viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

Airbus BelugaXL rolls out of paintshop

press release

Transport aircraft unveils special livery chosen by Airbus employees

The first BelugaXL has rolled out of the paintshop unveiling a special livery making it look like a Beluga Whale. The livery was one of six choices submitted to Airbus employees through a poll where 20,000 people participated. With 40% votes in favour, the smiley livery won.

The BelugaXL will now undertake gound tests before first flight planned in summer 2018.

The decision to build the BelugaXL was taken in November 2014 to address the transport and ramp-up capacity requirements for Airbus beyond 2019. The new oversize air transporters are based on the A330-200 Freighter, with a large re-use of existing components and equipments. The first of five BelugaXLs will fly in summer 2018 and enter into service in 2019.

jueves, 28 de junio de 2018


Australia buys high-tech drones to monitor South China Sea, Pacific

Australia buys high-tech drones to monitor South China Sea, Pacific // Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Sydney (AFP) June 26, 2018
Australia will invest Aus$7 billion (US$5.2 billion) to develop and buy high-tech US drones for joint military operations and to monitor waters including the South China Sea, it said Tuesday. Canberra has been embarking on its largest peacetime naval investment through a massive shipbuilding strategy that includes new submarines, offshore patrol vessels and frigates to shore up its defence c

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Boeing, Bamboo Airways Announce Commitment for 20 787 Dreamliners

Boeing, Bamboo Airways Announce Commitment for 20 787 Dreamliners // MediaRoom

Commitment marks first widebody airplanes for the Vietnamese startup airline

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Boeing HorizonX Ventures Invests in On-Demand Urban Aerial Delivery Startup Matternet

Boeing HorizonX Ventures Invests in On-Demand Urban Aerial Delivery Startup Matternet // MediaRoom

Autonomous logistics platform will enable global, next-generation cargo air transportation

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Boeing to Release Second-Quarter Results on July 25

Boeing to Release Second-Quarter Results on July 25 // MediaRoom


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Boeing Chinook Block II Program Moves to Final Assembly

Boeing Chinook Block II Program Moves to Final Assembly // MediaRoom

First of three CH-47F Block II development aircraft nearing completion

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Delta in talks with Boeing to launch NMA: Bastian

China’s New Video of Their Naval Aviation Blows “Top Gun” Away [feedly]

China's New Video of Their Naval Aviation Blows "Top Gun" Away

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TsAGI tests the next stage of the advanced twin-fuselage aircraft [feedly]

TsAGI tests the next stage of the advanced twin-fuselage aircraft

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TsAGI // The research cycle of light convertible aircraft with modified controls has been completed

The research cycle of light convertible aircraft with modified controls has been completed

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Embraer close to completing Portuguese KC-390 contract [feedly]

Embraer close to completing Portuguese KC-390 contract

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IAG to create Level-branded new carrier with ex-Air Berlin A321s [feedly]

IAG to create Level-branded new carrier with ex-Air Berlin A321s

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Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne to join Spaceflight’s Growing Portfolio of Launch Vehicles for Small Satellite Rideshare

press release

SEATTLE, WA and LONG BEACH, CA – June 25, 2018 — Spaceflight, the company reinventing the model for launching small satellites into space, and Virgin Orbit today announced they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a mission to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in 2019.

Virgin Orbit’s Cosmic Girl, a dedicated 747-400 carrier aircraft, will carry LauncherOne (which will house Spaceflight’s customer smallsats) to an altitude of approximately 35,000 feet before release for its rocket-powered flight to orbit. The two-stage expendable rocket, which is currently in the final stages of qualification, can place about 300-500 kilograms into orbit. Virgin Orbit aims to conduct multiple missions to LEO in 2018.

Spaceflight has launched more than 140 satellites to date from a variety of launch vehicles including Falcon 9, PSLV, Dnepr, Antares, and Soyuz. It recently announced agreements for launches on Electron, Vega, and now LauncherOne.

“We’re continuing to provide the most options for customers to get their spacecraft into orbits that traditional rideshare cannot service,” said Curt Blake, president of Spaceflight. “LauncherOne offers timely and targeted access to the equator and mid-latitudes, and we’re excited to provide this innovative service to our customers via this partnership with Virgin Orbit.”

Virgin Orbit CEO Dan Hart added: “Spaceflight brings a proven track record of launch success, a vibrant international customer base, and a customer-centric approach to put together missions to LEO, GTO, GEO and beyond. This agreement further propels the smallsat revolution and gets us closer to realizing our vision of launching anyone, anywhere, any time.”

About Spaceflight

Spaceflight is revolutionizing the business of spaceflight by delivering a new model for accessing space. A comprehensive launch services and mission management provider, the company provides a straightforward and cost-effective suite of products and services including state-of-the-art satellite infrastructure and rideshare launch offerings that enable commercial and government entities to achieve their mission goals on time and on budget. A service offering of Spaceflight Industries in Seattle Wash., Spaceflight provides its services through a global network of partners, ground stations and launch vehicle providers. For more information, visit

About Virgin Orbit

Virgin Orbit provides dedicated, responsive, and affordable launch services for small satellites. Virgin Orbit is developing LauncherOne, a flexible launch service for commercial and government-built satellites. LauncherOne rockets are designed and manufactured in Long Beach, Cali., and will be air-launched from a dedicated 747-400 carrier aircraft capable of operating from many locations in order to best serve each customer’s needs. Virgin Orbit’s systems are currently in an advanced stage of testing, with initial orbital launches expected soon. To learn more or to apply to join Virgin Orbit’s talented and growing team, visit

NASA Technologies Significantly Reduce Aircraft Noise

The ARM flights were flown on NASA’s SubsoniC Research Aircraft Testbed G-III aircraft, or SCRAT, at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in California. NASA combined three technologies, including Landing Gear Noise Reduction, landing gear cavity treatments, and the Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge flexible wing flap, to demonstrate a reduction in airframe noise in excess of 70 percent. This may reduce aircraft noise for communities that live near airports. Continue reading:

Cérémonie de retrait du service opérationnel du Mirage 2000N

press release

  • Jeudi 21 juin 2018 a eu lieu la cérémonie de retrait du service opérationnel du Mirage 2000N sur la base aérienne 125 d’Istres.

Cette cérémonie militaire, présidée par le général Olivier Taprest, major général de l’Armée de l’air, marquait le retrait du service opérationnel du Mirage 2000N à l’été, évènement majeur qui s’inscrit dans le processus de modernisation des matériels de l’Armée de l’air en 2018. Elle a été suivie de démonstrations aériennes et d’une exposition statique d’avions de l’Armée de l’air et d’avions anciens.

