ADS-B for enhanced intercontinental navigational capabilities.

New loading innovations for quick reactivity and short turnaround

To maximise the BelugaST’s reactivity and short turnaround capability required by its targeted international customer base, new loading techniques and equipment are being developed for the operation. To this end, an automated on-board cargo loader (OBCL) will enable missions from/to airports which do not have available any suitable loading/unloading platform, and for payloads weighing up to 20t. This OBCL – available from 2022 – will be transportable inside the aircraft (stored in front of the internal payload hold area) and be able to load and unload the payload autonomously.

For the initial Beluga missions -- such as this first one to Japan -- Airbus’ in-house ‘airline’ Air Transport International (ATI) is using its own aircrew. However, in the near future, once Airbus has commissioned all six new BelugaXLs, the fully released BelugaST fleet will be handed over to a newly created dedicated subsidiary airline with its own Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and staff.

Sabo points out: “Whereas the ATI structure is inherently focused around the European network of Airbus’ plants, the new airline which we will create will be flexible and agile to address the needs of external markets. Moreover, it will have a worldwide scope and we will be organised for that around the globe.”

In addition, to better meet the demands of a truly international operation, the Belugas will be upgraded with a new generation Flight Management System (FMS) with ADS-B for enhanced intercontinental navigational capabilities.

To complement the OBCL, and for the heaviest and longest cargo, a new redesigned transportable Outboard Platform (OP) is also under development. These OPs (at least six to start with) will be strategically pre-positioned at various airports around the world and be easily transportable prior to a mission at short notice.


The third loading innovation is the new Multi-Purpose-Pallet (MPP) recently developed and produced by Airbus at its sites in St Eloi and Nantes. Compatible with a range of payloads, the MPP, when it is already carrying the cargo, is raised by around five metres above the apron level and loaded through the Beluga’s nose opening using either the OBCL or OB described above. The MPP’s underside subsequently interfaces securely to the Beluga’s load-bearing floor attachment points. Notably, this inaugural mission to Kobe is another ‘first’ in that it marks the very first time that the MPP has been used for an operational mission -- following its recently-completed successful development-testing stage.



Richard Branson’s Hyperloop project hit by executive exodus

Civil Aviation Authority issues AirCar the Certificate of Airworthiness

press release

AirCar the dual-mode car-aircraft vehicle has been issued the official Certificate of Airworthiness by the Slovak Transport Authority, following the successful completion of 70 hours of rigorous flight testing compatible with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) standards, with over 200 takeoffs and landings.


The challenging flight tests included the full range of flight and performance maneuvers and demonstrated an astonishing static and dynamic stability in the aircraft mode. The takeoff and landing procedures were achieved even without the pilot's need to touch the flight controls.


It took a team of 8 highly skilled specialists and over 100,000 manhours to convert design drawings into mathematical models with CFD analysis calculations, wind tunnel testing, 1:1 design prototype powered by electric 15KW engine to 1000kg 2-seat dual-mode prototype powered by 1.6L BMW engine that achieved the crucial certification milestone.


"AirCar certification opens the door for mass production of very efficient flying cars. It is official and the final confirmation of our ability to change mid-distance travel forever," said Professor Stefan Klein, the inventor, leader of the development team and the test pilot. "50 years ago, the car was the epitome of freedom," says Anton Zajac, the project cofounder. "AirCar expands those frontiers, by taking us into the next dimension; where road meets sky."


"Professor Stefan Klein is the world leader in the development of user-friendly Flying Cars. His latest (fifth) version is the pinnacle achievement in the new category of flying cars!" said Dr. Branko Sarh, Boeing Co. Senior Technical Fellow. "The automated transition from road vehicle into an air vehicle and vice versa, deploying/retracting wings and tail is not only the result of pioneering enthusiasm, innovative spirit and courage; it is an outcome of excellent engineering and professional knowledge," he noted after AirCar's first intercity flight last year.


"Transportation Authority carefully monitored all stages of unique AirCar development from its start in 2017. The transportation safety is our highest priority. AirCar combines top innovations with safety measures in line with EASA standards. It defines a new category of a sports car and a reliable aircraft. Its certification was both a challenging and fascinating task," said René Molnár, the director of the Civil Aviation Division (Transport Authority of Slovakia).


