Red Bull has decided not to continue the Red Bull Air Race World Championship beyond the 2019 season. The remaining races this year are: Kazan, Russia, 15-16 June; Lake Balaton, Hungary, 13-14 July and Chiba, Japan, 7-8 September.
There have been more than 90 races since Red Bull Air Race began in 2003. These have given the world's most exceptional pilots the opportunity to compete in high speed flying at low altitude with extreme maneuvers. The Red Bull Air Race provided sports entertainment of highest quality but did not attract the level of outside interest as many other Red Bull events across the world.
Red Bull thanks the pilots, their teams, partners, the host cities as well as the Red Bull employees for all they have done to make these enjoyable and memorable events.
Speaking at the Typhoon Ministerial Meeting in Germany, Defence
Minister Stuart Andrew announced the beginning of a series of capability
tests of BriteCloud, a drinks-can sized missile decoy to protect combat
jets from the latest radar-guided missiles.
BriteCloud uses powerful radar emissions to disrupt the targeting
system within air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles, drawing them away
to a safe distance. The device can be fired from an aircraft flare
dispenser without the need for modification to the aircraft.
Designed and manufactured in Luton by Leonardo, the miniature decoy
has been tested and released for the first time aboard the RAF’s fleet
of Typhoon aircraft. The MOD has been working with Leonardo on the
development of BriteCloud since 2012 and has so far invested £27m in the
system, with the project sustaining 50 jobs in Luton.
Defence Minister Stuart Andrew said:
Britecloud offers the RAF a powerful and cost-effective way to keep our pilots safer than ever on the frontline.
These trials show UK industry is once again at
the heart of defence innovation, providing our Armed Forces with
state-of-the-art capabilities and creating high-tech jobs across the
The first Britecould trial with Typhoon aircraft took place in the UK
in April. Thirty three BriteCloud 55 rounds were dispensed from
aircraft flown by the RAF’s 41 Test and Evaluation Squadron against a
range of threats designed to mirror those faced on the battlefield.
Further trials are planned to ensure the decoy launches safely from
the aircraft and to develop a range of operational uses for the
technology on the battlefield, including adding the devices to military
helicopters and C-130 Hercules aircraft. The Typhoon trials will also
inform how such decoys could be used on the RAF’s Lightning stealth
Should the trials be succesful, the devices will be available for frontline aircrews by the end of 2019.
Sir Simon Bollom, CEO of the MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support organisation, said:
Our ongoing partnership with Leonardo continues
to drive vital research and development that leads to the kind of
innovation demanded by our RAF today. The trials of BriteCloud on
Typhoon demonstrates how we are constantly striving to find a
technological edge and protect our service personnel.
Wg Cdr Pete Ward, SO1 Typhoon said:
The initial flight-trial of Bright-cloud from
RAF Typhoon aircraft was a key milestone in moving closer towards a
viable and extremely valuable capability for the warfighter; trials will
now move to operational testing and validation before the initial
operating capability is declared, planned at this time for later in 2019
The MOD invested £4.4bn with industry in in the South-East in 2017/18, sustaining almost 27,000 jobs across the region.
Para atender las necesidades futuras de crecimiento que Iberia ha anunciado en sus mercados de largo radio, la aerolínea ha lanzado una convocatoria de empleo para pilotos en la que, por primera vez, los seleccionados podrán ingresar directamente en la flota de largo radio, siempre y cuando cumplan los requisitos solicitados por la compañía.
· Nivel mínimo de estudios: Prueba de acceso a la universidad aprobada o estudios finalizados que permitan el acceso a la universidad.
· Cualificación mínima: ATPL(A) frozen EASA parte FCL y MCC.
· Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor.
· Certificado de competencia lingüística en Inglés mínimo nivel 4 y Castellano nivel 5.
· Derecho a trabajar en la Unión Europea y pasaporte sin restricciones.
· Certificado de antecedentes penales.
Además, se valorará:
· ATPL (A) sin restricción.
· Habilitaciones.
· Estudios universitarios, formación profesional, experiencia aeronáutica en función de la edad del candidato, idiomas y trabajos previos dentro del ámbito aeronáutico o fuera de él.