Le retrait du service du Mirage 2000N après 30 ans dans les forces incarne le passage au « tout Rafale » de l’aviation de combat de la composante aéroportée de la dissuasion. Inscrite dans la Loi de programmation militaire, cette modernisation des moyens de l’Armée de l’air permet de faire face à l’évolution de nos menaces et conforte la dissuasion en tant que « socle de la défense de la France » (Florence Parly, ministre des Armées).

General Atomic To Fly First Trans-Atlantic Flight of a MALE RPA

press release

On July 10-11, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI) plans to make the first-ever trans-Atlantic flight of a Medium-altitude, Long-endurance (MALE) Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). GA-ASI’s company-owned MQ-9B SkyGuardian RPA is scheduled to fly from the company’s Flight Test and Training Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA, to Royal Air Force (RAF) Fairford in Gloucestershire, UK. The aircraft will then be on static display July 13-15 for the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) airshow being held at RAF Fairford. The flight and display will commemorate the RAF’s centenary celebration (RAF100).

“GA-ASI is proud to have supported the RAF over the past decade with our MQ-9 Reaper®. In honor of the RAF100 celebration, and to demonstrate a new standard in RPA flight endurance, we will fly SkyGuardian across the Atlantic,” said Linden Blue, CEO, GA-ASI. “Given the distinguished 100 year history of the RAF, we believe that this flight is an appropriate way to celebrate the RAF’s position as a leader in innovation.”

In 2017, GA-ASI and the RAF marked the 10-year anniversary of RAF MQ-9 operations, which coincided with the RAF completing 100,000 flight hours with its Reaper force. The entire Reaper fleet has completed over two million flight hours to date and is comprised of over 300 aircraft within the NATO alliance. The RAF is acquiring MQ-9B SkyGuardian as part of its PROTECTOR RG Mk1 program.

MQ-9B is the latest evolution of GA-ASI’s multi-mission Predator® B fleet. GA-ASI named its baseline MQ-9B aircraft SkyGuardian, and the maritime surveillance variant SeaGuardian. MQ-9B is a “certifiable” (STANAG 4671-compliant) version of the MQ-9 Predator B product line. Its development is the result of a five-year, company-funded effort to deliver a RPA that can meet the stringent airworthiness type-certification requirements of various military and civil authorities, including the UK Military Airworthiness Authority (MAA) and the U.S. FAA. Type-certification, together with an extensively tested collision avoidance system, will allow unrestricted operations in all classes of civil airspace.

Several important MQ-9B milestones were achieved in recent months, including the first FAA-approved flight for a company-owned RPA through non-segregated civil airspace without a chase aircraft, and an endurance record of more than 48 hours of continuous flight.

As part of the trans-Atlantic flight, GA-ASI has partnered with Inmarsat, the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications (SATCOM) services. Inmarsat’s SwiftBroadband SATCOM will be used by the MQ-9B’s ground control station to communicate and control the aircraft and also will be used in the RPA’s final configuration for capabilities such as automatic takeoff and landing.

High-resolution photos of MQ-9B SkyGuardian are available to qualified media outlets from the listed GA-ASI media contact.

About GA-ASI

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), an affiliate of General Atomics, is the leading designer and manufacturer of proven, reliable Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) systems, radars, and electro-optic and related mission systems, including the Predator® RPA series and the Lynx® Multi-mode Radar. With more than five million flight hours, GA-ASI provides long-endurance, mission-capable aircraft with integrated sensor and data link systems required to deliver persistent flight that enables situational awareness and rapid strike. The company also produces a variety of ground control stations and sensor control/image analysis software, offers pilot training and support services, and develops meta-material antennas. For more information, visit

Predator, Reaper, and Lynx are registered trademarks of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.

Boeing teases hypersonic passenger jet concept

“We’re excited about the potential of hypersonic technology to connect the world faster than ever before,” said Kevin Bowcutt, senior technical fellow and chief scientist of hypersonics. Although Bowcutt can’t speculate when hypersonic flight for global travel will be a reality, he says it’s possible a hypersonic passenger vehicle could be airborne in 20 to 30 years.
The concept, along with other visions of Boeing’s future, will be on display at Farnborough Air show in July.

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also in New Atlas

Facebook cancels development of Aquila HAPS drone

NASA delays James Webb Space Telescope launch to 2021 as cost estimates rise [feedly]

NASA delays James Webb Space Telescope launch to 2021 as cost estimates rise

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miércoles, 27 de junio de 2018

Iberia recibe su primer A350-900

nota de prensa

  • Es el primer avión de la versión mejorada de este modelo que entrega Airbus y forma parte de un pedido de 16 unidades que se recibirán hasta 2021
  • El A350-900, bimotor, tiene un alcance de 14.800 km y consume casi un 25 por ciento menos de combustible que aviones similares
  • El avión más silencioso del mercado ofrece más espacio y una serie de prestaciones que mejorarán la experiencia del cliente a bordo
  • En vuelo de entrega de Toulouse a Madrid se ha realizado con una mezcla de biocombustible.
  • En los últimos años, Iberia ha pedido 56 aviones nuevos para renovar y ampliar su flota, tanto de corto como de largo radio.

Toulouse, 26 de junio de 2018

Iberia ha recibido hoy su primer avión A350-900 en las instalaciones de Airbus de Toulouse. A la ceremonia de entrega han asistido, entre otros, el presidente ejecutivo de Iberia, Luis Gallego, los miembros del Comité de Dirección y empleados de la línea aérea que han estado trabajando en el proyecto de A350-900, el consejero delegado de Airbus, Thomas Enders, así como el director del Proyecto XWB de Rolls-Royce Engines, Gareth Davis.

Durante el acto de presentación, se ha proyectado un video del tenor español Plácido Domingo, al que este primer avión A350-900 de Iberia rinde homenaje, y se ha presentado una canción compuesta por Javier Limón con una duración de 03:50 minutos en honor de este nuevo avión

“Este avión es un símbolo de todos los cambios que estamos poniendo en marcha en Iberia”, afirmó el presidente ejecutivo de Iberia, Luis Gallego, durante la ceremonia de entrega del avión. “Durante los años pasados, en Iberia nos hemos transformado por la supervivencia. Ahora nos estamos transformando por la excelencia. Y este avión representa perfectamente ese cambio de ciclo en el que estamos”.

El avión A350-900, con matrícula EC-MXV, y bautizado con el nombre de Plácido Domingo, es la primera unidad de este modelo con aerodinámica y estructura mejoradas, gracias a la utilización de un porcentaje mayor de material compuesto en su fabricación y un nuevo diseño de elementos como las alas o los marcos de las ventanas. El tren de aterrizaje está, además, reforzado, lo que permite que el avión pueda despegar con un peso máximo de 280 toneladas. Dos motores Rolls-Royce Trent XWB, con 84.000 libras de empuje cada uno, propulsan el avión, que en la configuración de Iberia puede transportar hasta 348 pasajeros.

