viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

China downgrades its Chengdu J-20 'stealth' fighter to 4th Generation but claims IAF Rafales no match for it

Why the Boeing vs. Airbus fight is coming to a head

British Airways owner IAG says crisis worst in its history. Situation won't take off until 2023

EASA publishes Proposed Special Condition Light UAS | EASA published FAQs on European drones regulation

European Aviation Associations and EASA join to promote harmonised safe air travel during COVID-19

EASA publishes new AMCs on development assurance for airborne electronic hardware and management of open problem reports

EASA publishes Annual Safety Review (ASR) - 2020

Gyrocopter-Helicopter Hybrid: Airial Robotics sets out to change global commercial drone market

"Our Gyrotrak technology is a disruptive hybrid UAV solution, somewhere between helicopter and autogyro. The innovative combination of the advantages of both systems creates such a unique and special technical platform, that it leaves the current industry standards behind it… continue reading:

Bjorn’s Corner: The challenges of Hydrogen

Which Companies Are Competing In The Supersonic Flight Race?


Sabrewing Aims To Start Flight Tests for Rhaegal eVTOLs | EHang Selects Main eVTOL Factory Site

GULFSTREAM G700 FLIGHT-TEST PROGRAM: All-New Aircraft Surpasses Testing Milestones, Speed And Altitude Limits

SAVANNAH, Georgia, July 28, 2020 — Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. today announced the all-new, industry flagship Gulfstream G700™ flight-test program is making progress with a number of accomplishments in testing and performance. The G700, introduced in October 2019, boasts the industry’s most spacious cabin with the highest speeds at the longest range.

The G700 has flown more than 100 test flights, recently completed company flutter testing and expanded the flight envelope at both high and low speeds. As part of Gulfstream’s testing efforts, the aircraft also flew beyond its maximum operating speed and cruise altitude, reaching Mach 0.99 and an altitude of 54,000 feet/16,459 meters. In typical operations, the G700 has a maximum operating speed of Mach 0.925 and a maximum cruise altitude of 51,000 ft/15,545 m.

“These accomplishments at this stage in flight test point to the impressive maturity of the G700 program,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. “We designed and developed the G700 for our customers to fly safely, securely and efficiently while enjoying the same level of comfort as they do on the ground. With the largest galley in the industry, the utmost in technology, and the finest, freshest cabin environment, the G700 unlocks new opportunities in business-jet travel.”

With 100% fresh, never recirculated air, an industry-leading low cabin altitude, whisper-quiet noise levels, and the option for the industry’s only true circadian lighting system, the cabin on the G700 boosts wellness and rejuvenates passengers. The cabin also features 20 Gulfstream panoramic oval windows in up to five living areas and the Gulfstream-exclusive ultragalley with more than 10 ft/3 m of counterspace, as well as a master suite option with stand-up shower.

The G700 is powered by Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engines and can fly at its high-speed cruise of Mach 0.90 for 6,400 nautical miles/11,853 kilometers or at its long-range cruise of Mach 0.85 for 7,500 nm/13,890 km. The G700 also includes the Gulfstream Symmetry Flight Deck™ with the industry’s only electronically linked active control sidesticks; the most extensive use of touch-screen technology in business aviation; and Gulfstream’s award-winning Predictive Landing Performance System.


Inspired by the belief that aviation could fuel business growth, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. invented the first purpose-built business aircraft, the Gulfstream I™, which first flew in 1958. Since then, Gulfstream has produced more than 2,900 aircraft for customers around the world. Together with parent company General Dynamics, Gulfstream consistently invests in the future, dedicating resources to researching and developing innovative new aircraft, technologies and services. Gulfstream’s fleet includes the super-midsize Gulfstream G280™, the award-winning Gulfstream G650™, the high-performing Gulfstream G650ER™ and an all-new aircraft family, the clean-sheet Gulfstream G500™, Gulfstream G600™ and new industry flagship, the Gulfstream G700™. All are backed by Gulfstream’s Customer Support network and its worldwide team. Visit our website at

More information about General Dynamics is available at

Hurricane Hunters fly first Pacific hurricane

Hurricane Hunters fly first Pacific hurricane

By Lt. Col. Marnee A.C. Losurdo, 403rd Wing Public Affairs / Published July 28, 2020

The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrews flew five weather reconnaissance missions into Hurricane Douglas, the season’s first hurricane in the Pacific Ocean, July 24-27, collecting data to assist Central Pacific Hurricane Center forecasters.

The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, assigned to the 403rd Wing, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, departed their home base, July 22, began flying missions into Hurricane Douglas from Kalaeloa Airport, July 24, and then moved operations to Kona International Airport, Hawaii, July 26, to get out of the path of the storm, and finished their last mission, July 27.

Douglas, which peaked as a Category 4 storm July 24 and began weakening throughout that day, is expected to continue to do so as it approaches the Hawaiian Islands and is projected to impact the islands until late Monday, according to the CPHC in Honolulu. When the Hurricane Hunters flew the storm July 26, it was Category 2.

The information the 53rd WRS collects assists forecasters, because while satellites do provide a lot of information, they don’t provide everything, said Maj. Grant Wagner, 53rd WRS mission commander for the weather deployment.

“The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are data-sparse environments as they lack radar and weather balloons in the area,” Wagner said. “We are able to get into the storm, find the center, and get that ground-truth data that assists with movement and intensity forecasts. The data we collect can improve a forecast by anywhere from 15-25%.”

During a tropical storm or hurricane, a 53rd WRS aircrew, consisting of two pilots, an aerial reconnaissance weather officer, navigator and loadmaster, usually flies through the eye of a storm at about 10,000 feet four to six times, although on July 26, the crew flew through five times, said Maj. Tobi Baker, 53rd WRS ARWO, who directed the crew to the true center of the storm. During each pass through the eye, crews release a dropsonde, a meteorological instrument that collects temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, and barometric pressure data as it descends to the ocean surface.

