martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

Bjorn’s Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 10.

Bjorn's Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 10.

Bjorn’s Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 10.

Bjorn's Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 10.

Europe to Boeing: Not so fast on your WTO move; tariffs still likely

Europe to Boeing: Not so fast on your WTO move; tariffs still likely

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Simple, fuel-efficient rocket engine could enable cheaper, lighter spacecraft

ANA HOLDINGS Commits to Adding up to 20 Boeing 787 Dreamliner Jets

press release

- Japan's five-star carrier plans to acquire 11 787-10 airplanes, four 787-9s jet and five options
- Deal marks ANA's sixth Dreamliner purchase; order book to eclipse 100 airplanes once options are exercised
- ANA plans to use the largest, most efficient Dreamliner to replace certain domestic 777 models

Boeing [NYSE:BA] and ANA HOLDINGS INC. (ANA HD) announced the Japanese airline group today decided to acquire up to 20 more 787 Dreamliner airplanes. The agreement with Boeing includes 11 787-10s, one 787-9 and options for five 787-9s valued at more than $5 billion at list prices. The airline also plans to acquire three new 787-9 airplanes from Atlantis Aviation Corporation.

Once the agreements are finalized, it will be ANA's sixth order for the ultra-efficient and passenger-pleasing Dreamliner and bring their overall 787 order book to more than 100 airplanes.

"Boeing's 787s have served ANA with distinction, and we are proud to expand our fleet by adding more of these technologically-advanced aircraft," said Yutaka Ito, Executive Vice President of ANA and ANA HD. "These planes represent a significant step forward for ANA as we work to make our entire fleet even more eco-friendly and further reduce noise output."

With this order, the airline will add 11 of the largest and most fuel-efficient Dreamliner models, the 787-10 to its world-class fleet. Powered by a suite of new technologies and a revolutionary design, the 787-10 set a new benchmark for fuel efficiency and operating economics when it entered service in 2018. The airplane allows operators to achieve 25 percent better fuel efficiency per seat compared to older airplanes in its class.

ANA sees the 787-10 as the perfect airplane to replace previous domestic 777 models that are slated for retirement.

"Introducing the 787-10 on our domestic routes will help ANA Group maintain its leadership role and improve our ability to operate as a responsible corporate citizen," Yutaka Ito said.

ANA became the global launch customer of the 787 Dreamliner when it placed its initial order in 2004. Since then, like half of all Dreamliner operators, the Japanese carrier has placed follow-on orders. However, ANA is in a class by itself as the world's biggest 787 operator with 71 airplanes in its fleet and 12 more to be delivered prior to the latest agreement. The new deal will bring the 11 additional 787-10 airplanes, one 787-9 and options for five more 787-9 jets.

ANA is also in the launch customer group for Boeing's new 777X.

"ANA has grown into one of the leading airline groups in Asia by continually raising the bar for customer satisfaction and investing in the most technologically-advanced and capable fleet. We are truly honored that ANA HD is coming back to order more 787 planes with plans to boost their Dreamliner fleet to more than 100 jets," said Ihssane Mounir, senior vice president of Commercial Sales and Marketing, The Boeing Company. "We are confident that the unique capabilities of the 787-10 will continue to safely serve its passengers with best-in-class comfort and reliability."

The 787 Dreamliner is playing an important role in reducing carbon emissions around the world. Since the first 787 entered commercial service in 2011, the Dreamliner family has saved more than 48 billion pounds of fuel. In addition, the 787 fleet's noise footprint is 60 percent smaller than those of the airplanes it replaces.

ANA HD's new 787 jets will be powered by GE's GEnx-1B engines. The new engines will contribute to the 25 percent improved fuel efficiency per seat of the 787-10.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020

Airbus investing up to 1 billion euros in A220 passenger jet program this year

Safran Opens New $54M Campus In Tarnos

Russian Prepares for Superconductor Electric Motor Trials

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International Air Transport Association (IATA)'s Technology Roadmap

GE, Stung by Boeing Pullback, Pitches for New Business With Airbus

Boeing vs. Airbus: The Aviation Industry’s Swinging Power Balance

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020

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SpaceX and the space tourism company Space Adventures Officially Sending Tourists to Space

China intends to take over indebted HNA Group Co (Hainan Airlines) as corona virus hits business

First Be-200 Intended for Russian Navy Takes Flight

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Watch Sikorsky and Boeing's SB>1 Defiant fly | Defense News Reports

We’ve Got Enough Data On Defiant: Sikorsky & Boeing « Breaking Defense - Defense industry news, analysis and commentary

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020

Boeing, crash victims' lawyers negotiate over access to 737 MAX documents

Air France-KLM expects coronavirus impact of 200 million euros, could climb higher

General aviation’s contribution to US economy remains strong

Study reveals general aviation supports over 1.1m jobs and $247bn in economic output

Iberia y el Ayuntamiento de Madrid presentan Stopover Hola Madrid

Nota de prensa

Stopover Hola Madrid es una propuesta de ocio, gastronómica y cultural con muchas ventajas para que los clientes que hacen su conexión en Madrid, puedan disfrutar de la ciudad hasta seis noches.
Un programa para atraer a la capital a más visitantes de Europa, América y Asia que, además, fortalece el hub de Iberia en Madrid y potencia la demanda en sus vuelos de largo radio.
Los clientes pueden reservarlo en a través de su agencia de viajes.


El Alcalde de Madrid y el presidente de Iberia han presentado hoy Stopover Hola Madrid, una propuesta de ocio, compras y gastronomía para que los clientes de Iberia en vuelos de largo radio que realizan su conexión en el aeropuerto de Madrid, se queden en la ciudad hasta seis noches.  

El Ayuntamiento y la aerolínea han trabajado en un programa que incremente los visitantes a Madrid procedentes de Europa, América y Asia y, al mismo tiempo, contribuya a fortalecer el hub de Iberia en Madrid y potencie la demanda en sus vuelos de largo radio.

Madrid bien merece una parada

Una visita a El Prado o el Thyssen Bornemisza, una refrescante cerveza con una deliciosa tapa, o una tarde de compras son buenas razones para convertir una conexión en el aeropuerto de Madrid, en una visita para disfrutar la capital española y sus alrededores.

Tanto es así que Iberia y el Ayuntamiento han presentado hoy Stopover Hola Madrid, una propuesta que incluye una parada en Madrid de hasta seis noches y que, además, reúne a empresas y entidades de todo tipo para ofrecer una atractiva oferta de ocio, gastronómica, de compras y cultural que cada cliente puede construir a su medida, en función de la experiencia que más le interese.

El Alcalde de Madrid ha comentado hoy durante la presentación "El Ayuntamiento estará siempre al lado de todos aquellos que quieren seguir manteniendo a Madrid como referente económico, social, cultural y una de las grandes capitales del mundo. Madrid es una ciudad que está en pleno dinamismo y ebullición y gracias al tejido empresarial, es la primera región en PIB. Queremos seguir en esa línea para lo que es fundamental la colaboración público-privada y potenciar desde las instituciones públicas el liderazgo empresarial."

