sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

SEAL Team Six Executes Long Distance Rescue Operation Of Kidnapped American In Nigeria

New Boeing jet unlikely but depends on MAX return: Safran CEO | Article [AMP] | Reuters

Japan picks Mitsubishi Heavy to develop homegrown stealth fighter | The Japan Times

Hypersonic Missile Tests Demonstrate 6-in. Accuracy, U.S. Army Says | Aviation Week Network

Electric planes: a quiet revolution in the Swiss skies - SWI swissinfo.ch

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

No Air dominance without Space dominance - Defence - Airbus

Embraer tweets picture of conceptual turboprop, hints at potential design | News | Flight Global

Flying can be safer than grocery shopping, Harvard Covid-19 study finds | CNN Travel

VoltAero selects Sonaca Group to develop the airframe for its Cassio family of hybrid-electric aircraft - VoltAero


 Médis, France – The airframe for VoltAero's Cassio hybrid-electric aircraft will be developed by Sonaca Group, applying this Belgium-headquartered company's expertise in optimized aerostructures to the VoltAero family of 4, 6 and 10-seat airplanes.

Under terms of the agreement unveiled today, Sonaca Group will transition Cassio from its current design status into a production-ready definition, and will oversee the aircraft's manufacture by an aerostructures producer to be announced at a future date.

"Our partnership with Sonaca Group takes us one very important step closer to production," said Jean Botti, VoltAero's CEO and Chief Technical Officer. "It continues our excellent progress in evolving a family of hybrid-electric airplanes – building on the flight evaluations now underway with VoltAero's hybrid-electric power module aboard our Cassio 1 testbed aircraft."

VoltAero's proprietary design for Cassio is based on a sleek, aerodynamically-optimized fuselage with a forward fixed canard and an aft-set wing with twin booms that support a high-set horizontal tail. Propulsion will be provided by a hybrid-electric power module in the aft fuselage "pusher" position, which integrates a cluster of electric motors with a high-performance internal combustion engine that serves as the range extender.

Hugues Langer, Sonaca's Chief Technology Officer, added: "Through our teaming arrangement, VoltAero will benefit from Sonaca's capabilities as one of the world's top 10 aerostructures companies, bringing our experience to transition Cassio from design into a production-ready aircraft."

VoltAero's Cassio airplanes are offered in three versions, each sharing a high degree of modularity and commonality: the Cassio 330, a four-seat configuration with propulsion from a combined hybrid-electric power of 330 kilowatts; Cassio 480, configured with six seats and a hybrid-electric propulsion power of 480 kilowatts; and Cassio 600, with a 10-seat capacity and hybrid-electric propulsion power of 600 kilowatts.

Cassio aircraft will be built on a final assembly line in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region of southwest France, with VoltAero leading a growing team of world-class partners and suppliers. Licensed production opportunities will be pursued in North America and Asia.

Deliveries are targeted to begin in 2023, starting with the four-seat Cassio 330 version.

About VoltAero

VoltAero is taking electric aircraft to an entirely new level. Benefitting from 50-plus years of combined pioneering expertise, VoltAero is developing Cassio, a truly unique general aviation airplane family for safe, quiet, efficient and eco-friendly flight in hybrid-electric and electric modes. A flight demonstrator, along with a ground-based "iron bird" system test rig and a powertrain test bench, are validating the Cassio configurations, de-risking them for airworthiness certification and the subsequent application on new-production airplanes. VoltAero is headquartered at the Royan-Médis Airport in southwestern France, where the company's design team and flight operations are located. Website: voltaero.aero

About Sonaca Group

Sonaca Group is an aerospace company active in aerostructure (Design & Build and Build to Print), services, innovation, space and defense. It has one-stop shops and integrated teams of design and industrial professionals who can provide responsive solutions tailored to customers'​ needs. Sonaca Group can offer the best price combination with the latest automation technologies, low cost country manufacturing facilities and worldwide engineering offices. Website: sonaca.com

How Pipistrel Builds Electric Airplanes - YouTube

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

Half of Europe’s Smaller Businesses Risk Bankruptcy Within Year

Ya es legal circular por carretera con el autogiro-coche de PAL-V


Australia'first autonomous, high-altitude, long-endurance system will enhance maritime security


Lockheed to research air-dropped packaged missiles in $25M contract


United launches free transatlantic COVID-19 testing pilot


Designing the direction of cabin airflow in the face of COVID


Airbus reports Nine-Month (9m) 2020 results

  • Global air travel recovery slower than anticipated 
  • Cash containment and business adaptation on track
  • 9m revenues € 30.2 billion; 9m EBIT Adjusted € -0.1 billion
  • 9m EBIT (reported) € -2.2 billion; 9m loss per share (reported) € -3.43
  • Restructuring provision of € -1.2 billion recognised in EBIT (reported)
  • 9m free cash flow before M&A and customer financing € -11.8 billion
  • Strong liquidity underpins business resilience and flexibility
  • Q3 performance: convergence of production and deliveries, free cash flow before M&A and customer financing € +0.6 billion
  • Guidance issued on FCF before M&A and customer financing for fourth quarter 2020