The aircraft also collects surface wind speed and flight-level data. This information is transmitted continuously throughout the flight to the NHC and CPHC to assist them with their forecasts and storm warnings.

“The data that’s provided by the Hurricane Hunters is very valuable,” said Eric Lau, Pacific Region National Weather Service meteorologist. “That ground-truth data really helps forecasters here; having the most up-to-date information on the storm helps us to provide the best forecast possible.”

In the initial stages of a storm, 53rd WRS crews will typically fly about every 12 hours, and as it approaches land, they will start to fly every six hours, Baker said.

Baker and his hurricane hunting counterparts are part of a unit that is the only Department of Defense organization still flying into tropical storms and hurricanes, a mission that began in 1944.

The squadron’s operations area ranges from the 55 longitude line in the Atlantic Ocean to the International Dateline in the Pacific Ocean. While other C-130 units receive taskings from the geographic combatant commander they support or the Air Force Reserve Command for training missions, the 53rd WRS receives their taskings from the National Hurricane Center, a Department of Commerce agency.

Through an interagency agreement, tropical weather reconnaissance is governed by the National Hurricane Operations Plan, which requires the squadron to support 24 hours-a-day continuous operations with the ability to fly up to three storms simultaneously and with a response time of 16 hours. To accomplish this, the squadron has 10 full time and 10 part-time Reserve aircrews available to fly 10 WC-130J Super Hercules to meet weather-reconnaissance taskings.

This was the case July 22-27, as it was a busy week for the Air Force Reserve squadron. In addition to deploying three aircraft and crews to fly Hurricane Douglas, the Hurricane Hunters also conducted recon operations into Hurricane Hanna, the first hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, with three aircraft flying out of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, and flew Tropical Storm Gonzalo in the Gulf of Mexico, operating out of Keesler AFB. Hanna made landfall in south Texas as a Category 1 July 25 and Gonzalo dissipated July 26 over the southeastern Caribbean Sea, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

Regardless of the challenges associated with the mission and its many moving parts, Baker said he enjoys the job because it helps people.

“These models and experience of the forecasters play into the creation of early watches and warnings of the people these storms effect,” he said. “Our small part plays a vital role in the emergency management system, which in turn affects everyone in the path of such storms.”

The risks they take though, do not go unnoticed.

“We really appreciate the risk that the Hurricane Hunters take to fly into these storms,” Lau said. “Their data provides the foundation to help us with our mission of protecting life and property.”

Fixar tilting engines fixed-wing-quadcopter VTOL Drone: Revolutionary Drone Approved For Advanced Flights in Canada

Transport Canada has approved FIXAR’s revolutionary drone design for flights in Canada, meaning the FIXAR can start flying missions in controlled airspace and near people – opening the skies to commercial and industrial clients. This breakthrough occurs as the company officially launches its product in the North American market.

The approval means that Transport Canada is satisfied the FIXAR drone meets federal requirements in accordance with Part IX of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and that this Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) is suitable for Advanced Operations in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace in Canada.

“We are thrilled with this approval – and to bring the unique FIXAR VTOL solution to North America,” says Vasily Lukashov, FIXAR CEO and inventor. “This design has all of the benefits of both quadcopter and fixed-wing drones, with none of their downsides.”

The FIXAR takes off like a helicopter and flies like an airplane. Technically, this is referred to as a Fixed-Wing Vertical Take-off and Landing device, or VTOL. It’s a design that offers the convenience of a quadcopter but has the range and efficiency associated with a traditional winged design. It can take off and land anywhere, and no cumbersome launchers or capture devices are required.

Most VTOL drones with wings require that the angle of the motors change when transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight. FIXAR uses a patented Fixed Angle Rotor system, meaning fewer moving parts or potential points of failure. Transitions are seamless, and all motors are in use throughout missions. Unlike designs that shut down motors during forward flight, the FIXAR has no “dead weight.”

This configuration, in conjunction with its two-kilogram payload capacity, makes the FIXAR ideal for a multitude of tasks. These tasks include: Aerial photography and mapping/photogrammetry, laser scanning (LiDAR), last-mile delivery, precision agriculture, critical infrastructure monitoring and more.

“These drones have a simple but superb design, something I appreciate as a professional commercial pilot,” says Philippe Saint-Martin, who is the FIXAR distributor for Canada. “The moment I saw one of these flies, I knew they would fill an obvious void in the RPAS world.”

The FIXAR drones, designed by Vasily Lukashov and manufactured in Latvia, also utilize Closed-Source software and proprietary hardware for additional safety and security, including data integrity. The product offers a stable and reliable platform that’s already gaining interest from service providers globally.

Flapping wing drones show off their skills

Strange metals: New state of matter shares properties with black holes

Laser Inversion Enables Multi-Materials 3D Printing

New York, NY—July 27, 2020—Additive manufacturing—or 3D printing—uses digital manufacturing processes to fabricate components that are light, strong, and require no special tooling to produce. Over the past decade, the field has experienced staggering growth, at a rate of more than 20% per year, printing pieces that range from aircraft components and car parts to medical and dental implants out of metals and engineering polymers. One of the most widely used manufacturing processes, selective laser sintering (SLS), prints parts out of micron-scale material powders using a laser: the laser heats the particles to the point where they fuse together to form a solid mass.

“Additive manufacturing is key to economic resilience,” say Hod Lipson, James and Sally Scapa Professor of Innovation (Mechanical Engineering). “All of us care about this technology—it’s going to save us. But there’s a catch.”

The catch is that SLS technologies have been limited to printing with a single material at a time: the entire part has to be made of just that one powder. “Now, let me ask you,” Lipson continues, “how many products are made of just one material? The limitations of printing in only one material has been haunting the industry and blocking its expansion, preventing it from reaching its full potential.”

