viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018

Boeing, Air Peace Announce Order for 10 737 MAX Airplanes - Sep 13, 2018

Boeing Awarded $2.9 Billion for Fourth KC-46A Tanker Production Lot

High-flying Airbus technology comes down to Earth for use on ships

Airbus to showcase products and its South African partnerships at AAD2018

Strong as a spider’s web

"What it's like to fly through Hurricane Florence"

Scientists sketch out the foundations of a colony on Mars

Press release

07.09.18 - EPFL scientists have mapped out the steps required to build a self-sustaining research base on Mars that would be habitable for the long term. Their work can help researchers set priorities for space programs exploring Mars as well as the solar system as a whole.

If there was ever life on Mars, its traces are most likely to be found at the planet's poles. Or more specifically, in its polar layered deposits, which are layers of ice and dust that have built up over thousands of years. So, according to a team of EPFL scientists, the poles would be the most logical place to set up a research base and, potentially, colonies. This team has mapped out a step-by-step strategy along with the required technology to build a research base on Mars that would be self-sustaining and that could accommodate a long-term manned presence. The results of their work will soon be published in Acta Astronautica and is being presented today at the Entretiens Internationaux du Tourisme du Futur conference in Vixouze, France.

"The poles may pose more challenges in the beginning, but they are the best location for the long term since they harbor natural resources that we may be able to use," says Anne-Marlene Rüede, lead author of the study and a student minoring in Space Technology at EPFL's Space Engineering Center (eSpace). And even though the scientists are thinking well into the future – colonies that would be developed over several generations – they still went into great detail in their design. "We wanted to develop a strategy based on technologies that have been selected accordingly and outline a test scenario so that 20 years from now, astronauts will be able to carry out this kind of space mission," she adds.

First the base, then the crew

The EPFL scientists' strategy involves sending a six-person crew to Mars' north pole during the polar summer, to take advantage of the 288 days of continuous light, and then return them safely to Earth. The first novel element of their strategy is that it would take place in two phases. First, robots would be sent up to build a minimal living space for the crew and to test the natural resources available on site. Then the crew would be brought in. This approach would minimize the payload that space shuttles would have to carry and make the mission as safe as possible for the crew members. However, engineers have yet to develop rockets that can handle 110 metric tons of equipment.

So that the research base can sustain a manned presence for nine months – and eventually even longer – the plan is to make maximum use of the natural resources found on Mars, first and foremost water. The discovery of ice at the poles means the base could theoretically produce water, oxygen and nitrogen – compounds essential for human life. Other chemicals in Mars' air (especially CO2) and soil (like silicon, iron, aluminum and sulfur) could potentially be used to make materials such as bricks, glass and plastic, or even fuels like hydrogen and methanol. All that would make the research base self-sustaining for the long haul.

But initially, vital resources like food and energy will have to be shuttled up from Earth. These might include freeze-dried food, a thorium reactor and batteries.

A 3-meter-thick igloo

The research base would consist of three modules: a central core, capsules and a dome. The central core would be 12.5 meters high and 5 meters in diameter, and would house the minimal living space as well as everything the crew needed to live. The three capsules would be built around the minimal living space and serve as airlocks between that space and the exterior. Robots would set up these structures during the first phase of the mission. The dome would cover the entire base and would be made of polyethylene fiber covered with a three-meter thick layer of ice – creating a kind of igloo. The dome would also represent an additional living space, provide a second barrier to protect the crew against radiation and micrometeoroids, and help keep the pressure constant inside the base.

An orbit crane system

Another innovation in the scientists' plan is to create a crane system that would orbit around Mars and be launched during the second mission. This system would serve as a transfer point between space shuttles coming up from Earth and the research base on Mars. A special crane vehicle designed by the scientists would offload equipment from space shuttles onto Mars' surface. "The crane vehicle could be reused several times and would be powered by fuel produced on Mars. It would reduce the payload that space shuttles would have to carry up to the research base," says Claudio Leonardi, another scientist involved in the study. "The vehicle's docking system would be similar to that used on the International Space Station: once a shuttle was docked, the vehicle would unload the cargo and crew and set them down on Mars." What makes their vehicle design unique is that the engines are located above the vehicle's center of gravity and that the vehicle can be used for six missions. The fuel for the ascent would be made in situ and that for the descent would come from Earth.

"We would need to conduct an initial mission to try everything out for the first time. And the better that initial mission is thought out, the faster we will be able to get things going and move on to colonization," says Anne-Marlene Rüede. In reality, the scientists have not taken a stance on the prospect of colonizing Mars. But one of the key benefits of this research is that the systems it envisions could be used for robotic missions in general, whether Martian, lunar, terrestrial or otherwise.

