lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

Northrop Grumman's Plan To Replace The MQ-9 Reaper With Stealthy Autonomous Drones

New 5G Plan Could Jam Radar Altimeters - AVweb

Air Canada cancels orders for some of its Airbus A220s, Boeing 737 MAXes

Beta unveils its new eVTOL: the avian-inspired Alia -

Al wingwuit le faltaban motores, y BMW se los pone eléctricos

COVID highlights how airlines need to focus on the whole journey

Pontifications: Aircraft prices, rents plunge

Russian Mi-24 Hind Gunship Shot Down in Armenia, Two Crewmembers Dead.

Boeing WTO case: The EU puts in place countermeasures against U.S. exports, including a 15% tariff on aircraft

Uncertain future for Norwegian after government turns off the money tap

Brazilian Air Force Flies First Modernized Tucano Trainer

The Electrified Wingsuit: The Making Of A Dream |

Boeing needs 737 replacement launch by 2026 if not sooner - Leeham News and Analysis