viernes, 24 de enero de 2020

Aero Vodochody will double its revenues this year

press release

Revenues of the biggest Czech aircraft manufacturer, AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE, will almost double up to 5-6 bn CZK (200-240 mEUR) this year in comparison to 2019. Such growth of Aero's revenues will be strongly driven by new MRO businesses, ramp up on the A220 programme and start of industrialization of L-39NG new jet trainer and light attack aircraft.

During the last year, Aero signed several contracts with current L-39 Albatros operators for general overhauls and modernizations, the majority with the support of its strategic partner OMNIPOL. Currently, Aero has an unique order backlog on MRO of 35 aircraft from our customers in Middle Asia and Africa on L-39s, and from Czech Air Force on L-159s. "Based on signed contracts, our MRO and upgrade business will double this year and will generate more than 2 bn CZK revenues (80 mEUR). In our aerostructures business, we are ramping up too, mainly driven by a 50% increase of production of fixed leading edge for Airbus A220 to 73 aircraft shipsets. Our budget 2020, agreed with our shareholder, plans Aero returning to black numbers this year," said Dieter John, President and CEO of the company.

AERO Vodochody successfully continues in its main investment project, the new jet trainer and light attack aircraft L-39NG. "Our ground and flight test program runs full speed and the full trainer certification is targeted for the third quarter of 2020. The L-39NG industrialization concept is prepared, we will launch serial production this year and proceed in our sales campaigns which will also contribute to revenues growth," added Dieter John.

Early 2019, Aero has launched its mid-term transformation project Aero Fit For Future (A3F) which does optimize Aero´s operations and supply chain, increase the company´s efficiency and prepares it for strong growth. Part of it has been the streamlining of the workforce and the right sizing of the cost base. Aero released about 250 employees across all functions in 2019, which finished in May last year. Aero is now recruiting new employees for some specific key aviation profession. In last three months, the company recruited 30 new employees and currently it has more than 50 open positions.


AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. focuses on the design, manufacturing, maintenance, overhaul and upgrade of military and civil aircraft and is the largest aviation manufacturer in the Czech Republic and one of the oldest aerospace companies worldwide. In the field of military aircraft, Aero has been a reliable long-term partner to many of the world's air forces and it has a strong position on the market of military training and light combat aircraft.

With a track record of 11.000 aircraft produced over the last 100 years, a broad coverage of 60 military operators and 15 demo teams, a huge existing fleet of L-39 Albatrosses and with a brand new aircraft, the L-39NG now, Aero is maintaining its positioning as a leader in the jet training market. In the field of civil aviation, Aero collaborates with the world's largest manufacturers in a diverse range of projects and is a full partner in several risk-sharing programmes, taking responsibility not only for the production and assembly of structures but also for its design and development.

Airports lead the way on tackling Climate Emergency with ACI Europe’s Brussels Summit

Airports lead the way on tackling Climate Emergency with ACI Europe's Brussels Summit

Elbit Systems Successfully Demonstrates High-Altitude High-Precision Aerial Firefighting Solution

Press release

Using a computed launch of liquid pellets from high altitude, the HyDropTM system lifts the long standing restriction on nighttime aerial firefighting

Haifa, Israel, 21 January, 2020 – Elbit Systems completed a successful field demonstration of its patented Hydrop system, an innovative solution enabling high-altitude high-precision aerial firefighting. The field demonstration took place recently as part of an exercise led by the Israel Fire and Rescue Authority. During the exercise two Air Tractor aircraft from the Israeli Fire Fighting Squadron were directed to extinguish a burning field, from as high as 500 ft., more than four times higher than the average altitude of a standard aerial firefighting sortie.  Using the HyDrop system each aircraft launched 1.6-tons of 140-gram liquid pellets in a computed ballistic trajectory, achieving a precise hit with saturation of 1-2 liter per 1 square meter.

Since 1953, aerial firefighting has been carried out using liquid cascade drop methods that require sorties to be conducted at an altitude of a 100-120 ft. in order to reduce liquid loss caused by the aerosol effect. Such low-altitude flights are restricted to daytime due to safety concerns and Civil Aviation regulations. The experience from around the globe clearly shows that restricting aerial firefighting to daytime severely degrades its operational contribution. Addressing this needs gap, Elbit Systems developed the Hydrop system that enables a high-precision computed launch of bio-degradable liquid pellets from 500-2,000 ft., altitudes that are safe and certified for night-flight by Civil Aviation.  

With Helicopter, Fixed-wing and Heavy Lifter configurations, Hydrop integrates fighter aircraft avionics including a ballistic computer, command and control (C2) system and advanced display systems, together with liquid pellets stored in a specially designed airborne dispenser. The C2 unit navigates the aircraft to the drop point while the ballistic computer produces an accurate launch trajectory, taking into account aircraft velocity, altitude, GPS location, wind conditions and the weight and shape of the liquid pellets. In addition to lifting the restriction on nighttime aerial firefighting, this high-altitude system improves pilots safety and increases the effectiveness of aerial firefighting, during day and night, by eliminating the liquid loss caused by the aerosol effect.

The Hydrop system includes a pellets manufacturing machine (static or mobile). Housed in a standard 20'-container, the manufacturing machine can produces up to 10 tons of pellets per hour. The biodegradable pellets which can be filled with either water, foam or fire retardant, have been proved to have no harmful residues and their dropping has also been tested and found to be safe to crews on the ground.

U.S. Navy Now Jamming GPS Over Six US States and 125,000 Square Miles.

FAA Issues Advisory for Pilots: Large Military GPS Jamming Exercise in Southeast.