Klein Vision has already completed tests of a new powerful, lightweight, and efficient ADEPT Airmotive aviation engine and finalized drawings and technical calculations for the upcoming monocoque model with variable pitch propeller expected to reach speeds over 300km/h and range of 1,000km. "ADEPT Airmotive is proud to have our ecologically compliant engines selected to power this exciting and innovative project," said Richard Schulz – Founder, ADEPT Airmotive. "Klein Vision's AirCar is an engineering marvel, and we look forward our long-term cooperation!", added Raymond Bakker, the ADEPT Technical Director. The new production model is expected to be certified in 12 months.



Silent Eagle: Boeing’s plan to make the F-15 a 'stealth' fighter

Putting some reality into ecoAviation: steps *backwards*

Approaching first flight, Eviation's Alice readies to test FAA

Why Europe's new mega-rocket could make human missions to Mars possible before SpaceX

Venturi unveils Echelon 1, his electric regional airliner design, in this video

Coches que vuelan: Klein Vision recibe certificado experimental - Sandglass Patrol

F-35C Accident Aboard Carrier In South China Sea Forces Pilot To Eject, Injures Seven Sailors

lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

A retrospective of the KC-X refueling tanker competition from Boeing’s perspective

Russia’s Sukhoi Superjet 100 fleet to be increased to 192 jets by yearend

Hill sees demand for over 250 HX50 helicopters in first year of production

Boeing Invests Another $495M in eVTOL JV Wisk Aero

Transforming AirCar certified to fly by Slovak Civil Aviation Authority

5 Airplanes That Will Change Air Travel in 2022 and Beyond

ITA And The Alitalia Brand: What’s Going On?

Cathay Pacific annual loss narrows to as little as $720m

USAF makes first eVTOL flight remotely controlled by an Air Force pilot

Radian One unveils plans for single-stage to orbit spaceplane

Joby S4 hits 205 mph, flying further and faster than any eVTOL to date

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

[Video] Primer vuelo del ¿sustituto? del An-2, el LMS-901

AFWERX agility prime completes first USAF-piloted flight of an EVTOL vehicle

Ural’s new LMS-901 utility aircraft becomes airborne during runway tests 

Il-96 to serve as testbed for high-thrust PD-35 engine

Russian government to allocate $26.1 mln for regional, long-range aircraft projects

Qatar Airways Statement on Airbus A350 aircraft

Bjorn’s Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 3. Low hanging fruit.

British Army eyes rapid ramp-up of capability with new Apache fleet

19-year old Belgian-British Zara Rutherford successfully completed her solo world tour at Kortrijk-Wevelgem airport

FAA issues approvals on landing at US airports where 5G is deployed – Foreign airlines restart flights

Airbus cancels big order for 50 A321neos from Qatar Airways

FSF Calls for Quicker, Clearer 5G Safety Measures

Skyports Grows its UK Vertiport Network with the Acquisition of a London Heliport - Skyports

Typhoons, wildfires, missiles: Teen flies solo round world

jueves, 20 de enero de 2022

China’s AutoFlight seeks EASA certification for Prosperity I eVTOL taxi

Airbus and partners to establish aircraft lifecycle centre in China

DEFIANT Executes FLRAA Mission Profile with Unsurpassed Speed, Maneuverability and Agility in High-Speed, Low-Level Operations and Confined Area Landings

Bidding Process Reopens for Piaggio Aerospace

Latest 5G Delay Welcomed but Ultimate Solution Unlikely Soon

FAA Clears Three More Altimeter Models for Use in 5G Areas

lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

Exclusive: Pilots of World’s Largest Airplane Reveal Flight Details - FLYING Magazine

Press Release: FAA implements optimized descents to reduce fuel burn 

Air France’s elegant A220 makes the most of its spacious cabin

Bjorn’s Corner: Sustainable Air Transport. Part 2. The problem to solve?

2022 Forecast: C919 EIS unlikely before 2023-24


  • C919 is overweight, shortening range, and adversely affecting fuel economy.
  • Commercial success of the C919 won’t be possible.
  • ARJ21 lands first foreign operator, but it’s not an arm’s length deal.

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[Video] «Pasadita» de un A-380 de Emirates al Burj Khalifa

Airbus, NTT, DOCOMO and SKY Perfect JSAT Jointly Studying Connectivity Services from High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS)

press release

TOKYO, JAPAN, January 17, 2022 – Airbus, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), NTT DOCOMO, INC. (DOCOMO) and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation (SKY Perfect JSAT) jointly announced that they have begun studying the feasibility of collaborating on future high-altitude platform stations (HAPS)-based connectivity services as part of a future space-based wireless connectivity ecosystem.