U.S. State Department Backs Sale of 50 F-35 Lightning IIs to United Arab Emirates


F-35 Testing Delayed To 2021 | Algeria Receives MiG-29Ms | Israel Won’t Oppose US F-35 Sale To UAE


Airbus Says It Is Rebalanced for Covid Market Conditions


NASA challenges public to devise novel ways to unload lunar supplies




Raptor-inspired drone with morphing wing and tail




press release


The northern goshawk is a fast, powerful raptor that flies effortlessly through forests. This bird was the design inspiration for the next-generation drone developed by scientifics of the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems of EPFL led by Dario Floreano. They carefully studied the shape of the bird’s wings and tail and its flight behavior, and used that information to develop a drone with similar characteristics. “Goshawks move their wings and tails in tandem to carry out the desired motion, whether it is rapid changes of direction when hunting in forests, fast flight when chasing prey in the open terrain, or when efficiently gliding to save energy,” says Enrico Ajanic, the first author and PhD student in Floreano's lab. And Floreano adds “Our design extracts principles of avian agile flight to create a drone that can approximate the flight performance of raptors, but also tests the biological hypothesis that a morphing tail plays an important role in achieving faster turns, decelerations, and even slow flight”.

A drone that moves its wings and tail

The engineers already designed a bird-inspired drone with morphing wing back in 2016. In a step forward, their new model can adjust the shape of its wing and tail thanks to its artificial feathers. “It was fairly complicated to design and build these mechanisms, but we were able to improve the wing so that it behaves more like that of a goshawk,” says Ajanic. “Now that the drone includes a feathered tail that morphs in synergy with the wing, it delivers unparalleled agility.” The drone changes the shape of its wing and tail to change direction faster, fly slower without falling to the ground, and reduce air resistance when flying fast. It uses a propeller for forward thrust instead of flapping wings because it is more efficient and makes the new wing and tail system applicable to other winged drones and airplanes.

The advantage of winged drones over quadrotor designs is that they have a longer flight time for the same weight. However, quadrotors tend to have greater dexterity, as they can hover in place and make sharp turns. “The drone we just developed is somewhere in the middle. It can fly for a long time yet is almost as agile as quadrotors,” says Floreano. This combination of features is especially useful for flying in forests or in cities between buildings.

Opportunities for artificial intelligence

Flying this new type of drone isn’t easy, due to the large number of wing and tail configurations possible. To take full advantage of the drone’s flight capabilities, Floreano’s team plans to incorporate artificial intelligence into the drone’s flight system so that it can fly semi-automatically. The team’s research has been published in Science Robotics.

NCCR Robotics

E. Ajanic, M. Feroskhan, S. Mintchev, F. Noca, D. Floreano, Bioinspired wing and tail morphing extends drone flight capabilities. Science Robotics, 5, eabc2897 (2020)

Dart-Shooting Drone Attacks Trees for Science






Press release





[España] AESA será la autoridad notificante y ENAC asumirá la acreditación de los organismos notificados en materia de drones

       La nueva normativa europea exige para las clases de drones/ UAS que requieran mayor garantía previa (C1, C2 y C3) que, antes de su comercialización, sean evaluados por organismos evaluadores de la conformidad notificados


       Los organismos que deseen ser notificados tendrán que demostrar su competencia técnica mediante la acreditación de ENAC, según la norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065


Madrid, 29 octubre de 2020.- La Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) será la autoridad notificante y la Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) se encargará de la acreditación de los organismos notificados en materia de drones (UAS) en base a la nueva normativa UE.

La nueva normativa europea de drones/UAS obliga a que las aeronaves y los accesorios de identificación a distancia directa, deban cumplir una serie de requisitos en relación con sus características y funcionalidades específicas, de manera que se atenúen los riesgos que se deriven de su utilización y que estén relacionados con la seguridad del vuelo, la privacidad y la protección de los datos personales, la seguridad o el medio ambiente.


Para las clases de UAS que requieran mayor garantía previa (C1, C2 y C3), el Reglamento exige que, antes de su comercialización, sean evaluados por organismos evaluadores de la conformidad que deben haber sido notificados por la autoridad notificante. En nuestro país será AESA la autoridad que debe notificarlos. El resto de las clases (C0, C4, C5 y C6), así como los accesorios de identificación a distancia podrán optar a la evaluación previa por un organismo notificado o realizar el mismo fabricante el control interno para evaluar la conformidad. En cualquier caso, todas las clases y los accesorios estarán sujetos a la supervisión de las autoridades de vigilancia del mercado.


ENAC se encargará de la acreditación, por lo que los organismos que deseen ser notificados tendrán que demostrar su competencia técnica mediante la acreditación de ENAC, según la norma UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065.