Más información sobre esta oferta de empleo y formulario para aplicar a la misma en
Con sus vuelos de Madrid a Bergen y a Oslo, la aerolínea Iberia ofrecerá cerca de 43.000 asientos entre España y Noruega en 2019
Iberia inaugurará dos nuevas rutas en las próximas semanas. Noruega, con los vuelos desde Madrid a Oslo y a Bergen, se convierte en el tercer país escandinavo al que vuela el grupo aéreo tras Dinamarca y Suecia.
Vuelos a Oslo durante todo el año
Con cuatro frecuencias semanales a Oslo, Iberia inaugurará esta ruta desde Madrid el 15 de junio que se mantendrá durante todo el año.
Los horarios de estos vuelos serán:
Nº de vuelo
Lu., Ma., Sa.
Lu., Ma., Sa.
La capital noruega destaca por su arquitectura moderna, por ser la sede de instituciones culturales como el Museo Munch y por su apuesta medioambiental, no en vano ha sido elegida Capital Verde Europea en 2019.
Dos vuelos a la semana a Bergen
A partir del 1 de junio, Iberia ofrecerá dos vuelos a la semana a Bergen, la segunda ciudad más importante de Noruega, hasta el 30 de septiembre con el siguiente horario:
Nº de vuelo
Conocida por su pasado vikingo, su universidad, su Festival Internacional y por su mercado de pescado, Bergen es el punto ideal de partida para explorar los fiordos noruegos.
El horario de los vuelos de Madrid a Bergen y a Oslo permite la conexión desde más de 20 ciudades de la red de Iberia. Ambas rutas se operarán con aviones de la familia A320 que pueden acomodar entre 141 y 200 pasajeros distribuidos en las clases Business y Turista. En total, Iberia ofrecerá cerca de 43.000 asientos entre España y Noruega en 2019.
Oslo y Bergen son el tercer y cuarto destino del Grupo Iberia en Escandinavia, tras Copenhague, adónde Iberia Express opera un vuelo diario, y Estocolmo que une con Madrid todos los días. Además, ofrece vuelos a Helsinki, Kuopio, Oulu y Rovaniemi en Finlandia en código compartido con Finnair, el socio de Iberia en la alianza oneworld. Durante los meses de verano, Iberia Express unirá, además, Madrid con Keflavik en Islandia, tres veces a la semana. La apuesta del Grupo Iberia por los países nórdicos es una muestra del creciente interés turístico de la región.
Más información, reserva y compra de vuelos en
Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a medio centenar de países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de 142 aviones. En 2017 Iberia consiguió su 4ª estrella Skytrax; en 2016 y 2017 fue la aerolínea más puntual del mundo y, en 2018, la tercera de Europa, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, y es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.
Airbus has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with SAS Scandinavian Airlines for hybrid and electric aircraft eco-system and infrastructure requirements research.
The MoU was signed by Grazia Vittadini, Chief Technology Officer, Airbus and Göran Jansson, Deputy President EVP Strategy & Ventures, Scandinavian Airlines. Collaboration will start in June 2019 and will continue until the end of 2020.
Under the MoU, Airbus and SAS Scandinavian Airlines will cooperate on a joint research project to enhance understanding of the operational and infrastructure opportunities and challenges involved with the large-scale introduction of hybrid and full electric aircraft to airlines modus operandi. The project scope includes five work packages, which focus on analysing the impact of ground infrastructure and charging on range, resources, time and availability at airports.
The collaboration also includes a plan to involve a renewable energy supplier to ensure genuine zero CO2 emissions operations are assessed. This multidisciplinary approach—from energy to infrastructure—aims to address the entire aircraft operations ecosystem in order to better support the aviation industry's transition to sustainable energy.
Aircraft are roughly 80% more fuel efficient per passenger kilometer than they were 50 years ago. However, with air traffic growth estimated to more than double over the next 20 years, reducing aviation’s impact on the environment remains the aim of the industry.
To overcome this challenge, the Global Aviation Industry (ATAG) including Airbus and SAS Scandinavian Airlines have committed to achieving carbon-neutral growth for the aviation industry as a whole from 2020 onwards, cutting aviation net emissions by 50% by 2050 (compared to 2005).
