martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Russia develops super heavy 500-ton Elephant transport aircraft - YouTube

Text quoted below copied from YouTube video description

«Publicado el 10 abr. 2019
Russian aircraft designers develop a new jumbo cargo aircraft that would be comparable in size to the legendary Antonov  An-124 Ruslan.

The development of the new airplane is being carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor Zhukovsky. So far the aircraft exists in the form of a conceptual design. 

The aircraft is called Slon, which translates from Russian into English as Elephant. 
The aircraft will be built on the aerodynamic scheme with high-lying extra long wings and one keel. The entire fuselage of the new aircraft will serve as the transport compartment. 

The construction of an additional deck can also be possible, which can make the Elephant a flying double-decker. The Slon will take off with the help of four dual-turbojet engines. The cargo compartment will be 5.2 meters hight from floor to ceiling. It will be 6.3 meters wide.

Two decks will enable the aircraft to transport both military equipment and the crew. Tanks and armored personnel carriers will be placed in the cargo compartment, and up to 400 soldiers will be accommodated on the upper deck. 

The empty aircraft will weigh 214-222 tons. It will be able to take 150 tons of cargo. One will need 150 tons of kerosene to fill the tanks of the jumbo jet. The maximum weight of the aircraft may thus make up 500 tons. The speed of the aircraft in flight will be 800-850 km/h. The maximum flight range of the aircraft with cargo on board will be nearly 8,000 km. An empty airplane will be able to fly for almost 19 thousand kilometers. 


L'armée de l'air danoise recrute chez les joueurs - JeuxOnLine

AERO Freidrichshafen 2019 - show report

Raytheon's new DeepStrike missile rocket motor passes critical test


ROCKET CENTER, W.Va., April 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) completed a successful static test of the new DeepStrike® missile rocket motor, which moved the advanced, surface-to-surface weapon closer to its maiden flight test later this year.

The company is offering the DeepStrike missile for the U.S. Army's Precision Strike Missile, or PrSM, program to replace the aging Army Tactical Missile System that is approaching the end of its service life.

"Testing shows us how initial data assessments line up and validates them for the next phase in development," said Dr. Thomas Bussing, Raytheon Advanced Missile Systems vice president. "This test confirms our design for the DeepStrike propulsion system is solid and moves us one step closer to extending the Army's reach and doubling the load-out of long-range fires."

The rocket motor test at Allegany Ballistics Laboratory in West Virginia is the latest in a series of milestones for the DeepStrike missile. Raytheon recently concluded a successful preliminary design review for the weapon.

Raytheon's new, long-range precision strike missile features an innovative, two-in-the-pod design and will fly farther, faster, and give the Army twice the firepower at half the cost per missile. It is also more maneuverable and has a modular, open architecture to simplify system upgrades.

"With our expertise in advanced weapon systems, Raytheon is best positioned to provide an affordable, low-risk solution that gives the Army an overwhelming advantage over our nation's adversaries," Bussing said.

The DeepStrike missile will defeat fixed land targets 60-499 kilometers away, and get there faster than current systems.

About Raytheon
Raytheon Company, with 2018 sales of $27 billion and 67,000 employees, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity solutions. With a history of innovation spanning 97 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration, C5I™ products and services, sensing, effects and mission support for customers in more than 80 countries. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts. Follow us on Twitter.