La Comisión Europea publicó, el año pasado, el Reglamento Delegado (UE) 2019/945, sobre los sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas y los operadores de terceros países de sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas. Este Reglamento considera que los sistemas de aeronaves no tripulados (a los que denomina UAS y conocemos como drones) cuya utilización entrañe un menor riesgo, no tengan que someterse a los procedimientos clásicos de conformidad aeronáutica. En su lugar, para demostrar su competencia, estos drones deben someterse a procedimientos de evaluación dentro del marco normativo del marcado CE para poder ostentar la identificación de clase que corresponda en cada caso. De esta manera, este tipo de sistemas de aeronaves se someterán a unas reglas equilibradas y proporcionales que compatibilicen la seguridad con la flexibilidad necesaria para el desarrollo de un sector tan innovador como el de los drones.


El Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2019/947, relativo a las normas y los procedimientos aplicables a la utilización de aeronaves no tripuladas, define tres categorías para clasificar las operaciones con UAS en función del riesgo: abierta, específica y certificada. Estas categorías dependen de las condiciones de la operación pretendida, estableciéndose, entre otros, requisitos que deben cumplir las aeronaves y sus sistemas según el concepto de operación pretendido. 


Actualmente, ENAC se encuentra en disposición de recibir solicitudes de acreditación al respecto.


Sobre AESA

AESA es el organismo del Estado, adscrito a la Secretaría de Estado de Transporte del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, que vela para que se cumplan las normas de aviación civil en el conjunto de la actividad aeronáutica de España. 

La Agencia tiene las misiones de Supervisión, Inspección y Ordenación del Transporte Aéreo, la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeroportuaria. Evalúa los riesgos en la seguridad del transporte y tiene potestad sancionadora ante las infracciones de las normas de aviación civil.

AESA trabaja para que se cumplan las normas de seguridad en el transporte aéreo en España, para promover el desarrollo, establecimiento y aplicación de legislación aeronáutica nacional e internacional de seguridad aérea y protección a los pasajeros.

Además, implantamos la cultura de seguridad en el sector y protegemos los derechos de los usuarios y los profesionales, con el objetivo de lograr un transporte aéreo seguro, eficaz, eficiente, de calidad, respetuoso con el medio ambiente, accesible y fluido.

Nuestro objetivo es ser una institución modelo para la sociedad, aportar seguridad, calidad y sostenibilidad al sistema de aviación civil nacional e internacional, ser una referencia en seguridad y eficiencia para Europa.



Sobre ENAC


La Entidad Nacional de Acreditación – ENAC – es la entidad  designada por el Gobierno para operar en España como el único Organismo Nacional de Acreditación, en aplicación del Reglamento (CE) nº 765/2008 del Parlamento Europeo que regula el funcionamiento de la acreditación en Europa.


ENAC tiene como misión generar confianza en el mercado y en la sociedad evaluando, a través de un sistema conforme a normas internacionales, la competencia técnica de laboratorios de ensayo o calibración, entidades de inspección, entidades de certificación y verificadores medioambientales que desarrollen su actividad en cualquier sector: industria,  energía, medio ambiente, sanidad, alimentación, investigación, desarrollo e innovación, transportes, telecomunicaciones, turismo, servicios, construcción, etc. Contribuye, así, a la seguridad y el bienestar de las personas, la calidad de los productos y servicios, la protección del medioambiente y, con ello, al aumento de la competitividad de los productos y servicios españoles y a una disminución de los costes para la sociedad debidos a estas actividades. 


La marca ENAC es la manera de distinguir si un certificado o informe está acreditado o no. Es la garantía de que la organización que lo emite es técnicamente competente para llevar a cabo la tarea que realiza, y lo es tanto en España como en los 100 países en los que la marca de ENAC es reconocida y aceptada gracias a los acuerdos de reconocimiento que ENAC ha suscrito con las entidades de acreditación de esos países.


Opinion: Why Airliner Manufacturing Could Go From Bad To Worse



Boeing plans to slash 11,000 more jobs and reveals it had NO orders for new jets last month

SEOSAT-Ingenio and Taranis are fueled for their November launch on Arianespace’s Vega - Arianespace

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

The Ecuadorian Air Force takes delivery of their first two H145s


press release

Airbus Helicopters has delivered two H145s to the Ecuadorian Air Force, the first military customer in South America for this multi-purpose twin-engine helicopter. A total of six H145s will be delivered over the next year. The H145 helicopters, known as “Cobra” in the Ecuadorian Air Force, will be assigned to the 22nd Combat Wing in Guayaquil. The contract includes training for 12 pilots and 15 technicians, as part of an in-country operational training programme.

"We are very happy to have new advanced technology equipment to help face our country’s operational challenges, where high performance helicopters are needed to fly in the Andes at up to 6,000 metres (20,000 feet), in the jungle or on the coast," said Colonel Franck Cevallos, commander of the 22nd Wing of the Ecuadorian Air Force.

"Thanks to the installed mission equipment, it will be possible to move quickly from a rescue to a transport mission, reinforcing the Air Force’s response capacity for disaster relief and other missions in support of the public," added Colonel Chiriboga, Head of Air Operations at the Ecuadorian Air Force.

