miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Clean Sky: Presentación de nuevas aeronaves y motores


Boeing Completes Ground-breaking Autonomous Teaming Flights

Airbus VSR700 Makes ATOLs from Moving Deck

The Airbus VSR700 optionally piloted vehicle (OPV) recently made fully autonomous takeoff and landing (ATOL) approaches to and from a DeckMotion moving platform simulator—a pitching, yawing surface, mounted on a trailer to simulate the conditions of a moving ship deck. The small rotorcraft, derived from the Helicopteres Guimbal Cabri G2… continue reading


VSR700 achieves autonomous takeoff and landing from moving platform  

Airbus web: https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/stories/VSR700-OPV-demonstrates-autonomous-take-off-and-landing-from-moving-platform.html


LMS-901 Baikal - an aircraft meant to replace An-2