Más espacio y comodidad para los clientes

El A350-900 es el primer avión de última generación que se incorpora a la flota de Iberia, que recibirá otros 15 aparatos de este modelo hasta el año 2021. Entre las características más importantes, destacan:

14.800 km.
66,8 m.
65 m.
Ancho de cabina
6 m.
Altura de cabina
17 m.

Iberia ofrecerá 348 asientos a bordo de sus A350-900: 31 en clase Business, 24 en su nueva cabina Turista Premium y 293 en clase Turista.

La distribución de los espacios en todo el avión, con galleys integrados, entre otros, ha permitido ampliar el espacio destinado a los pasajeros, al igual que contar con más capacidad para sus equipajes de mano en las tres cabinas.

Todos los asientos cuentan con entretenimiento individual a la carta, conectores para recargar los dispositivos personales y Wifi KU de Panasonic.

En la clase ejecutiva del nuevo avión los pasillos son más anchos, las pantallas individuales son de 18”, las butacas ofrecen más espacio y protección para los pies y disponen de espacios adicionales para los objetos personales, así como una luz giratoria de lectura más luminosa.

Un sistema de ventilación sin corriente con filtros de ozono renueva el aire dentro del avión cada dos a tres minutos y mejora el nivel de humedad de la cabina entre un 11 y un 16 por ciento. El avión dispone de siete zonas de control de temperatura, que permitirán regularla de modo distinto en las diferentes secciones del avión. Las ventanas, una por fila de asientos, son panorámicas y la iluminación está basada en luces LED. Además, el A350-900 es el avión más silencioso del mercado, lo que, al igual que el resto de características mencionadas, mejorará la experiencia de los clientes de Iberia a bordo.

El avión más eficiente del mercado

El A350-900 es un avión de última generación que incorpora la última tecnología, tanto en su construcción, como en su operación. El 70 por ciento de su estructura está hecha de materiales modernos como fibras de carbono y de vidrio, titanio y una aleación de aluminio. Esto redunda en el peso del avión, al igual que la pintura utilizada, que al ser aplicada con un sistema de pulverizado electroestático se extiende mejor y permite reducir la cantidad de pintura necesaria, y, por ende, el peso del avión. Así, el consumo de combustible y la emisión de CO2 a la atmósfera del nuevo avión es un 25 por ciento menor que aviones similares.

La llegada del A350-900 conlleva también un nuevo concepto de la operación aérea de Iberia como el eOperations, que permitirá a Iberia el uso de información digital del vuelo en soporte electrónico, o la integración los sistemas de a bordo del avión con su infraestructura de Operaciones e IT.

Iberia y sus empleados se han preparado a conciencia para recibir al nuevo avión. Desde septiembre de 2016, han llevado a cabo más de 270 acciones relacionadas con la compra de material, utillaje y equipos de tierra, entrenamiento de tripulantes y los Técnicos de Mantenimiento de Aeronaves (TMA), las operaciones de vuelo, de mantenimiento y de ingeniería o la documentación técnica.

Vuelo con biocombustible

Para el vuelo del A350-900 de Toulouse a Madrid, que tiene una duración de 01:15 h, se va a utilizar una mezcla de biocombustible.

Los primeros vuelos comerciales del “Plácido Domingo” tendrán como destino Londres y París a partir del 20 de julio. A partir del 4 de agosto, el nuevo avión volará la ruta Madrid-Nueva York.

Con este A350-900, Iberia continúa con su proceso de renovación y ampliación de flota iniciado en 2011. En total, se han pedido 56 aviones nuevos para la línea aérea: 8 A330-300 y 12 A330-200, que ya se han recibido, 16 A350-900 y 20 A320Neo. Iberia ha renovado, además, los 17 aviones A340-600 de su flota para incorporarles las nuevas cabinas de largo radio, así como el sistema de entretenimiento individual y conectividad Wifi.

martes, 26 de junio de 2018

A Japanese Mother ship Probe, Is Closing in on an Asteroid 180 Million Miles from Earth

Hayabusa2 left Earth in 2014 and is scheduled to arrive at Ryugu — which is about 180 million miles (290 million km) from Earth at the moment — Wednesday (June 27) or thereabouts.

Eventually, the mothership will deploy a total of three rovers and a lander onto Ryugu's surface continue reading:

Hayabusa 2/MASCOT mission:

From DLR:
Launch of Hayabusa2 spacecraft 3 December 2014
Health check of the MASCOT lander June 2015
Calibration of MASCOT instruments September 2015
Earth fly-by December 2015
Health check of the MASCOT lander July 2016
Calibration of MASCOT instruments November 2016
Health check of the MASCOT lander May 2017
Calibration of MASCOT instruments November 2017
Health check of the MASCOT lander Spring 2018
Hayabusa2 arrives at asteroid June/July 2018 18-month long stay
MASCOT lands on asteroid Ryugu Between 1 and 4 October 2018
Hayabusa2 collects samples of the asteroid during a short ground contact (possibly several times) 2019
Hayabusa2 to depart from asteroid November/December 2019
Hayabusa2 to arrive at Earth  Late 2020

Hayabusa2 spacecraft, Specifications/Instruments
Type of mission   Asteroid sample return mission
Operator JAXA
Launch date 3  December 2014, 04:22 UTC
Launch site Yoshinobu Launch Complex, Tanegashima Space Center
Rocket H-IIA 202 (Flugnummer F26)
Mission length 6 years, return planned for December 2020
Mission control centre JAXA SSOC (Sagamihara Space Operations Center) 
MASCOT control centre DLR Microgravity User Support Center (MUSC)
Launch mass approx. 600 kilograms
Key features
Electric Propulsion System (Ion engine) Used for changing orbit during journey to asteroid as well as return to Earth; engine is energy-efficient, with one tenth of power consumption compared to chemical propellant
Sampler mechanism SMP to collect samples from surface of asteroid. Cylinder-shaped sampler horn will be lowered to surface, shooting out a small projectile once it makes contact with the surface. Materials ejected will then be collected via a catcher
Target markers Five beanbag-type markers will descend to the asteroid's surface to serve as artificial landmarks prior to landing for the distance measurement of teh collision warning syst. The target markers are hollow and filled with a granulate that dampens the kinetic energy and thus prevents them from bouncing from the surface.
Re-entry capsule  Container that stores samples from asteroid and will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere at 12 kilometres per second. 
Mission instruments
Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) Two-kilogram copper lump to collide with surface of asteroid to make an artificial crater, used to study the inside structure of the asteroid before and after impact; will also be used to sample 'fresh' material underground
Near InfraRed Spectrometer (NIRS3) and Thermal Infrared Imager (TIR) Remote sensing instruments to measure asteroid from Hayabusa2’s 20 kilometre-distance position. NIRS3 will investigate mineral and water metamorphism; TIR to study temperature and thermal inertia of asteroid
MINERVA-II 3 small rovers that will study the asteroid from its surface.
MASCOT Small lander that will study the asteroid using four observation devices and that will hop to three locations on the asteroid