Scientists sketch out the foundations of a colony on Mars

Typhoon Mangkhut: Millions in path of 'monster' storm

Super Typhoon Mangkhut has gathered strength as it barrels towards the Philippines, weather officials say. The storm is now packing winds of 255 km/h (160 mph) and officials say more than five million people are directly in its path. Last-minute preparations are under way before it makes landfall...

Enviado a través de Flipboard

Silicon Valley Takes a (Careful) Step Toward Autonomous Flying - The New York Times

HP launches Metal Jet 3D printing technology for mass production

HP launches Metal Jet 3D printing technology for mass production // Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Desktop Metal might have set the ball rolling back in 2017, but it seems HP is getting very serious about 3D metal printing at industrial volumes and automotive-grade production quality. The technology is called HP Metal Jet, it's 50 times faster and significantly cheaper than existing methods, and pilot programs are already underway.

.. Continue Reading HP launches Metal Jet 3D printing technology for mass production

Category: 3D Printing


3D Printers




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NORAD Released A Photo Of A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Shadowing A Russian Tu-95MS Bear Bomber During Intercept Off Alaska

NORAD Released A Photo Of A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Shadowing A Russian Tu-95MS Bear Bomber During Intercept Off Alaska // The Aviationist

This time the Bear bombers were escorted by Su-35 jets. On Sept. 11, at approximately 10 PM EDT, two U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter jets "positively identified and intercepted two Russian Tu-95MS A"Bear-H" bombers west of Alaska. Nothing special then, considered that a similar intercept had occurred on Sept. 1. However, this time the Russian […]

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Chinese FTC-2000G Combat-Trainer Jet Aircraft Enters Production

Vertical Aerospace - Full scale eVTOL aircraft - 2018 - YouTube

Vertical Aerospace is building technology to revolutionise how people fly, with the ultimate aim of making intercity air travel personal, on-demand and carbon free. The Bristol-based startup has built and flown the UK's first full scale fully electric vertical take off and landing aircraft. Its unmanned technology demonstrator aircraft weighs 750kg and flew across Cotswold Airport in Kemble, Gloucestershire in June 2018 as part of the company's flight test programme.

Interjet in talks with Sukhoi to sell SSJ100 fleet

Interjet in talks with Sukhoi to sell SSJ100 fleet // Flight Global HEADLINES

Mexico's Interjet is in talks with Sukhoi to sell its Superjet 100 fleet, following a series of maintenance issues over the aircraft's five years of service at the airline.

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ANALYSIS: US Air Force eyes adoption of ‘Loyal Wingman’ UAVs

ANALYSIS: US Air Force eyes adoption of 'Loyal Wingman' UAVs // Flight Global HEADLINES

Stretched thin by operations across the globe and new threats from adversaries such as China and Russia, the US Air Force is experimenting with an idea to fill the gaps in America s fighter squadrons. The so-called Loyal Wingman concept to deploy semi-autonomous unmanned air vehicles may radically change the way the service fights.

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Crashed Drone Recovered Out Of The Atlantic Ocean

Crashed Drone Recovered Out Of The Atlantic Ocean // Aero-News Network

RQ-4 Global Hawk Went Down Off The Coast Of Spain In Late June A U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk that went down off the coast of Spain in June has been recovered from the Atlantic Ocean. The announcement by the U.S. military follows two months of silence from officials concerning the accident.

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viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

RQ-4 Global Hawk Crash in Cadiz, Spain

Bjorn’s Corner: Supersonic transport revival, Part 4

Pontifications: Supply chain melt down to get worse, says manufacturer

Boeing confident of 737 recovery by year-end; some analysts express doubt

New achievements of TsAGI model airplane engineers

press release

In the end of July members of the Zhukovsky Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) participated in the European Championship of free flying aircraft models. The event was held in the city of Szentes, Hungary.

The Russian team included three TsAGI specialist: Yuri Evdokimov, Master of Sports of International Class and 2011World Champion; Alexey Burdov, 2016 European Champion; Albert Bulatov, Honored Master of Sports in free flying aircraft models. Only 27 teams participated in the Championship. The competitions were held in three classes: glider, rubber models and timing models. The European Championship is held every two years.

Based on the results of the competition Albert Bulatov, TsAGI officer of the Research-and-production Complex became the best in the rubber model class. Thus, the Championship Cup will remain in Russia for another two years. The main award in the timing model class will also remain with the domestic team.