The six H145 helicopters will help with missions related to national security, such as border surveillance and the fight against drug trafficking, as well as carrying out rescue operations at high altitudes, medical evacuation (MedEvac) and assistance in the case of natural disasters, both during the day and at night. This wide range of mission capabilities is thanks to the variety of equipment included such as the cargo hook, rescue crane, stretchers, searchlight, electro-optical camera for reconnaissance, etc.

"I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Ecuadorian Air Force, which today celebrates its 100th anniversary. The new H145 will increase their operational capabilities thanks to its versatility and high performance in high and hot conditions, and will allow them to face any mission with greater efficiency and serenity," said Julien Negrel, Commercial Vice President Latin America for Airbus Helicopters. "Ecuador’s Ministry of Defence has been an Airbus customer for 40 years and I appreciate their confidence in our brand when it comes to renewing the country's aerial capabilities with next-generation helicopters."

In Ecuador there are currently some 40 Airbus helicopters in operation with civil and military clients.

ROXY turns Moon dust into oxygen


press release

  • New technology from Airbus achieves breakthrough
  • Chemical reduction process opens new horizons in human space exploration
  • Emission-free method could also contribute to UN sustainability goals on Earth

Friedrichshafen/Dresden/Boston/Seville, 27 October 2020 – An international team led by Airbus Defence and Space (Friedrichshafen, Germany) with scientists from Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM (Dresden, Germany), Boston University (Massachusetts, USA) and Abengoa Innovación (Seville, Spain) has successfully demonstrated the production of oxygen and metals from simulated lunar dust (regolith) with the Airbus-invented process named ROXY (Regolith to OXYgen and Metals Conversion). Airbus believes ROXY could revolutionise human space exploration.

After two years’ development the breakthrough came last month, during a series of laboratory tests at Fraunhofer IFAM. Oxygen was extracted from a sample of simulated lunar dust. This is a small first step, but the way towards an operational system is now clear. Oxygen is indispensable for all human space activities, and this new ROXY production method, which directly uses Moon dust could revolutionise human activities on the lunar surface.

“This breakthrough is a massive leap forward – taking us one step closer to the holy grail of being able to sustain long term living on the Moon,” said Jean-Marc Nasr, Head of Space Systems at Airbus. ”ROXY is proof positive that collaboration between industry and world leading scientists can bring huge tangible benefits that will continue to push the boundaries of future exploration.”

ROXY enables the design of a small, simple, compact and cost-efficient regolith to oxygen and metals conversion facility, and is therefore ideally suited to support a wide range of future exploration missions. Not requiring additional materials or consumables from Earth – except the ROXY reactor itself – this could be the heart of an integrated value chain using additive layer manufacturing to produce a wide range of products ‘Made on the Moon’. These could include metals, alloys and oxygen. Combined with lunar ice, it would even be possible to produce rocket fuel from ROXY metal powder.

On Earth, ROXY opens a new pathway to drastically reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases that result from production of metals. With current technologies, global metal production causes severe environmental impacts. Steelmaking accounts for about 5 percent of the total global CO2 emissions. Many metals are obtained with processes that emit significant amounts of the environmentally harmful perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Since ROXY is essentially an emission-free process these environmental impacts could be reduced, providing a significant contribution to the UN sustainability goals – another example of how space technologies can improve life on Earth.

Note to the editors – Further statements


“The project has impressively shown that cooperation between research and industry can take on completely new dimensions, especially if one looks and works beyond the familiar horizon,” said Dr.-Ing. Peter Quadbeck, Group Manager Metal Hollow Spheres and Open-Cell Structures and project manager of ROXY at Fraunhofer IFAM.


“It has been a great opportunity to bring Abengoa's energy background and industrial experience to help develop clean metal production processes. It enables the development of exciting technologies for space exploration and in-situ resource utilization; setting the ground for integration with renewable energy production options to minimize their environmental footprint and increase their efficiency,”said Sonia de la Rosa, Head of the Aerospace Division of Abengoa.

Boston University

“It was gratifying to be part of the team that designed the inert anode and selected the materials for the reactor,” said Boston University Engineering Professor Uday Pal. “I look forward to continuing work on the next generation of the ROXY reactor and contributing to designing an exciting, advanced Green process.”

Pentagon pushes F-35 testing, full-rate production to 2021


Boeing cites grounding, COVID, 787 quality issues in 3Q/9 month loss


Boeing's press releases:

  • Financial results continue to be significantly impacted by COVID-19 and the 737 MAX grounding
  • Proactively managing liquidity and transforming for the future
  • Revenue of $14.1 billion, GAAP loss per share of ($0.79) and core (non-GAAP)* loss per share of ($1.39)
  • Operating cash flow of ($4.8) billion; cash and marketable securities of $27.1 billion
  • Total backlog of $393 billion, including more than 4,300 commercial airplanes

Key Airbus, Boeing supplier sees recovery in 2022


“Green light” from Pompeo for the F-35 go to Greece instead of Turkey


Russian Helicopters launches Mi-8 test operation program in Indonesia


press release

Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (U-UAP), as part of Russian Helicopters holding company, launched Mi-8/171 type helicopter test operation program, which is aimed at assessing the advantages of the helicopter’s real operation in conjunction with all available corporate support tools and implemented after sale services of Russian Helicopters holding company. The pilot project is being implemented in Indonesia, where two Mi-8AMT helicopters are already involved in firefighting operations.