MASCOT lander specifications/Instruments 
Dimensions 295 mm x 275 mm x 195 mm
Weight 9.6 kilograms
Target asteroid 162173 Ryugu
Mother craft Hayabusa2
Operators DLR, CNES, JAXA
MASCOT Camera (MASCAM) Wide-angle camera that takes pictures during the descent to the asteroid surface and will provide ground data for the instruments on board Hayabusa2 as well as contextual information for the instruments on board MASCOT. (Institute of Planetary Research, DLR)
MASCOT Radiometer (MARA) The radiometer is used for the high-resolution determination of the surface temperature as well as the thermal changes during the day-night changes on the asteroid. (Institute of Planetary Research, DLR)
Magnetometer (MAG) Determination of the asteroid's magnetic field (Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics, TU Braunschweig)
Infrared spectrometer (MicrOmega) Determination of the mineralogical composition of the asteroid surface. (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Université Paris Sud)

The target: Asteroid (162173) Ryugu (formerly 1999 JU3)
Origin C-class asteroid (carbon-rich), near-Earth asteroid of the Apollo group
Discovery May 1999
Discoverer LINEAR (Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research) Team
Shape Approximately spherical with the irregularities expected in small bodies (determined by thermal observations.
Diameter 880 ± 15 metres
Rotation period 7.6 hours
Albedo  0.05 (very low, darker than coal)

lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

It's Business Time for Rocket Lab, Launcher of Small Satellites

"Dear everyone," wrote Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck during a reddit AMA in April, "I'm not building a bigger rocket any time soon." Beck seems to get asked about expansion a lot. He and his Kiwi-US space company don't build craft whose names end in "heavy." Their rockets don't land after launch. …

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The discount airline model is coming to rocket launches | Popular Science

Rover test: What's it like to ride a rocket to Mars?

So, if you spend a billion euros on a space mission, you better be sure it can survive the rocket ride off Earth. This video shows a model of Europe's upcoming Mars rover being shaken to simulate the violent first few minutes of flight on leaving the launch pad. ExoMars, as it is known, is a join...

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Astronauts eject UK-led space junk demo mission

A UK-led project to showcase methods to tackle space junk has just been pushed out of the International Space Station. The RemoveDebris satellite was ejected a short while ago with the help of a robotic arm. The 100kg craft, built in Guildford, has a net and a harpoon. These are just two of the m...

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Harley-Davidson to Move Some Production From U.S. Because of E.U. Tariffs

Harley-Davidson, the American motorcycle manufacturer, said on Monday that it was shifting some of the production of its bikes outside the United States to avoid European Union tariffs imposed as part of a widening trade dispute. The announcement, made in a public filing, is an early sign of the …

Arianegroup tests innovative technology for next generation upper stage rocket engine

Arianegroup tests innovative technology for next generation upper stage rocket engine // Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Lampoldshausen, Germany (SPX) Jun 20, 2018
A full-scale demonstrator of the thrust chamber for an upper-stage rocket engine incorporating the newest propulsion technologies has successfully passed first hot firing tests at the DLR German Aerospace Center P3.2 test facility in Lampoldshausen. The Expander-cycle Technology Integrated Demonstrator, ETID, will help to prove innovative technologies, materials and manufacturing technique

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Game-changing finding pushes 3D-printing to the molecular limit

Game-changing finding pushes 3D-printing to the molecular limit // Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Nottingham UK (SPX) Jun 20, 2018
The research, led by Dr Victor Sans Sangorrin from the Faculty of Engineering and Dr Graham Newton from the School of Chemistry, is published in the academic journal, Advanced Materials. "This bottom-up approach to device fabrication will push the boundaries of additive manufacturing like never before. Using a unique integrated design approach, we have demonstrated functional synergy betwe

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Franco-German FCAS deal points to Dassault leadership

Franco-German FCAS deal points to Dassault leadership // Military news

France will take the lead role in the planned development of a joint Future Combat Air System (FCAS) with Germany.

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Dropcoter drone helps bees pollinate 350,000 apple trees

Dropcoter drone helps bees pollinate 350,000 apple trees // The UAS Magazine

As part of the GENIUS NY program, Dropcoter drones are assisting Beak & Skiff, one of central New York's top apple producers, in pollinating the 350,000 trees in its orchard. The job is normally performed by bees living in 400 hives.

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Ultrathin "stealth sheet" can hide and fake heat signatures

TsAGI holds conference devoted to measuring equipment and metrology for aircraft research

Comac completes static tests for composite wing project

​ANALYSIS: How GKN envisions its future after change in ownership

Lockheed Martin Awarded Contract to Build F-16 Block 70 Aircraft for Bahrain

World's first Block 70 aircraft will be built in Greenville, South Carolina 
FORT WORTH, Texas, June 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) received a $1.2 billion contract from the U.S. government to produce 16 new F-16 Block 70 aircraft for the Royal Bahraini Air Force. The Undefinitized Contract Action award represents the first F-16 Block 70 sale and the first F-16 production program to be performed in Greenville, South Carolina.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is the first customer to procure the F-16 Block 70, the newest and most advanced F-16 production configuration.

South Korea picks Boeing P-8 for $1.7 billion maritime patrol aircraft contract

Bombardier Global 7500 Aircraft Mock-up Continues Successful Worldwide Tour with Stop in Olbia, Italy

press release

  • The Global 7500 full-scale mock-up continues its worldwide tour in Europe after successful stops in Dubai, Singapore and Shanghai
  • Mock-up offers guests a rare opportunity to experience the unparalleled comfort and spaciousness of this unique business jet
  • Recently renamed after exceeding performance expectations, the Global 7500 aircraft is the largest and longest range business jet, with four distinct living spaces, a fully-equipped kitchen and an exceptionally smooth ride
  • The Global 7500 flight test program has surpassed 2,300 flight hours and the aircraft is on track for entry-into-service in the second half of 2018

Bombardier is thrilled to announce that the full-scale mock-up of its eagerly anticipated Global 7500 aircraft will be on display in Olbia, Italy, as of mid-July and throughout the summer, offering guests an exclusive opportunity to experience the aircraft’s unmatched spaciousness first hand. The mock-up continues its successful worldwide tour, following stops in Dubai, Singapore and Shanghai.

“This is a significant year for the Global 7500 aircraft, with its planned certification and entry into service,” said Peter Likoray, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Marketing, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “It’s an ideal time for customers to explore the potential of a true four zone cabin and discover what makes the Global 7500 jet a class-defining aircraft in the industry. It also gives us an opportunity to showcase its unique features as we prepare for the entry into service of the
Global 7500 aircraft.”