Embraer Praetor 600 Business Jet Outperforms on Certification

corporate news
Embraer Praetor 600 Business Jet Outperforms on Certification São Paulo, Brazil, April 18, 2019 – Embraer announces that the company’s new Praetor 600 super-midsize business jet was granted its Type Certificate by Brazil’s Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC—Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil), having been announced in October 2018 at NBAA-BACE and becoming the only super-midsize business jet to be certified since 2014. The Praetor 600 is the best performing super-midsize jet ever developed, surpassing all its main design goals and becoming capable of flying beyond 4,000 nautical miles in long-range cruise speed or beyond 3,700 nautical miles at Mach .80 from runways shorter than 4,500ft, complemented by an outstanding payload capability. “Our engineering and program teams have outperformed again by passionately designing, developing and certifying the class-leading Praetor 600 business jet, exceeding specifications and expectations, and ahead of schedule,” said Paulo César Souza e Silva, Embraer CEO. “This advanced aircraft reflects not only our journey of innovation, it is also a preview of the future of this great company.” “The most disruptive and technologically advanced super-midsize business jet has arrived. The Praetor 600 will fascinate our customers with the highest performance, technology and comfort in its class and raise the customer experience to an unprecedented level,” said Michael Amalfitano, President & CEO, Embraer Executive Jets. “I want to thank and congratulate the Embraer family for bringing to market an aircraft that will create true value for customers and shareholders alike.” The Praetor 600 is now the farthest-flying super-midsize jet, able to make nonstop flights between London and New York, São Paulo and Miami, Dubai and London. With four passengers and NBAA IFR Reserves, the Praetor 600 has an intercontinental range of 4,018 nautical miles (7,441 km). Take Off Field Length for such a mission is only 4,436 ft (1,352 m). At M0.80, range is 3,719 nm (6,887 km) with four passengers and NBBA IFR Reserves. The Praetor 600 is the first super-midsize jet with full fly-by-wire technology, which powers the Active Turbulence Reduction that not only makes every flight the smoothest but also the most efficient possible. The Embraer DNA Design interior eloquently explores every dimension of the only super-midsize to feature a six-foot-tall, flat-floor cabin, stone flooring and a vacuum service lavatory, all in the same certified aircraft. The class-exclusive Active Turbulence Reduction and 5,800-foot cabin altitude, complemented by a whisper silent cabin, have set the highest standards in customer experience in the super-midsize category. In addition to the full-service galley and a wardrobe, eight fully reclining club seats may be berthed into four beds, and the baggage space is the largest in the class. Advanced technology throughout the cabin is also a trait of the Embraer DNA Design, beginning with the industry-exclusive Upper Tech Panel that displays flight information and offers cabin management features also available on personal devices through Honeywell Ovation Select. High-capacity, ultra high-speed connectivity for all aboard is available through Viasat’s Ka-band, with speeds of up to 16Mbps and unlimited streaming, another industry-exclusive in super-midsize jets. The Praetor 600 features Collins Aerospace’s newest edition of the acclaimed Pro Line Fusion flight deck. Capabilities such as the industry-first vertical weather display, air-traffic-control-like situational awareness with ADSB-IN, predictive wind shear radar capability, as well as Embraer Enhanced Vision System (E2VS) with a Head-up Display (HUD) and an Enhanced Video System (EVS), an Inertial Reference System (IRS) and a Synthetic Vision Guidance System (SVGS) are some of the highlights on the Praetor 600 flight deck.

From Canada to Argentina with a Tecnam P2006T

press release

Hours on a normal arirline, The real rout is with stopovers, crossing from Florida.

Great adventure for Francisco Martire and his copilot Matias Gaitan flying from CYBW Canada to SAAR Argentina with the Tecnam P2006t LV-GUY. More than 7200 mn flying over the Carribean and South America. It is a guinnes record, the longest trip for P2006T made on the american continent.

Airbus selects seven finalist teams to shape the future of aerospaceAirbus selects seven finalist teams to shape the future of aerospace

Press Release

Airbus experts have selected seven teams for the 2019 final of world-class competition Fly Your Ideas which invites students from around the world to innovate in key areas for the industry: Electrification, Data Services, Cyber Security, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality. The finalist teams were selected after a three-month development phase working with support from Airbus mentors.

Fly Your Ideas gives students the opportunity to develop exceptional or radical ideas for tomorrow's aerospace industry. The selected concepts represent a range of trendsetting topics such as a ‘Smart Wheelchair’ for air travel or a ‘Solar Windmill’.

The finalist team members represent 11 countries (Argentina, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Moldavia, Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom), 8 different universities and were selected from over 270 entries worldwide. Their academic backgrounds vary from Engineering to Information Technology and Natural Sciences to Finance.

In June, the teams will travel to Toulouse, France to work in Airbus' innovation and R&D facilities to further develop, prototype or visualise their ideas using state-of-the-art equipment with support from Airbus. On 27th June, the students will present their projects in front of Airbus experts and personalities from the aerospace and academic world, live-streamed in parallel to a global audience.