Helicopters sent to the Republic of Indonesia with crew and technical staff of U-UAP were relocated to the island of Kalimantan almost immediately upon arrival to extinguish forest fires. In the future, the rotorcraft will be on operational duty on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

A contract with PT. National Utility Helicopters (PT. NUH), a utility helicopter operator in Indonesia with 50 years of experience in providing services for Indonesian Government as well as private companies, has become the pilot project of this program. The main task under the contract is to carry out firefighting operations in the region, as well as provide consulting services regarding the formation of its own air fleet of Indonesian operators for annual firefighting operations” said Leonid Belykh, managing director of U-UAP.

In the process of temporary use of helicopters, the customer gets the opportunity to consult the company’s specialists in 24/7 mode, access to a replacement fund and a fund of additional equipment.

It is worth noting, that one of the first Mi-171A2 helicopters manufactured by the enterprise, since 2018 has been participating in a test operation program at UTair-VU airline, where it successfully fulfills the tasks facing the operator and demonstrates high flight performances. The experience of the joint work of the manufacturer and the customer was reflected in the U-UAP helicopter test operation program for Indonesia.

Bell Joins Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium

press release

Encouraging the development of an integrated ecosystem of partners, Bell joins the Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium (CAAM) in its effort to establish Canada as a global leader in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). Announced Oct. 28, the multi-stakeholder group created by the Canadian Air Mobility and National Research Council of Canada (NRC) will streamline research, development and commercial operations in the AAM sector.

Bell’s Innovation teams are currently developing and testing the Autonomous Pod Transport (APT), a tail-sitting, eVTOL vehicle capable of moving 70 lbs of goods through autonomous flight. The groundwork for Bell’s innovative, new platform was developed in the Bell Textron Canada facility in Mirabel, Quebec.

Bell’s innovators in Fort Worth and Mirabel are working to create a new on-demand delivery solution for consumers, warfighters and medical personnel. In collaboration with NASA, APT recently flew a preprogrammed 10-mile circuit path in Fort Worth through complex air space, collecting detect and avoid data while demonstrating its beyond visible line of sight flight capabilities. The innovation team in Mirabel also played a key role in testing the rotating ducts for our Bell Nexus 4EX, which was showcased at CES 2020. With many more milestones to come, our team continues to develop unmanned technology to deliver impactful experiences for our communities, consumers and global businesses.

As an investing member of the CAAM, Bell is thrilled to lend expertise to industry and government partners to develop an integrated AAM ecosystem in Canada. Paving the way for innovation like APT entails close collaboration and an open conversation about the associated infrastructure, regulatory, operational and technology needs. Through these partnerships, Bell moves closer to redefining mobility and bringing advanced vertical lift solutions to urban regions, like Vancouver.

HeliEST, el nuevo servicio de transporte de pasajeros del Estrecho, unirá Málaga y Ceuta con 6 trayectos diarios

nota de prensa

  • Babcock España anuncia el lanzamiento de un nuevo servicio aéreo de traslado de pasajeros entre Málaga y Ceuta.
  • El nuevo servicio, con el nombre de HeliEST, enlazará Málaga y Ceuta con 6 trayectos diarios de lunes a viernes, en horario de mañana y tarde.
  • El serviciocontará con helicópteros de última generación, y los pilotos más cualificados del sector.
  • La Seguridad, el confort y la puntualidad garantizada, señas de identidadde HeliEST.


Madrid, 26de octubre de 2020.-HeliEST, el nuevo servicio de transporte de pasajeros de Babcock España, comienza a operar sus vuelos entre Málaga y Ceutadesde el próximo 12de noviembre, con 6 trayectos diarios, que permitirán enlazar las dos ciudades de manera segura, confortable y puntual. HeliEST, el nuevo servicio de transporte de pasajeros de Babcock España, contará a partir del 12noviembrecon un helicóptero Augusta AW139, de última generación, con capacidad para hasta 15 pasajeros, que conectará las ciudades de Málaga y Ceuta, en 6 trayectos diarios de lunes a viernes, en horarios de mañana y tarde. Está previsto que en 2021 se complete laflota con otros modelos de aeronave.Para Angel Rodero, Director Generalde Babcock en España, “HeliESTse pone a disposición de los pasajeros que quieran viajar de forma segura, confortabley con puntualidad garantizada entre Málaga y Ceuta, transportados en una aeronave de última generación y tripulada por pilotos altamente cualificados”. Babcock, suma este servicio de transporte de pasajeros a las líneas de negocio de Emergencias Aéreas y Protección Civil en las que ya es líder en España. En palabras de Paz Soriano, Responsable de Servicios de Transporte de Pasajeros en España“Tenemos una amplia experiencia de más de 40 años entransporte de pasajeros, en particular en helicóptero,transportando de forma segura y eficiente a más de 260.000 pasajeros al año en todo el mundo. Estamos orgullosos del servicio que prestamos a nuestros pasajeros, a través de operaciones que cuentan con la máxima seguridad en todo momento”. La venta de billetes se iniciael 26de octubre a través de la página web de HeliEST, www.HeliEST.es, así como de manera telefónica, y próximamente en sus oficinas en el aeropuerto de Málaga y en el helipuerto de Ceuta