Wondering how to solve this challenge, Lipson and his PhD student John Whitehead used their expertise in robotics to develop a new approach to overcome these SLS limitations. By inverting the laser so that it points upwards, they invented a way to enable SLS to use—at the same time—multiple materials. Their working prototype, along with a print sample that contained two different materials in the same layer, was recently published online by Additive Manufacturing as part of its December 2020 issue.

“Our initial results are exciting,” says Whitehead, the study’s lead author, “because they hint at a future where any part can be fabricated at the press of a button, where objects ranging from simple tools to more complex systems like robots can be removed from a printer fully formed, without the need for assembly.”

Selective laser sintering traditionally has involved fusing together material particles using a laser pointing downward into a heated print bed. A solid object is built from the bottom up, with the printer placing down a uniform layer of powder and using the laser to selectively fuse some material in the layer. The printer then deposits a second layer of powder onto the first layer, the laser fuses new material to the material in the previous layer, and the process is repeated over and over until the part is completed.

This process works well if there is just one material used in the printing process. But using multiple materials in a single print has been very challenging, because once the powder layer is deposited onto the bed, it cannot be unplaced, or replaced with a different powder.

“Also,” adds Whitehead, “in a standard printer, because each of the successive layers placed down are homogeneous, the unfused material obscures your view of the object being printed, until you remove the finished part at the end of the cycle. Think about excavation and how you can’t be sure the fossil is intact until you completely remove it from the surrounding dirt. This means that a print failure won’t necessarily be found until the print is completed, wasting time and money.”

he researchers decided to find a way to eliminate the need for a powder bed entirely. They set up multiple transparent glass plates, each coated with a thin layer of a different plastic powder. They lowered a print platform onto the upper surface of one of the powders, and directed a laser beam up from below the plate and through the plate’s bottom. This process selectively sinters some powder onto the print platform in a pre-programmed pattern according to a virtual blueprint. The platform is then raised with the fused material, and moved to another plate, coated with a different powder, where the process is repeated. This allows multiple materials to either be incorporated into a single layer, or stacked. Meanwhile, the old, used-up plate is replenished.

In the paper, the team demonstrated their working prototype by generating a 50 layer thick, 2.18mm sample out of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) powder with an average layer height of 43.6 microns and a multi-material nylon and TPU print with an average layer height of 71 microns. These parts demonstrated both the feasibility of the process and the capability to make stronger, denser materials by pressing the plate hard against the hanging part while sintering.

“This technology has the potential to print embedded circuits, electromechanical components, and even robot components. It could make machine parts with graded alloys, whose material composition changes gradually from end to end, such as a turbine blade with one material used for the core and different material used for the surface coatings,” Lipson notes. “We think this will expand laser sintering towards a wider variety of industries by enabling the fabrication of complex multi-material parts without assembly. In other words, this could be key to moving the additive manufacturing industry from printing only passive uniform parts, towards printing active integrated systems.”

The researchers are now experimenting with metallic powders and resins in order to directly generate parts with a wider range of mechanical, electrical, and chemical properties than is possible with conventional SLS systems today.

Swiss eVTOL Dufour completes first phase of VTOL tech demonstrator flight testing

Building on our experience in manned electric flight with our aerobatic plane aEro 1, we are proud to announce that we have completed the first phase of flight testing of our VTOL technology demonstrator aircraft. Over the course of 550 test flights, expanding the flight envelope incrementally, we have demonstrated a high degree of stability and control in all conditions, including transitions from hover to cruise and back again.

Inspired by Canadair’s pioneering work fifty years ago with the CL-84, our research has shown that tilt-wing convertible aircraft offer a high degree of safety and efficiency.

Felix Rubin, lead engineer for aerodynamics, commented, “At larger scales, slipstream airflows over tilting wings become more turbulent and harder to predict, and care is needed to ensure that the aircraft remains stable during transition. With this large-scale unmanned aircraft, we’ve now been able to demonstrate that we can achieve that stability at high Reynolds numbers.”

Jasmine Kent, CTO, commented, “From our simulations, we expected that our proprietary tilt-wing control system, developed over the last two years in collaboration with ETH Zurich, would perform well. But it’s encouraging to see that its performance and stability exceeded our expectations.”

Thomas Pfammatter, CEO, commented, “I’m proud that the team has been able to build on the electric propulsion technology and flight test processes we pioneered with aEro 1. We now have solid experience with both manned electric fixed-wing and eVTOL technology. As a helicopter rescue pilot, I’m looking forward to bringing these together.”

We are always looking for passionate individuals to join us on our mission to accelerate sustainable aviation.

Boom Supersonic teams with Rolls-Royce on world's fastest civil aircraft | Spirit Aero To Expand Work on Aerion Supersonic AS2

Spirit Aero To Expand Work on Aerion Supersonic AS2

FIAConnect 2020 - news round-up and analysis

jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

Airbus Calls For Europe To Strengthen Defense Budgets Post-COVID-19

Interview with Greg Hayes, Raytheon Technologies' CEO

Raytheon Technologies is defining the future of aerospace and defense

Sabena technics and Singapore Component Solutions will provide repair and upgrades for Honeywell’s Air Cycle Machine on ATR 42 and 72 platforms.

Lockheed Martin Technology Protects NASA's Mars 2020 Mission

Safran Helicopter Engines and ZF Aviation Technology strengthen partnership within the European engine market

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

Airbus' new eVTOL that aims to usher in an era of flying taxis just took its first public flight – take a look at CityAirbus

A stowaway helicopter on NASA’s Mars rover will attempt the first flight on another world

Boeing, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Partner on State of the Art Upgrades to Japan’s F-15J fleet

Boeing and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) recently signed a Direct Commercial Sale agreement to support upgrades to Japan’s F-15J fleet.

The contract is part of a larger $4.5 billion modernization program, announced by the U.S. Government in October 2019. The upgrades will introduce state-of-the-art electronic warfare and weapons. An all-new advanced cockpit system, running on the world’s most advanced mission computer, will deliver pilots enhanced situational awareness.

