martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Pontifications: What shape and how long will recovery take? - Leeham News and Analysis

Bjorn's Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 18. - Leeham News and Analysis

German MoD Confirms The Intention To Buy a Mixed Fleet of 45 F/A-18 Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler Aircraft

EASA certifies Airbus A330-800 for “beyond 180 minutes” ETOPS

Fully-electric aircraft pushback tractor undergoing trials at major international airport

FAA Updating Weight and Balance Program Guidance

Virgin Australia Enters Voluntary Administration

U.S. Treasury releases $2.9 billion in airline support, finalizes payroll agreements - Reuters

Exclusive: Airbus puts six jets made for AirAsia up for sale as crisis deepens - Reuters

L’Allemagne s’apprête à acheter des F18 américains