El AirCar, de Klein Vision, quiere lanzarse a por el mercado


AirCar - The Flying Car Passed Flight Tests. Next Stop: Driving a New Market


AirCar (V5) is the latest generation flying car that transforms from road vehicle into air vehicle in less than 3-minutes. Useful for leisure and self-driving journeys, and also as a commercial taxi service, the dual mode transformation vehicle can go from driving to flying mode with the click of a button.


continue reading: https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/aircar-the-flying-car-passed-flight-tests-next-stop-driving-a-new-market-823321800.html

martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

Meeting of Secretaries of State for Defense on the European Next Generation Weapons System (NGWS / FCAS)


HOTR: With MAX nearing recertification, Boeing has bigger problem


The U.S. Air Force Special Mission C-130H Hercules Aircraft Which Fly Mosquito Control Aerial Spray Ops


U.S. Airlines 'Fighting For Survival' From Covid's Effects


Bombardier Unveils Plans for Australian Service Center


Nearly 200 European airports risk going bankrupt


Bella 01: medio avión medio zeppelin de los años 80-90



Navantia - Proyecto "Navegantes del Cambio" - Tamara Codón, Dir. de Desarrollo y Gestión del Cambio




Towards Climate-Neutral Aviation [pdf]

Read all about #EU flagship projects funded under #H2020 developing cutting-edge solutions towards #ClimateNeutralEU aviation, in the INEA - Innovation and Networks Executive Agency “Towards Climate-Neutral Aviation"

SECTION 1 : Disruptive airframe configurations

SECTION 2 : Sustainable aviation fuels

SECTION 3 : Hybrid-electric propulsion

SECTION 4 : Hydrogen Propulsion

SECTION 5: Lightweight Structures and Advanced Manufacturing Processes

SECTION 6 : Operations Impact on Climate Change

SECTION 7 : Air quality and noise


PDF File: https://ec.europa.eu/inea/sites/inea/files/towardsclimate-neutralaviation-2020_metadata.pdf



How May Hydrogen Propulsion Affect Hybrid-Electric Engine Development?



lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Il-96-400M: why is Russia developing yet another new wide-body?





The 400 Seat Passenger Plane With No Customers: The Il-96-400M  

Russia And China’s Plan To Compete Against Airbus And Boeing

Russian budget proposal cuts near-term subsidy for CR929


Embraer Delivers Seven Commercial and 21 Executive Jets in 3Q20

 press release

Embraer (NYSE: ERJ; B3: BOVESPA: EMBR3) delivered a total of 28 jets in the third quarter of 2020, of which seven were commercial aircraft and 21 were executive jets (19 light and 2 large). As of September 30, the firm order backlog totaled USD 15.1 billion. During the 3Q, Embraer Executive Jets reached the milestone of the 250th business jet in operation in Latin America with the delivery of a Phenom 100EV and a Phenom 300E to two separate Brazilian customers. In the same period, Embraer Executive Jets delivered the first Phenom 300E with the new Bossa Nova interior to Joe Howley, co-founder of Patient Airlift Services (PALS). Also in the third quarter, Helvetic Airways signed a commitment to convert four of their remaining firm orders to the larger E195-E2 aircraft. The original order, for 12 E190-E2s with purchase rights for a further 12, and conversion rights to E195-E2, was announced in September 2018. Embraer has so far delivered five E190-E2s to Helvetic Airways, and all deliveries of the remaining seven aircraft, including the four E195-E2s, will be completed before the end of 2021. In addition, during the period Bamboo Airways, from Vietnam, received and started operations with two first generation used E195 aircraft. See full Press Release at the document attached. Download

Boeing and University of Arizona Show Cleaning Tools and Techniques Effective Against COVID-19

 press release

  • Cleaning technologies and disinfecting solutions tested against a virus that is safe to humans inside an unoccupied Boeing airplane
  • Results show products, methods and technologies tested are effective 


In a first-of-its-kind series of tests, Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the University of Arizona determined airlines’ current cleaning solutions effectively destroy the virus that causes COVID-19. Boeing completed the testing as part of its Confident Travel Initiative (CTI) to support customers and enhance the safety and well-being of passengers and crews during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Testing was conducted on an unoccupied Boeing airplane against a live virus called MS2 over the summer. The University of Arizona, Department of Environmental Sciences correlated those results to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in a protected laboratory environment.

