martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Geely reveals production design of Terrafugia TF-2A eVTOL -

Airbus just trucked its final A380 fuselage through a small French village as the world's largest airliner is killed off

UK space industry consortium calls for greater SME engagement for future satcom services

The Evolution of Accurate Drone Mapping

Lufthansa shuts down SunExpress Germany; Turkish branch stays active

26 passengers tested positive on an Emirates flight to Hong Kong

NATA Approves Of Sustainable Jet Fuel Bucks

Bye eFlyer 2 Technology Demonstrator Is Reported To Be Starting Next Flight Test

Virgin Galactic to organize private passenger trips to ISS for NASA

Spanish PM says in Twitter Spain will support Airbus

I have just talked to AIRBUS CEO, @GuillaumeFaury. As a founding partner, I have conveyed Spain's full support to the company. The aerospace sector is going through difficult times but AIRBUS is a great company, with a promising future in our country.

High time for hydrogen 

Could hydrogen-powered zero-carbon commuter flights be just around the corner? TIM ROBINSON speaks to stealth start-up ZeroAvia – which this year will test a six-seat Piper single-engined piston aircraft converted to use a hydrogen powertrain in the skies of the UK.

Virtual aircraft trolley with touch-free payments to roll out - Runway GirlRunway Girl

Pontifications: Deferrals, bankruptcies continue; order recovery far off

Regional Jet Retirements

Poland to Acquire C-130 Airlifters and US-made Attack Helicopters. USAF to Establish Presence in Poland.

Qantas to announce future direction soon, trying to avoid forced pilot job cuts -sources

European Commission signs aviation agreement with Japan

Finally! Ruddervator Repair Approval Offers Hope To Bonanza Community

Airplane computer system could save fuel and reduce noise on landings