Earlier, eight staff members of the Institute participated in 3 and 4 Russia Cup stages in Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkar Republic). These were qualifying competitions for the next season, when the United States will hold the World Championship. As a result, Albert Bulatov became the best-in-class at 4 stage, Yuri Evdokimov won third place in the glider class, and other TsAGI representatives entered the top ten.

“We have very strong traditions at TSAGI in gliders and rubber model classes,” said Yury Evdokimov. “Our achievements contribute to the development of model airplane engineering. It was not easy for us to perform at the European Championships due to unusual weather conditions. It had an impact on the scoring daylight flights not only for our team, but for other competitors too. But Albert Bulatov managed to take full advantage of his model both at the European Championship and at the Russian Cup.”

The next major competitions, where TsAGI specialists will again compete, will be held in Suzdal in mid-September. It will be 7 and 8 stages of the Russia Cup 2018 on aircraft modeling sport among free flying class models for the TsAGI Centenary Cup.

All The Highlights of the Spectacular Aerobaltic 2018 Air Show in Gdynia, Poland

All The Highlights of the Spectacular Aerobaltic 2018 Air Show in Gdynia, Poland.

TsAGI holds strength tests of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 wing-flap system

press release

In the beginning of August specialists of the Zhukovsky Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) conducted periodic testing of composite material parts of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 wing-flap system.

It was the proof-load test for the two flaps -internal and external- and the aileron. They first were loaded to the level of 40%, and then over 100% of the design load. The testing purpose was to verify the manufacturing technology of a new lot of units made of polymer composite materials.

“When the factory produces a run of 30 elements, one example is sent to TsAGI for periodic testing to confirm the quality of manufacturing technology,” explained Victor Tsygankov, the Head of TsAGI’s Static and Thermal Strength Department. “If the element does not withstand the load the whole lot is scrapped. In our case, all three units showed good results under specified loads and won TsAGI’s approval.”

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) is a new-generation Russian civil aircraft designed and produced by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC.) It is to operate on short- and medium-haul routes. TsAGI has been cooperating with the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 project since 2001, having implemented during this time the full complex of research in aerodynamics, strength and the aircraft control systems. The SSJ100 has been in commercial service since 2011.

The SSJ100 composite wing mechanization units are produced at the Voronezh research plant PJSC “VASO.”

The Navy places order for software upgrades | A F-35C is damaged during sea-trials | Japan purchases an Advanced Hawkeye

50% remaining – CVN 79 is making progress | Super Tucanos will soar over Afghanistan | Lockheed Martin and Tata are teaming up

New Generation Solar Cell Empowers Autonomy For BVLOS UAV Operations


Aeromexico crash likely due to weather conditions

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2018

La Consejería De Conocimiento Abre La Convocatoria De Los XIV Premios Alas A La Internacionalización De La Empresa Andaluza

Nota de prensa

Los galardones organizados por Extenda se conceden en las modalidades de Iniciación a la Exportación; Ecommerce Internacional; Empresa Exportadora; Implantación Exterior y Trayectoria Internacional

La Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad abre mañana día 4 de septiembre la convocatoria de participación para los XIV Premios Alas a la Internacionalización de la Empresa Andaluza 2018, para reconocer la labor de las empresas del sector exterior de la comunidad que, con su labor en los mercados internacionales, fortalecen la economía andaluza y contribuyen a generar riqueza y empleo.

Las empresas que quieran optar a estos galardones tendrán de plazo hasta el 19 de octubre para presentar sus candidaturas. Los Premios Alas se conceden en cinco modalidades: Iniciación a la Exportación; Ecommerce Internacional; Empresa Exportadora; Implantación Exterior y Trayectoria Internacional.

Andalucía vive el mejor momento de su historia moderna en comercio exterior, como segunda comunidad más exportadora de España, siendo la primera que más aporta al crecimiento de las exportaciones nacionales. Con el último dato conocido, Andalucía ha exportado en los seis primeros meses de 2018 más que en todo 2009 –sólo 10 años antes—, alcanzando los 17.225 millones de euros, un 7,6% más interanual, con un superávit de 999 millones de euros.

Estos datos que refuerzan los de 2017, que cerró como el mejor año de la historia, con 30.913 millones, un 15,3% más que en 2016, y en el que se contabilizó el segundo superávit comercial consecutivo del siglo XXI. Cifras nunca antes registradas, que están muy por encima de los crecimientos nacionales y de las principales economías avanzadas y que ratifican la mejor década de la historia, al haberse duplicado la factura exportadora por primera vez en menos de 10 años, con un 114% más exportado entre 2009 y 2017.