This agreement further strengthens Airbus’ position in a field where it is already investing in and focusing its research efforts on developing hybrid-electric and electric propulsion technologies that promise significant environmental benefits. Airbus has already started to build a portfolio of technology demonstrators and is currently testing innovative hybrid propulsion systems, subsystems and components in order to address long-term efficiency goals for building and operating electric aircraft.
Airbus presentará diferentes productos y servicios digitales en el ámbito de defensa, helicópteros y espacio
Airbus patrocinará la cena oficial de FEINDEF como parte de la conmemoración de su 50 aniversario
Airbus participará en la primera edición de la Feria Internacional de Defensa y Seguridad (FEINDEF), que tendrá lugar del 29 al 31 de mayo en el recinto ferial IFEMA de Madrid. Como principal compañía aeroespacial española, Airbus presentará productos y servicios de gran relevancia para España, así como proyectos de innovación y tecnología de vanguardia.
La compañía destacará en su estand las principales colaboraciones en el sector europeo de defensa. Se mostrarán el futuro sistema de avión de combate FCAS (Future Combat Air System), el Eurodrone MALE RPAS europeo (Medium Altitude, Long Endurance Remotely Piloted Air System), así como el avión de combate polivalente Eurofighter Typhoon.
Airbus también mostrará helicópteros, incluyendo el entrenador Part Task Trainer del helicóptero NH90. Asimismo, también se presentarán diferentes aviones militares, como el A400M, el único avión de transporte del mundo capaz de entregar cargas de gran tamaño en pistas no preparadas; el C295, líder mundial del mercado en el segmento de tamaño medio de transporte y misiones especiales; y el A330 MRTT, el único avión de repostaje en vuelo de nueva generación probado en combate.
Además, Airbus destacará su experiencia en el entorno marítimo con la versión patrulla marítima del C295, así como la cartera de soluciones marítimas combinadas de la compañía que responden a las necesidades de los clientes, desde la detección temprana de las amenazas hasta su resolución definitiva.
Como parte de la oferta de productos y servicios digitales, de comunicación y de ciberseguridad, se expondrán las capacidades de comunicaciones seguras en tierra, antenas de comunicación intersatelital, su solución de comunicaciones militares aéreas seguras en red, Network for the Sky, así como el innovador servicio de inteligencia basado en imágenes de satélite, OneAtlas.
Airbus destacará en su estand los principales programas espaciales españoles, como los satélites de observación de la Tierra PAZ e Ingenio, que operan con éxito y en los que la compañía ha sido el contratista principal, así como los programas Spainsat NG I y II, donde Airbus actuará como “socio principal” en la construcción de estos satétlites.
Las actividades de Airbus en el evento incluyen:
29 de mayo, a las 16:00 horas en el estand de Airbus (C07 – Pabellón
8): firma de un acuerdo de colaboración relativo a una nueva tecnología
de inspección de aviones militares.
30 de mayo, en el Foro de Tecnología, Innovación y Emprendimiento de
FEINDEF: presentación del proyecto ATHENA sobre la tecnología de
enjambres de drones, que incluye la toma de decisiones autónoma basada
en algoritmos. (Sala de conferencias Tecnobit desde las 09:30).
31 de mayo, Foro de la Mujer de FEINDEF: participación de Cristina
Aguilar Grieder como parte del compromiso de Airbus a favor de la
diversidad de género (Sala de conferencias Tecnobit a las 12:00).
Además, para conmemorar el 50 aniversario de Airbus que se cumple este año, la compañía será el patrocinador principal de la cena oficial de la feria, que se celebrará el 29 de mayo.
La Feria Internacional de Defensa y Seguridad, FEINDEF, está organizada por TEDAE (Asociación Española de Tecnologías de Defensa, Seguridad, Aeronáutica y Espacio) y AESMIDE (Asociación de Empresas Contratistas Con las Administraciones Públicas), con el apoyo del Ministerio de Defensa de España.
FEINDEF cuenta con 150 expositores, 11 países representados y alrededor de 8000 visitantes profesionales previstos.