Under the agreement, Boeing will provide MHI with retrofit drawings, ground support equipment and technical publications for the upgrade of the first two F-15J aircraft to the Japan Super Interceptor configuration.

Boeing has partnered with MHI in the defense arena since the 1950s. MHI produced under license the current Japan F-15J fleet of over 200 aircraft between 1980 and 2000, and will serve as prime contractor for the upgrade. Sojitz Corporation, a trading company that works with Boeing’s team in Japan, will support this effort.

“Through this agreement, Boeing is honored to further our long-standing tradition of support for Japan’s Ministry of Defense, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, and MHI,” said Will Shaffer, Boeing Japan President. “These upgrades will deliver critical capability for national and collective self-defense, in which the F-15J plays a key role. At the same time, they will provide MHI and our partners in Japan’s aerospace defense industry with an opportunity to enhance their own extensive engineering capabilities.”

This DCS contract lays the foundation of the modernization program. MHI will develop the detailed modification plan for the jets and prepare the facilities and workforce for the induction and upgrade of up to 98 aircraft beginning in 2022.

Airbus takes final step to end long-standing WTO dispute and U.S. tariffs

Airbus has agreed with the governments of France and Spain to make amendments to the A350 Repayable Launch Investment (RLI) contracts. After 16 years of litigation at the World Trade Organisation (WTO), this is the final step to stop the long-standing dispute and removes any justification for U.S. tariffs.

The tariffs imposed by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) are currently harming all targeted industry sectors, including U.S. airlines, and are adding to a very difficult environment as a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis. This is why Airbus has decided to make a final step to remove the last contentious point and amend the French and Spanish contracts to what the WTO considers the appropriate interest rate and risk assessment benchmarks. The WTO has already ruled that RLI is a valid instrument for governments to partner with industry by sharing investment risks. With this final move, Airbus considers itself in complete compliance with all WTO rulings.

“We have fully complied with all the WTO requirements. These additional amendments to the A350 RLIs demonstrate that Airbus has left no stone unturned to find a way towards a solution,” said Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury. “This is a clear signal of support to those who are suffering from the severe impact of the tariffs imposed by the USTR, especially at a time when industries are hard hit by the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.”

AEROTEC se convierte en un centro autorizado de mantenimiento y aeronavegabilidad de Tecnam

Nota de prensa

Nuestro taller de mantenimiento EASA parte 145 recibe por parte de Tecnam la aprobación como centro oficial de mantenimiento de su marca

AEROTEC podrá revisar, mantener y reparar a toda su flota Tecnam en su taller

AEROTEC escuela de pilotos ha sido reconocido oficialmente por el fabricante aeronáutico Tecnam como centro de mantenimiento autorizado para garantizar la aeronavegabilidad de sus aeronaves.

Dicho certificado nos permite reparar, revisar y mantener todos los modelos de Tecnam con los que cuenta nuestra flota actualmente, es decir, los Tecnam P2008 y Tecnam P2006T. Dichos modelos son la parte más moderna de nuestra flota, y es de esperar que su número aumente a medida que actualizamos nuestros aviones.

Al acceder de manera directa al fabricante de nuestras aeronaves, AEROTEC puede tratar en su centro de mantenimiento propio toda indidencia con las mismas, asegurando su máxima disponibilidad para nuestros alumnos: No sólo es cuestión de contar con un gran número de aviones, si no de todos ellos estén en condiciones de volar lo antes posible, de ahí nuestra filosofía de encargarnos de nuestro propio mantenimiento.

[video] Virgin Galactic Spaceship Cabin Design Reveal

VSR700 Helicopter prototype performs first autonomous free flight

Marignane, 28 July 2020 - The prototype of Airbus Helicopters’ VSR700 unmanned aerial system (UAS) has performed its first free flight. The VSR700 performed a ten minute flight at a drone test centre near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France.

This is a significant step in the programme following the first flight in November 2019 when the prototype was tethered to comply with regulatory requirements. To enable this free flight, Airbus Helicopters implemented geofencing, a virtual perimeter, which enabled and justified a flight clearance from airworthiness authorities for free flight. The flight test programme will now evolve to progressively open the flight envelope.

“The free flight achieved by the VSR700 is a major step leading up to the sea trials that will be performed at the end of 2021 as part of the de-risking studies for the French Navy’s future drone,” said Bruno Even, Airbus Helicopters CEO. “Thanks to the French PlanAero, the programme will make full use of two demonstrators and an optionally piloted vehicle to develop and mature the technical and operational aspects for successful UAS operations in a naval environment.”

The VSR700, derived from Hélicoptères Guimbal’s Cabri G2, is an unmanned aerial system in the 500-1000 kg maximum take-off weight range. It offers the best balance of payload capability, endurance and operational cost. It is capable of carrying multiple full-size naval sensors for extended periods and can operate from existing ships, alongside a helicopter, with a low logistical footprint.

This VSR700 prototype has evolved over the last nine months since its maiden flight. The programme implemented the geofencing function, as well as a Flight Termination System allowing the mission to be ended if necessary. Modifications have equally been performed to the air vehicle, alongside autopilot software evolutions and updates, as well as structural modifications and reinforcements.

[España] Indra se incorpora como contratista del Estudio de Concepto del FCAS

  • Firma una enmienda al contrato que iniciaron Dassault Aviation y Airbus D&S GmbH en 2019 para tener el mismo papel que estos y para que la industria española se incorpore a los trabajos del Estudio de Concepto Conjunto del programa NGWS/FCAS
  • Alcanza acuerdos industriales internacionales que le permiten consolidar su posición en la fase de demostradores, en la que liderará el pilar transversal de coherencia entre pilares/SIMLAB, liderará el pilar de Sensores y FCMS y participará como socio principal en la Nube de Combate

Indra, una de las principales compañías globales de tecnología y consultoría, ha reforzado su participación en el programa europeo de Defensa NGWS/FCAS (New Generation Weapon System/Future Combat Air System), al incorporarse formalmente a la ejecución de los trabajos del Estudio de Concepto Conjunto (Joint Concept Study – JCS) que iniciaron Francia y Alemania en febrero de 2019.

