martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Hybrid geared-fan and piston concept could slash fuel-burn

TsAGI creates heavy aircraft behavioral model

Press Release

How does one foresee and solve aircraft control loss during flight? And what are the safe ways for transport pilots to gain such experience? How can we simulate aircraft behavior under extreme conditions? These and other questions were discussed at the Conference “Prevention of control loss accidents: Transport pilot training for actions in extreme circumstances.”

TsAGI scientists presented at the Conference a new computer model of aircraft dynamics at high angles of attack, taking into account aircraft aerodynamics ambiguity, asymmetric stall, buffeting and others. The model solutions will be tested in flight simulators, where a flight team trains on how to act during control loss. Russian airline pilots — the participants in the event, were given an opportunity to become acquainted with the flight model in TsAGI flight simulators.

Another important TsAGI research function is the influence of the cockpit simulator during critical flight situations. According to the pilots who participated in test maneuvers, the full motion cabin simulation is exceptionally useful before a stall. During the sudden loss of lift as a result of abnormal air flow over the wing and prior to recovery, attention must be given to reproducing the most helpful information to overcome this critical phase of flight. Varied aircraft models are tested in the vertical wind tunnel where flight control loss at extreme stall angles can cause the aircraft to spin.

Participants attended TsAGI’s experimental facilities within the framework of the Conference.

[España] El ministro de Fomento presenta el Plan Inmobiliario del Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas que contempla una inversión cercana a los 3.000 M€

Nota de prensa del Ministerio de Fomento

  • El ministro de Fomento presenta el Plan Inmobiliario del Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas que contempla una inversión cercana a los 3.000 M€
  • Abarcará 920 hectáreas de suelos potenciales con una previsión de 2,7 millones de m2 edificables y 140 hectáreas para espacios verdes
  • El Plan incluye cuatro usos diferenciados: Polo logístico, Actividades Aeronáuticas, Airport City y Centro de ocio y actividad comercial
  • Como foco de atracción de tráfico y de servicio, el Plan potenciará la actividad logística, de carga y aeronáutica, y creará nuevas áreas de servicio al pasajero, actividad hotelera, de oficinas y de negocios
  • La comercialización de terrenos se extenderá a lo largo de 40 años

El ministro de Fomento, Iñigo de la Serna, ha presentado hoy el Plan Inmobiliario del Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas, que abarcará unas 920 hectáreas de suelos potenciales (10 veces el parque de El Retiro y 4 veces el proyecto Madrid Nuevo Norte), con una previsión de desarrollo de 562 hectáreas brutas materializándose en 2,7 millones de m2 edificables e integrando 140 hectáreas de espacios verdes.

Este Plan, que contempla una inversión total de 2.997 millones de euros, a acometer por los diferentes agentes involucrados en los próximos 40 años, fomentará la competitividad económica ofreciendo un área de oportunidad para el desarrollo de actividades de alto valor añadido e innovación para la Región de Madrid, al tiempo que permita diversificar el papel del aeropuerto como motor económico y de servicio al ciudadano.

Todas las actuaciones que se lleven a cabo en el marco del Plan Inmobiliario del aeropuerto se desarrollarán en torno a tres ejes, siempre siguiendo criterios de sostenibilidad e innovación y propiciando que sean referentes en su campo a nivel mundial:

  • Nodo logístico: apoyándose en la situación privilegiada de estos terrenos, en la importancia que esta actividad ya tiene en la actualidad para el aeropuerto y la calidad de los servicios que puede prestar.
  • Hub empresarial global: posicionándose como el principal polo de atracción para la implantación de sedes corporativas y oficinas de empresas.
  • Servicio al pasajero: completando la oferta de servicios para los pasajeros y zona de influencia del aeropuerto.

Cuatro usos para los terrenos
El Plan Inmobiliario se estructura en base a 4 usos de suelo diferenciados, así como un espacio para usos complementarios de estos mismos que se desarrollarán cuando sea necesario. Todo con el fin de crear un foco de atracción de tráfico y de servicio, potenciando la actividad logística y aeronáutica, y creando nuevas áreas de servicio, actividad hotelera y oficinas.