Launched with a memorandum of understanding (MOU), the study aims to identify the early deployment requirements of a HAPS-based network. The collaboration will investigate the use of the Airbus Zephyr, the leading fixed wing, solar-powered, stratospheric unmanned aerial system (UAS), and the wireless communication networks of NTT, DOCOMO and SKY Perfect JSAT in order to test HAPS connectivity, identify practical applications, develop required technologies and ultimately launch space-based wireless broadband services.

In the global push to further advance 5G and eventually introduce 6G, initiatives are under way to expand coverage worldwide, including in the oceans and in the air, as well as remote and hard to reach areas. Such initiatives will include HAPS, which fly in the stratosphere about 20 km above the earth, and non-terrestrial network (NTN) technologies using geostationary-orbit (GEO) satellites and low Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites. HAPS networks are deemed to be a relatively easy solution for air and sea connectivity and an effective platform for deploying disaster countermeasures plus have many industrial applications. The provision of space-based radio access network services using NTN technologies, collectively called Space RAN (radio access network), is expected to support worldwide mobile communications with ultra-wide coverage and improved disaster resistance as well enhanced 5G and 6G. In addition, HAPS platforms can also interconnect to the nearest terrestrial network gateway and extend the reach of existing mobile services directly to end-user devices, providing service options including rural, emergency and maritime connectivity.

With the signing of the MOU, the four companies will discuss and identify possible future developments necessary to unlock future HAPS-based connectivity services, lobby for standardization and institutionalization of HAPS operations, and explore business models for commercializing HAPS services.

Specific themes will include the applicability of HAPS for mobile connectivity on the ground and base station backhaul,1 the performance of various frequency bands in HAPS systems, the technological considerations for linking HAPS with satellites and ground base stations, and the establishment of a cooperative system to test a network combining NTN technology, satellites and HAPS.

As separately announced on November 15, 2021, DOCOMO and Airbus successfully conducted a propagation test between the ground and a “Zephyr S” HAPS aircraft in the stratosphere, demonstrating the possibility of providing stable communication with such a configuration.

1 Base station backhaul refers to a fixed line that supports high-speed, high-capacity information transmission between a large number of wireless base stations in a mobile communications network and the core network.

About Airbus

Airbus pioneers sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. The Company constantly innovates to provide efficient and technologically-advanced solutions in aerospace, defence, and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus offers modern and fuel-efficient airliners and associated services. Airbus is also a European leader in defence and security and one of the world's leading space businesses. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions and services worldwide.

About NTT

NTT believes in resolving social issues through our business operations by applying technology for good. We help clients accelerate growth and innovate for current and new business models. Our services include digital business consulting, technology and managed services for cybersecurity, applications, workplace, cloud, data center and networks all supported by our deep industry expertise and innovation. As a top 5 global technology and business solutions provider, our diverse teams operate in 80+ countries and regions and deliver services to over 190 of them. We serve over 80% of Fortune Global 100 companies and thousands of other clients and communities around the world. For more information on NTT, visit


NTT DOCOMO, Japan's leading mobile operator with over 82 million subscriptions, is one of the world's foremost contributors to 3G, 4G and 5G mobile network technologies. Beyond core communications services, DOCOMO is challenging new frontiers in collaboration with a growing number of entities ("+d" partners), creating exciting and convenient value-added services that change the way people live and work. Under a medium-term plan toward 2020 and beyond, DOCOMO is pioneering a leading-edge 5G network to facilitate innovative services that will amaze and inspire customers beyond their expectations.