Indra ha firmado una enmienda contractual que sitúa a la compañía como contratista del Estudio de Concepto Conjunto, junto a los coordinadores nacionales de Francia (Dassault) y Alemania (Airbus). Como órgano de contratación ha firmado la DGA francesa, que actúa en representación de los Ministerios de Defensa de Francia, Alemania y España.

Con esta enmienda se materializa el acuerdo que Indra ya tenía cerrado con Dassault y Airbus, que supone la incorporación definitiva de la industria española al Estudio de Concepto, y un notable paso adelante en la participación industrial española en el programa NGWS/FCAS, habilitando la intervención del resto de los líderes españoles del programa: Airbus, ITP y SATNUS.

Indra afianza así su papel de coordinador de la industria española en el programa y representante de la misma frente a los coordinadores industriales de Francia y Alemania.

El Estudio de Concepto Conjunto tiene la ambición de investigar y definir capacidades y arquitecturas comunes para el sistema de sistemas NGWS, definir y actualizar las hojas de ruta de desarrollos de tecnología que se necesitan para alcanzar los objetivos funcionales y operativos y establecer el marco programático para todas las fases de ejecución del programa.

Además de este logro en el Estudio de Concepto, Indra ha avanzado en otras vías reforzando su posición como líder español de cuatro de los ocho pilares en los que se ha estructurado el programa. La compañía ha firmado acuerdos industriales internacionales para liderar junto Dassault y Airbus los dos pilares transversales (el citado de Estudio de Concepto del sistema y el de coherencia entre pilares), para liderar el Pilar de Sensores trabajando con Thales y FCMS y para participar como socio principal, al igual que Thales, en la Nube de Combate liderada por Airbus en Alemania.

El papel de Indra como coordinador en el programa NGWS/FCAS tiene como objetivo asegurar que la industria española alcance el máximo nivel de participación. Su desarrollo generará altas dosis de conocimiento y valor añadido para las empresas españolas y les proporcionará la oportunidad de desarrollar productos punteros, tanto en el ámbito de la defensa como en el civil. La nominación de Indra como coordinador nacional industrial del programa asegura el máximo retorno del programa para la industria española y la soberanía sobre las tecnologías desarrolladas por sus empresas.

El compromiso de Indra como coordinador nacional español es que exista el máximo retorno y de la más alta calidad del programa NGWS/FCAS para toda la industria española (de Defensa y civil). Todo ello en forma de generación de negocio, desarrollo de su capacidad exportadora, creación de tecnologías utilizables también en el ámbito civil y generación de empleo de alto valor.

Indra, como coordinador nacional, representará los intereses de toda la industria nacional respetando la independencia de las distintas empresas que participen en el proyecto y reforzando su posición en relación con las empresas de las demás naciones partícipes.

Está estimado que el programa generará en las próximas décadas inversiones de miles de millones de euros tanto en la fase de desarrollo, como posteriormente en la de producción. Las primeras estimaciones hablan de un potencial valor económico del programa de 300.000 millones de euros en los próximos 40 años.

Embraer Develops Cargo Transportation Solutions for Commercial Aircraft

São José dos Campos, Brazil – July 24, 2020 – With the significant decline in the number of airline passengers and the booming demand for air cargo capacity, Embraer has developed cargo transportation solutions for its line of commercial aircraft. With fewer commercial flights, which carry both passengers and freight, there’s a critical need for more cargo space.

“Embraer’s engineers rose to the challenge when our customers asked them if they could find a way for their Embraer airplanes to carry more cargo payload,” explained Johann Bordais, President & CEO, Embraer Services & Support. “Today, customers can choose from a portfolio of solutions to carry cargo in the cabins of their EMB 120s, ERJ 145s, and E-Jets.”

ANAC, Brazil’s civil aviation regulatory authority, has granted exemption for the carriage of additional freight on Embraer passenger aircraft. Embraer published Technical Dispositions for the ERJ 145 and E-Jets families of commercial jets, including the E-Jets E2s, which explain how to accommodate cabin freight. A Service Bulletin is available for the EMB 120.

In addition to placing small packages in overhead bins and stowage compartments, cargo items can be placed on each seat, subject to certain restrictions. The payload capacity is significant. For example, a fully loaded 96-seat E190 can carry 6,720 lb (3 metric tonnes) of cabin freight in addition to under floor cargo. A 118-seat E195 can carry 8,260 lb (3.75 metric tonnes).

Customers can opt for a floor-mounted freight configuration if their cargo cannot fit on passenger seats. This solution permits the removal of up to 70% of the passenger seats, with the remaining areas accommodating for items on the cabin floor. Freight must be contained in approved netting that attaches to the inboard and outboard seat tracks. This solution has already been developed for a first generation E195 jet for Azul Cargo, in Brazil. Cabin payload capacity for the ERJ145 is up to 1,750 lb (0.8 metric tonnes) and up to 5,194 lb (2.36 metric tons) for the E190-E2. For customers needing even more capacity, Embraer may offer a Service Bulletin for full cargo configurations, as has been done for the EMB 120. These layouts give operators the flexibility to carry larger floor-mounted freight items in the cabin.