Por su parte, el presidente de la aerolínea, Luis Gallego ha destacado "la fuerte apuesta de Iberia por Madrid como destino turístico y centro de negocios. En Madrid ofrecemos más de 100 destinos internacionales, aquí está nuestro centro de distribución de vuelos, nuestro hub y nuestra casa y queremos que nuestros clientes se queden aquí".

Así es Stopover Hola Madrid:

Un guía antes de llegar

48 horas de su llegada a Madrid, los clientes de Stopover Hola Madrid podrán contar con un servicio gratuito facilitado por biduzz para resolver sus dudas sobre transporte, clima, qué ver, qué comer, etc… Y, ya en Madrid, también podrán contratar, si así lo desean, los servicios de un Biduzzer, un auténtico experto local que le acompañe en el día a día y le oriente sobre dónde comer o, por ejemplo, donde sacar unas entradas aconsejándole, incluso, hasta sobre cuáles son los mejores asientos.  

Transporte gratuito

Nada más llegar a Madrid, Iberia obsequia a sus clientes Stopover Hola Madrid con una tarjeta para usar el transporte público durante dos días; y que podrán retirar en un mostrador de la aerolínea en el área de llegadas de la T4.

Otra opción es utilizar los servicios de Alsa para el transfer desde el aeropuerto a la ciudad, o bien de la empresa de alquiler de coches Avis beneficiándose de descuentos.

Y para que los clientes de Stopover Hola Madrid están bien comunicados desde el primer momento, Holafly les ofrece precios especiales en sus tarjetas de datos.

Dormir como un rey

Stopover Hola Madrid incluye también descuentos en los hoteles de la cadena Meliá, y ventajas para los clientes Iberia Plus que realicen su reserva a través de Booking en cualquier alojamiento.

Mucho arte

Uno de los principales atractivos de Madrid es su concentración de museos, un tour por El Prado o una visita al Thyssen Bornemisza son algunas de las propuestas para los clientes de Stopover Hola Madrid.

Tarde de compras y belleza

Los grandes almacenes El Corte Inglés completan la oferta con experiencias que incluyen desde un asesor personal de imagen a tratamientos de belleza.

Tapas, cañas y flamenco

Otra poderosa razón para visitar Madrid es su oferta gastronómica y de ocio. La famosa cerveza Mahou-San Miguel refresca a los clientes de Stopover Hola Madrid con unas cañas gratis en su local La Cervecista, en pleno centro y un buen punto de partida para disfrutar de la noche madrileña.

Y Viator añade tours de flamenco y gastronómicos para todos los gustos y con los mejores precios.


Y a quienes Madrid se les quede pequeño, Alsa les ofrece también ventajas en excursiones a otras ciudades que la rodean como Toledo, Ávila o Segovia.

Dos destinos al precio de uno y 25% de descuento en el siguiente

Stopover Hola Madrid está dirigido a clientes con vuelos de largo radio operados por Iberia, y que realicen su conexión en la T4 del aeropuerto de Madrid para continuar con otro vuelo de la aerolínea española, de su filial Iberia Express o de la compañía de vuelos regionales Iberia Regional /Air Nostrum.

Además, si durante su estancia en Madrid el cliente decide visitar otro destino en España, tendría un descuento del 25% en el billete para volar allí con el Grupo Iberia.

Último día sin maletas

Los clientes de Stopover Hola Madrid también tienen precios especiales con Bag On Board –que se encarga de la gestión y traslado del equipaje al aeropuerto- lo que permite, por ejemplo, despreocuparse de las maletas en el último día de visita a la capital. Bag on Board recoge las maletas en el alojamiento y se ocupa de facturarlas para que el cliente las recoja en el aeropuerto de destino.  

Souvenirs en el aeropuerto

Las tiendas del aeropuerto Madrid Duty Free también ofrecen descuentos a los clientes Stopover Hola Madrid que si, además son clientes Iberia Plus, recibirán más Avios en su tarjeta.

Stopover Hola Madrid a un click

Para que los clientes tengan acceso a todas estas ventajas, Iberia ha lanzado una web con toda la información sobre Stopover Hola Madrid donde se pueden reservar tanto los vuelos como los servicios que más le interesen a cada cliente para su visita a Madrid, y donde la compañía irá incorporando nuevas ventajas y más partners a su propuesta para hacerla más atractiva para sus clientes.  


Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a medio centenar de países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de 142 aviones. En 2017 Iberia consiguió su 4ª estrella Skytrax; en 2016 y 2017 fue la aerolínea más puntual del mundo y, en 2018, la tercera de Europa, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, y es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi


Nota de prensa
  • Japón cada vez más cerca con Iberia, desde 275 euros el trayecto
  • La aerolínea ofrece cinco vuelos directos a la semana que serán siete a partir de junio
  • Además, desde abril, operará la ruta con su Airbus A350-900, un avión de nueva generación, equipado con la última tecnología
  • Además, a los clientes de Iberia Plus que reduzcan el precio de su billete con 5.000 Avios o más, se les devolverán 1.000 Avios


La experiencia de viajar a un nuevo mundo comienza a bordo de los aviones de Iberia. A partir de abril, la aerolínea volará a Tokio con sus nuevos Airbus A350-900, el modelo de nueva generación que está equipado con la última tecnología, y desde 275 euros el trayecto.

Tokio será la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos 2020 e Iberia ofrecerá a partir de junio, además, un vuelo diario directo entre Madrid y Japón que, unido al aumento de capacidad por la inclusión del A350-900, supondrá un crecimiento en la ruta de casi el 70 por ciento, respecto a la temporada anterior.

Además, la aerolínea te ofrece a bordo un primer contacto con el mundo oriental, pues atienden tripulaciones de origen japonés y que ofrecen también variedades gastronómicas de este país.

Más por menos Avios

Los clientes de Iberia Plus tienen la oportunidad de reducir el precio de su billete canjeando sus Avios en antes de finalizar la compra. Además, hasta el 23 de febrero, en caso de utilizar más 5.000 Avios, les devolverán 1.000, por lo que tendrán más por menos Avios.


Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a medio centenar de países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de 142 aviones. En 2017 Iberia consiguió su 4ª estrella Skytrax; en 2016 y 2017 fue la aerolínea más puntual del mundo y, en 2018, la tercera de Europa, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, y es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

Bell developing fan-driven electric anti-torque system - Vertical Magazine

Boeing may give up its major Washington state tax break to avoid European tariffs – The Seattle Times

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

First TECNAM P2012 “SMP” Special Mission Platform Configuration for AirborneHydroMapping GmbH

press release

Tecnam announced that the Austrian-German engineering and surveying company AirborneHydroMapping GmbH (AHM GmbH) is extending its fleet and survey possibilities with the new Special Mission Platform aircraft for aerial mapping, based on the 11-seat P2012 Traveller.

With the great success of the P2006T in Special Mission Platform (about 100 platforms sold and flying worldwide), Tecnam designed the P2012 structure with Special Mission in mind from the very beginning. As an example, all the control lines have been moved sidewards, in order to keep the central fuselage section free and allow room for two 735x567mm (28.9×22.3in) hatches, capable of accommodating the majority of sensors, cameras, lidar and mission equipment available worldwide. Twin-engine configuration guarantees the hatches and cabin to be always free from exhaust, so the risk of carbon monoxide will never be an issue with the P2012 SMP.