  1. Polo logístico. La superficie total reservada para este proyecto logístico de última generación es de 257 hectáreas, con una edificabilidad prevista de 1,4 millones de m2 junto a la A2, en la zona prime del Corredor del Henares y junto al actual Centro de Carga Aérea. El objetivo principal es potenciar la carga aérea, la logística y las actividades de alto valor añadido, multiplicando por 10 las zonas del aeropuerto dedicadas a estas actividades, con especial atención a tendencias en expansión como el e-commerce. Así, los desarrollos se configurarán como parques con servicios logísticos integrales, truck center, servicios al transportista, puntos de control y seguridad, estacionamientos y oficinas de apoyo. Con naves de carga en primera línea y almacenes de distribución, así como industria ligera, biofarma y perecederos, entre otros.
  2. Airport City. Esta área se centra en crear un nuevo centro urbano de usos mixtos, tanto para pasajeros como para trabajadores y usuarios del aeropuerto, así como para dotar de mejores servicios a toda su área de influencia. La superficie total reservada es de 62 hectáreas, con una edificabilidad prevista de 652.000 m2 a desarrollar en una zona contigua a la Terminal T4 que se encuentra ya pre-urbanizada y conectada por los principales medios de transporte público: Metro, Cercanías, AVE y autobús y contará con acceso peatonal al terminal. Los usos previstos en esta zona son hoteles, sedes corporativas y parques de oficinas de última generación, donde además Aena y ENAIRE tienen intención de desplazar sus sedes, así como usos comerciales asociados para servir de apoyo tanto a los usuarios de los parques de oficinas como a los pasajeros del Aeropuerto. Estructurado en zonas peatonales de acceso rodado y estacionamiento en su perímetro, contará con espacios verdes, fomentando el transporte público y la circulación interna mediante el uso de vehículos eléctricos, bicicletas y elementos auxiliares peatonales. Un modelo de diseño innovador, comprometido con la sostenibilidad ambiental y energética, y la recuperación y reutilización de recursos hídricos.
  3. Actividades aeronáuticas. Como principal centro de mantenimiento aeronáutico de España, el Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas, acoge cerca de 400.000 operaciones cada año. En la actualidad hay cinco hangares, con una superficie total de alrededor de 50.000 m2, que en su mayoría se convertirán en hangares más versátiles y modernos en los próximos años. La superficie total reservada para nuevos desarrollos asociados a actividades aeronáuticas es de 9 hectáreas con una edificabilidad total prevista de 74.000 m2. De esta forma, el aeropuerto verá mejorado su posicionamiento como centro de referencia para el mantenimiento de aeronaves tanto a nivel nacional, como dentro del contexto europeo.
  4. Centro de ocio y actividad comercial. La superficie total reservada para la implantación de un gran centro de ocio y actividades comerciales es de 57 hectáreas, con una edificabilidad total prevista de 341.000 m2 y 298.000 m2 de zonas verdes. Estos usos completarán la actividad aeroportuaria y buscan dar respuesta a las necesidades tanto de los usuarios del aeropuerto como de la zona de influencia del mismo. Así, habrá una zona temática recreativa, centro comercial, oferta gastronómica, zonas wellness, museo aeronáutico y observatorios panorámicos.

Fases del Plan Inmobiliario

Con todas estas actuaciones, el Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas se concibe como un nuevo impulsor de la economía regional a través de un proyecto responsable con el territorio, un desarrollo ambicioso que se estructura en tres fases:
  • Una 1ª fase inicial de lanzamiento, con una duración prevista de 8 años, en la que se van a construir más de 550.000 m2 con una inversión de 953 millones de euros, donde los desarrollos se centrarán en usos logísticos y se iniciará el Airport City.
  • Una 2ª fase, llevada a cabo en otros 8 años, en la cual se prevé construir más de 950.000 m2 adicionales, con una inversión de 739 millones de euros. Al inicio de esta fase se habrá consolidado el Airport City y se iniciará la actividad en el centro de ocio.
  • Una 3ª fase en la que se consolidará el desarrollo de todas las zonas con la construcción de 1.202.000 m2 adicionales para lo que se aportará una inversión de 1.305 millones de euros más.

El Plan Inmobiliario se realizó a lo largo de 2017 bajo un diseño flexible, capaz de atraer inversión privada y construir un modelo de éxito. Durante este año 2018 Aena encargará a un asesor financiero el diseño de la estructura societaria mediante la que propiciar estos desarrollos. En 2019 se habrán constituido los medios a través de los cuales iniciativa privada y la propia Aena inicien los proyectos y para 2020 se iniciará la construcción de los primeros inmuebles.