About SKY Perfect JSAT

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation is a leader in the converging fields of broadcasting and communications. It is Asia’s largest satellite operator with a fleet of 16 satellites, and Japan’s only provider of both multi-channel pay-TV broadcasting and satellite communications services. SKY Perfect JSAT delivers wide range of entertainment through “SKY PerfecTV!”, the most extensive broadcasting platform in Japan with a total of 3 million subscribers. In addition, SKY Perfect JSAT’s satellite communications services, which cover Asia, Russia, Middle East, Oceania, North America and Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean regions, play a vital role in supporting communications infrastructures for mobile backhaul, government, aviation, maritime, oil & gas and disaster recovery. For more information, visit our corporate website ( and Space Business website (

U.S. FAA clears 45% of commercial plane fleet after 5G deployed

EAG: New Fuel Cell Venture Launched For 90-Seat Hydrogen Airliner

Russia Resumes Tu-160 Production

Bellwether releases profoundly uninspiring eVTOL test-flight footage

Zeva presents the first flight video of its full-size eVTOL UFO

sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Boeing seeks German industry partners for Super Hornet/Growler bid

Boom Supersonic Lands $60 Million Investment From US Air Force

Reusable scramjet launch system to pave way for hypersonic airliners

Australian company Hypersonix Launch Systems is not only looking to make the delivery of satellites into orbit cheaper and more accessible, but also greener. It is developing a reusable launch system powered by green hydrogen that would deliver small satellites into orbit without producing any carbon emissions or other noxious gases – and is eyeing off hypersonic airliners further down the line.

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Turkey Begins Assembly Of Hürjet National Jet Trainer Prototype

Russia to end Proton-M launch vehicles production in 2022

Boom Supersonic begins testing XB-1 demonstrator’s GE engines

Un Spitfire fabricado en material compuesto… en 1941

FAA to work with pilots of ‘varying’ experience when setting pilot training standards

Would An A220-500 Really Cannibalize Airbus A320 Sales?

Boeing’s Updated Valkyrie Reveals Evolving Hypersonic Design

jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

S7 Space plans to test elements of its prospective space rocket this year

GKN to produce structures and components for new Gulfstream business jets

A320neo computer modification aims to detect consistent erroneous airspeeds

Airbus to develop the Power Management and Distribution System for key Lunar Gateway module

Boeing Expands Partnerships with German Industry on F/A-18 Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler

Aussie start-up set to build supersonic spaceplane

The Problem With 5G 

At issue, the impact of wireless signals in the 3.7 to 3.98 GHz range bumping up against radar/radio altimeters that live in the 4.2 to 4.4 GHz environment, causing those altimeters to give potentially false readings to pilots and the various aircraft systems they support, endangering aviation safety, particularly during takeoff and landing in low visibility conditions

U.S. Fatal Bizav Accidents Double in 2021

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2022

Amphibious system combines a multicopter with an underwater drone


–        Under the terms of the partnership, Aernnova acquires Embraer industrial plants in Évora, Portugal, and a long term supply agreement is signed between both companies


Embraer and Aernnova, today announced a strategic partnership for Embraer Metálicas and Embraer Compósitos industrial units, located in the Aeronautical Industry Park of Évora, Portugal. The transaction contemplates the sale of all shares of company's wholly owned subsidiaries to Aernnova. Under the terms of the partnership, Aernnova assumes the operation of the industrial plants in Évora at the same time as it signs a supply agreement to secure current production packages for Embraer aircrafts. Évora facilities activity will add around US$ 170 million to Aernnova's revenues figure.

With 37,100 and 31,800-square meters respectively, and employing around 500 people, these facilities combine the most advanced technologies in both metallic and composite airframe construction with a high level of digitalization and automation of plant production processes. Among other activities both factories produce parts for wings, vertical and horizontal stabilizers for programs such as the Praetor 500 and Praetor 600 business jets, the two generations of the E-Jets family of commercial jets and the multi-mission aircraft C-390 Millennium. Évora industrial units will constitute Aernnova's largest production center in the world.


This agreement strengthens the Aernnova's position as a tier 1 supplier for single-aisle aircraft, and improves its presence in the executive and defense aerospace markets. The industrial capacity at Evora plants will also allow Aernnova to further expand Evora current activities with new contracts either from Embraer or other aircrafts manufacturers.

"We are pleased to announce this partnership with Aernnova, a world renowned supplier in the aerostructures segment, which will allow for increasing the occupation level of the factories in Évora, to diversify its client base and to bring new business opportunities," said Francisco Gomes Neto, President and CEO of Embraer.