Para más información sobre el evento, visite
Cities are completely rethinking the urban mobility mix. We speak to Vassilis Agouridas, Senior Manager Strategic Innovation at Airbus, who offers insight on how citizens and other public actors can play an active role as co-creators of future mobility solutions.
Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner propulsion system was put to the test at NASA’s White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. Teams ran multiple tests proving both the vehicle’s in-space maneuvering system as well as the critical launch abort system.
The test used a flight-like Starliner service module with a full propulsion system comprising of fuel and helium tanks, reaction control system and orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters, launch abort engines and all necessary fuel lines and avionics.
During the test:
-- 19 thrusters fired to simulate in-space maneuvers; -- 12 thrusters fired to simulate a high-altitude abort; -- 22 propulsion elements, including the launch abort engines, fired to simulate a low-altitude abort.
“With the safety of our astronauts at the forefront of all we do, this successful testing proves this system will work correctly and keep Starliner and the crew safe through all phases of flight,” said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing’s Commercial Crew Program. “The milestone paves the way for the upcoming pad abort test and flights to and from the International Space Station later this year.”
The development of a safe, reliable and cost-effective solution for crew transportation services to and from the International Space Station will allow the on-orbit research facility to continue to fulfill its promise as a world-class laboratory. With NASA as the anchor customer, Boeing's Starliner is setting the foundation for commercial passenger flights to and from low-Earth orbit destinations to include international astronauts, scientists and even tourists.
SAVANNAH, Georgia, May 18, 2019 — Gulfstream Aerospace Corp., an industry leader in sustainability, today announced it has set another city-pair speed record on sustainable alternative jet fuel. The record, achieved Friday by the Gulfstream G550™, connected Charleston, South Carolina, with Farnborough, England, a distance of 3,591 nautical miles/6,651 kilometers, at an average speed of Mach 0.85 in 7 hours and 13 minutes.
The city-pair record, along with a G550 demonstration flight on SAJF today to Geneva for next week’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition, is part of a second industry event designed to promote the development and adoption of SAJF. The first took place in January in Van Nuys, California.
“Our record-breaking flight on the G550 is another example of our aircraft’s continued high performance with SAJF,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. “We first used SAJF in June 2011 to cross the Atlantic on a G450 and have used it since 2016 with our corporate, demonstration, Customer Support and flight-test aircraft. This is a fuel that we use in Savannah and the fuel that we recommend – and sell – to our customers in Long Beach, California. It is safe, approved, does not hinder aircraft performance and provides a long-term benefit to the environment.
“As an industry, we must continue to promote SAJF and its benefits and collaborate to find a solution for the infrastructure and economic challenges that impede widespread use of the fuel around the world.”
In February, Gulfstream had its first sale and delivery of SAJF to a Gulfstream operator. The customer, a U.S.-based multinational corporation, purchased 20,000 pounds of SAJF from Gulfstream’s Long Beach facility for its G550.
This month, Gulfstream is expected to begin regular sales of SAJF to customers in Long Beach. It will also start using SAJF to power large-cabin completion flights departing from Long Beach Airport. California-based World Energy, which has a refinery approximately 10 miles from Long Beach Airport, refines the SAJF provided by World Fuel Services.
The Federal Aviation Administration has confirmed SAJF is safe to use, and Gulfstream has proven that by flying nearly 800,000 nm/1.5 million km and setting five city-pair records on SAJF. SAJF meets the same fuel specification as conventional Jet-A and offers at least the same performance and safety standards. Each gallon of fuel burned achieves more than a 50 percent reduction in C02 emissions, relative to petroleum-based jet fuel, on a lifecycle basis.
Gulfstream’s sustainability strategy helps support industry goals established by the NBAA, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association and the International Business Aviation Council. In addition to the goal of carbon-neutral growth by 2020, the industry’s targets include an improvement in fuel efficiency and reduction in total carbon dioxide emissions.