Esta evolución de las exportaciones supone el mayor cambio experimentado en la economía andaluza en la última década, al haberse duplicado su peso en el PIB regional. Igualmente, contribuye a la creación y viabilidad de empresas y a generar empleo de calidad. En el último ejercicio se sumaron 1.044 nuevas empresas a la exportación, 229 de ellas exportadoras regulares (que llevan al menos cuatro años seguido exportando), y se incrementó en 38.173 los empleos ligados a las exportaciones, para alcanzar un total en Andalucía de 381.859 puestos de trabajo en el sector exterior, 21.871 empresas exportadoras y 5.040 exportadoras regulares.

Con estos datos, se hace más necesario que nunca reconocer y poner de ejemplo ante toda la sociedad la labor que realizan las empresas activas en el exterior y sus profesionales, una tarea que reconoce la Junta de Andalucía desde que en el año 2000 se pusieron en marcha los Premios Alas, que actualmente se convocan de forma bienal.

Cinco modalidades de premios

En su XIV edición, los Premios Alas se otorgarán en cinco modalidades:

· Iniciación a la Exportación, para las empresas que comienzan su actividad internacional.

· Empresa Exportadora, que reconoce a las firmas con ventas exteriores consolidadas que van abriendo mercados.

· Implantación en el Exterior, para empresas con inversión internacional.

· Ecommerce Internacional, para empresas que en el desarrollo de su actividad exterior empleen de forma sistemática y planificada el comercio electrónico o ‘ecommerce’, con la tecnología como método y fin de la comercialización.

· Trayectoria Internacional, se divide en dos categorías, una para compañías y otra para instituciones o personas que tengan consolidada su presencia y reconocimiento en los mercados internacionales, habiendo contribuido también a dar a conocer Andalucía en el mundo.

Los Premios Alas carecen de dotación económica y su organización la desarrolla Extenda, con la especial colaboración de las Delegaciones Territoriales de Conocimiento y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía en las ocho provincias.

Fases y jurados provinciales y regional

El desarrollo de los Premios Alas consta de un plazo de presentación y selección de candidaturas; elección de finalistas provinciales y elección de ganadoras en sus diferentes modalidades. En su desarrollo participan de forma activa, como miembros los jurados (provinciales y regional), empresas de reconocido prestigio, medios de comunicación y representantes empresariales de todas las provincias, así como de la propia Administración.

Las candidaturas que se presenten a las modalidades de ‘Iniciación a la Exportación’, ‘Empresa Exportadora’ e ‘Implantación Exterior’ accederán a una primera fase de carácter provincial, en la que sus respectivos jurados territoriales podrán designar a una finalista por cada provincia en cada una de estas tres modalidades.

En una segunda fase, el jurado principal, igualmente participativo y presidido por la consejera de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Lina Gálvez, en su calidad de presidenta de Extenda, designará a las ganadoras por cada modalidad, eligiendo entre las finalistas provinciales de las tres categorías mencionadas.

En el caso de la categoría de ‘Ecommerce Internacional’, el jurado principal decidirá la ganadora directamente entre todas las candidaturas que se hayan presentado en toda Andalucía. Además, corresponde a este jurado principal conceder los dos premios en la modalidad de ‘Trayectoria Internacional’, eligiendo de entre las candidaturas que propongan sus propios integrantes, tanto para la categoría de empresa, como para la de institución o persona.

Bases e inscripción de candidaturas

A partir de mañana 4 de septiembre, las empresas que quieran participar en los Premios Alas podrán descargar las bases completas y el boletín de inscripción en la web de Extenda y en el blog de Premios Alas de la red profesional 2.0 de la internacionalización Extenda Plus (

Las solicitudes de participación a las cuatro primeras categorías (Iniciación a la Exportación, Empresa Exportadora, Implantación en el Exterior y Ecommerce Internacional) podrán remitirse hasta el 19 de octubre a la dirección de Extenda en C/ Marie Curie nº5 Sevilla 41092, por fax al 955128281 y por correo electrónico a

Los Premios Alas carecen de dotación económica, aunque cada edición ganan el prestigio que le otorga la entidad de las empresas que los consiguen. Algunas de las últimas ediciones han sido: Grupo Alvic; Galgus (antiguamente Aoifes Solutions); Aceitunas Torrent; Premo; Masaltos; Ghenova Ingeniería; Alhóndiga La Unión; Seabery Soluciones; And & Or; Grupo Medina; Genera Mobile Solutions; Xtraice; Agro Sevilla; Antonio Leyva; Acesur; Cunext Cooper; Cosentino; Núñez de Prado; Piscifactoría Sierra Nevada; Hidral; o Bronpi Calefacción. También desde hace dos ediciones, ha sido reconocida la trayectoria, como entidades relevantes en comercio exterior, de la Asociación de Empresarios del Mármol de Andalucía (AEMA) y el Consejo Andaluz de Cámaras de Comercio Industria y Navegación de Andalucía.

