viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

Primer avión eléctrico en cruzar el estrecho de Cook bate récords

Aviones de acero inoxidable - Sandglass Patrol

Aterrizar en una cama de cuerdas - Sandglass Patrol

Autogiro ambulancia: el primer ala rotatoria MEDEVAC - Sandglass Patrol

Georgia State University astronomy researcher wins grant to improve detection, monitoring of satellites

Georgia State University astronomy researcher wins grant to improve detection, monitoring of satellites 

OneWeb and Leonardo DRS announce partnership to offer low earth orbit services for Pentagon

OneWeb and Leonardo DRS announce partnership to offer low earth orbit services for Pentagon 

China launches remote-sensing satellite group

Boeing gets OK for satellite grid to provide internet from space

The challenges of airliner development. Part 28. Crew training

Bjorn's Corner: The challenges of airliner development. Part 28. Crew training 

China eyes 1,000 nukes by 2030, likely gives H-6N ballistic missile role

Air Lease cancels three Boeing 787s this year; could deliver up to 16 next year

USAF Tests WC-130J With New Satellite Capabilities | Israel Deploys New Aerostat | Loyal Wingman Engaged Landing Gear For 1st Time

First Hungarian 600kg light aircraft Magnus Fusion 213 completed its maiden flight

Drop-in Fuels from Sunlight and Air | Nature

In press



Aviation and shipping currently contribute approximately 8% of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions, with growth in tourism and global trade projected to increase this contribution further1–3. Carbon-neutral transportation is feasible with electric motors powered by rechargeable batteries, though challenging if not impossible for long-haul commercial travel, particularly air travel4. A promising solution are drop-in fuels (synthetic alternatives for petroleum-derived liquid hydrocarbon fuels such as kerosene, gasoline or diesel) made from H2O and CO2 by solar-driven processes5–7. Among the many possible approaches, the thermochemical path using concentrated solar radiation as the source of high-temperature process heat offers potentially high production rates and efficiencies8 and can deliver truly carbon-neutral fuels if the required CO2 is obtained directly from atmospheric air9. If H2O is also co-extracted from air10, feedstock sourcing and fuel production can be co-located in desert regions with high solar irradiation and limited access to water resources. While individual steps of such a scheme have been implemented, we now demonstrate operation of the entire thermochemical solar fuel production chain, from H2O and CO2 captured directly from ambient air to the synthesis of drop-in transportation fuels (e.g. methanol, kerosene), with a modular 5-kWthermal pilot-scale solar system operated under real field conditions. We further identify the R&D efforts and discuss the economic viability and policies required to bring these solar fuels to market. 

Wright proposes a 100-seat electric airliner powered by aluminum fuel cell

'Bear of the Pyrenees', former Airbus CEO Jean Pierson dies | Reuters

FCAS program could ‘transform’ Spanish defense sector in a decade