U.S. Navy Now Jamming GPS Over Six States and 125,000 Square Miles. – The Aviationist

ESA and Airbus sign contract for Bartolomeo platform on the International Space Station

press release

New research platform scheduled for launch in March 2020


Bremen, 23 January 2020 – The Bartolomeo platform from Airbus gives new opportunities for research on the International Space Station (ISS). The European Space Agency ESA has now firmly booked a payload slot for a Norwegian instrument to monitor plasma density in the Earth's atmosphere.


The Bartolomeo platform - named after Christopher Columbus' younger brother - is currently in the final stage of launch preparation at Airbus in Bremen and is scheduled for launch to the ISS in March 2020. Bartolomeo is developed on a commercial basis by Airbus using its own investment funds and will be operated in cooperation with ESA.


The platform can accommodate up to 12 different experiment modules, supplying them with power and providing data transmission to Earth. Bartolomeo is suitable for many different experiments. Due to the unique position of the platform with a direct view of Earth from 400 kilometres, Earth observation including trace gas measurements or CO2 monitoring of the atmosphere are possible, with data useful for climate protection or for use by private data service providers.


The Multi-Needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) is an instrument from the University of Oslo and the Norwegian company Eidsvoll Electronics to measure ionospheric plasma densities. With its relatively low orbit, the ISS passes near the peak plasma density of the ionosphere. The m-NLP is currently the only instrument in the world capable of resolving ionospheric plasma density variations at spatial scales below one metre. It will gather valuable data from the equatorial and mid-latitude ionosphere, enabling study of the dynamic processes in this region in unprecedented detail. The Langmuir Probe will map plasma characteristics around the globe.


The mission is financed through the ESA PRODEX programme and supported by ESA's Directorate Human & Robotic Exploration. The payload is scheduled to launch on ISS resupply flight NG-14 in October 2020 and will be the first payload to be installed on the Bartolomeo Platform outside the European Columbus Module.


Together with UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs), Airbus is currently inviting tenders for further research opportunities on the platform, in particular to enable research institutions from developing countries to participate in scientific space research.


@ESA @Space_Station @ISS_Research @AirbusSpace #Bartolomeo

Nordic Aviation Capital finalised order for 20 A220 Family aircraft

press release

Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), the leading lessor of regional aircraft, signed at the end of 2019 a firm order for 20 A220 Family aircraft.

This latest order from NAC, counted in the 2019 order-book, is a huge endorsement and affirms the strong market demand for the state-of-the-art, fuel-efficient A220 Family.

"NAC's order for the A220 shows this aircraft is just as relevant in the regional world as it is in the mainline one," said Christian Scherer, Airbus Chief Commercial Officer. "We are delighted to work with NAC going forward, we thank them for their confidence and congratulate them on their new offices in Limerick."

NAC is today the largest lessor of regional aircraft in the world, managing and owning 500 aircraft on lease to 78 airline customers in over 50 countries.

The A220 is the only aircraft purpose-built for the 100-150 seat market; it delivers unbeatable fuel efficiency and widebody passenger comfort in a single-aisle aircraft. The A220 brings together state-of-the-art aerodynamics, advanced materials and Pratt & Whitney's latest-generation PW1500G geared turbofan engines to offer at least 20% lower fuel burn per seat compared to previous-generation aircraft, along with significantly lower emissions and a reduced noise footprint. The A220 offers the performance of larger single-aisle aircraft. At the end of December 2019, the A220 had accumulated 600 orders and over 100 aircraft in service with seven operators worldwide.

@Airbus #A220 #nordicaviationcapital

For further information about A220 family, please click

Boeing 777X First Test Flight Delayed due to weather

[España] Un millón y medio de saltos en el aniversario del primer salto paracaidista del Ejército del Aire

Nota de prensa


El 23 de febrero se cumplen 72 años del primer salto paracaidista en el Ejército del Aire. Para celebrarlo, 114 militares pertenecientes a la Escuela Militar de Paracaidismo (EMP) `Méndez Parada´, situada en la base aérea de Alcantarilla (Murcia), han llevado a cabo un salto masivo desde la rampa de un A-400M del Ala 31.

Además, durante la mañana se han realizado varios saltos paracaidistas en distintas modalidades y aviones a cargo de la Patrulla Acrobática de Paracaidismo del Ejército del Aire (PAPEA) y del Escuadrón de Zapadores Paracaidistas (EZAPAC).

El paracaidismo militar en España tiene a su pionero en la figura del capitán Méndez Parada, que da nombre a la EMP y que en los años 20 del siglo pasado llevó a cabo los primeros cursos de paracaidismo en España. Murió heroicamente en accidente aéreo cerca de Getafe cuando, a punto de estrellarse el biplano que pilotaba acompañado de un soldado, le cedió a este su paracaídas para que pudiera salvar su vida.

En su honor y desde hace 72 años, la escuela en la que se adiestran todos los paracaidistas de las Fuerzas Armadas y Fuerzas y Cuerpos de seguridad del Estado, lleva su nombre. Desde su fundación, se han realizado ya casi un millón y medio de saltos paracaidistas.

La EMP cuenta con unas instalaciones para la enseñanza del paracaidismo, que se encuentran entre las más avanzadas del mundo. Dispone de una torre de lanzamiento y un simulador de descenso para apertura automática, inaugurados en el año 2005, que han permitido elevar la seguridad de los saltadores y disminuir el número de bajas para obtener la aptitud de cazador paracaidista.

Y para la enseñanza del paracaidismo en la modalidad de apertura manual, se pusieron en funcionamiento a principios del año 2007 dos simuladores: un simulador virtual que sirve para entrenar el vuelo con el paracaídas abierto, y el simulador de caída libre, coloquialmente conocido como túnel de viento.

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