domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

Life-saving kidney delivered by drone

A donor kidney has been delivered to surgeons at a US hospital via drone, in the first flight of its kind.

Could high-flying drones power your home one day?

A growing number of companies believe using tethered kites and drones is a viable way to harness the stronger and more consistent high-altitude winds. Could this tech release wind power's full potential, or will it always remain a niche solution?

Nasa instrument on space station to map CO2

Nasa has sent up an instrument to the International Space Station (ISS) to help track carbon dioxide on Earth.

The Photographs That Paved the Way for Apollo 11

When you see a beautiful moon, full and bright in the night sky, it can be hard to resist the urge to whip out your smartphone and snap a photo. That impulse—to capture the moon—is incredibly old. It stretches as much as 15,000 years back, from Vincent van Gogh to Leonardo da Vinci to the …

Fraudulent aluminum cost NASA two missions and $700 million

An aluminum manufacturer charged with crimes and civil claims of fraud has agreed to pay $46.9 million to NASA, the Department of Defense, and many commercial customers. This comes after a NASA investigation uncovered a 19-year scheme by Sapa Profiles, Inc. that involved faked test results and th...

The US Army is still looking for its perfect quadcopter drone

The Department of Defense awarded $11 million to six companies to make it happen. It's not hard to imagine how a small drone, like a quadcopter with a camera on it, could be useful for a soldier in the Army. After all, it's a way to see something that's over a hill, or around a corner, without st...

City Airbus eVTOL Prototype Makes First Flight in Germany - Rotor & Wing International

Bjorn's Corner: Bombardier selling off unique CSeries technology

Let’s Discuss Poland’s Controversial Decision To Buy four AW101 Helicopters To Replace Navy’s Soviet-era Mi-14 Helos

Let's Discuss Poland's Controversial Decision To Buy four AW101 Helicopters To Replace Navy's Soviet-era Mi-14 Helos

These Photos Of The F-22 Raptor Flying With The Blue Angels Are Some Of The Best Aerial Shots You’ll Ever See!

These Photos Of The F-22 Raptor Flying With The Blue Angels Are Some Of The Best Aerial Shots You'll Ever See!

IDEF: Turkey's T70 rotorcraft heading for 2020 certification

Bombardier to sell Belfast and Morocco sites

Lockheed Martin tapped for MLRS Recapitalization | Russian MiG-31 shot down by Friendly Fire | Australian Tiger deployed to Malaysia

Lockheed Martin tapped for MLRS Recapitalization | Russian MiG-31 shot down by Friendly Fire | Australian Tiger deployed to Malaysia

Boeing Statement on 737 MAX Disagree Alert

HJT-36 Flight Test Resumption Renews Hope for AL-55 Engine

Electrafly Developing Turbine Hybrid Personal UAM

Bombardier Moves To Consolidate Aerostructures Activities

Airbus Aerial Opens Software Suite To UAS Service Providers, Large Enterprises

Airbus Aerial Opens Software Suite To UAS Service Providers, Large Enterprises

Bye Aerospace Rebrands Electric Airplane As eFlyer

Boeing 737 Skids Off Runway Into St. Johns River At NAS Jacksonville

Boeing 737 Skids Off Runway Into St. Johns River At NAS Jacksonville

World's first "flap-free" aircraft maneuvered by blown air takes flight

World's first "flap-free" aircraft maneuvered by blown air takes flight

Engineers say Boeing pushed to limit safety testing in race to certify planes, including 737 MAX | The Seattle Times