The mock-up features a dining area, entertainment lounge, a master suite and an en suite. The fully equipped kitchen includes high-end appliances, with ample room for dinnerware and glassware. The interior of the aircraft is highly customizable, and owners seeking to create the ultimate in-flight experience will be able to configure the interior to reflect their personal tastes. Guests who arrange a special private viewing of the mock-up will be able to explore the full length of the cabin, from the cutting-edge cockpit to the expansive luggage bay at the rear, which was designed to be fully accessible during flight.

The full-size mock-up will be on display at the airport in Olbia throughout the summer. This is the mock-up’s second visit to Italy following a successful showing in Olbia in 2017. The mock-up’s arrival comes on the heels of Bombardier’s triumphant presence at the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva, one of the most important aerospace exhibitions in the world. During the show, Bombardier announced that its eagerly awaited marquis business jet will enter service as the Global 7500, to celebrate its outstanding performance and its position as the flagship of the new Global aircraft family. Bombardier also debuted its patented Nuage seat, which was meticulously designed for maximum comfort and the revolutionary nice Touch cabin management system, a Bombardier-designed platform developed in collaboration with Lufthansa Technik and found exclusively on the Global 7500 aircraft.

Furthermore, Bombardier’s Global 7500 aircraft is the recipient of a 2018 Red Dot Award for Product Design. Selected by the 39-person jury from among a crowded field, with more than 6,300 submissions from close to 60 countries competing in several categories, the state-of-the art aircraft received the Red Dot in the 2018 Red Dot Award: Product Design in the ships, trains and planes category. The
Global 7500 aircraft’s sophisticated styling sets the benchmark for the most exceptional business jet experience. Every detail of the cabin interior has been crafted to create a rich and satisfying experience, from its class-leading and largest kitchen in the industry and forward-thinking lighting to the first-ever dedicated stateroom with a fixed bed.

The Global 7500 aircraft is on track to enter service during the second half of 2018. All five of its test vehicles are in the flight test program, with more than 2,300 hours of flight testing accomplished, demonstrating significant maturity, reliability and a smooth ride.

Bombardier Announces Agreement with DAIR to Spur Innovation in Ontario’s Aerospace Sector

press release

  • Bombardier to make multi-million dollar contribution to research and training activities in Downsview
  • Agreement enhances support for the establishment of an aerospace hub in the Greater Toronto Area

Bombardier is pleased to reinforce its partnership with the Downsview Aerospace Innovation and Research Consortium (DAIR) to establish an aerospace hub in Toronto’s Downsview area. Through a multi-million dollar contribution, Bombardier will focus on three main goals: supporting DAIR’s academic and research activities, supporting DAIR’s operations, and preserving the aerospace heritage of the site.

“This agreement is great news for Ontario’s aerospace industry and for the people of Toronto,” said François Caza, Vice President, Product Development and Chief Engineer, Aerospace, Bombardier Inc. “Since acquiring de Havilland in 1992, Bombardier has built strong relationships with local institutions to promote aerospace research and innovation. Through our new partnership with DAIR, we will continue to support the development of this unique ecosystem for many years to come.”

“I am thrilled with the ongoing support and leadership demonstrated by Bombardier and the opportunity this will unlock for aerospace in Ontario,” said Andrew Petrou, Executive Director, DAIR, and Director, Strategic Initiatives and External Relations, Centennial College. “This commitment will enable the growth of the Downsview Aerospace Hub through support for training and research, DAIR Innovation Centre physical space and operations, and preservation of the site’s aerospace heritage. Through this partnership with Bombardier, DAIR will be uniquely positioned to play a leading role in the development of tomorrow’s aviation solutions.”

Starting this year, Bombardier will provide $1.5 million CDN over five years to fund core research at the Aeromaterials Research Centre, to be established at the DAIR Innovation Centre. The Centre will bring together industry and academic partners in a collaborative space for aerospace training and education, R&D, and sector advisory services to maintain Canada’s leadership role in the global market.

Starting in 2019, Bombardier will contribute an aggregate $1 million CDN over five years for the creation of two Aerospace Research Centres at Ryerson University and the University of Toronto. These Centers will focus on research in the areas of advanced interiors and acoustics. In addition, Bombardier will provide funding to Centennial College for the completion of its Landing Gear Research project, while extending its existing training program to train a minimum of 50 individuals for each of the next three years at Centennial College’s Downsview Campus.

Bombardier will also provide $900,000 CDN over the next three years to support formal operations of the DAIR Innovation Centre, and as a founding member of the Consortium, will remain actively engaged by appointing a member to its Board of Directors.

Finally, in recognition of Downsview’s historical importance in the development of the aerospace industry in Ontario, Bombardier will be providing a total of $2.5 million CDN in capital funding to refurbish the heritage “Moth Building”, which will be the cornerstone of the DAIR Innovation Centre.

About Bombardier

With over 69,500 employees across four business segments, Bombardier is a global leader in the transportation industry, creating innovative and game-changing planes and trains. Our products and services provide world-class transportation experiences that set new standards in passenger comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and safety.

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Bombardier has production and engineering sites in 28 countries across the segments of Transportation, Business Aircraft, Commercial Aircraft and Aerostructures and Engineering Services. Bombardier shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017, Bombardier posted revenues of $16.2 billion US. News and information are available at or follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.

About DAIR

The Downsview Aerospace Innovation and Research Consortium (DAIR) is an association of all of the large aerospace companies and leading postsecondary education institutions from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), who have come together with the joint mandate of developing an Aerospace Hub at Downsview Park in Toronto, Ontario. DAIR news and information is available at and our Twitter @DAIR__Hub.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s Two Halves Powered for the First Time

press release

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. – June 20, 2018 – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) has successfully powered up the two main parts of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a significant event in the test and integration phase of the program.

The Webb Telescope’s Optical Telescope element/Integrated Science instrument module (OTIS) and Spacecraft Element (SCE), which includes the sunshield and spacecraft bus, were separately powered at Northrop Grumman’s facilities in Redondo Beach. This is the first time both halves were powered in the same building.

“This is a significant, first-time event for the program and for the team,” said Scott Willoughby, vice president and program manager, James Webb Space Telescope, Northrop Grumman. “To power both OTIS and SCE moves us one step closer to readying the Webb for the next integration steps.”

In the highbay, engineers use external power supplies, similar to chargers, which convert wall power to a source compatible with the spacecraft. This power is used to turn on the spacecraft and provides power to simulate what it will eventually use on orbit. Once in space, Webb will use solar arrays to operate the bus subsystems as well as the Science Instrument Payload.