En conjunto, este Plan Inmobiliario supone una gran oportunidad de desarrollo económico, tanto para Madrid como para el aeropuerto, creando el mayor nodo logístico de España en una ubicación estratégica con la mejor conectividad posible.

Lockheed Martin to propose stealthy hybrid of F-22 and F-35 for Japan - sources

U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp plans to offer Japan a stealth fighter design based on its export-banned F-22 Raptor and advanced F-35 Lightning II aircraft, two sources said. Continue reading: 

US diplomat threatens Turkey's F-35 role in S-400 spat

US Army stops accepting AH-64E helos from Boeing due to safety concerns

Innovative cooling system may help astronauts keep cool on their way to Mars

Press Release

An innovative new method to cool spacecraft on long missions, technology that may one day play a crucial role in NASA’s quest to send astronauts to Mars and other deep-space destinations, has proven successful in a long-term experiment aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The research is paving the way for an orbital test of a more complex version of the cooling system in 2021.

Developed by a team of mechanical engineers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), the system uses electrically charged fluids to absorb and carry heat away from electronics and other heat-generating equipment. With no moving parts, the technology’s simplicity and reliability make it an attractive option for long-duration space missions that will take astronauts far from the security of their home planet.

“We’re greatly encouraged that our work has been deemed a success” said Jamal Yagoobi, professor and head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at WPI and principal investigator for the research, which has been

supported by NASA for more than a decade. “This is the first time ever for this type of cooling pump technology in space, and the outcome has been very positive. This positions us well for the next phase of the work.”

Yagoobi’s cooling system is based on electrohydrodynamics (EHD). It uses electrically charged fluids that continuously circulate through tiny tubes in the cooling system, absorbing and carrying heat away from its source. The system creates no noise or vibrations and requires minimal electric power to operate, unlike current mechanical cooling systems.

Yagoobi said a primary goal of the current experiment, called “Electrohydrodynamically Driven Liquid Flow in Parallel Micro-Tubes,” was to make sure the system can function well in zero gravity conditions over a long duration. The experiment, launched aboard the SpaceX Dragon SpX-10 commercial resupply craft in February 2017, will continue to operate on the ISS until August 2018.

Meanwhile, Yagoobi and his team are working on another, far more complex experiment that is scheduled to launch to the orbiting station in 2021. Called “Electohydrodynamically Driven Liquid Film Flow Boiling,” the new system uses a two-phase, non-mechanical EHD pumping system with a condenser section and a boiling section. In this more-advanced system, the condensed liquid film is electrohydrodynamically pumped toward the heat source, where it boils. The bubbles generated during the boiling are extracted by another EHD mechanism in the absence of gravity, carrying heat away from the heat source. The liquid is then condensed and pumped back to the heat source.

Research on spacecraft cooling technology is critical for the future of space exploration, since the combination of solar radiation and heat produced by high-powered electronic devices and humans living and working within the spacecraft can lead to rising temperatures that, if unchecked, will harm astronauts and damage or even destroy electronics. As spacecraft begin to travel further from Earth, fool-proof and efficient cooling technology, like the systems produced in Yagoobi’s lab, will become increasingly important.

“When you’re in space, you can’t open the window and let the cold air come in and cool you off,” said Yagoobi. “As we move forward, a lot of electronics will be jammed into a very small area in a spacecraft or in a satellite. We’re going to use a lot more advanced electronics and produce a lot more heat. That’s why we need to develop this technology. Whether it’s for travel to Mars or any other mission outside Earth, you have to have cooling devices that are very effective, durable, and non-mechanical, and which require minimal power to function.”

Yagoobi’s second ISS experiment is expected to run from 2021 to 2022. Because of its complexity, Yagoobi and other scientists will need to be available 24/7 to answer any questions the astronauts might have about the experiment. “This is going to be highly complex,” he explained. “Results will be downloading every five seconds. If there’s a correction needed, we have to provide it right away. We want to make sure this is successful.”

Yagoobi and Jeffrey Didion, a senior thermal engineer at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, are co-principal investigators on both projects. The two researchers have worked together since the mid-1990s. They also are working in conjunction with NASA’s Glenn Research Center and Zin Technologies Inc., which is partially fabricating the setup of the 2021 experiment. The cost for the entire 2021 experiment is expected to be about $10 million.

