jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

NASA InSight lander finally pushes its burrowing 'mole' heat probe into Mars

More details of China's space station unveiled

How much of International passenger flights can be paid by belly cargo ? https://leehamnews.com/2020/06/04/how-much-of-international-passenger-flights-can-be-paid-by-belly-cargo/ 

Flying During Corona – Closed Concourses and Empty Mega-Hubs

Bell Offers Comprehensive Program for new Commercial Aircraft

May air cargo volumes improve month-on-month, but dip in final two weeks may be a cause for concern

IATA: After April passenger demand bottom, first signals of uptick

Bell V-280 Flies With GKN's Plastic Airframe Parts

Piaggio Aerospace May Have A Future After All

Aviation's jobs crisis is just beginning. Millions of skilled workers in the supply chain could be lost. - CNN

ICAO Council adopts new COVID-19 aviation recovery ‘Take Off’ guidelines to reconnect the world