The Spacecraft Element recently underwent a successful mechanical shock test in May. It was tested by simulating the mechanical shock caused by the separation of the spacecraft’s payload adapter after launch. SCE will receive additional testing before being combined with the OTIS to form the complete James Webb Space Telescope observatory. Once the telescope is fully integrated, the entire observatory will undergo more tests during what is called observatory-level testing.

The James Webb Space Telescope will be the world’s premier space science observatory of the next decade. Webb will solve mysteries of our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

Boeing, FedEx Express Announce Order for 24 Medium and Large Freighters

Press release
  • World's largest air cargo carrier modernizes its fleet with more 767 Freighters and 777 Freighters
  • New order reflects confidence in growing air cargo market and Boeing's freighter family

SEATTLE, June 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) and FedEx Express today announced a new order for 12 767 Freighters and 12 777 Freighters as the world's largest air cargo carrier continues to invest in the industry's most capable freighters to better serve its customers.

"We are taking another positive step in our fleet modernization program as we add more efficient, lower emission aircraft to our global fleet," said David L. Cunningham, President and CEO of FedEx Express. "The Boeing 767 and 777 Freighters have brought greater efficiency and reliability to our air operations. The 777, with its tremendous range characteristics, has allowed us to provide faster transit times around the globe. We are excited to add more of these aircraft to our fleet."

The new airplanes, valued at $6.6 billion at list prices, will appear on Boeing's Orders and Deliveries webpage once contingencies have been met.

This order comes as the air cargo industry continues to gather strength. A year after demand grew by nearly 10 percent, global air freight is on track to increase by another four to five percent in 2018.

Air cargo carriers are adding capacity to keep up with demand, either by converting passenger airplanes into freighters or ordering new production cargo jets. With the latest order from FedEx Express, Boeing has sold more than 50 widebody freighters so far in 2018.

"We are honored that FedEx has again placed its trust on the wings of the Boeing 767 and 777. This repeat order is a big vote of confidence in Boeing's market-leading freighter family and the long-term outlook for air freight," said Kevin McAllister, president and chief executive officer, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

FedEx Express and Boeing have a long-standing partnership. The express carrier is a major operator of the Boeing 757 Freighter and the largest operator of the 767 Freighter and 777 Freighter. FedEx is also a customer of Boeing's Global Services business.

The 767 Freighter, based on the 767-300ER (extended range) passenger jet, can carry approximately 58 tons (52.7 tonnes) of revenue cargo with intercontinental range, making it a flexible platform for serving long-haul, regional or feeder markets.

The 777 Freighter is the world's longest range twin-engine freighter. The jet can fly 4,900 nautical miles (9,070 kilometers) with a payload of 112 tons (102 metric tonnes or 102,000 kg). With the 777 Freighter, FedEx has been able to connect Asia with its hub in Memphis, Tenn. non-stop and reduce transit times by up to three hours. This has enabled FedEx to accept packages later in the day and still deliver them on time.

The 777 Freighter also uses 18 percent less fuel compared to the airplanes it replaces, and provides quieter takeoffs and landings that meet airport noise standards.

Airbus and THAI sign agreement to proceed with joint venture MRO

press release

State-of-the art facility to be developed at U-Tapao International Airport

Airbus and Thai Airways International (THAI) have signed an agreement to establish a new joint venture maintenance and overhaul (MRO) facility at U-Tapao International Airport near Bangkok.

The accord was signed today at Airbus headquarters in Toulouse by Usanee Sangsingkeo, Acting President, THAI; and Eric Schulz, Chief Commercial Officer, Airbus, in the presence of Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand and Guillaume Faury, President Airbus Commercial Aircraft.

The new MRO centre will be one of the most modern and extensive in the Asia-Pacific region, offering heavy maintenance and line services for all widebody aircraft types. The facility will feature the latest digital technologies to analyse aircraft maintenance data, as well as advanced inspection techniques, including the use of drones to monitor aircraft airframes.

The MRO complex will also have specialised repair shops, including for composite structures, as well as a maintenance training centre offering extensive courses for technical personnel from Thailand and overseas.

“THAI and Airbus have undertaken extensive studies to validate the business plan for this exciting project,” said Usanee Sangsingkeo, Acting President, THAI. “Together we will develop one of the most advanced and efficient aircraft maintenance centres anywhere in the world. We are confident that this venture will bring significant economic benefit for THAI and will be a major driver in the development of the wider aerospace sector in Thailand.”

“We are pleased to enter into this major agreement with THAI,” said Guillaume Faury, President Airbus Commercial Aircraft. “This will further strengthen the long-term partnership between our two companies and also contribute to the success of Thailand’s new eastern economic zone. With the fleet of widebody aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region set to triple to around 4,800 aircraft over the next 20 years, the project represents a sound business opportunity for both our companies.”

“This latest agreement further consolidates our long and special partnership with THAI,” said Eric Schulz, Airbus Chief Commercial Officer. “This dates back to 1977, when THAI became one of our earliest customers. Since that time Thai has operated every single Airbus type and today flies the complete current widebody family – the A330, the A350 and the A380.”

The joint venture between Airbus and THAI will be located at U-Tapao International Airport, at the heart of Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). The EEC is a core part of the Thai government’s Thailand 4.0 policy, designed to develop world class innovative technology-based manufacturing and services in the country.

AEGEAN Airlines firms up order for 30 A320neo Family aircraft

press release

Purchase agreement follows MoU signed in March 2018

Greece’s biggest airline, AEGEAN Airlines, has firmed up an order for the purchase of 30 A320neo Family aircraft at a ceremony in Athens.

The purchase agreement, comprising 10 A321neos and 20 A320neos, was signed by AEGEAN Chairman Eftichios Vassilakis and Airbus Chief Executive Officer Tom Enders.

It follows an earlier Memorandum of Understanding signed in March 2018. Currently, AEGEAN operates a fleet of 49 Airbus aircraft (37 A320s, 11 A321s and 1 A319).

Eftichios Vassilakis, Chairman of AEGEAN stated: “Our agreement with Airbus augments AEGEAN’s capacity for development along with a trusted, long standing partner. We invest in the bestselling A320neo Family to enhance our competitiveness and to further improve our service offering to our passengers. We believe in the ability of our people to excel in what they do and they deserve to have the best hardware for the job.”

“AEGEAN Airlines is a great example of a resilient and superbly managed airline. It has weathered the country’s financial crisis and come out of it much stronger than before. Moreover, AEGEAN’s customer focus and attention to service excellence have made the company one of the most awarded airlines in terms of customer satisfaction,” said Tom Enders, Airbus Chief Executive Officer. “We are extremely proud AEGEAN has selected Airbus to boost the efficiency of their future fleet.”

The A320neo Family incorporates the very latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklets, which together deliver at least 15 percent fuel savings at delivery and 20 percent by 2020. With nearly 6,100 orders received from 100 customers, the A320neo Family has captured some 60 percent share of the market.