Elektra Solar First Flight with Autopilot

Press Release

  • The world strongest multifunctional solar-electric HALE aerial vehicle
  • Elektra Two Solar: "Take-off, flight and tough-down" successfully completed with own autopilot system
Elektra Solar GmbH commissioned its new redundant autopilot system on 30.08.2018 and successfully demonstrated several autonomous flights with its high-altitude long endurance aircraft Elektra Two Solar. For safety reasons, another pilot was on board, but not had to intervene at any stage of the flights. With no problems and in less than ideal weather conditions, take-offs and landings took place. During the flights various parameters and modes of the whole system were tested.

"We have taken a giant step towards the stratosphere and are very optimistic that we will be able to fly in a short time with our next aircraft at altitudes up to 20 km. We are not yet able to achieve this goal with the current aircraft. However, in order to achieve this, we followed new paths in the manufacture of the next aircraft in process and production technology" Dr. Konstantin, managing director of the company said.

The high-tech company from the Bavarian Landsberg am Lech manufactures manned and unmanned aircraft for scientific and commercial tasks. The added value is almost 100% in the company. There is no dependence on suppliers. The development of control algorithms and systems is supported by close cooperation with the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics.

The aircraft are characterized by long flight times and are able to carry payloads of up to 100 kg.The double-redundant, solar-electric propulsion system is powered by the sun. Due to the 2 times redundancy in the electric propulsion system and the 3 times redundancy in the control, the aircraft are extremely reliable and safe. In addition, there is a robust construction of the structure that allows uncomplicated and economical operation of the systems.

The virtually noiseless operation meets today's requirements for environmentally friendly aviation. The developed of the highly efficient "Energy-Saving-Concept" is supported by the latest state of theart extremely powerful solar cells.

One of the objectives of Elektra Solar is to be able to realize day and night flight missions for a wide variety of economically applications.

About Elektra Solar GmbH

The aircraft Elektra One was the first electrically powered ultralight aircraft in Germany and was
developed by the Bavarian company PC-Aero. The first flight took place in March 2011 at Augsburg airport and lasted 30 minutes. Already in June 2015, Elektra One successfully completed an Alpinecrossing as the first electrically powered aircraft. Here, the aircraft covered a 200km long track, partly at a peak altitude of over 3000m in about 2.5 hours.

By merging with the companies PC-Aero GmbH and Elektra UAS GmbH, the company was registered in 2016 as Elektra Solar GmbH in the commercial register. To this day, the technology is being further developed and, in the meantime, a complete family of solar-electric aircraft has been developed. Elektra Solar GmbH works with aerospace systems in the weight class from 10kg to 1000kg and can prove far-reaching experience in the certification of aircraft. A key focus of the development lies in the area of manned and unmanned, or optionally piloted aircraft with wings, as well as the autonomous control of helicopters.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2018

Is the USAF Flying Force Large Enough?

Russian Helicopters updates Mi-28 as Night Hunter, modernizes Mi-35 and Mi-26T2V

Press releases:

ARMY 2018: Rostec presents a modernized Night Hunter helicopter
Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation) has presented a new version of the Mi-28NE attack helicopter at the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2018 which is being held from August 21 through August 26 in Kubinka in the Moscow Region. The attack helicopter can interact with drones and operate them remotely.

ARMY 2018: Rostec presents modernized Mi-35M and Mi-35P helicopters
Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation) is presenting modernized Mi-35M and Mi-35P attack helicopters for the first time at the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY 2018, which is being held from August 21 through August 26 in Kubinka in the Moscow Region.

Rostec: the modernized Mi-26T2V helicopter takes its first flight
"The Mi-26 helicopter is a unique machine. No other serial helicopter in the world can lift the weight that this helicopter can lift. Modernization allows much wider application of this machine. The State Armament Program for 2018-2027 envisages providing the armed forces with this version of heavy-lift helicopters. I am convinced that the Mi-26T2 helicopter will be a sought-after machine both in Russia and abroad: we also expect that there will be demand for it in Asia, Africa and the Middle East," said Anatoly Serdyukov, Industrial Director, Aviation Cluster of Rostec State Corporation. 