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), designs, develops, manufactures, markets, services and supports the world’s most technologically advanced business-jet aircraft. Gulfstream has produced more than 2,800 aircraft for customers around the world since 1958. To meet the diverse transportation needs of the future, Gulfstream offers a comprehensive fleet of aircraft, comprising the Gulfstream G280TM, the Gulfstream G550TM, the Gulfstream G500TM, the Gulfstream G600TM, the Gulfstream G650TM and the Gulfstream G650ERTM. We invite you to visit our website for more information and photos at
Lilium Jet is the world’s first all-electric jet-powered five-seater air taxi Capable of traveling up to 300km in just 60 minutes, with zero operating emissions Lilium will manufacture and operate the Lilium Jet as part of a revolutionary on-demand air taxi service
Munich 16 May 2019: Lilium, the Munich-based startup developing a revolutionary on- demand air taxi service, today revealed its new five-seater air taxi prototype for the first time. The unveiling of the new Lilium Jet came as the all-electric aircraft completed its maiden flight in the skies over Germany earlier this month.
The full-scale, full-weight prototype is powered by 36 all-electric jet engines that allow it to take-off and land vertically, while achieving remarkably efficient horizontal, or cruise, flight. The simplicity of the aircraft design, with no tail, no rudder, no propellers, no gearbox and only one moving part in the engine not only contributes to the safety and affordability of the aircraft, but it has also allowed the design team to focus their efforts on creating a magical customer experience in the cabin, from panoramic windows to gull-wing doors.
Celebrating the landmark, Daniel Wiegand, co-founder and CEO, said: “Today we are taking another huge step towards making urban air mobility a reality. In less than two years we have been able to design, build and successfully fly an aircraft that will serve as our template for mass production. Moving from two to five seats was always our ambition as it enables us to open up the skies to many more travelers. Whether its friends or families flying together or business travelers ride-sharing into the city, having five seats delivers an economy of scale you just can’t achieve with two. The Lilium Jet itself is beautiful and we were thrilled to see it take to the skies for the first time. With the perfect balance of range and speed, our aircraft has the potential to positively impact the way people choose to live and travel, all over the world.”
With a top speed of 300 km/h and a range of 300km, the Lilium Jet is capable of completing much longer journeys than the majority of its competitors. This is, in part, thanks to the fixed wing design of the aircraft. While drone-based aircraft consume much of their energy keep- ing an aircraft in the air, the Lilium Jet can rely on the lift generated by the fixed wing to do this, meaning it will require less than ten percent of its maximum 2000 horsepower during cruise flight. This efficiency, which is comparable to the energy usage of an electric car over the same distance, means the aircraft would not just be capable of connecting suburbs to city centers and airports to main train stations, but would also deliver affordable high-speed connections across entire regions.
The Lilium Jet first took to the air at 08.03 local time on 4th May 2019, having completed extensive ground testing at Lilium’s HQ in Munich, Germany. The prototype aircraft, which is controlled remotely from the ground, has since begun a rigorous flight test campaign that will prove its capability and lay the foundations for certification of the aircraft to safety standards comparable to those of large commercial aircraft.
Commenting on the successful first flight, Leandro Bigarella, Head of Flight Test, said: “While a maiden flight is always a moment of truth for a business, the Lilium Jet performed exactly as expected and responded well to our inputs. Our flight test program will now continue with increasingly complex maneuvers as we look towards our next big goal of achieving transition flight, which is when the aircraft moves seamlessly from vertical to horizontal flight.”
Lilium plans to manufacture and operate the Lilium Jet as part of a revolutionary on-demand air taxi service. At the push of a button, passengers will be able to use the Lilium app to locate their nearest landing pad and plan their journey with ease. Choosing from a network of pads across cities and regions, passengers will enjoy journeys that are comparable in price with a taxi, yet four times faster. Lilium expects to be fully-operational in various cities around the world by 2025, although trial services will start earlier than this in several locations.
Commenting on Lilium’s vision for urban air mobility, Wiegand added: “We dream of a world where anyone can fly wherever they want, whenever they want. We’ve invested a tremendous amount of thought and care into designing an aircraft and a service that will let us deliver this, meeting society’s demands for urban air travel that is quiet, safe and environ- mentally positive. Getting to this point has meant tackling some of aerospace’s greatest challenges, but now we’re here we can focus on bringing our vision to life and connecting communities in ways they have never been connected before. Whether it’s reducing the need for investment in ground-based infrastructure like road or rail, or opening up new areas to economic opportunities, we believe that urban air mobility has the potential to be a remarkable force for good in society and we look forward to working across our sector to achieve this.”