Airbus provides update on impact of Brexit No Deal/Deal scenarios

press release

Toulouse, 21 June 2018 - Airbus has today published a risk assessment outlining the urgent risks to its business arising from the UK exiting the European Union without a withdrawal agreement.

It states that the UK exiting the EU next year without a deal – therefore leaving both the single market and customs union immediately and without any agreed transition – would lead to severe disruption and interruption of UK production. This scenario would force Airbus to reconsider its investments in the UK, and its long-term footprint in the country, severely undermining UK efforts to keep a competitive and innovative aerospace industry, developing high value jobs and competences.

On the future trade relationship between the UK and EU, the Memorandum makes clear that while an orderly Brexit with a withdrawal agreement is preferable to a no-deal scenario, the current planned transition (which ends in December 2020) is too short for the EU and UK Governments to agree the outstanding issues, and too short for Airbus to implement the required changes with its extensive supply chain. In this scenario, Airbus would carefully monitor any new investments in the UK and refrain from extending the UK suppliers/partners base.

Tom Williams, Chief Operating Officer of Airbus Commercial Aircraft, commented:

“In any scenario, Brexit has severe negative consequences for the UK aerospace industry and Airbus in particular. Therefore, immediate mitigation measures would need to be accelerated. While Airbus understands that the political process must go on, as a responsible business we require immediate details on the pragmatic steps that should be taken to operate competitively. Without these, Airbus believes that the impacts on our UK operations could be significant. We have sought to highlight our concerns over the past 12 months, without success. Far from Project Fear, this is a dawning reality for Airbus. Put simply, a No Deal scenario directly threatens Airbus’ future in the UK.”

To read the Risk Assessment Memorandum in full, please click here:

About Airbus

Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2017 it generated revenues of € 59 billion restated for IFRS 15 and employed a workforce of around 129,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

jueves, 21 de junio de 2018

Digital technologies play a decisive role in the competitiveness of Russian aircraft - Yuri Slyusar at the SPIEF-2018

Irkut's press release

"UAC’ enterprises are actively implementing digital technologies, this is the key to solve the main task for us - increasing the current and future competitiveness of Russian aircraft on the global market," - the President of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and PJSC Irkut Corporation, Yuri Slyusar said on May 24 during the session "New mechanisms of investment policy" at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The UAC president believes that all aircraft programs in the UAC should be based on new digital solutions. "For us, it is crucially important to reduce the time of entering the market. We need to design quickly, launch production faster, provide better service, and the life cycle of the product should be longer," - he said. "This is possible only on the basis of the solutions offered by the new digital economy. Its development is an absolute priority for us," - Yuri Slyusar stressed.

A striking example of the digital technologies use is the program of MC-21 new-generation aircraft, which Irkut Corporation executes in close cooperation with other UAC enterprises.

All participants of the program work within the unified informational environment.

The key component of this medium is the airliner's electronic mock-up which contains comprehensive information on the aircraft as the whole, its units, systems, and equipment at all stages of its life cycle. The electronic mock-up is constantly detalized and developed.

Participants of the program have real-time access to the electronic mock-up. Information exchange is performed via high-speed communication channels.

Digital technologies ensure more precise and effective implementation of a wide variety of design, manufacturing, and operational components of the MC-21 program. In manufacturing, they provide high product quality and precise conjunction of airframe assemblies.

During operation, data on every aircraft is entered into the specialized information system. Interaction of the electronic mock-up and the information system will allow monitoring condition of every aircraft and predicting its maintenance.


press release

Tecnam announced June, 4th the EASA and FAA certification approval of the Leica City Mapper installation on the P2006T SMP.

The Leica CityMapper is specifically designed for 3D city modelling and urban mapping. It is the world’s first hybrid airborne sensor combining both oblique and nadir imaging as well as a LiDAR system.

The Tecnam P2006T SMP has been produced to support a wide range of special missions and applications, such as search and rescue, reconnaissance, immigration surveillance/border patrol, drug trafficking and law enforcement roles. It is fully able to replace, support and drastically reduce the use of far more expensive and complicated assets such as the deployment of CS/FAR 25 airplanes, helicopters and coast guard vessels. the Tecnam P2006T SMP achieves a step change in the delivering of aerial mapping missions by establishing a cost effective and unique solution for special mission operators.

Unbeatable value, low ownership, operating and maintenance costs coupled with innovative design and combined with the Rotax ‘912S’ engines efficiency ensures the Tecnam P2006T SMP affords high mission reliability as well as lower noise emissions.

With a payload capacity optimized for CityMapper (plus a PAV100 gyro stabilized mount), the Tecnam P2006T SMP can easily perform mapping missions of up to 4 hours with both a pilot and camera operator on board.

The P2006T SMP’s high wing and retractable landing gear allows for a ‘no view obstruction’ for external cameras and operator FoV (Field of View). This potentially may make the difference between mission success and failure or as a worst case, poor collected data package.

“In just four years since we introduced the TECNAM P2006T SMP, it has firmly established itself as the aerial platform of choice with so many operators around the globe. Today with the option of the Leica City Mapper sensor embodiment, the SMP offers our customers the highest quality/price ratio currently available on the market.” said Fabio Russo, Chief Project R&D and Product Development.

More info on the P2006T SMP:

More info on the Leica City Mapper:

RemoveDEBRIS spacecraft launched from ISS with Airbus space debris capture removal technology

press release

Airbus net, vision based navigation, and harpoon experiments will deploy in orbit

Toulouse/Stevenage/Bremen, 20/06/2018 - The space debris removal technology mission RemoveDEBRIS, led by the Surrey Space Centre (SSC) at the University of Surrey, has been launched into orbit from the International Space Station (ISS). RemoveDEBRIS will demonstrate a range of innovative technologies to clean up space debris, with the first Airbus designed and built experiment due for deployment in October 2018.

The spacecraft features three Airbus technologies to perform Active Debris Removal (ADR): a net and a harpoon to capture debris, and also a Vision Based Navigation (VBN) system to develop rendezvous techniques in orbit with space debris. The spacecraft itself was designed and built by Airbus subsidiary Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) and also includes a drag sail to speed up deorbiting of the whole mission.

The mission timelines will see the net deployed in October this year, followed by the VBN test in late December and then the harpoon in February 2019. The experiments will all be carried out below the orbit of the ISS.

The net experiment, developed by Airbus in Bremen, will see a cubesat deployed from the main mission craft. When the cubesat is 5 metres away, it will then be targeted by the net and captured at approximately 7 metres before it floats away to deorbit.

The VBN system from Airbus in Toulouse will test 2D cameras and a 3D LIDAR (light detection and ranging) technology supplied by CSEM to track a second cubesat deployed from the main spacecraft. The VBN system will track its rotation and movement away from the main spacecraft. At the same time the cubesat will transmit its true position to the main spacecraft, enabling the performance of the VBN to be measured. This cubesat will then float and deorbit naturally.