Mr. Ricardo Chocarro, CEO of Aernnova, said: "This deal is another step forward in Aernnova's growth strategy, further underlining the company's status as a global leader in the design and manufacturing of aerostructures. We plan to further develop the operations of the facilities, and establish Évora as a global aerostructure manufacturing benchmark, with the technical and commercial support of Aernnova group, and with the continuous commitment of the company to a digital and sustainable aeronautical industry"


The closing of the transaction is subject to the completion of certain conditions which the parties expect to accomplish in the first quarter of 2022.

lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Airbus achieves 2021 commercial aircraft delivery target

Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft

Teaming with Lockheed Martin for the KC-Y tanker competition

Pontifications: Teaming with Lockheed Martin for the KC-Y tanker competition 

New AG600 prototype shows several design tweaks

Further A380 wing-drain fix necessary to reduce risk from fuel leaks

KLM adds Sustainable Aviation Fuel to all flights departing from Amsterdam

easyJet partners with Cranfield Aerospace Solutions on development of zero-emission aircraft

sábado, 8 de enero de 2022

French Navy ATL2 MPA: Someone Just Lasered the Wrong Aircraft - Naval News

South Korea grounds F-35s after malfunction forces emergency landing

NASA releases autonomous flight termination unit software to industry

Atlas Air Worldwide Purchases Four Boeing 777 Freighters

Aviastar Tupolev Tu-204-100C freighter burns completely down at Hangzhou Airport, China

Boeing’s Updated Valkyrie Reveals Evolving Hypersonic Design - Air Force Magazine

viernes, 7 de enero de 2022

Boeing was “hungry” for deal, says Allegiant CEO

Bjorn’s Corner: Sustainable Air Transport, a deeper look. Part 1.

Bjorn's Corner: Sustainable Air Transport, a deeper look. Part 1. 

Let’s Talk About The Israel Air Industries Loitering Munitions And What They’re Capable Of

F-35 Has Taken Over The QRA Role From F-16 In Norway

Corruption At South African Airways: What You Need To Know

Iraqi Airways receives its first A220-300

Joby accelerates certification effort with second pre-production eVTOL

jueves, 6 de enero de 2022

The MC-21 Could Have A Better Passenger Experience Than The A320 & 737

Qantas Test Flies Its Airbus A380 Ahead Of Return To Service

Atlas Air Worldwide Purchases Four Boeing 777 Freighters

Indonesian Aerospace appeals to finance sector to support N219 programme

Y-20U tanker set to boost Beijing’s air-to-air refuelling capability

Horizon's eVTOL hoverbike debuts fascinating hemispheric rotors

Qatar Airways seeks more than $600 mln in Airbus A350 dispute | Reuters

miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022

Allegiant Air Orders Up to 100 737 MAX Jets

NUAIR & NYUASTS Unlock 35 Miles of BVLOS Airspace

11 Airports Will See 2 Or More Daily Emirates A380 Flights This Month

Pandemic Leads To Third Cancellation of ABACE

Airbus A330 SMART MRTT Reveal | Next Level Multi Role Tanker Transport Aircraft - YouTube

Allegiant Air orders 50 Boeing 737 MAX jets with an option for 50 more

EHang Secures Launch Order for Longer-range VT-30

Autonomous Flight Opening Orderbook for Y65 Plus

martes, 4 de enero de 2022

El que pudo ser el avión gigante de Lockheed Martin - Sandglass Patrol

Ascendance Flight Technologies unveils new Atea hybrid-electric VTOL aircraft

Bombardier vows EPD environmental transparency for all new bizjets

Lufthansa Could Be Forced To Fly 18,000 Empty Planes To Keep Slots

Baggage loading probed after 737 Max pitch-up incident on take-off

Airbus Launches Reconstituted Aerostructures Division

Fractional Provider Volato Places Order for 15 HondaJets

domingo, 2 de enero de 2022

NASA selects 4 university teams for aviation projects

XAG Reveals New-Generation Drones & Robots for AgriFuture

What Can We See From Airbus In 2022?

Return Of The A380: The British Airways Fleet In 2022

Russian manufacturer tests engine for new booster of the Angara A5 space rocket

sábado, 1 de enero de 2022

Lockheed Wins Deal To Support Apaches | Russian Military Gets A-50U AWACS | USN And RAAF Get Multi-Spectral Targeting System

Irkut MC-21-300 Receives Russian Type Certification

Lessor Aviation Capital Group commits to 20 Airbus A220 and 40 A320neo Family aircraft

GE Aviation Looks To Test Catalyst Using 100% SAF

Sabca Morocco Plant To Build PC-12 Components in 2022

Kawasaki's supercharged cargo copter tests robotic ground crew

Bellwether's gorgeous Volar eVTOL begins flight testing at half-scale