“While these cleaning solutions had been tested in other environments, an airplane behaves differently. It was critical for us to evaluate and confirm the chemicals and techniques we recommend for our customers’ use are effective and battle-tested,” said Mike Delaney, who leads Boeing's CTI efforts. “By working with the University of Arizona, we were able to employ their world-renowned expertise in virology to do exactly that.”

The bacteriophage virus MS2 is safe and harmless to humans and more difficult to kill than SARS-CoV-2. Scientific and industry studies have used the MS2 virus for many years, but never before in an airplane cabin. The University of Arizona provided the MS2 virus and analyzed test results.

“This study allowed us to test and validate, for the first time, that disinfecting solutions kill SARS-CoV-2 on an airplane,” said University of Arizona microbiologist Dr. Charles Gerba. “It’s important to recognize we’re not only talking about SARS-CoV-2, but also other viruses and microorganisms.”

The study placed MS2 at strategic high-touch points throughout the cabin, including on seat tray tables, arm rests, seat cushions, stowage bins and inside the lavatory and galley. Technicians disinfected each area with various products and technologies. Chemical disinfectants were applied through two means: manual wiping and with an electrostatic sprayer, a device that applies a fine spray of an approved liquid disinfectant. The tests also measured how well Boeing’s ultraviolet wand and antimicrobial coatings worked. Antimicrobials are long-lasting coatings that destroy germs and viruses on surfaces.

The University of Arizona analyzed each area post-disinfection to determine effectiveness. The results showed various levels of effectiveness, but ultimately all the recommended products, methods and technologies successfully destroyed the MS2 virus.

Boeing and the University of Arizona continue to test recommended cleaning methods in a lab against SARS-CoV-2 and other similar viruses to further validate their efficacy.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As the top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries and leverages the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.


Airbus delivers its first U.S.-assembled A220 from Mobile, Alabama

press release

Airbus has delivered its first U.S.-assembled A220 aircraft from Mobile, Alabama, underlining the aircraft manufacturer’s role as a global aircraft producer and heralding the arrival of a new era in Airbus aircraft production in the United States. The aircraft was delivered to Delta Air Lines.

“The delivery of the first U.S.-built A220-300 is a historic moment that highlights Airbus’ growing industrial footprint in North America and makes us all extremely proud,” said C. Jeffrey Knittel, Chairman & CEO Airbus Americas, Inc. “We look forward to seeing passengers delighted by the experience of travelling on board this brand new A220-300 proudly built in Mobile, Alabama.”

Several milestones led up to this historic moment. From the groundbreaking of the Mobile A220 Final Assembly Line in January 2019, through the official start of A220 production in August 2019, and the inaugural flight of this aircraft in June, the A220 teams in Mirabel (Quebec) and Mobile worked closely together to make the A220 production in the U.S. a success.

“Handing over the first U.S-assembled aircraft to a U.S.-based customer is a real point of pride for the A220 programme,” said Philippe Balducchi, leading the A220 programme. “This delivery is the first of many to come and shows the strong collaborative spirit between the A220 Programme teams globally.”

To date, approximately 400 U.S. employees have been trained on A220 production - some in Mirabel, Quebec, Canada, where the A220 program and primary final assembly line are located. A year ago, the first U.S. based A220 production team, comprised of experienced and new team members, began assembling A220s in Mobile.

Delta Air Lines is currently the largest A220 customer, with a total of 95 A220 aircraft on order, and will be the first A220 operator in the Americas to be operating both A220-100 and A220-300 aircraft types.

Benefitting from the latest technologies, the A220 is the quietest, cleanest and most eco- friendly aircraft in its category. Featuring a 50% reduced noise footprint compared to previous generation aircraft, 25% lower fuel burn per seat and 50% lower NOx emissions than industry standards, the A220 is a great aircraft for neighborhood airports. Being a clean-sheet design, the A220 offers unrivalled operational efficiency and 25% lower operating costs per seat compared to previous generation aircraft.

As of end September 2020, 123 A220s have been delivered to seven operators and are being flown on routes in Asia, America, Europe and Africa, proving the great versatility of Airbus’ latest family member.


Spirit buys Bombardier’s aerostructures (Belfast & Casablanca) in amended pact

Spirit's press release

WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SPR) (the "Company") today announced that it entered into an amendment (the "Amendment") to the definitive agreement between Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. ("Spirit") and Spirit AeroSystems Global Holdings Limited ("Spirit UK"), wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company, and Bombardier Inc., Bombardier Aerospace UK Limited, Bombardier Finance Inc. and Bombardier Services Corporation (collectively, the "Bombardier Sellers") pursuant to which Spirit UK will acquire the outstanding equity of Short Brothers plc ("Shorts") and Bombardier Aerospace North Africa SAS ("BANA"), and Spirit will acquire substantially all the assets of the maintenance, repair and overhaul business in Dallas, Texas and assume certain liabilities of Shorts and BANA (the "Acquisition").