Russian Helicopters reveals changes to Ka-62 design

Boeing KC-46 Tanker Program Completes FAA Certification

Boeing's press release

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted Boeing’s [NYSE: BA] KC-46 tanker program a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC), verifying that its refueling and mission avionics systems meet FAA requirements. The milestone marks completion of KC-46 FAA certification.

To receive its STC, Boeing’s team completed a series of lab, ground and flight tests, which commenced in 2015. As part of the required flight testing, the team validated the KC-46’s boom and drogue aerial refueling systems met FAA certification criteria.

“Our Boeing/Air Force test team did an outstanding job successfully leading us through all the requirements, and we appreciate the FAA’s collaboration as well,” said Mike Gibbons, Boeing KC-46A tanker vice president and program manager. “This milestone is important in that it is one of the last major hurdles in advance of first delivery to the U.S. Air Force.”

The STC is one of two required FAA airworthiness certifications. Boeing received an Amended Type Certificate for its core 767-2C aircraft configuration in December 2017. While those certifications cover most of the jet, not all military functions and equipment can be certified by the FAA. The U.S. Air Force also must grant a Military Type Certificate (MTC), which is expected in the coming months. Boeing’s team concluded MTC flight testing, which included the jet’s aerial refueling, defensive and other military-specific systems, in early July.

Six aircraft have supported various segments of STC and MTC testing. Overall they have completed 3,500 flight hours and offloaded more than three million pounds of fuel during refueling flights with F-16, F/A-18, AV-8B, C-17, A-10, KC-10, KC-135 and KC-46 aircraft.

The KC-46, derived from Boeing’s commercial 767 airframe, is built in the company’s Everett, Wash., facility. Boeing is currently on contract for the first 34 of an expected 179 tankers for the U.S. Air Force.

When in service, the multi-role KC-46 will refuel U.S., allied and coalition military aircraft using its boom and hose and drogue systems, but also must be able to take on fuel to extend its operational range. The boom allows the tanker to transfer up to 1,200 gallons of fuel per minute, while the hose and drogue systems, located on both the plane’s wing and centerline, enables the KC-46 to refuel smaller aircraft with up to 400 gallons of fuel per minute.

For more information on Defense, Space & Security, visit Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense and @BoeingSpace.

​China’s AG600 (largest amphibian aircraft) in first water foray


Shaping the Future At The FAI International Drones Conference And Expo 2018

The 2018 FAI International Drones Conference and Expo concluded on Sunday after a weekend of “intense, exciting and innovative discussion”. Over three days Drone Sports, Safety and Innovation were the three subjects under discussion in the conference hall, where 35 speakers from across the world of drones and aviation spoke over three sessions.

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018

How Boeing’s engineers redesigned the landing gear to make the 737 MAX 10 fly

New NASA Competition Aims to Convert Carbon Dioxide into Exploration Sweet Success

HUNTSVILLE, Ala., Aug. 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- When astronauts begin exploring Mars, they'll need to use local resources, freeing up launch cargo space for other mission-critical supplies. Carbon dioxide is one resource readily abundant within the Martian atmosphere. NASA's new CO2 Conversion Challenge, conducted under the Centennial Challenges program, is a public competition seeking novel ways to convert carbon dioxide into useful compounds. Such technologies will allow us to manufacture products using local, indigenous resources on Mars, and can also be implemented on Earth by using both waste and atmospheric carbon dioxide as a resource.  More info:

Spirit AeroSystems Recognizes 10 Suppliers for Superior Performance

Strategic Partner of the Year:
Inspiration Values Partner:

Nikkiso Co. Ltd. 
Meritrust Credit Union

Collaboration Values Partner: 
Performance Partner:

Cox Machine, Inc. 
Drewloong Precision, Inc.

GKN Aerospace 

Emergent Support Partner:

Transparency Values Partner: 
Axiom Engineering

Orizon Aerostructures Chanute Inc. 
Brek Manufacturing Co.

Quik Tek Machining, LLC

Indirect Supplier of the Year:

DM Tool & Fab, Inc.

more info:

Lockheed Martin Begins Final Assembly on NASA's Orion Spaceship That Will Take Astronauts Further Than Ever Before

LM's Press release

Technicians have completed construction on the spacecraft capsule structure that will return astronauts to the Moon, and have successfully shipped the capsule to Florida for final assembly into a full spacecraft. The capsule structure, or pressure vessel, for NASA's Orion Exploration Mission-2 (EM-2) spacecraft was welded together over the last seven months by Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) technicians and engineers at the NASA Michoud Assembly Facility near New Orleans.