Cabin Interior Cargo Solutions

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

Boeing Statement on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency CO2 Rule for Aircraft

International industry collaboration on future combat air capability | BAE Systems | International 

Press release

UK, Sweden and Italy have begun trilateral industry discussions to strengthen collaboration between the three nations, as they develop world-leading future combat air capability.
The new trilateral framework sees industry from the three nations bringing together their skills and expertise in the combat air sector to collaborate on the research and development of cutting-edge technologies.
The three national industries comprise leading defence companies from the UK (BAE Systems, Leonardo UK, Rolls Royce and MBDA UK), Italy (Leonardo Italy, Elettronica, Avio Aero and MBDA Italia) and Sweden (Saab and GKN Aerospace Sweden).
Today's announcement builds on bilateral discussions which have taken place between the UK and Swedish and Italian industries and establishes a trilateral industry group. Together, the companies will assess common routes to future combat air capability using their know-how, expertise and technology development activities across current and future combat air systems.
This framework is another step on the path towards a full agreement between these national industries to formalise areas of joint collaboration on future combat air systems development.
These national industries each directly employ tens of thousands of people and support many more highly skilled jobs through their supply chains, underpinning national security and supporting economic prosperity in the UK, Sweden and Italy. 
Charles Woodburn, Chief Executive Officer, BAE Systems, said: "International partnering provides the best opportunity to deliver a capable, flexible and upgradeable combat air system. We've made good progress with Saab and Leonardo in identifying shared goals and expertise and through this new framework, we can build on this collaboration to unlock the huge potential across our three nations."
Alessandro Profumo, Chief Executive Officer, Leonardo, said: "All three national industries fully grasp the historic nature of this moment. Tempest will be the cornerstone of a cross-border system of common defence which will extend far beyond combat air. It will secure enormous economic benefits and vast industrial and technological progress for Italy and our partners. Together, we share an understanding that if we get this right now, our respective aerospace and defence industries will thrive for a generation."
Micael Johansson, Chief Executive Officer, Saab, said: "Combat Air is a key component of Sweden's defence policy and it is defined as a national security interest. Saab is therefore taking these important steps to remain at the forefront of System of Systems development and the advanced technologies within Combat Air. We welcome the leadership by the Swedish and UK government, as shown with their July 2019 MoU, and are pleased to deepen our relationship with Italian industry. Our announcement of an initial £50m Future Combat Air investment and a new FCAS centre in the UK, will contribute to closer working relationships with the other FCAS industrial partners and the UK Ministry of Defence."
The UK has existing co-operation with Sweden and Italy. All three nations' industries and militaries are partners in the joint development and operation of the Meteor beyond visual air-to-air missile that is arming Gripen, Eurofighter Typhoon and F-35. Swedish-made chaff and flare dispensers are used on UK Typhoons and Saab's Giraffe radar is a key part of the UK's Sky Sabre ground defence system. Swedish Gripen E aircraft are equipped with radars designed and built by Leonardo in Edinburgh. Meanwhile, both the Royal Air Force and the Aeronautica Militare operate the same, potent fleet of Eurofighter Typhoon and F-35 aircraft, part of more than 50 years of close collaboration in combat air.

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UK PM commits £350 million to fuel green recovery

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces £350 million is being made available to cut emissions in heavy industry and drive economic recovery from coronavirus.

  • Around £350 million made available to cut emissions in heavy industry and drive economic recovery from coronavirus
  • Funding will help drive decarbonisation of heavy industry, construction, space and transport – helping to meet PM’s goal of leading the most ambitious environmental programme worldwide
  • PM launches first meeting of Jet Zero Council, tasked with making net-zero emissions possible for future flights

UK industry will receive around £350 million to cut down carbon emissions under new plans to step up efforts to tackle climate change, PM Boris Johnson announced today (22 July).

The multimillion pound investment package will build on the Prime Minister’s work throughout his first year in office to drive forward progress on the UK’s target to reach net zero by 2050, by helping businesses to decarbonise across the heavy industry, construction, space and transport sectors and to secure the UK’s place at the forefront of green innovation.

The investment comes ahead of the PM launching the first meeting of the Jet Zero Council later today, which will bring together government, representatives from the environmental sector and the aviation and aerospace industry to tackle aviation emissions in line with the government’s ambition to achieve the first ever zero emission long haul passenger plane.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

We’ve made great strides towards our net zero target over the last year, but it’s more important than ever that we keep up the pace of change to fuel a green, sustainable recovery as we rebuild from the pandemic.

The UK now has a huge opportunity to cement its place at the vanguard of green innovation, setting an example worldwide while growing the economy and creating new jobs.

That’s why we’re backing cutting edge research to cut costs and carbon across our great British industries, and even paving the way for the first ever zero emission long haul passenger flight – so that our green ambitions remain sky high as we build back better for both our people and our planet.

Business and Energy Secretary, Alok Sharma, said:

Climate change is among the greatest challenges of our age. To tackle it we need to unleash innovation in businesses across the country.

This funding will reduce emissions, create green collar jobs and fuel a strong, clean economic recovery – all essential to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said:

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face today, and tackling it will require action from everybody. This is why we’re bringing together Government, businesses and investors in a ground breaking new partnership.

The Jet Zero Council is a huge step forward in making change – as we push forward with innovative technologies such as sustainable fuels and eventually fully electric planes, we will achieve guilt-free flying and boost sustainability for years to come.

The projects set to receive funding will work on developing new technologies that could help companies switch to more energy-efficient means of production, use data more effectively to tackle the impacts of climate change, and help support the creation of new green jobs by driving innovation and growth in UK industries.