As with the P2006T SMP, the P2012 is available in several configurations and options, allowing the customer (or the mission system integration service company) to best tune the investment.  The standard configuration features, in fact, two hatches with on-ground removable covers, multiple sockets for 28VDC mission power (up to 3.360W available) and a seat retrofit kit to allow restoration of the passenger configuration. There is a wide range of options available to customize the SMP, such as 115/230VAC plugs, 14VDC connectors, mission screen for pilot, operator console, electrically operated sliding doors for hatches, antennae pre-installation and approval. Tecnam also offers a wide range of services, from dedicated fitting plates to turnkey solutions, ensuring that the customer will always be confident about its aerial platform choice: the P2012 SMP.

The Tecnam P2012 features a sleek, modern design with state-of-the-art equipment, fixed landing gear, robust interiors and easy-to-replace parts. Like all Tecnam aircraft, the Traveller offers high efficiency and low maintenance costs with its simple and easily accessed airframe and systems. The aircraft is powered by two Lycoming 6-cylinder TEO-540-C1A turbo engines. It is the first piston-powered aircraft with electronic management of engine power, which, coupled with the Garmin autopilot, enables a reduced workload for pilots and a great extension of the engine life.

Walter De Costa, Tecnam Global Sales & Marketing Director, said: "Tecnam is very proud to be associated with such an environmentally-friendly company. We feel honoured that our aircraft are contributing to this highly essential and important work."

Frank Steinbacher, AHM Airborne Mapping Director: "We are excited to have the P2012 Traveller soon in our fleet. This will increase our range of operations and raise the level of quality of service to offer to our customers. Since our first P2006T, Tecnam have always had the right answer to our needs."

About AHM, AirborneHydroMapping

Amongst its many services, the environmentally conscious firm routinely carries out aerial surveying and mapping, taking measurements and collecting data over land and water through simultaneous acquisition of high-resolution 3D images, topo-bathymetric laser scans, spectral and thermal imagery. The company already owns a twin-engine Tecnam P2006T SMP that has proven to be a great success. With the new P2012 Traveller SMP, operational flexibility and the customer's most important demand of seasonal independent mobilization for survey missions all over Europe, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa, can now be fulfilled.

AHM is your cooperation partner for high-level spatial data capturing and analysis. We are focused on customer-dedicated analysis and development of soft- and hardware solutions, mainly covering the fields of environmental needs and their further processing.

Bjorn’s Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 8.

Bjorn's Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 8.

Bjorn’s Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 9.

Bjorn's Corner: Why e in ePlane shall stand for environment, Part 9.

Boeing sued in Seattle over 737 MAX

Spirit Partners with ASX To Develop Mobi-One eVTOL

Volocopter and Grab team up to find "hottest routes" in Southeast Asia

Volocopter and Grab team up to find "hottest routes" in Southeast Asia

737 Max: Debris found in new planes' fuel tanks

DARPA Eyes New Weapon Concepts In 2021 Program Plans

SpaceX launches fifth batch of Starlink satellites, misses booster landing

martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

SpaceX will launch private citizens into orbit - The Verge

FAA issues emergency AD after ground fire accident involving Cirrus vision jet

Jetman achieves 100% autonomous human flight: a take-off + transitioning into a high-altitude flight

World's first manned aerobatic optionally piloted multi-rotor shown pulling loops and rolls

Red Bull's press release



Drones execute rolls and loops with pilots training on DCL – The Game.

Drone Champions AG, creators of the Drone Champions League and DCL – The Game, have unveiled the first-ever manned drone capable of aerobatic manoeuvres such as rolls and loops. Here is all you need to know:

- The "Big Drone" is the brainchild of Drone Champions founder Herbert Weirather, who personally assisted in the testing process, sitting in the single-seat machine as it was piloted via RC controller by former Drone Champions League contender Mirko Cesena.

- After months of development, Drone Champions AG initiated testing of the Big Drone in early February at an indoor facility in Germany before taking it to Vrsar in Croatia for its maiden outdoor flights, where aerobatic manoeuvres were successfully executed.

- Weirather, who is also CEO of the Drone Champions League, said: "We have developed and built the first-ever manned aerobatic drone with the vision to create a brand-new future racing experience and to recruit drone pilots through DCL – The Game. Everyone should have the opportunity to fly, and DCL – The Game provides a starting point."

- Drone Champions AG will use the test data to continue refinement of the Big Drone, while aspiring pilots can play DCL – The Game to build their competition skills.

- DCL – The Game delivers a high-speed flight experience at home and gamers can face off against pilots from every corner of the globe in multi-player modes for up to 30 people.

- In addition to training and playing on DCL – The Game, users can qualify for real-life drone racing events like the Drone Champions League by playing in the DCL Draft Selection.

- The Drone Champions League is an innovative series that since 2016 has drawn the world's best pilots of small racing drones (quadcopters), which reach over 160 km/h in head-to-head battles, and is the recognised World Championship of professional drone racing.

- Members of Flite Test, which produces expert content specifically to serve the RC community, were on hand to witness the historic drone milestone being performed.

- Josh Bixler from Flite Test revealed: "I feel like this experience is honestly a new chapter for multi-rotors. To be able to have kids go into the hobby and aspire for bigger things is always a goal of Flite Test."

Drone Champions League Calendar 2020
May 1-3 : Draft Selection, London, UK
TBA: Drone Grand Prix Vaduz, Switzerland
August 7-8: Drone Grand Prix Moscow, Russia
August 21-22: Drone Grand Prix Simatai, China
October 2-3: Drone Grand Prix Lake Zurich, Switzerland

Explore more Drone Racing content HERE.

BAe's Pseudo Satellite: Ground-breaking solar powered unmanned aircraft makes first flight

Persistent High Altitude Solar Aircraft (PHASA-35®) has the potential to stay airborne for a year.

PHASA-35, a 35m wingspan solar-electric aircraft, has successfully completed its maiden flight. The landmark flight paves the way to this new aircraft becoming a game changer in the air and space market, plugging the gap between aircraft and satellite technology.    

PHASA-35 has been designed, built and now flown in less than two years as part of a collaboration between ourselves and Prismatic Ltd, which we agreed to acquire last year. Designed to operate unmanned in the stratosphere, above the weather and conventional air traffic, PHASA-35 offers a persistent and affordable alternative to satellites combined with the flexibility of an aircraft, which could be used for a range of valuable applications including forest fire detection and maritime surveillance.  

Sponsored by the UK's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) and Australian Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), the successful flight trials took place at the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Woomera Test Range in South Australia.

The trials marked the first fully integrated flight test of the PHASA-35 system, delivering rapid proof of capability from design to flight in just 20 months. They are the culmination of efforts from a collaborative team of British experts from Prismatic in Hampshire - where two full-sized concept aircraft were built last year - working alongside our engineers in Lancashire, where the aircraft underwent further integration testing prior to flight trials.

Going the distance

As a High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) vehicle, PHASA-35 is powered by the Sun during the day and by batteries overnight. The long-life battery and highly efficient solar technology could allow the aircraft to maintain flight for up to a year operating in the stratosphere, the upper regions of the Earth's atmosphere.