The latest five-seater Lilium Jet builds on the successful flight testing of a two-seater prototype in 2017. The two-seater prototype provided proof of concept for Lilium’s signature transition flight maneuver, where the aircraft shifts from vertical to horizontal flight, and laid the groundwork for today’s prototype.
The five-seater prototype will now enter a rigorous flight test campaign that will see it demonstrate its full range of capabilities.
US firms plan to build floating landing pads for plane-copter hybrid by 2024
Aiming to give travellers an alternative to
airports, two US companies, Transcend Air Corporation and Lily Helipads,
have teamed up to offer floating landing pads for Transcend’s vertical
take-off air taxis, which are in development. read more
Transcend Partnering With Lily on Barge Vertiports
Transcend Air and Lily Helipads are partnering to
build barge-based vertipads adjacent to city centers including Boston,
New York, Montreal, and San Francisco. Formed in 2017, Transcend plans
to build and fly the $3.5 million, six-seat Vy 400 vertical takeoff and
landing (VTOL) aircraft and launch service in 2024 from markets
including Boston and New York. read more
Transcend Air and Lily Helipads team up to build eco-friendly "vertipads" for air taxis
It was about a year ago that we first heard about
Transcend Air Corporation's Vy 400, a planned vertical take-off and
landing (VTOL) six-seater aircraft that will ferry passengers in and out
of cities. Now, the Boston-based company has announced plans for
floating environmentally-friendly landing pads for the aircraft. read more
Transcend Air and Lily Helipads announce zero-emission landing spots
A network of low-impact vertipads will be located
on the water adjacent to city centers, including in Boston Harbor,
around the island of Manhattan, on Montreal’s riverfront, and in San
Francisco Bay.
It is all part of Transcend Air’s plan for sustainable mobility. read more
Zero-Emission Landing Spots Announced by Transcend Air and Lily Helipads
"Transcend Air will address multiple problems
involving congestion, traffic, and pollution caused by our current
transportation system," said Transcend Air founder and CEO Gregory
Bruell. "By bringing vertipads close to travelers, we don't increase
airport traffic. And by focusing on a safe and environmentally-friendly
landing and takeoff infrastructure, as only Lily can help us provide, we
will be creating a more sustainable way to travel." read more
Zero-Emission Landing Spots Announced by Transcend Air and Lily Helipads
Building on its plan to launch a new class of
city to city air mobility, with reduced environmental impact, Transcend
Air Corporation and Lily Helipads announce a partnership to build
sustainable, zero-emission barge-based landing spots, called
“vertipads.” A network of low-impact vertipads will be located on the
water adjacent to city centers, including in Boston Harbor, around the
island of Manhattan, on Montreal’s riverfront, and in San Francisco Bay. read more
[VIDEO] Air taxis? Boston company working to make unique air travel a reality
Boston to New York in less than 40 minutes
sounds like a dream, but one local startup is working to make its unique
air travel concept a reality.
The company, Transcend Air, plans to put air cabs up in Boston, and is
determining how much it will cost to take one once they are ready.
Transcend Air wants to float a barge off the Fish Pier in Boston's
Seaport District, with a helipad on top. read more
Although improvements in vehicle configurations and engine systems have increased flight efficiency over the past few decades, the continued dependency on hydrocarbon fuels makes aircraft operation costs volatile. It also means that commercial aviation will continue to contribute a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions across the national and international transportation industry. And the forecast for air travel in the United States is expected to increase 90 percent within the next 20 years, leading to even greater emissions.
In an effort to address these issues, this research proposes a fundamental shift away from jet fuel towards more sustainable energy sources for aviation, and the introduction of new electrically-driven propulsion systems for commercial aircraft systems.
Phillip Ansel, Assistant Professor of Aerospace EngineeringIt’s called CHEETA—the Center for Cryogenic High-Efficiency Electrical Technologies for Aircraft. NASA will provide $6 million over the course of three years.