In addition to its potential use as a cooling system for the next generation space stations, the technology is expected to be used in satellites and future long-distance spacecraft. The technology also has applications on Earth, in industrial cooling and heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems.

Yagoobi has received funding from NASA every year for the past 26 years to support his research on electrohydrodynamic cooling systems. He flew aboard zero-gravity airplane flights in 2012 and 2013 to test prototypes of the cooling system and is scheduled for another flight in late 2018. These flights are essential for developing new technologies for space applications.

Beyond developing successful technologies for use in space travel, the research is fulfilling one of Yagoobi’s childhood dreams. “When I was a little kid, I always wanted to be an astronaut,” he said, “but I knew that was not going to happen. So I said to myself, ‘I have to do space-related work.’ And that’s what I did.”

NASA prepares to send CubeSats to Mars


Bombardier: «Our EcoDesign on the C Series wins prestigious award!»

Press Release

Receives award in Les Mercuriades’ Stratégie de développement durable category

Bombardier’s EcoDesign approach applied on the C Series has won the prestigious Les Mercuriades award in the “Stratégie de développement durable” category. The honour was presented at the Les Mercuriades Gala on Thursday, April 19 in front of close to 1,200 Montreal-area business leaders.

Les Mercuriades is one of the most prestigious business competitions in Québec, recognizing innovation, ambition, entrepreneurship and performance in small to medium enterprises and larger companies. Companies submit applications in 17 categories and all applicants are reviewed by an independent jury.

Our application focused on our EcoDesign approach when designing the C Series. Bombardier is the first and only manufacturer to have completed an environmental lifecycle approach on an entire aircraft.

Boeing HorizonX Invests in 3D Printing Startup Morf3D

Press release

Investment furthers Boeing's commitment to a competitive ecosystem for aerospace-quality 3D-printed parts

CHICAGO, April 23, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced its investment in Morf3D, an El Segundo, Calif.-based company specializing in metal-based additive engineering and manufacturing. Morf3D's technology enables lighter and stronger 3D-printed parts for aerospace applications.

Since Morf3D was established in late 2015, the company has produced 3D-printed titanium and aluminum components for Boeing satellites and helicopters. With this investment, Morf3D will collaborate with Boeing to further develop manufacturing processes and engineering capabilities.

"Developing standard additive manufacturing processes for aerospace components benefits both companies and empowers us to fully unleash the value of this transformative technology," said Kim Smith, vice president and general manager of Fabrication for Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Additive Manufacturing leader.

Morf3D's metallurgy experts leverage a new set of additive manufacturing design rules to advance the technology and accelerate 3D-printing capabilities for commercial use. The company utilizes state-of-the-art software combined with engineering expertise to significantly reduce mass, and increase the performance and functionality of manufactured parts.

"We are excited to be a distinguished and trusted partner of Boeing's additive manufacturing supplier base, as we continue to industrialize our processes for the high-rate production of flight-worthy additively manufactured components," said Ivan Madera, CEO of Morf3D. "This investment will enable us to increase our engineering staff and expand our technology footprint of EOS M400-4 DMLS systems to better serve the growing demands of our aerospace customers."

"As innovative companies continue to revolutionize technologies and methods, we are proud to invest in the rapidly growing and competitive additive manufacturing landscape," said Steve Nordlund, vice president of Boeing HorizonX.

Boeing HorizonX Ventures co-led this Series A funding round. The Boeing HorizonX Ventures investment portfolio is made up of companies specializing in technologies for aerospace and manufacturing innovations, including autonomous systems, energy storage, advanced materials, augmented reality systems and software, machine learning, hybrid-electric and hypersonic propulsion, and Internet of Things connectivity.

Boeing's investment in Morf3D is the latest example of the company's achievements with additive manufacturing partners worldwide. In March 2018, Boeing and Norsk Titanium received the Aviation Week Laureate Award for Commercial Supplier Innovation for qualifying the first additively manufactured structural titanium parts on a commercial airplane. In February 2018, Boeing announced a five-year research agreement with Swiss-based supplier Oerlikon to develop standard materials and processes for titanium powder bed additive manufacturing.

Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in more than 150 countries.