PHASA-35 is designed to provide a persistent, stable platform for monitoring, surveillance, communications and security applications.  When connected to other technologies and assets, it will provide both military and commercial customers with capabilities that are not currently available from existing air and space platforms. The Unmanned Air Vehicle also has the potential to be used in the delivery of communications networks including 5G, as well as provide other services, such as disaster relief and border protection, at a fraction of the cost of satellites.
Ian Muldowney, Engineering Director here at BAE Systems, said: "This is an outstanding early result that demonstrates the pace that can be achieved when we bring the best of British capability together. To go from design to flight in less than two years shows that we can rise to the challenge the UK Government has set industry to deliver a Future Combat Air System within the next decade."
Our acquisition of Prismatic forms part of the Company's strategy to develop breakthrough technologies, making bolt-on acquisitions where they complement existing capabilities and provide an opportunity to accelerate technology development in key areas.

Further flight trials are scheduled for later this year, with the possibility that the aircraft could enter initial operations with customers within 12 months of the flight trials programme completion.

DLR - Electric in a 19-seater from Mannheim to Berlin

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2020

Air India Airbus A321 meets jeep on runway during take-off roll; early rotation and tail scrape

On 15 February, an Air India Airbus A321 (VT-PPU) operated domestic flight AI852 between Pune and Delhi, India. During take-off roll at Pune, however, the pilots spotted a jeep and a person on the runway. To avoid a disaster, the pilots were forced to perform an "early rotation" but that resulted in the aircraft's tail […]

Air Baltic A220 Flight Diverts After Latest PW1500G Shutdown [feedly]

Air Baltic A220 Flight Diverts After Latest PW1500G Shutdown

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Pierre Gautier, 'Father of the Concorde,' Dies at 94


Press release

Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics, today announced the all-new Gulfstream G700™ made its first flight, demonstrating the program's maturity and officially launching the rigorous flight-test program of the most spacious jet in the industry with the longest range at the fastest speeds.

The G700 departed Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport at 1:19 p.m. and landed 2 hours and 32 minutes later. The aircraft made the flight on a 30/70 blend of sustainable aviation fuel.

"The G700's first flight is a momentous occasion and the next step forward in Gulfstream's vision for the future, a vision that has been guided by the strategic leadership of our parent company, General Dynamics, and the innovation of the Gulfstream team," said Mark Burns president, Gulfstream. "As the market leader, Gulfstream is moving the entire business-jet industry forward with advanced safety features, tomorrow's technology and a cabin purposefully designed to exceed our customers' expectations for comfort."

The G700 was introduced as the new industry flagship in October 2019 with a full-scale cabin mock-up and an aircraft taxiing under its own power. The program includes five already manufactured flight-test aircraft and a structural test article that has completed load testing.

The G700 features the longest, widest and tallest cabin in the industry with 20 Gulfstream panoramic oval windows and up to five living areas. The aircraft introduces many all-new interior differentiators, including an ultragalley with more than 10 feet of counter space and a crew compartment or passenger lounge; the industry's only ultra-high-definition circadian lighting system; speakerless surround sound; and a master suite with shower.

The G700 is powered by Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engines and refined with Gulfstream-designed aerodynamics and an all-new winglet. The aircraft can fly at its high-speed cruise of Mach 0.90 for 6,400 nautical miles/11,853 kilometers or at its long-range cruise of Mach 0.85 for 7,500 nm/13,890 km. The G700 also includes the Gulfstream Symmetry Flight Deck™ with the industry's only electronically linked active control sidesticks, the most extensive use of touchscreen technology in business aviation and Gulfstream's award-winning Predictive Landing Performance System.    

"The G700 brings the best in the business together – the innovation of the G500 and G600 Symmetry Flight Deck and the legendary performance of the G650ER – and we are excited to deliver this exceptional aircraft to our customers," said Burns.

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), designs, develops, manufactures, markets, services and supports the world's most technologically advanced business-jet aircraft. Gulfstream has produced more than 2,800 aircraft for customers around the world since 1958. To meet the diverse transportation needs of the future, Gulfstream offers a comprehensive fleet of aircraft, comprising the Gulfstream G280™, the Gulfstream G550™, the Gulfstream G500™, the Gulfstream G600™, the Gulfstream G650™, the Gulfstream G650ER™ and the Gulfstream G700™. We invite you to visit our website for more information and photos at

More information about General Dynamics is available at

Wings of change: EDWARD PINNEGAR reports on the Global Megatrends and Aviation Forum

Virgin Galactic's spaceplane relocated to Spaceport America

Virgin Galactic has come one step closer to full commercial operations as it relocates its SpaceShipTwo, VSS Unity, from the company's manufacturing facility in Mojave, California, to its Spaceport America's Gateway to Space building in New Mexico. Carried by its mothership, VMS Eve, the suborbital passenger spacecraft touched down …

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viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020

GAMA And IAOPA Europe Launch The 2020 European General Aviation Survey

GAMA And IAOPA Europe Launch The 2020 European General Aviation Survey

Two New Dassault Falcons Take Shape

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Boeing Hints At New Direction For NMA Refocus

Boeing appears to be redirecting its next new airliner project to compete more directly with the long-range Airbus A321XLR rather than take on the broader 757-767 replacement market previously studied under the shelved New Midmarket Airplane (NMA) project.

World's biggest firefighter helicopter: MIL-8 MTV helicopter filmed in Australia

FAA outlines final gantlet to return MAX to service

Lancement des demonstrateurs : une avancée majeure pour le Système de Combat Aérien Futur

Air Force Bails On Tri-Service Hypersonic Weapon Project As Army, Navy Ask For More Money

Rolls-Royce 'open-minded' on new Boeing mid-market jet study: executive

Airbus and Green Africa announce strategic partnership with MoU for 50 A220s

A330-800 receives joint EASA and FAA Type Certification

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020

Airbus and Singapore collaborate on A330 SMART MRTT development

Airbus and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore collaborate to enable urban air mobility

Airbus and the Government of Québec become sole owners of the A220 Programme as Bombardier completes its strategic exit from Commercial Aviation

  • Bombardier transfers its remaining interest in Airbus Canada Limited Partnership (Airbus Canada) to Airbus SE and the Government of Québec
  • Airbus now holds 75 percent of Airbus Canada with the Government of Québec increasing its holding to 25 percent for no cash consideration
  • Bombardier work packages for the A220 and A330 will be transferred to Airbus, through its subsidiary Stelia Aerospace, securing 360 jobs in Québec
  • Bombardier will receive US$591M, net of adjustments, of which US$531M was received at closing, and is released of its future funding capital requirement to Airbus Canada
  • Over 3,300 Airbus jobs secured in Québec

Amsterdam / Montreal – Airbus SE (EPA: AIR), the Government of Québec and  Bombardier Inc. (TSX: BBD.B) have agreed upon a new ownership structure for the A220 programme, whereby Bombardier transferred its remaining shares in Airbus Canada Limited Partnership (Airbus Canada) to Airbus and the Government of Québec. The transaction is effective immediately.