“Essentially, the program focuses on the development of a fully electric aircraft platform that uses cryogenic liquid hydrogen as an energy storage method,” said Phillip Ansell, assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Urbana-Champaign and principal investigator for the project. “The hydrogen chemical energy is converted to electrical energy through a series of fuel cells, which drive the ultra-efficient electric propulsion system. The low temperature requirements of the hydrogen system also provide opportunities to use superconducting, or lossless, energy transmission and high-power motor systems.
“It’s similar to how MRIs work, magnetic resonance imaging,” Ansell added. “However, these necessary electrical drivetrain systems do not yet exist, and the methods for integrating electrically driven propulsion technologies into an aircraft platform have not yet been effectively established. This program seeks to address this gap and make foundational contributions in technologies that will enable fully electric aircraft of the future.”
Concept sketch of a fully electric aircraft platform that uses cryogenic liquid hydrogen as an energy storage method.“Advances in recent years on non-cryogenic machines and drives have brought electric propulsion of commercial regional jets closer to reality, but practical cryogenic systems remain the ‘holy grail’ for large aircraft because of their unmatched power density and efficiency,” Haran said. “The partnerships that have been established for this project position us well to address the significant technical hurdles that exist along this path.”
The project includes participation from eight additional institutions: the Air Force Research Laboratory, Boeing Research and Technology, General Electric Global Research, The Ohio State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Arkansas, the University of Dayton Research Institute, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
The other co-investigators on the team are: Assistant Professor Kai James and Associate Professor Jason Merret, both from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at U of I; Arijit Banerjee, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois; Timothy Haugan from the Air Force Research Lab; Tina Stoia and Edward Mugica from Boeing Research and Technology; Edward Greitzer and David Hall from Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Fang Luo and Alan Mantooth from the University of Arkansas; Michael Sumption from The Ohio State University; Ernst W. Stautner from General Electric Global Research; Bang-Hung Tsao from the University of Dayton Research Institute; and Luigi Vanfretti from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
The German government has placed a firm order for three ACJ350-900 XWBs, becoming the first government customer for the type, which has already been ordered by private customers.
The aircraft are destined for a mix of government, troop transport and medical evacuation roles. Delivery of the first aircraft is planned for 2020, and the other two in 2022.
Cabin outfitting will be facilitated by ACJ’s Easyfit cabin-outfitting concept, which features pre-installed attachments and standardized interfaces that greatly simplify installing walls and furniture in a carbonfibre fuselage.
“The ACJ350 XWB is the ultimate in modern, long-haul, private jet travel, with the capability to deliver large groups nonstop to the world in unmatched comfort, efficiency and reliability,” says ACJ President Benoit Defforge.
The A350 XWB is the first Airbus aircraft to feature a carbonfibre fuselage and wings, which are immune to fatigue and corrosion, as well as saving weight.
Its technological features also include the greater comfort of a lower cabin-altitude, simpler and faster transition-training for pilots through the newest version of Airbus’s common cockpit, and aerodynamically efficient wings that adapt their shape in flight.
Total A350 XWB orders stand at around 900, more than 250 of which are already in airline service.
The ACJ350-900 XWB can fly 25 passengers 11,100 nm/20,550 km or more than 22 hours in its ultra-long range version.
Around 200 Airbus corporate jets are in service worldwide, flying on every continent, including Antarctica.
20 May, 2019 – Cities around the globe have the chance to become a part of aviation history with today’s announcement from Air Race E that it has opened applications to host to the world’s first ever electric airplane race next year.
Air Race E plans to run a series of international electric air racing events, starting with the inaugural race in 2020, in an effort to facilitate the development and promotion of cleaner, faster and more technologically-advanced electric engines.
The series will be run by Air Race Events and led by world-leading air racing promoter Jeff Zaltman, the man behind the globally successful Air Race 1 series – the fuel-powered equivalent.
Organisers are now calling for cities to submit their applications via a formal bidding process through which a shortlist of cities will be determined by October. A final decision on the selection of the first race venue is expected by December this year.
“It’s an extraordinary opportunity for a city to be at the leading edge of the electric revolution in aviation and demonstrate its public commitment to cutting carbon emissions from air travel,” Zaltman said.
