martes, 26 de enero de 2021

Green Aerolease and Pipistrel Aircraft announce a partnership to accelerate the deployment of electric aviation in France and in Europe – Pipistrel Aircraft 

Green Aerolease, subsidiary of the W3 group founded by Charles Cabillic, announces the first partnership with Pipistrel Aircraft, world leader in Type-certified electric aviation. This agreement, concluded with the support of the French Federation of Aeronautics, will start with an order of 50 EASA Type-certified 2-seat aircraft Pipistrel Velis Electro, designed for PPL pilot training. This initiative is a part of the group philosophy aiming to accelerate the environmentally responsible transition of light aviation in France and in other European countries.

Pipistrel Aircraft, founded in 1989, is among the world leaders in design and production of affordable environmentally friendly General aviation aircraft. Pioneer in terms of state-of-the-art technology for light aviation, Pipistrel is the first European aircraft manufacturer, and the only one so far, to obtain an aircraft certification from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for its electric aircraft, the Pipistrel Velis Electro, the ideal aircraft for initial training of pilots. With this Pipistrel proves that electric aircraft is not only possible, but also commercially useful. Velis Electro currently offers the maximum level of performance, which is achievable with current and modern technology.

In the scope of this partnership, Green Aerolease and Pipistrel Aircraft reinforce their commitment in favor of a sustainable air transport sector and of the regional mobility, allowing the deployment of low noise and zero-emission electric aircraft to regional airports and urban areas, where the noise level does not allow piston engine aircraft.

In partnership with the French Federation of Aeronautics, the initial 50 aircraft will be offered for rent to pilot schools and clubs to ensure the new generation of pilot training. Indeed, 84% of clubs think that electric aviation is a solution to environmental constraints and around 70% among them are willing to equip themselves with this new aircraft. In Europe there are more than 100 small GA airports which have severe flight restrictions, or the training there is not allowed because of noise. Velis Electro with only 60 dB of noise can bring back the flight to all of them. The expected deployment, first off in France, will be done as soon as mid-2021 and will spread progressively to several European countries.

Green Aerolease is focused on accompanying and financing the decarbonization of the air transport and light aviation sectors by accelerating breakthrough innovations in the domain of mobilities. Within the next 3 years, 200 Pipistrel electric aircraft are to be deployed in France and in the coming few years to other countries through AAS (Aircraft as A Service). Finesse Max, Pipistrel distributor in France, will work in partnership with Green Aerolease to

manage the support, after-sales service and maintenance network in order to keep the highest availability for the Velis fleet.

According to Charles Cabillic, founder of W3 and Green Aerolease: "We are particularly proud to make this partnership with Pipistrel Aircraft, pioneer of breakthrough innovation in the light aviation sector. I am convinced that the aeronautical sector has a great future, with the progressive arrival within two to three years, of light electric or hybrid aircraft designed for business travel or leisure aviation, because it will permit to revive the French aviation. These future aircraft are, indeed, an answer to the growing stakes of regional mobility to ensure the economical regional continuity and the serving of middle-sized cities. Consequently, it is essential to anticipate from now on the capacity to dispense professional trainings to our future pilots."

According to Ivo Boscarol, founder and CEO of Pipistrel Aircraft: "I am delighted to see the confidence given to us by Green Aerolease who decided to commit with us to participate in the reduction of the environmental impact of the aeronautical sector. The European certification of our Velis Electro, designed for initial training of pilots, is an important step towards the development of a carbon neutral-fleet of aircraft, respectful of the environment. This partnership will allow the use of zero-emission aircraft to the clubs and schools who are not in the position to invest in procuring an aircraft fleet, but they can afford reasonable monthly rental fees. With this concept Green Aerolease will accelerate the energy transition of aviation to climate-neutral and emission-free following the guidelines of the European Green Deal and help Pipistrel to reach its objective to sell 200 Velis Electro until end of 2021."

According to Jean-Luc Charron, president of the French Federation of Aeronautics: "The French Federation of Aeronautics has always supported innovation. With Pipistrel, we created a FabLab two years ago at Toussus-Le-Noble to test this brand-new electric aircraft. Thus, more than 200 flight hours were done with great performances, very important noise reduction and also a tremendous reduction of carbon emissions. After the experimentation, it is now time to deploy the aircraft fleet, and I am very proud to support this project which will allow clubs to create a new dynamic in this aeronautical world which is living an unprecedented transformation."

About Green Aerolease:
Green Aerolease is a subsidiary of the W3 group which organizes the provision of de-carbonized light aircraft by proposing a "ready for use" rental service to aeronautical operators (aeroclubs, piloting schools, airlines, …). The society is aiming to accelerate the ecological transition of light aviation in France and in Europe by proposing a new renting offer, unprecedented in the electric aviation world.

About the W3 group:
The W3 group is a Breton group founded in 2009 by Charles Cabillic, which acts essentially in the digital field, investment field and air mobility. After creating aC3 (a software editor dedicated to professionals of real estate) in 2005, sold in 2015, Charles Cabillic developed considerably his activities, gathered in 2009 in the W3 group. The group owns today around 15 companies (the startup accelerator WestWebValley, OpenFly, a renting platform for private planes, AlloVoisins, Green Aerolease…) and employs around 150 people in Brest and its surroundings.

About Pipistrel Aircraft: Pipistrel is a world-leading small aircraft designer and manufacturer, specialized in energy-efficient and affordable high-performance aircraft. With more than 30 years of experience, Pipistrel has produced more than 2200 aircraft to-date, gaining significant international reputation by delivering unique, innovative products to passionate customers on all continents. Pipistrel is the only company in the world currently selling four different electric aircraft models; the Taurus Electro, Alpha Electro and Alpha Electro LC are now being complemented by the EASA type certified Velis Electro.

About the French Federation of Aeronautics (FFA): Founded in 1929, the FFA is the major stakeholder of light and sporting aviation in France. The FFA gathers more than 600 aeroclubs and 45.000 federation members. The federation connects the public authority with the French Civil Aviation Authority and the community of light aviation. Biggest federation of private pilots in Europe, second one in the world, and first pilot school in Europe with 2200 instructors, 2400 aircraft and around 600.000 flight hours per year. For many years, team from the FFA, at the instigation of its president Jean-Luc Charron, are working on the "aeroclub of the future" concept to prepare well the energy and societal transition, necessary to make the activity of French aeroclubs durable. Among several tracks, the FFA identified the need to accompany the technological leap that electric propulsion of light aircrafts represents.

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