This agreement brings the shareholdings in Airbus Canada, responsible for the A220, to 75 percent for Airbus and 25 percent for the Government of Québec respectively. The Government's stake is redeemable by Airbus in 2026 - three years later than before. As part of this transaction, Airbus, via its wholly owned subsidiary Stelia Aerospace, has also acquired the A220 and A330 work package production capabilities from Bombardier in Saint-Laurent, Québec.

This new agreement underlines the commitment of Airbus and the Government of Québec to the A220 programme during this phase of continuous ramp-up and increasing customer demand. Since Airbus took majority ownership of the A220 programme on July 1, 2018, total cumulative net orders for the aircraft have increased by 64 percent to 658 units at the end of January 2020.

"This agreement with Bombardier and the Government of Québec demonstrates our support and commitment to the A220 and Airbus in Canada. Furthermore it extends our trustful partnership with the Government of Québec. This is good news for our customers and employees as well as for the Québec and Canadian aerospace industry," said Airbus Chief Executive Officer Guillaume Faury. "I would like to sincerely thank Bombardier for the strong collaboration during our partnership. We are committed to this fantastic aircraft programme and we are aligned with the Government of Québec in our ambition to bring long-term visibility to the Québec and Canadian aerospace industry."

"I am proud that our government was able to reach this agreement. We have succeeded in protecting paying jobs and the exceptional expertise developed in Québec, despite the major challenges we faced in this regard when we took office. We have consolidated the government's position in the partnership, while respecting our commitment not to reinvest in the program. By opting to strengthen its presence here, Airbus has chosen to focus on our talents and our creativity. The decision of an industrial giant like Airbus to invest more in Québec will help attract other world-class prime contractors," the Premier of Québec, François Legault, stated.

"This agreement is excellent news for Québec and its aerospace industry. The A220 partnership is now well established and will continue to grow in Québec. The agreement will allow Bombardier to improve its financial situation and Airbus to increase its presence and footprint in Québec. It's a win–win situation for both the private partners and the industry," pointed out Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of the Economy and Innovation.

With this transaction, Bombardier will receive a consideration of $591M from Airbus, net of adjustments, of which $531M was received at closing and $60M to be paid over the 2020-21 period. The agreement also provides for the cancellation of Bombardier warrants owned by Airbus, as well as releasing Bombardier of its future funding capital requirement to Airbus Canada.

"This transaction supports our efforts to address our capital structure and completes our strategic exit from commercial aerospace," said Alain Bellemare, President and CEO Bombardier, Inc.  "We are incredibly proud of the many achievements and tremendous impact Bombardier had on the commercial aviation industry.  We are equally proud of the responsible way in which we have exited commercial aerospace, preserving jobs and reinforcing the aerospace cluster in Québec and Canada.  We are confident that the A220 program will enjoy a long and successful run under Airbus' and the Government of Québec's stewardship."

The single aisle market is a key growth driver, representing 70 percent of the expected global future demand for aircraft. Ranging from 100 to 150 seats, the A220 is highly complementary to Airbus' existing single aisle aircraft portfolio, which focuses on the higher end of the single-aisle business (150-240 seats).

As part of the agreement, Airbus has acquired the Airbus A220 and A330 work package production capability from Bombardier in Saint-Laurent, Québec. These production activities will be operated in the Saint Laurent site by Stelia Aéronautique Saint Laurent Inc., a newly created subsidiary of Stelia Aerospace, which is a 100 percent Airbus subsidiary.

Stelia Aéronautique Saint-Laurent will continue the production of the A220 cockpit and aft fuselage production, as well as A330 workpackages, for a transition period of approximately three years at the Saint-Laurent facility. A220 workpackages will then be transferred to the Stelia Aerospace site in Mirabel to optimize the logistical flow to the A220 Final Assembly Line also located in Mirabel. Airbus plans to offer all current Bombardier employees working on the A220 and A330 work packages at Saint-Laurent opportunities around the A220 programme's ramp-up, ensuring know-how retention as well as business continuity and growth in Québec.

At the end of January 2020, 107 A220 aircraft were flying with seven customers on four continents. In 2019 alone, Airbus delivered 48 A220s, with the further ramp-up to be continued.

Demonstrator phase launched: Future Combat Air System takes major step forward

The governments of France and Germany have awarded  Dassault Aviation, Airbus, together with their partners MTU Aero Engines, Safran, MBDA and Thales, the initial framework contract (Phase 1A), which launches the demonstrator phase for the Future Combat Air System (FCAS).


This framework contract covers a first period of 18 months and initiates work on developing the demonstrators and maturing cutting-edge technologies, with the ambition to begin flight tests as soon as 2026.


Since early 2019, the industrial partners have been working on the future architecture as part of the programme's so called Joint Concept Study. Now, the FCAS programme enters into another decisive phase with the launch of the demonstrator phase.


This phase will, in a first step, focus on the main technological challenges per domains:


Next Generation Fighter (NGF), with Dassault Aviation as prime contractor and Airbus as main partner, to be the core element of Future Combat Air System,
Unmanned systems Remote Carrier (RC) with Airbus as prime contractor and MBDA as main partner,
Combat Cloud (CC) with Airbus as prime contractor and Thales as main partner,

Engine with Safran and MTU as main partner.


A Simulation Environment will be jointly developed between the involved companies to ensure the consistency between demonstrators.


The launch of the Demonstrator Phase underlines the political confidence and determination of the FCAS partner nations and the associated industry to move forward and cooperate in a fair and balanced manner. The increased momentum enables industry to deploy the necessary resources and best capabilities to develop this decisive European defence project. FCAS will be the cornerstone project guaranteeing Europe's future operational, industrial and technological sovereignty.


The next important step in the FCAS programme will be the onboarding of Spain and the involvement of additional suppliers from Phase 1B onwards, which will succeed Phase 1A after its successful conclusión.

Airbus reports Full-Year (FY) 2019 results, delivers on guidance

[Coronavirus] NBAA cancels ABACE 2020

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

Rolls-Royce Begins Building Giant Fans

Boeing Sees APAC Potential for the T-7A Red Hawk

Singapore Air Show 2020 -Part 2

U.S. Navy’s Aircraft Launch Rail Gun Revealed

Le projet Starlink d’Elon Musk menace la recherche astronomique

Boeing posts zero new airplane orders in January

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2020

Boeing Australia Completes First Loyal Wingman Fuselage

press release

The Boeing [NYSE:BA] Australia team recently completed major fuselage structural assembly for the first Loyal Wingman. The aircraft is one of three prototypes that will be developed as a part of the Loyal Wingman – Advanced Development Program in partnership with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

"This is an exciting milestone for the development program, and the Australian aerospace industry, as we progress with production of the first military aircraft to be developed in Australia in more than 50 years," said Dr. Shane Arnott, program director, Boeing Airpower Teaming System (ATS).

The Australian team has applied digital engineering and advanced composite materials to achieve cost and agility goals for the 38-foot (11.7-meter) aircraft, which is designed to use artificial intelligence in teaming with other manned and unmanned platforms.