The Amendment reduces the net proceeds purchase price payable to the Bombardier Sellers from $500 million to $275 million. Spirit will continue to make a special contribution of £100 million (approximately $130 million) to the Shorts pension scheme on the first anniversary of closing. On a U.S. GAAP basis, the net pension liabilities of the Shorts pension scheme to be assumed by Spirit are approximately $300 million (measured as of September 30, 2020). Shorts is also a party to a repayable investment agreement with the UK's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Spirit will, at closing, assume Shorts' financial payment obligations under this agreement, which are approximately $290 million on a U.S. GAAP basis (measured as of September 30, 2020). At signing on October 31, 2019, Spirit reported that the Acquisition had a total enterprise valuation of $1,090 million. The Amendment reduces the total enterprise valuation to $865 million.

"This acquisition accelerates our strategic transformation by increasing our Airbus content with the A220 composite wing and growing our aftermarket business," said Spirit AeroSystems President and Chief Executive Officer Tom Gentile. "The transaction secures Spirit's position as the world's leader in composite structures for aircraft and as one of the leaders in integrated wing technologies. As with the rest of the aerostructures industry, performance will be adversely impacted due to COVID-19 for the coming years, but we worked closely with Bombardier on a mutually agreeable price reduction that mitigates this impact. Going forward, we look forward to becoming one of Bombardier's largest suppliers."

As of today's date, the conditions to the closing of the Acquisition have been satisfied. The parties expect to close the Acquisition on Oct. 30, 2020.

On the web: www.spiritaero.com
On Twitter: @SpiritAero

About Spirit AeroSystems Inc.
Spirit AeroSystems designs and builds aerostructures for both commercial and defense customers. With headquarters in Wichita, Kansas, Spirit operates sites in the U.S., U.K., France and Malaysia. The company's core products include fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing components for the world's premier aircraft. Spirit AeroSystems focuses on affordable, innovative composite and aluminum manufacturing solutions to support customers around the globe. More information is available at www.SpiritAero.com.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that may involve many risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "aim," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "continue," "estimate," "expect," "goal," "forecast," "intend," "may," "might," "objective," "outlook," "plan," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would," and other similar words, or phrases, or the negative thereof, unless the context requires otherwise. These statements reflect management's current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown. Our actual results may vary materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements. We caution investors not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in such forward-looking statements and that should be considered in evaluating our outlook include, without limitation, the timing and conditions surrounding the return to service of the 737 MAX and any related impacts on our production rate; our reliance on Boeing for a significant portion of our revenues; our ability to execute our growth strategy, including our ability to complete and integrate our announced Bombardier acquisition; our ability to accurately estimate and manage performance, cost, and revenue under our contracts; demand for our products and services and the effect of economic or geopolitical conditions in the industries and markets in which we operate in the U.S. and globally; our ability to manage our liquidity, borrow additional funds or refinance debt; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and operations, including on the demand for our and our customers' products and services, on trade and transport restrictions, on the global aerospace supply chain, on our ability to retain the skilled work force necessary for production and development and generally on our ability to effectively manage the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business operations; and other factors disclosed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors are not exhaustive and it is not possible for us to predict all factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in our forward-looking statements. These factors speak only as of the date hereof, and new factors may emerge or changes to the foregoing factors may occur that could impact our business. Except to the extent required by law, we undertake no obligation to, and expressly disclaim any obligation to, publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

SOURCE Spirit AeroSystems



Bombardier press release



  • All closing conditions have been met and the parties have agreed on an October 30, 2020 closing date
  • Total transaction valued at ~ $1.2 billion1; cash proceeds now expected to be
  • $275 million
  • Sale supports Bombardier’s repositioning as a pure-play business jet company and further strengthens liquidity

All amounts in this press release are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.

Bombardier (TSX: BBD.B) announced today it has entered into an amended definitive agreement to sell its aerostructures business to Spirit AeroSystems Holding, Inc. (Spirit), supporting Bombardier’s strategic decision to reposition itself as a pure-play business aircraft company. This transaction is set to close on October 30, 2020 as all closing conditions have been met.

Under the amended agreement, Spirit will acquire Bombardier’s aerostructures activities and aftermarket services operations in Belfast, U.K.; Casablanca, Morocco; and its aerostructures maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility in Dallas, U.S. for cash consideration of $275 million, Spirit’s assumption of liabilities, including government refundable advances and pension obligations, valued at $824 million, as well as certain adjustments to the parties’ trading agreements favourable to Bombardier.

“Today’s announcement marks another milestone towards achieving our strategic goal of repositioning Bombardier as a pure-play business jet company,” said Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc. “We are very excited about our future as a more focused Company. The proceeds from this transaction and from the pending sale of Bombardier Transportation strengthen our liquidity and position us to begin reshaping our capital structure and address our balance sheet challenges so that we can achieve the full potential of our incredibly talented employees and our industry leading business jet portfolio.”

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