Orion is the world's only exploration-class spaceship, and the EM-2 mission will be its first flight with astronauts on board, taking them farther into the solar system than ever before.

"It's great to see the EM-2 capsule arrive just as we are completing the final assembly of the EM-1 crew module," said Mike Hawes, Lockheed Martin vice president and program manager for Orion. "We've learned a lot building the previous pressure vessels and spacecraft and the EM-2 spacecraft will be the most capable, cost-effective and efficient one we've built."

Orion's pressure vessel is made from seven large, machined aluminum alloy pieces that are welded together to produce a strong, light-weight, air-tight capsule. It was designed specifically to withstand the harsh and demanding environment of deep space travel while keeping the crew safe and productive.

"We're all taking extra care with this build and assembly, knowing that this spaceship is going to take astronauts back to the Moon for the first time in four decades," said Matt Wallo, senior manager of Lockheed Martin Orion Production at Michoud. "It's amazing to think that, one day soon, the crew will watch the sun rise over the lunar horizon through the windows of this pressure vessel. We're all humbled and proud to be doing our part for the future of exploration."

The capsule was shipped over the road from New Orleans to the Kennedy Space Center, arriving on Friday, Aug. 24. Now in the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building, Lockheed Martin technicians will immediately start assembly and integration on the EM-2 crew module.

About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 100,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. This year the company received three Edison Awards for ground-breaking innovations in autonomy, satellite technology and directed energy.

Northrop Grumman Highlights Missile Defence Capabilities at MSPO 2018, Kielce, Poland

press release

MSPO takes place Sept. 4-7 in Kielce, Poland. The Northrop Grumman exhibits are at stand numbers F-27 and E-37. They include a demonstration of integrated air and missile defence (IAMD) and short-range air defence (SHORAD) capabilities.

“Northrop Grumman is committed to Poland and to helping create innovative solutions to meet Poland’s national security needs. Through the acquisition of IBCS, Poland will have the most sophisticated and technologically advanced integrated air and missile defence system that will enable the use of multiple sensors and effectors on a network. Poland’s WISLA integrated air and missile defence system will be capable of employing short range air and missile defence systems being considered for NAREW and will provide any sensor, best shooter engagements,” said Tarik Reyes, vice president, missile defence and protective systems, Northrop Grumman. “We are excited to offer our range of core capabilities and continue building our presence in Poland to deepen our relationships with our key customers so that we can provide effective support for in-country business development activities.”

The IAMD Battle Command System (IBCS) is a revolutionary command-and-control system developed to deliver a single, unambiguous view of the battlespace, as recently demonstrated over vast distances via the multi-node distributed test. This significantly enhances aircraft and missile tracking and improves the ability of combatant commanders and air defenders to make critical decisions within seconds. With a modular open systems architecture, IBCS allows integration of current and future sensors and weapon systems. IBCS enables “any sensor, best shooter” operations to optimize limited resources and facilitate flexible defense designs.

Northrop Grumman’s SHORAD capabilities protect U.S. and allied forces from a wide range of manned and unmanned air and missile threats. Our capabilities utilize sensors, weapons and command control to acquire, track, verify, engage and defeat incoming threats.

Northrop Grumman will also showcase its precision artillery, advanced tank ammunition and tactical missile capabilities that are well-suited to meet Poland’s modernisation needs.

The Northrop Grumman Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AGM-88E) is a supersonic, medium-range, air-launched tactical missile that provides the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and Italian Air Force with the latest and most advanced weapon system for engaging and destroying enemy air defences and time-critical, mobile targets. AGM-88E is compatible with Poland’s airframes and can provide advanced strike capability.

The company is also displaying its Bushmaster Chain Guns and medium calibre ammunition. The Mk44 chain gun is well established in the Polish Army and is integrated on the Rozomak ground combat vehicle, representing the largest installed base of the 30x173mm chain guns worldwide. Additionally, Northrop Grumman’s Precision Guidance Kit for 155mm artillery and Kinetic Energy Tungsten 120mm tank ammunition are compatible with Poland’s artillery projectiles and main battle tanks, and would provide advanced capabilities for those systems.

Information will be available on the AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar, the ground-based multi-mission active electronically scanned array radar developed and now in production for the U.S. Marine Corps. The Marine Corps achieved AN/TPS-80 Initial Operational Capability in early 2018. AN/TPS-80 incorporates the latest high efficiency Gallium Nitride antenna technology and provides comprehensive 360 degree, multi-threat detection and tracking. The AN/TPS-80 architecture is designed to support integration with IBCS.