"The partnership with Boeing is key to building our understanding of not just the operational implications for these sorts of vehicles, but also making us a smart customer as we consider options for manned-unmanned teaming in the coming decade," said Air Commodore Darren Goldie, RAAF Director-General of Air Combat Capability. "Boeing is progressing very well with its development and we look forward to seeing the final product in the coming months."

Arnott said Australian Industry participation had been critical to the program's rapid development, with a 16-strong Australian industry team making key deliveries to date including:

-BAE Systems Australia, who have delivered hardware kits including flight control computers and navigation equipment;

-RUAG Australia, who have delivered the landing gear system

-Ferra Engineering, who have delivered precision machine components and sub-assemblies to support the program; and

-AME Systems, who have delivered wiring looms to support the vehicle.

This first Loyal Wingman prototype will provide key lessons toward production of the ATS, which Boeing Australia is developing for the global defense market. Customers will be able to tailor ATS sensors and systems based on their own defense and industrial objectives.

The next major milestone will be weight on wheels, when the fuselage structure moves from the assembly jig to the aircraft's own landing gear to continue systems installation and functional testing. The aircraft is expected to complete its first flight this year.

For more information on Defense, Space & Security, visit Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense and @BoeingSpace.

Asia-Pacific Stakes Claim to Place in Urban Air Mobility Revolution

Supply Issues Delay Mitsubishi SpaceJet Til 2021

Delay Is Latest Setback For Much Anticipated Program The much anticipated jetliner program from Mitsubishi Aircraft has been frustrating the industry for a while now... and will again, due to supply issues with parts needed to manufacture the Next-Gen airliner. A half-dozen delays have created some consternation for the company and its client base, as the first delivery to Al Nippon Airways is not looking to take place to mid-2021.  continue reading

Bientôt à Namur: une tour de contrôle numérique pour les aéroports de Liège et Charleroi

Storm Ciara to impact European air traffic | BA sets records between NY and London | 757 suffers main gear collapse

The E-Fan X puts its aerodynamic design to the test

"The BAe 146 RJ100 aircraft is not designed to have hybrid-electric systems on board. We're trying to take something that exists and turn it into a hybrid-electric demonstrator."

Anna Calder, E-Fan X Overall Aircraft Design Engine

continue reading

Lockheed Martin and BEL to explore opportunities in F-21 fighter programme

press release

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) to explore industrial opportunities in the F-21 programme today at DefExpo 2020. Lockheed Martin is strengthening and growing its partnerships with the Indian industry to support the company's F-21 proposal for the Indian Air Force.

"We are excited to begin exploring F-21 opportunities with BEL, one of India's leading aerospace and defence companies," said Dr Vivek Lall, Vice President of Stragety and Business Development, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. "An F-21 partnership with India integrates Indian industry, including BEL, into the world's largest and most successful fighter aircraft ecosystem and demonstrates Lockheed Martin's commitment to India."

Mrs Anandi Ramalingam, Director (Marketing), BEL, said: "We are happy to collaborate with Lockheed Martin which is a global major in the aerospace sector. We are eagerly looking forward to cash in on this co-operation to address domestic and international market needs in this sector."

About the F-21

The advanced, single-engine F-21 is the ideal solution to meet the Indian Air Force's capability needs and deliver unparalleled industrial opportunities. The F-21 delivers an advanced, single-engine multi-role fighter at the most optimal Life Cycle Cost for the Indian Air Force, with the longest service life of any competitor – 12,000 flight hours. In concert with India's Rafale and Tejas, the F-21 will fill a critical operational role for the Indian Air Force.

The F-21 also provides unmatched opportunities for Indian companies of all sizes, including Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and suppliers throughout India, to establish new business relationships with Lockheed Martin and other industry leaders in the US and around the globe.

About Lockheed Martin

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 110,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.

About BEL

A Navratna PSU and India's foremost Defence electronics company, BEL is a multi-product, multi-technology, multi-Unit conglomerate having products in the areas of Radars, Missile Systems, Military Communications, Naval Systems, Electronic Warfare & Avionics, C4I Systems, Electro Optics, Tank Electronics & Gun/Weapon System Upgrade in the Defence segment. BEL is also diversifying into areas such as Homeland Security & Smart Cities, Satellite Integration & Space Electronics, Railways, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Software as a Service, Energy Storage Products and Composite Shelters & Masts.

Lockheed Martin Delivers Second of two KC-130J Aerial Refueler to France’s Armée de l'Air

press release

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) delivered the second of two KC-130J Super Hercules aerial refuelers to representatives from France's Armée de l'Air on Feb. 4, at the company's Aeronautics facility in Marietta, Georgia.

France has received a total of four Super Hercules aircraft — two C-130J-30 combat delivery airlifters and two KC-130J aerial refuelers — through a Foreign Military Sale with the U.S. government. The two C-130J-30 airlifters were delivered in 2017 and 2018, and first KC-130J delivered in September 2019. All of these Super Hercules are operated in conjunction with France's existing C-130H fleet.

"France's C-130 crews have long demonstrated the unmatched and proven performance of the Hercules aircraft in support of critical missions," said Rod McLean, vice president and general manager, Air Mobility & Maritime Missions at Lockheed Martin. "This additional KC-130J expands the Armée de l'Air's already robust airlift and refueling resources to not only serve as a national asset, but a global resource as well."

France is the 17th country to choose the C-130J for its airlift and refueling needs. The C-130J Super Hercules is the most advanced tactical airlifter in operation today, offering superior performance and enhanced capabilities with the range and versatility for every theater of operations and evolving requirements.

As the preeminent tactical aerial refueling tanker, the KC-130J is a battle-tested solution that takes full advantage of the tremendous technological and performance improvements inherent in the C-130J Super Hercules aircraft. A true force multiplier, the KC-130J refuels both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft as well as conducts rapid ground refueling.

With this delivery, France joins a global community of KC-130J operators. In 2018, Germany announced the acquisition of a C-130J-30/KC-130J fleet, to be operated in partnership with France — making this the first operator relationship of this type in C-130J history.

The C-130J Super Hercules is the global standard in tactical airlift, providing a unique mix of versatility and performance to complete any mission — anytime, anywhere. The Super Hercules worldwide fleet has more than 2 million flight hours and is the airlifter of choice for 20 nations.

For additional information, visit

Russian MoD signs contract for the production of long-range attack drone Altius-RU

Dassault to sell its participation in SABCA

press release

Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques SA/NV ("SABCA") announces that it was informed that Dassault Belgique Aviation SA ("DBA") has reached an agreement pursuant to which it will sell its entire 96.85% shareholding in SABCA to a new joint venture company to be established by Sabena Aerospace SA ("Sabena") and Société Fédérale de Participations et Investissements – Federale Participatie- en Investeringsmaatschappij SA/NV ("SFPI/FPIM"), for a total consideration of 74,571,676.67 euros (i.e., EUR 32.0833 per share) (the "Transaction").
The Transaction is subject to merger control approval and is currently anticipated to close at the end of SABCA's second quarter 2020. Sabena and SPFI/FPIM will keep the market informed of the fulfilment of this condition precedent (or the decision of a competent authority not to grant such merger clearance).