Boeing, Ryanair Announce Order for 25 737 MAX 8s

Press Release

Additional order takes Ryanair's 737 MAX order total to 135 airplanes
Europe's largest low cost-carrier is the launch customer for high capacity MAX 8 variant

DUBLIN, April 24, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Ryanair today announced they finalized an order for 25 additional high-capacity 737 MAX 8 airplanes. The $3 billion order, at current list prices, was previously listed as unidentified on Boeing's Orders & Deliveries website.

"We are pleased to announce the exercise of 25 Boeing 737 "Gamechanger" options, bringing our firm order to 135 737 MAX 8s," said Neil Sorahan, chief financial officer, Ryanair. "The Gamechanger has eight more seats than our current 189-seat Boeing 737-800NG and incorporates the latest technology engines and winglets which reduce fuel consumption and noise emissions, ensuring we remain Europe's greenest, cleanest airline and lowest cost airline. We look forward to taking delivery of our first Gamechanger in Spring 2019."

Ryanair launched the high-capacity 737 MAX 8 in late 2014 with an order for 100 airplanes, followed by an additional order for 10 airplanes at the 2017 Paris Air Show. The airplane will provide Ryanair with 197 seats, increasing revenue potential and delivering up to 14 percent lower fuel consumption than today's Next-Generation 737s.

"We are delighted that Ryanair is deepening their commitment to the 737 MAX as they continue to grow their fleet and expand their network," said Ihssane Mounir, senior vice president of Commercial Sales & Marketing for The Boeing Company. "Ryanair's follow-on order shows once again that the high capacity 737 MAX 8 is the perfect airplane for low cost carriers. The airplane gives our airline customers more seats to serve their core markets, maximizing revenue potential at the best cost per seat in the industry."

The Dublin-based carrier is the largest 737-800 customer in the world and the largest Boeing operator in Europe. Last month, Ryanair took delivery of its 500th Next-Generation 737-800 and has now ordered more than 650 Boeing airplanes.

The 737 MAX incorporates the latest CFM International LEAP-1B engines, Advanced Technology winglets, Boeing Sky Interior, large flight deck displays and other features to deliver the highest efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort in the single-aisle market.

The 737 MAX is the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history, accumulating almost 4,500 orders from 96 customers worldwide. For more information and feature content, visit

Ultra Long Range A350 XWB completes first flight

Press Release

Singapore Airlines to resume world’s longest commercial flights

The Ultra Long Range version of the A350 XWB, MSN 216, has successfully completed its first flight. The latest variant of the best-selling A350 XWB Family will be able to fly further than any other commercial airliner and will enter service with launch operator Singapore Airlines in second half 2018.

The aircraft powered by Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines has embarked on a short flight test programme to certify the changes over the standard A350-900 that will extend its range capability to 9,700 nautical miles. These changes include a modified fuel system that increases fuel carrying capacity by 24,000 litres, without the need for additional fuel tanks. The test phase will also measure enhanced performance from aerodynamic improvements, including extended winglets.

With a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 280 tonnes, the Ultra Long Range A350 XWB is capable of flying over 20 hours non-stop, combining the highest levels of passenger and crew comfort with unbeatable economics for such distances.

Altogether, Singapore Airlines has ordered seven A350-900 Ultra Long Range aircraft, which it will use on non-stop flights between Singapore and the US, including the world’s longest commercial service between Singapore and New York.

The A350 XWB is an all new family of widebody long-haul airliners shaping the future of air travel. The A350 XWB features the latest aerodynamic design, carbon fibre fuselage and wings, plus new fuel-efficient Rolls-Royce engines. Together, these latest technologies translate into unrivalled levels of operational efficiency, with a 25 per cent reduction in fuel burn and emissions, and significantly lower maintenance costs. The A350 XWB features an Airspace by Airbus cabin offering absolute well-being on board with the quietest twin-aisle cabin and new air systems.

At the end of March 2018, Airbus has recorded a total of 854 firm orders for the A350 XWB from 45 customers worldwide, already making it one of the most successful widebody aircraft ever.
Singapore Airlines is one of the largest customers for the A350 XWB Family, having ordered a total of 67 A350-900s, including the seven Ultra Long Range models. The carrier has already taken delivery of 21 A350-900s.

Airbus Helicopters and Schiebel successfully demonstrate the highest levels of Manned-Unmanned Teaming capabilities

Press Release

Airbus Helicopters and Schiebel have tested Manned Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) capabilities between an H145 platform and a CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS), thus becoming the first European helicopter manufacturers to demonstrate this technology with the highest level of interoperability (LOI°5).