The package includes:

  • £139 million to cut emissions in heavy industry by supporting the transition from natural gas to clean hydrogen power, and scaling up carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology which can stop over 90% of emissions being released from industrial plants into the air by storing carbon permanently underground

  • £149 million to drive the use of innovative materials in heavy industry; the 13 initial projects will include proposals to reuse waste ash in the glass and ceramics industry, and the development of recyclable steel

  • £26 million to support advanced new building techniques in order to reduce build costs and carbon emissions in the construction industry

  • A £10 million boost for state of the art construction tech which will go towards 19 projects focused on improving productivity and building quality, for example, re-usable roofs and walls and “digital clones” of buildings that analyse data in real time

  • Launching a New National Space Innovation Programme backed by £15 million initial funding from the UK Space Agency, which will see the first £10million go towards projects that will monitor climate change across the globe, which could protect local areas from the impacts of extreme weather by identifying changes in the environment

  • Opening up bids for a further £10million for R&D in the automotive sector, to help companies take cutting edge ideas from prototype to market, including more efficient electric motors or more powerful batteries

Chaired by the Transport and Business Secretaries, today’s first ever Jet Zero council meeting will discuss how to decarbonise the aviation sector while supporting its growth and strengthening the UK’s position as a world leader in the sector.

The members will look at how to work across their sectors to achieve these goals, including through brand new aircraft and engine technologies. These could include using new synthetic and sustainable aviation fuels as a clean substitute for fossil jet fuel, and eventually the development of electric planes.

One year on from taking office, today’s announcements form part of the PM’s wider efforts to ensure the UK meets its legally binding target to reach net zero emissions by 2050, whilst also driving forward a green recovery from the pandemic.

So far this year, this includes committing to consult on ending the sale of new petrol, diesel or hybrid cars by 2035 or earlier; launching the Transport Decarbonisation Plan to cut emissions across the sector; providing over £1 billion at Budget to support the rollout of ultra-low emission vehicles in the UK via support for a super-fast charging network for electric vehicles; and committing up to £100 million of new funding for research to develop a brand new clean technology, Direct Air Capture.

Over the past decade, the UK has cut carbon emissions by more than any similar developed country. In 2019, UK emissions were 42% lower than in 1990, while our economy over the same period grew by 72%.

GKN Aerospace Sweden joins feasibility studies of the future fighter jet engine

  • GKN Aerospace in Sweden participates in feasibility studies together with partner industries in Italy and the UK on future fighter engine technology development
  • This follows the UK-Swedish 2019 MoU exploring the joint development of next generation of fighter jet capabilities and systems
  • Defence key growth market for GKN Aerospace

Today, at FIA connect, GKN Aerospace in Sweden announced its participation in feasibility studies on technology development for the future combat air system and next generation of fighter jet engines with partner industries in Italy and the UK. GKN Aerospace Sweden and Saab are the two companies in Sweden that are part of the cooperation.

Air combat capabilities are designated by Sweden as a national security interest. Through a joint technology development, the Swedish aviation industry will be able to build and sustain their continuous development of competencies and capabilities in a cost-effective way. GKN Aerospace was contracted in Q1 2020 by FMV to conduct a study on collaboration with Rolls Royce on technology development of the future fighter engine.

Future fighter jets will impose completely new demands on the engine. It will not only have to meet increased propulsion needs, but also supply increasingly demanding sensors and weapons with more power output and cooling needs. Therefore, a substantial technological leap will be needed compared to today's fighter engines.

Joakim Andersson, President of engines systems at GKN Aerospace said:

“We are proud to be a part of this exciting collaboration. It seamlessly fits our ambition to develop our market position in engine systems and enables us to benefit from synergies between our civil and military aircraft engine technologies. We have many years of experience in international cooperation and we are convinced that this is the right way to go. Developing such a complex system as a new fighter jet engine is a major challenge that will require a lot of resources over a long period of time. The cooperation shall take advantage of the best skills from each company while strengthening the ability of companies to support their respective countries' Air Forces.’’

GKN Aerospace Sweden has a long history of developing technology and engines and of ensuring safety, availability and cost-effectiveness for Sweden's defense. The company holds the type certificate for the RM12 engine in JAS 39 Gripen C/D and has recently been selected as the supplier for product support also for the RM16 engine in JAS 39 Gripen E.

Boeing Supply Chain Services Agreements Strengthen Etihad Airways’ Operational Excellence

press release

  • Decade-long agreements support supply chain operations of Etihad’s fleet
  • Supply chain solutions will support Etihad’s Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplanes

Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, have finalized agreements for several supply chain solutions. These agreements strengthen Etihad’s commitment to ensuring the on-time performance and availability of its aircraft.

The solutions included in the minimum 10-year agreements will help the airline simplify asset and maintenance management, reduce spare parts costs and improve parts availability. The new contracts include Boeing’s Component Services Program, Landing Gear Exchange program and Quick Engine Change kit purchases.

“Ensuring the highest standards in the Etihad Airway’s fleet is just one way we continue to set the standard for operational excellence globally,” said Mohammad Al Bulooki, Etihad Airways Chief Operating Officer. “By partnering with Boeing as the OEM of Etihad’s 787s, we ensure that the fleet receives the highest levels of maintenance support to increase reliability and efficiency. These agreements continue to demonstrate the strength of the Etihad Aviation Group’s partnership.”

“This is an important demonstration of Etihad’s ongoing focus toward the post-COVID world and the airline’s endeavors to set the benchmark for operational excellence in both product and sustainability, as well as technical performance and efficiency,” said Al Bulooki.

The agreements continue the strategic partnership between Boeing and Etihad Airways announced during the Dubai Air Show in 2019.

“We are delighted that Etihad, a market leader, has chosen to optimize its fleet reliability and efficiency by choosing Boeing’s Component Services Program, further strengthening our long-standing partnership,” said Ted Colbert, president and CEO, Boeing Global Services. “The Boeing team is ready to support Etihad’s world-class operations with our global scale, reach and OEM expertise.”

Etihad Airways joins the growing list of customers that trust Boeing solutions to enable and support the future growth of their 787 Dreamliner fleet, pushing the Boeing share of the 787 fleet’s component services market to almost 30 percent. This includes a 50 percent share of the 787-10 variant, covering both in-service fleet and orders on backlog.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

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Aciturri installs the first aircraft parts manufactured with additive technology

press release

  • Aciturri is the first Spanish company approved by Airbus to manufacture flying parts with this technology
  • The company has been working since 2015 on the design and development of products through additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing) in collaboration with the Idonial technology centre in Asturias

Aciturri Additive Manufacturing, a division of Aciturri, specialized in the development and production of aeronautical components using additive manufacturing technologies, has installed the first flying parts manufactured in Spain using this technology, in the vertical stabilizer (VTP) of an Airbus A350.