Upon completion of the Transaction, the new joint venture company will hold 96.85% of the shares in SABCA. The Transaction will be followed by a mandatory public takeover bid by the new joint venture company on the remaining shares in SABCA (in accordance with article 5 of the law dated 1 April 2007 on public takeovers).

Commenting on the Transaction, T. Jongen, Chairman & CEO of SABCA group, said: "I want to thank Dassault Group, our long-term majority shareholder, for having taken care of SABCA's future all the way through this process and until the end. We are very happy with the new shareholders, who are genuinely interested in supporting the growth and development potential of SABCA as a major actor in the Belgian aerospace industry. This offers a very exciting perspective for the future of SABCA, as the profile of the new shareholders fits perfectly our needs for accelerating and intensifying the deployment of our strategic transformation plan initiated a few years ago. The new constellation creates a true aerospace leader in Belgium, with a strong position in Civil Aviation, Defense and Space. The shared technical knowledge, expertise and market position will undoubtedly strengthen our activities as the companies will benefit from strong commercial and financial synergies to accelerate and intensify their development as leaders in their markets."

DBA, Sabena and SFPI/FPIM have issued a joint press release with respect to the Transaction, which is attached hereto as Annex A. For further information on the potential mandatory public takeover bid, reference is made to that press release.

The SABCA Group conducts operations from the three Belgian regions (Brussels Capital Region, Charleroi in Wallonia, and Lummen in Flanders), as well as from Casablanca, Morocco. Today, SABCA benefits from a large palette of expertise, built over its 100 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, maintaining, and upgrading large and complex elements for aircraft and space launchers. Its customers and partners belong to the elite of the aerospace industry. SABCA offers a full range of services to the civil, space and military aviation markets and recently expanded into the commercial Unmanned Autonomous Systems market as an integrator of aerospace-grade solutions for the industry.

annex to press release


Communication in accordance with section 8, §1 of the Belgian Royal Decree of 27 April 2007 on public takeover bids.
Brussels - 7 February 2020 - 9:15 CET  
Dassault, Sabena and SFPI announce the sale and acquisition of shares in SABCA
Dassault Belgique Aviation SA ("DBA"), Sabena Aerospace SA ("Sabena") and Société Fédérale de Participations et Investissements – Federale Participatie- en Investeringsmaatschappij SA/NV ("SFPI/FPIM") announce that, on 5 February 2020, they have reached an agreement pursuant to which DBA will sell its entire 96.85% shareholding in Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques SA/NV ("SABCA") to a new joint venture company to be established by Sabena and SFPI/FPIM, for a total consideration of 74,571,676.67 euros (i.e., EUR 32.0833 per share) (the "Transaction").

Commenting on the Transaction, Thibauld Jongen, Chairman and CEO of SABCA group said: "I want to thank Dassault Group, our long-term majority shareholder, for having taken care of SABCA's future all the way through this process and until the end. We are very happy with the new shareholders, who are genuinely interested in supporting the growth and development potential of SABCA as a major actor in the Belgian aerospace industry. This offers a very exciting perspective for the future of SABCA, as the profile of the new shareholders fits perfectly our needs for accelerating and intensifying the deployment of our strategic transformation plan initiated a few years ago. The new constellation creates a true aerospace leader in Belgium, with a strong position in Civil Aviation, Defense and Space. The shared technical knowledge, expertise and market position will undoubtedly strengthen our activities as the companies will benefit from strong commercial and financial synergies to accelerate and intensify their development as leaders in their markets."

Commenting on the Transaction, Stéphane Burton, CEO of Sabena said: "Sabena Aerospace is very pleased to set up with SFPI a new Belgian Aerospace Group, where SABCA and Sabena Aerospace will join forces to offer – from the heart of Europe – their services and products to the Aerospace industry, with a broad expertise in Design, Manufacturing and MRO for Space, Defense, Civil Aircraft, up to UAVs.  We are looking forward to work with the 1400 aerospace experts of the new group to contribute to the development of this industry in Belgium and abroad."
Commenting on the Transaction, Koen Van Loo, CEO of SFPI/FPIM said: "Belgium has been a pioneer in aerospace and aviation and we are therefore very proud to acquire SABCA and anchor it in Belgium, thus safeguarding and further strengthening the local aerospace ecosystem and employment. Aerospace is one of our key strategic investment sectors and we have a long tradition of investing in Belgian aerospace companies. The acquisition of SABCA and the joining of forces with Sabena Aerospace will create a strong Belgian industrial aerospace player."

The Transaction is subject to merger control approval and is currently anticipated to close at the end of SABCA's second quarter 2020. Sabena and SPFI/FPIM will keep the markets informed of the fulfilment of this condition precedent (or the decision of a competent authority not to grant such merger clearance).

Upon completion of the Transaction, the new joint venture company will hold 96.85% of the shares in SABCA. The Transaction will be followed by a mandatory public takeover bid by the new joint venture company on the remaining shares in SABCA (in accordance with article 5 of the law dated 1 April 2007 on public takeovers).

The price of the mandatory public takeover bid will be EUR 32.0833 per share, which is the same price per share to be paid for DBA's shareholding in SABCA. The bid price is higher than the weighted average trading price of the SABCA shares on the regulated market of Euronext Brussels during the last 30 calendar days preceding the signing of the above-mentioned agreement (i.e. 5 February 2020), i.e. EUR 20.82, reflecting a premium of 54.10%. SFPI/FPIM and Sabena Aerospace did not acquire any SABCA shares over the last 12 months.  
Following closing of the initial acceptance period of the mandatory public takeover bid, the takeover bid will be reopened as a squeeze-out bid to delist SABCA from Euronext Brussels.

About DBA
Dassault Belgique Aviation, fully-owned by Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault ("GIMD"), has been the majority owner of SABCA since the late 1960s. GIMD is also the majority owner of Dassault Aviation (

About Sabena
Sabena Aerospace is an independent Belgian MRO provider operating at international level and offering maintenance and operational solutions for both civil and military aircraft. The activities of Sabena Aerospace are structured in 4 Business Units: Engineering & Training, Operational Support, Components and Defense. Sabena Aerospace employs over 400 people and develops its activities from its historic headquarters at Brussels Airport, thanks to its facilities in 9 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Tanzania, Congo RDC, Congo Brazzaville, Zimbabwe & Mauritania). Its international commercial motto perfectly summarizes the company's strategy: "Keep Flying, We Take Care".
For more information:

SFPI/FPIM is the sovereign wealth fund of Belgium, driving long-term and sustainable economic and social prosperity. SFPI/FPIM acts as a trusted partner in helping Belgian companies to become a reference in their industry by providing smart capital solutions. In addition, SFPI/FPIM safeguards the long-term stability of the Belgian economy by contributing to the anchoring of strategic assets in both promising and established companies.
SFPI/FPIM has about 16 billion in assets under management for the Federal State.
For more information:

The SABCA Group conducts operations from the three Belgian regions (Brussels Capital Region, Charleroi in Wallonia, and Lummen in Flanders), as well as from Casablanca, Morocco. Today, SABCA benefits from a large palette of expertise, built over its 100 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, maintaining, and upgrading large and complex elements for aircraft and space launchers. Its customers and partners belong to the elite of the aerospace industry. SABCA offers a full range of services to the civil, space and military aviation markets and recently expanded into the commercial Unmanned Autonomous Systems market as an integrator of aerospace-grade solutions for the industry.