Northrop Grumman’s German subsidiary, Northrop Grumman LITEF, will highlight its range of Fibre Optic Gyros and Micro-electro-mechanical Systems Accelerometers as well as innovative Inertial Navigation and Reference Systems for air, land and maritime applications.

Northrop Grumman has a well-established presence in Europe with more than 2,200 employees in the U.K., France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

U.S. Navy Awards Boeing $805 million MQ-25 Contract

Boeing's press release

Boeing will provide the carrier-based unmanned aerial refuelers to extend the range of deployed fighters

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 30, 2018 — Boeing [NYSE: BA] will build the U.S. Navy’s first operational carrier-based unmanned aircraft, the MQ-25 aerial refueler, through an $805 million contract awarded today.

Boeing was awarded the engineering and manufacturing development contract to provide four aircraft. Boeing plans to perform the MQ-25 work in St. Louis.

“As a company, we made an investment in both our team and in an unmanned aircraft system that meets the U.S. Navy’s refueling requirements,” said Leanne Caret, president and CEO, Boeing Defense, Space & Security. “The fact that we’re already preparing for first flight is thanks to an outstanding team who understands the Navy and their need to have this important asset on carrier decks around the world.”

MQ-25 is designed to provide the U.S. Navy with a much-needed refueling capability. According to the U.S. Navy, the MQ-25 Stingray will allow for better use of combat strike fighters by extending the range of deployed Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, Boeing EA-18G Growler, and Lockheed Martin F-35C aircraft. MQ-25 will also seamlessly integrate with a carrier’s catapult and launch and recovery systems.

Boeing has been providing carrier aircraft to the U.S. Navy for more than 90 years.

‘Ocean’ satellite Sentinel-6A beginning to take shape

Airbus' press release

  • Sea levels are key indicators of climate change
  • Copernicus satellite is expected to be launched in 2020

Friedrichshafen, 30/08/2018 – The integration of Sentinel-6A, the first of two satellites to continue measuring sea levels from 2020, has reached a new milestone and its critical phase: the propulsion module has been “mated” with the main structure of the satellite at Airbus.

In a complex operation, the Airbus satellite specialists hoisted the approximately five-metre-high satellite platform with pin-point precision over the drive module, which had already been positioned. The two components were then fixed in place and assembled. Before this could happen, the propulsion module, which includes the engines, control devices and a 240-litre tank with an innovative fuel management system, had to undergo technical acceptance, since this subsystem can no longer be accessed once it has been integrated. The propulsion module now needs to be ‘hooked up’, which will then be followed by the system tests.

Two Sentinel-6 satellites for the European Copernicus Programme for environment and security, headed by the European Commission and ESA, are currently being developed under Airbus’ industrial leadership, each weighing roughly 1.5 tonnes. From November 2020, Sentinel-6A will be the first to continue collecting satellite-based measurements of the oceans’ surfaces, a task that began in 1992. Sentinel-6B is then expected to follow in 2025.

Sentinel-6 is a mission to carry out high-precision measurements of ocean surface topography. The satellite will measure its distance to the ocean surface with an accuracy of a few centimetres and, over a mission lasting up to seven years, use this data to map it, repeating the cycle every 10 days. It will document changes in sea-surface height, record and analyse variations in sea levels and observe ocean currents. Exact observations of changes in sea-surface height provide insights into global sea levels, the speed and direction of ocean currents, and ocean heat storage. The measurements made are vital for modelling the oceans and predicting rises in sea levels.

These findings enable governments and institutions to establish effective protection for coastal regions. The data is invaluable not only for disaster relief organisations, but also for authorities involved in urban planning, securing buildings or commissioning dykes.

Global sea levels are currently rising by an average of three millimetres a year as a result of global warming; this could potentially have dramatic consequences for countries with densely populated coastal areas.

Singapore receives first A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT)

Airbus' press release

Singapore, 3 September 2018 – Airbus has delivered the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) first A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT). The aircraft made its first official public appearance on Saturday 1 September 2018 at the RSAF’s 50th anniversary parade.

The new-generation A330 MRTT extends the endurance of the RSAF’s fighter aircraft, and ensures the service’s continued capability to provide air-to-air refuelling support.

It also provides the RSAF with greater cargo and passenger transport capabilities, and enhances its ability to contribute to international humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) and peace support operations.

Virgin Orbit attaches rocket-carrying pylons to Cosmic Girl B747 mothership