Aciturri obtained EN 9100 certification for these parts in 2019 and becomes the first work package provider to be qualified. They are manufactured using molten deposition or FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) technology in ULTEM 9085, a resistant, lightweight, non-flammable thermoplastic material. These components are part of the installation of the video camera located in the vertical stabilizer, which allows passengers to have a panoramic view of the aircraft from their seat screen, and the long-range transmission antenna that keeps the aircraft in contact with the ground.

One of the strategic objectives of Aciturri is to incorporate the different manufacturing technologies present in the market and to investigate their application in airplane components, both in the structure and in the engine area. In this aspect the additive manufacturing is one of the great revolutions for the aeronautical industry because it makes possible the manufacturing of lighter, reliable and efficient components with a higher complexity than the one achieved with the conventional technologies.

With this purpose Aciturri created in 2015 the company Aciturri Additive Manufacturing and started the work centre of the Scientific and Technological Park of Gijón. Since then, Aciturri has counted on the support of IDONIAL as a long term technological partner, with a solid knowledge of the technology and the necessary experience in its industrial application in various sectors.

The achievement of the first results after almost five years of existence and the consolidation of the company's commitment to the development of this technology, have been possible thanks to the efforts of all the Aciturri team to promote this project.

Saab signs support agreement for GlobalEye

press release

Saab has signed a support agreement with the United Arab Emirates regarding the advanced airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) solution GlobalEye. The agreement is valid between 2020 and 2022, with an order value of 144.9 MUSD.

The agreement covers support and maintenance for the airborne surveillance system GlobalEye.

The support and maintenance will be executed locally in the United Arab Emirates.

Saab Opens a Centre in the UK for Future Combat Air

press release

Saab is to create a new FCAS centre in the United Kingdom as a hub for our participation in the FCAS (Future Combat Air Systems) programme. Saab is committed to build a long term relationship with the UK related to FCAS by investing initially 50 MGBP. The UK and Sweden signed a MoU ( on FCAS co-operation in July 2019. Saab is leading Sweden’s FCAS industrial participation in close co-operation with Sweden’s Ministry of Defence.

Saab continuously plans for future developments in every domain. Combat Air is an important part of our strategy for long-term growth and Saab is taking the necessary steps to remain at the forefront of System of Systems development and the advanced technologies within Combat Air.

”Combat Air is a key component of Sweden’s defence policy and it is defined as a national security interest. Saab’s FCAS strategy ensures that the technology is in place to support a long term future air capability and also to support continuous upgrades of Gripen E for decades to come”, says Micael Johansson, President and CEO of Saab.

“Saab took the decision to create a new FCAS centre so that we can further develop the close working relationship with the other FCAS industrial partners and the UK Ministry of Defence. This emphasises the importance of both FCAS and the United Kingdom to Saab’s future,” says Micael Johansson.

The location of Saab’s FCAS centre is currently being considered. The centre forms part of Saab’s long term plans for the UK market to develop indigenous capabilities, invest in research and development and grow intellectual property.

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Press releases - Rolls-Royce to provide propulsion system for Bell V-280 Valor in U.S. Army FLRAA competition

Rolls-Royce has reached agreement with Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. company, to provide the propulsion system for the V-280 Valor aircraft as it moves forward in the competition for the U.S. Army's Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) Program.

Rolls-Royce will provide the propulsion solution for the refined V-280 Valor design as well as an advanced Infrared Suppressor system to deliver greater range and enhanced survivability to the Army. Through early collaboration on the system from the inlet to the suppressor, Bell and Rolls-Royce will deliver a low-risk and reliable integrated propulsion solution to the Army.

Adam Riddle, Rolls-Royce Defense, Executive Vice President, Business Development and Future Programs, said, "Rolls-Royce is excited to be a part of the Bell V-280 Team Valor to compete in the U.S. Army FLRAA program. Rolls-Royce brings a wealth of tilt-rotor and infrared suppressor experience to Team Valor, as well as over 50 years of successful collaboration with Bell."

The contract comes at an exciting time as Rolls-Royce completes an investment of over $600 million in modernization and technology programs in Indiana, including state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing at its Indianapolis facilities. This multi-year investment further strengthens the company as a leader in the aerospace manufacturing industry for decades to come, which will benefit the Army's important new FLRAA program.

Ryan Ehinger, Bell, Vice President and Program Director for FLRAA, said, "We are excited to work with Rolls-Royce to deliver a propulsion system that integrates game-changing performance with lifecycle affordability from the start to help our customers achieve their goals. Bell and Team Valor members are applying our collective vertical flight expertise to create aircraft capable of delivering a transformational capability to soldiers."

In addition to extensive experience with defense and commercial aircraft, Rolls-Royce also designed and supports an advanced infrared suppressor system that has been in operation with Army MH-47 special operations helicopters for more than a decade, and a variant of that infrared suppression system recently entered service on Air Force AC-130W gunships.

The next phase of the FLRAA program will include competitive demonstration and risk reduction. By combining Bell's advanced aircraft and two years of V-280 flight testing, along with decades of tilt-rotor propulsion experience from Rolls-Royce, Team Valor will bring an advanced, competitive weapon system to the FLRAA program.

Bell manages collaboration and integration with twelve leading companies that make up Team Valor to enable rapid production, systems integration, and deliberate program schedule to validate the V-280's flight capabilities and operational relevance. The V-280 demonstrator has achieved all Bell program goals, flying for more than 170 hours, flying 300 knots, demonstrating low speed agility, as well as performing initial autonomous flight, informing Army FLRAA requirements.

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