The students, competing for a share of the €45,000 prize fund and the chance to further evolve their idea in the aerospace industry, are clearly motivated by the digital nature of this year’s challenge, and the chance to change the world with their ideas.
The seven finalist teams are:
  1. Airbus Integrated Fisheries Information Services (Data Services Challenge) – Team AirFish, University of Cambridge, UK. AirFish is an ocean monitoring system using satellite imagery and video imaging technology. It can help governments combat illegal fishing, reduce bycatch of endangered species, and generally decrease damages to the marine habitat. This project aims to improve the efficiency of fish farming, making food production more affordable whilst reducing open-water fishing and thus environmental impacts.
  2. Automated Intelligent Real-Time Quality Inspection Exploiting Human-Robot-Collaboration (Artificial Intelligence Challenge) - Team AIQinspect, Saarland University, Germany. AIQinspect will assist the human operator in performing rivet inspection by using Artificial Intelligence. Quality is predicted based on images and physical parameters while riveting in real time. The resulting information is communicated to the operator via Augmented Reality.
  3. Batteryless Wireless Switches for Airplanes (Internet of Things Challenge) - Team “Zero” Heroes, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.Application of wireless systems in aircraft instead of traditional wired systems. This idea solves the main limitation for IoT in aircraft by removing battery integration - a current challenge for safety and regulation. Furthermore it reduces fuel consumption and weight while simplifying aircraft retrofit and maintenance needs.
  4. Motor Intra-body Cooling System - MICS (Electrification Challenge) - Team Osprey, University of Strathclyde, UK. Replacing the traditional method of cooling electric motors with a water jacket or submerged cooling with a cooling system integrated inside the body of the motor itself. This project has the potential to provide mass effective motors for future Urban Air Mobility and Hybrid Electric aircraft.
  5. The Solar Windmill (Electrification Challenge) - Team Seren, University of Cambridge, UK. A novel method of electricity generation for spacecraft using trapped high energy particles. Using two concentric aluminium spheres, the energetic electrons flux from solar wind trapped in planetary magnetic fields can be collected and harnessed to generate power. This innovative approach aims to store and generate energy in deep space where the current density from sunlight is low.
  6. Swan – Smart Wheelchair for Air travel Needs (Internet of Things Challenge) - Team Move-ez, Technical University of Milan, Italy.SWAN is an innovation that aims to revolutionize the air-travel experience of Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM) using IoT technology. It converts a redesigned class of detachable airplane seats into smart electric wheelchairs that passengers can use from check-in to arrival. It is fully controllable by smartphone through a dedicated app.
  7. V.A.C.A. - Earth-obserVation-data based Application for stoCkbreeding Administration (Data Services Challenge) - Team V.A.C.A, National University of La Plata, Argentina VACA is an integrated service for stockbreeders, based on Earth observation, meteorological and IoT data applied to agriculture. VACA aims to provide actionable information to stockbreeders on quality and quantity of pastures, number of animals in paddocks as well as the physical condition of cattle. 

Teams will share project updates, photos, sketches and stories using #flyyourideas with their posts captured on the social wall of the competition website.

Airbus Fly Your Ideas is a global competition challenging students worldwide to innovate for the future of aerospace, designed and launched by Airbus in 2008 and organised in partnership with UNESCO since 2012. Since 2008, over 22,000 students have registered for Fly Your Ideas from over 700 universities and 100 countries worldwide, with more than 500 Airbus employees contributing their mentorship and expertise to support the competition.

For more details and information on the finalists, please visit

Key figures Fly Your Ideas 2019:

·       Number of ideas submitted: 270

o    Number of countries involved: 72 (80 nationalities)
o    Number of universities involved: 284
o    Top 5 countries: India – 43 teams, China & HK – 17 teams, France – 16 teams,
Iran – 15 teams, United Kingdom – 15 teams
o    Gender mix: 47% of teams mix male and female students
·       Finalist universities involved
o    University of Cambridge, UK (two teams)
o    University of Strathclyde, UK
o    Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
o    National University of La Plata, University of Buenos Aires and National University of the Centre of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (all in one team)
o    Technical University of Milan, Italy
o    Saarland University, Germany
Fly Your Ideas competition – since the 2008 launch:
·       6 competitions in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019
·       Partnership with UNESCO since 2012
·       More than 100 countries represented
·       Over 700 universities supporting
·       More than 22,000 students registered
·       Over 500 Airbus staff involved
·       1,900+ ideas submitted

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Explosion d’une capsule de SpaceX à Cap Canaveral