PC-24 Rough Field Certification Campaign Brought to a Successful Conclusion


Pilatus obtained certification for take-offs and landings on grass, wet earth and snow, making the PC-24 the world's most flexible business jet ever.

Pilatus has now obtained full rough field certification for the PC-24 Super Versatile Jet. Certification for operations on dry sand and gravel was delivered in 2018. A comprehensive post-certification test campaign was conducted throughout 2019 to certify the Super Versatile Jet for operation on unpaved runways and in differing conditions. With immediate effect, all PC-24s may now also be operated on wet and snow-covered unpaved runways.

Twice as many airports – just with the PC-24

The PC-24 was developed for use on rough field from the outset. Its outstanding performance on short and unpaved runways opens up an amazing degree of flexibility and new possibilities. Compared to other business jets currently on the market, the PC-24 provides access to almost twice as many airports worldwide. More airports mean more options – taking operators to their destinations faster, with valuable time-savings.

Pilatus Chairman Oscar J. Schwenk adds: ‟I'm delighted to note the successful completion of these comprehensive tests. Our PC-24 has proven that it is capable of flying the full range of missions for which it was developed. The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia and operators in North America or Africa already use rough field runways on a regular basis, proving just how unique the PC-24 is – that sort of capability is only available with the Pilatus Super Versatile Jet!"

Tests across the world

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) requires tests for the certification of take-off and landing capability to be carried out on different runways. After careful evaluation of local conditions, tests were made at locations across America and Europe.

The excellent runway in Goodwood, England was selected for the tests on dry grass. Further tests on grass runways were carried out at Kunovice in the Czech Republic, at Poitiers in France and at Duxford, England. At Woodbridge, England, complex conditions were reproduced in part in order to meet all test specifications for take-offs and landings on wet dirt surfaces. The PC-24 was also flown in North America: tests on snow-covered gravel runways were performed at Kuujjuaq in Canada.

EASA Proposal Updates Large-airplane Cert Rules

Coronavirus Takes Out ABACE, at Shanghai, 2020

Singapore Air Show May Be A Ghost Town... But Boeing Will Be There

Singapore Air Show May Be A Ghost Town... But Boeing Will Be There

Nearly 20 Exhibitors Have Pulled Out Over Medical Fears Boeing says it will still highlight its 'broad range of commercial and defense products, services and technologies at the 2020 Singapore Airshow, which runs February 11-16 at the Changi Exhibition Center.'

Boeing Starliner almost destroyed by software issues

NASA Shares Initial Findings from Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test Investigation

  1. An error with the Mission Elapsed Timer (MET), which incorrectly polled time from the Atlas V booster nearly 11 hours prior to launch.
  2. A software issue within the Service Module (SM) Disposal Sequence, which incorrectly translated the SM disposal sequence into the SM Integrated Propulsion Controller (IPC).
  3. An Intermittent Space-to-Ground (S/G) forward link issue, which impeded the Flight Control team's ability to command and control the vehicle.
continue Reading:

Voyager 2 comes back online, 11.5 billion miles from home

Voyager 2 comes back online, 11.5 billion miles from home

After shutting itself down into a safe mode last week, the 42-year-old Voyager 2 spacecraft has begun collecting scientific data beyond the edges of the solar system again, making clever use of its dwindling nuclear power supply

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Continúan las pruebas del kit de reabastecimiento en vuelo del C-295

nota de prensa

El Ala 35, con base en Getafe (Madrid), y la empresa Airbus han trabajado juntos durante las últimas semanas para continuar con las pruebas de la versión de reabastecimiento en vuelo del avión de transporte militar C-295, que está desarrollando esta empresa aeronáutica.

Para ello se han realizado varios vuelos de ensayos a distintas velocidades poniendo a prueba el nuevo equipamiento y sus diferentes configuraciones según las velocidades a las que se desarrolla la maniobra.

Tras estos vuelos se han podido sacar conclusiones muy útiles para que el equipo de ingenieros de Airbus pueda seguir desarrollando el sistema. Hay que destacar que ha sido la primera vez que se hacen contactos con trasvase de combustible real de un avión a otro utilizando el nuevo equipamiento.

El grado de dificultad en los vuelos de ensayo siempre es alto, puesto que se trata de realizar maniobras que nadie antes ha volado. Cabe destacar que debido al comportamiento del avión, la operación ha sido bastante buena y sencilla, siempre dentro de los límites de dificultad inherentes a un vuelo de ensayo.

The Spanish Air Force Buys PC-21 Training System Including 24 Aircraft

press release

The Spanish Air Force, Ejército del Aire, is the third European air force to opt for the Swiss-produced PC-21, the Next Generation Trainer. Pilatus has committed to delivering a total of 24 PC-21s to Spain. The single-engine turboprop trainer aircraft will replace the Casa C-101 jet trainers used since 1980.

The Ministry of Defence was looking for a new, highly efficient training platform to provide advanced training for Spain's future military pilots tasked with protecting future generations. After a long and extremely professional evaluation, Pilatus beat several prestigious competitors to win the tender with the PC-21. The contract, which is worth over 200 million euros, was signed yesterday evening with the Spanish Dirección General de Armamento y Material (DGAM). Comprising an integrated training system, the order includes simulators developed and produced by Pilatus, spare parts and logistics support in addition to the PC-21 aircraft.

Oscar J. Schwenk, Chairman of Pilatus, is enthusiastic about this major order from Spain: "As a small Swiss aircraft manufacturer I'm delighted at our repeated success in winning through over large, international competitors. This result is proof that, with our PC-21, we can deliver the very best training system in the world."

Pilot training starts in 2021

The PC-21 will provide Spain with the most advanced training system currently on offer, and will also deliver a cost-effective, ecologically viable training platform. Experience with existing PC-21 customers has shown that the cost of training for a military pilot can be reduced by over 50 percent with the PC-21. These single-engine turboprop aircraft require much less fuel than any comparable jet trainer.

Oscar J. Schwenk commented further: "I'm delighted to see us win a new air force to add to our existing customer portfolio. We shall provide Ejército del Aire with the first-class customer service they are entitled to expect from Pilatus. Bienvenidos a Pilatus y muchas gracias por elegir el PC-21 – viva España!"

About the PC-21 success model

For years, people believed that single-engine turboprops would never replace jet trainers. But with defence budgets coming under increasing pressure, air forces are looking for new ways of managing and maintaining their complex systems in mission-ready condition. Seeking to support this change, Pilatus developed performance-related services specifically tailored to the PC-21 Training System. The goal is to ensure an affordable product to match the performance criteria defined by air force customers. That is achieved by providing a highly sophisticated and integrated service package in line with current air force requirements.

Prestigious air forces around the world have chosen the cost-effective, highly efficient training platform created by Pilatus. They are the proof that the PC-21 is the training system of the future. Since 2006, with the order for Spain, Pilatus has already sold 235 PC-21s to nine air forces – including Singapore, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, France and Australia.