The companies carried out test flights with the support of the Austrian Armaments and Defence Technology Agency. The two aircraft jointly flew different scenarios including the detection of objects hidden in places not accessible by traditional helicopters. The S-100 was controlled and piloted by an operator sitting in the helicopter. During the flights, the control was also temporarily handed over to a ground-based control station by the pilot in order to simulate the return of the manned helicopter for refueling.

The trials carried out by Airbus Helicopters and Schiebel went up to MUM-T LOI 5. This allows the manned platform to exercise full control of the UAS including its take-off and landing. LOI 1, the lowest level, is the indirect receipt and /or transmission of sensor data obtained by the UAS to the manned aircraft.

“Manned-Unmanned Teaming multiplies the capabilities of both systems”, said Mark R. Henning, Program Manager at Airbus Helicopters. “Smaller UAS with vertical take-off and landing capabilities can, for example, fly around obstacles as trees or buildings closer than a helicopter could. They are able to explore unknown territory and deliver information to the helicopter crew which is operating from a safe position and which can then step in with the helicopter’s superior effects, having received a clear picture from the UAS. Our airborne MUM-T management system will become a highly attractive feature for our entire product range including the NH90, NFH, and theTiger together with the H145 as it adds an extremely valuable operational capability. The MUM-T capability can be implemented in any kind of helicopter and can interact with all types of unmanned systems, in particular Airbus Helicopters’ new VSR 700 UAS.

In the framework of the test, the challenges of data transfer interference and electromagnetic compatibility of the UAS with the helicopter as well as the integration of a complete UAS mission planning and control system into the helicopter’s architecture were successfully managed. The S-100 mission planning and control system was provided by Schiebel. The next step will be to optimize the human machine interface based on a thorough analysis of the crew workload using the results of the flight tests.
The H145 is a tried-and-tested, twin-engine H145 civil helicopter that was first delivered in 2014. It is a rugged workhorse and best in its class for rough EMS and police missions. The H145M is the helicopter’s military version.

Tornado successor: Team Eurofighter presents offer to Germany

Press Release

On the eve of the ILA Berlin Air Show 2018, Airbus and Eurofighter GmbH have submitted their offer to the German Ministry of Defence for a replacement of the Bundeswehr’s ageing Tornado combat aircraft, which was developed in the 1960s, and have established the Eurofighter as its ideal successor.

Currently, the German Air Force is planning to phase out the Tornado from 2025 onwards and to transfer capabilities to another weapon system. As the Eurofighter system is already in use by Germany, this system could seamlessly adopt the capabilities of the Tornado aircraft. In addition, increased use of the same type of aircraft would result in considerable cost savings in terms of support services and training costs due to economies of scale, which would also reduce per-hour flying costs within the German Armed Forces.

“The Eurofighter is already the backbone of the German Air Force and is therefore the logical option to adopt the capabilities of the Tornado in the medium term,” said Bernhard Brenner, Head of Marketing & Sales at Airbus Defence and Space. “We have an excellent aircraft, its production secures important aircraft construction know-how in Germany and, at the same time, strongly supports European sovereignty in defence. The successful continuation of Eurofighter production could also lead to further cooperation with other European nations such as Switzerland, Belgium and Finland.”

Volker Paltzo, Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH CEO, said: “I am confident that Eurofighter Typhoon can provide a cost effective and attractive solution for Germany, which will deliver every capability and perform every mission the German Air Force needs.”

In the medium term, the further development of the Eurofighter will provide the technological basis for the next generation of European combat aircraft. The intent of collaboration was agreed between France and Germany in July 2017 and these aircraft are currently expected to enter into service around 2040.

In the UK, Eurofighter is already increasingly taking over the tasks of the Tornado, as the Royal Air Force has decided to retire its Tornado fleet in 2019.
The Bundeswehr currently operates 130 Eurofighters and 90 Tornados. The German Air Force’s fleet of combat aircraft is used both for missions to secure airspace sovereignty over Germany and in international NATO alliance missions around the world.

Air Race E, electric airplanes race, launched

Plans for a series of air races featuring electric aircraft have been revealed by the promoter of the Air Race I World Cup, Jeff Zaltman. Air Race E follows on from Formula E, the electric car race series.
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Southwest cancels more U.S. flights as it inspects engines