Eight European countries have already signed a proposal calling for 25 percent of the EU’s budget to be spent fighting climate change, stating the EU should aim for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – and air travel is expected to be the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases by that time. Air Race E offers the opportunity to dramatically accelerate the move towards carbon-free air travel by nurturing the development of an electric alternative to fuel-powered engines, according to the organisers.
“Air Race E is the ideal catalyst for engineering teams to test cutting-edge electric propulsion technology, under the rigours of a proven racing format, while also providing high quality entertainment for international visitors and global TV audiences. We look forward to reviewing the host city bids and working with the successful destination to create a truly historic event,” said Zaltman.
Previous Air Race 1 events run by the company have attracted visitors and media from around the world, reaching an audience of over 1.3 billion people in 127 countries and a reach of more than 4.2 million on social media alone. Zaltman said the potential for Air Race E will be even higher, with support from industry leaders like Airbus, recently announced as the Official Founding Partner of Air Race E, providing industry insight and research to participating teams as they build their electric race aircraft.
“Industry partners of all types are piling in to the sport. The attention focused on this pioneering effort will thrust Air Race E to the forefront of the World’s mission to produce cleaner transportation solutions,” said Zaltman.
Air Race E notes that a suitable airport would be a critical factor in the viability of a city’s bid.
For more information on becoming a host city or to apply go to:
Air Race E will become the world’s first all-electric airplane race when it launches its inaugural series of international races in 2020. Run by Air Race Events and led by world-leading air racing promoter Jeff Zaltman, the man behind the globally successful Air Race 1 World Cup, the race is set to revolutionise air racing and pioneer innovations in electric aviation. Air Race E will see electric airplanes race directly against each other on a tight 5km circuit just 10m above the ground and at speeds faster than any land-based motorsport. The demand for speed, performance and power management under the rigors of a competitive race environment provide the perfect platform for the development and promotion of cleaner, faster and more technologically-advanced electric engines. The Light Aircraft Association (LAA), has committed its support in developing the technical regulations and providing design oversight for the sport, soon to be sanctioned by the Formula Air Racing Association (FARA) and its counter-part in France, the Association des Pilotes D'Avions de Formules (APAF).
Antoine Bouvier to become Head of Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions and Public Affairs
Eric Béranger to succeed Antoine Bouvier as Chief Executive Officer of MBDA
Patrick de Castelbajac appointed Head of Region Asia-Pacific for Airbus
Amsterdam – Airbus SE (stock exchange symbol: AIR) has appointed Antoine Bouvier, 59, Head of Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions and Public Affairs, effective 1 June 2019. In this position, he will report to Guillaume Faury, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Airbus.
At MBDA, Antoine Bouvier will be succeeded as CEO by Eric Béranger, 56, who has held a number of leadership positions in Airbus Defence and Space. His appointment will also become effective 1 June 2019. MBDA, a joint venture between Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems PLC (37.5%) and Leonardo S.p.A. (25%), is Europe’s leading missile systems house.
Furthermore, Patrick de Castelbajac, 47, is appointed Head of Region Asia-Pacific for Airbus, effective 1 June 2019. In this capacity, he succeeds Jean-Marc Nasr who was recently appointed Executive Vice President Space Systems within Airbus Defence and Space. Patrick de Castelbajac is also named Head of Sales Asia-Pacific for the Company’s commercial aircraft business as of 1 July 2019. Patrick de Castelbajac will report to Christian Scherer, Chief Commercial Officer and Member of the Executive Committee at Airbus.
“Today’s senior leadership announcements are further important elements to shape the Company’s next chapter,” said Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus. “Antoine Bouvier has demonstrated his leadership at the helm of MBDA since 2007, firmly establishing it as Europe’s premier missile company. Antoine brings a rich experience in the Aerospace and Defence sector as well as a strategic vision in an international environment.”
“With Eric Béranger we have a renowned industry leader joining the MBDA Board of Directors to succeed Antoine. Eric is taking over as CEO of MBDA and I wish him all the success for this new professional challenge”, said Faury.
He added: “Patrick de Castelbajac will now be responsible for one of Airbus’ most strategic growth regions with Asia-Pacific. Patrick has demonstrated, at Airbus and at ATR, his strong business knowledge and proximity to our stakeholders – all assets which are needed to successfully advance our business in this dynamic part of the world.”