The Airbus Stevenage designed harpoon will see a 1.5 metre boom deployed from the main spacecraft with a piece of composite panel on the end. The harpoon will be fired at 20 metres/sec to penetrate the target and demonstrate the ability of a harpoon to capture debris.

Nicolas Chamussy, Head of Airbus Space Systems said: “We have spent many years developing innovative active debris removal systems to be at the forefront of tackling this growing problem of space debris and to contribute to the UNs’ Sustainable Development Goals for our future generations. We will continue to work closely with teams across the world to make our expertise available to help solve this issue.”

After completion of the Airbus designed ADR, the main spacecraft will deploy the drag sail developed by SSC which will deorbit the craft in approximately 8 weeks. Without the drag sail, deorbiting would take more than 2.5 years.

Co-funded by the European Commission under FP7, RemoveDEBRIS is an international collaboration between the University of Surrey, Airbus, Ariane Group, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, Innovative Solutions In Space, CSEM (Switzerland); Inria (France) and Stellenbosch University.

This Space Station satellite deployment opportunity was made possible thanks to NanoRacks and its Space Act Agreement with NASA’s U.S. National Labs.

Bell and Safran Announce Shared Vision for On-Demand Mobility

press release

New collaboration between Bell and Safran on the development of innovative hybrid electric propulsion systems for future air taxi and VTOL systems.

Cologne, Germany (June 19, 2018) – Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today at the Future of Transportation World Conference a newly formed collaboration with Safran (Euronext Paris: SAF) on the development of innovative hybrid electric power system solutions to support Bell’s vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft concept.

“Bell is at the forefront of on-demand mobility – ushering a new era of flight where the benefits of aviation are accessible to more people in more places,” said Scott Drennan, Bell’s director of Innovation, while speaking at the Transportation Conference. “This announcement is another proof point of our commitment to providing transportation of people and logistics in new, innovative and more efficient ways; our work with Safran is a historical milestone for future transport solutions.”

For several years, Safran innovation teams have been actively exploring the potential of hybrid solutions for future propulsion systems. Bell and Safran’s shared vision for electric and hybrid electric aircraft is to strive for the successful deployment of Bell Air Taxis and new on-demand mobility systems in the future

Thanks to the long and sustained technology-development strategy conducted within the Safran group, we can now offer Bell our hybrid electric power solutions for their next generation products that result in improved performance giving more value to our customers,” said Stéphane Cueille, Safran senior executive vice president, R&T and Innovation.

In this collaboration, Bell will lead the design, development and production of VTOL systems, and Safran will bring its technical expertise to bear in the development of a disruptive propulsion system.

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

ESA Council commits to Ariane 6 and transition from Ariane 5

ESA Council commits to Ariane 6 and transition from Ariane 5 // Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense

Paris (ESA) Jun 18, 2018
The ESA Council met in Paris this past weeek to discuss the path towards the future exploitation of Ariane 6. In view of the progress made in the Ariane 6 programme, Participating States have decided on the completion of the development up to full operational capability and agreed to fund industrial incentives associated with the development of Ariane 6 and P120C solid rocket motor.

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​Bell targets Asia-Pacific attack helicopter opportunities

​Bell targets Asia-Pacific attack helicopter opportunities // Military news

Bell is eyeing a number of attack helicopter requirements in the Asia-Pacific as it looks to win further export deals for its AH-1Z Viper.

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Boeing, FedEx Express Announce Order for 24 Medium and Large Freighters

Boeing, FedEx Express Announce Order for 24 Medium and Large Freighters // MediaRoom

World's largest air cargo carrier modernizes its fleet with more 767 Freighters and 777 Freighters

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First Engine Assembled for DARPA & Boeing Reusable Experimental Spaceplane – Parabolic Arc

France Will Lead European Fighter Project

France Will Lead European Fighter Project // Commercial Aviation Channel

France is taking the lead in Franco-German efforts to produce a new European fighter aircraft.

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New NASA Position To Focus On Exploration Of Moon, Mars And Worlds Beyond

USAF set to begin dual mode ramjet design for hypersonic vehicle

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An-2: 21st Century biplane

lunes, 18 de junio de 2018

ANALYSIS: Cyber threat to aviation is real – and urgent

First short take off and landing competition on sand

No runway? No problem! Planes get airborne within the space of a few yards on Belgian beach in world's first short take off and landing competition on sand


Airbus enters partnership with government of Côte d'Ivoire

nota de prensa

MoU to develop aerospace industry in Côte d'Ivoire

Airbus and the government of Côte d’Ivoire signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a framework of collaboration to support the development of the country’s aerospace industry, which has been identified as strategic for its economic development.

The MoU was signed today by His Excellency Amadou Koné, Minister of Transport of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and Mikail Houari, President Airbus Africa Middle East in the presence of His Excellency Daniel Kablan Duncan, Vice President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, and Guillaume Faury, President Airbus Commercial Aircraft.

Under the terms of the MoU, Airbus and the government of Côte d'Ivoire will explore channels of cooperation in developing the aerospace sector in Côte d'Ivoire in various areas.

“We are confident that this partnership with Airbus will contribute to Côte d’Ivoire’s economic growth as well as support us build a stronger framework for industrial development, creation of jobs and capacity building for our country,” said Duncan. “We are committed to deliver on our vision and make Côte d'Ivoire a hub for aerospace technology in Africa,” he added.

“Collaboration between the public and private sector is essential to facilitate economic and industrial growth,” said Faury. “Through this MoU, we will work closely with Côte d'Ivoire’s government, share expertise, discuss opportunities and support efforts in building a robust and sustainable aerospace sector. At Airbus, we are committed to supporting the sustainable socioeconomic development of Africa through partnerships such as this.”

Airbus A330neo en route to function & reliability tests

nota de prensa

Flying over European Airbus sites and visiting 15 cities worldwide to test aircraft readiness for airline operations

The A330neo, Airbus’ newest widebody aircraft, has embarked on a worldwide tour to demonstrate its readiness for airline operations. As final step in the aircraft certification phase these function & reliability tests, also known as route proving will include ETOPS missions, landing at diversion airports and testing airport handling services. After a fly past over Airbus’ European sites, the A330neo will head for 15 major airports worldwide over five continents, aiming at achieving 150 Flight Test Hours in three trips.

The route proving tests are performed with the first A330-900 production aircraft, fully equipped with an Airspace by Airbus cabin and flying in launch operator’s Tap Air Portugal colours. The aircraft first flew on 15th May 2018 launching flight-tests to check cabin systems such as air conditioning.

The route proving tests form part of the last trials required for aircraft Type Certification scheduled for summer 2018.

Today two A330-900 flight test aircraft and the TAP customer aircraft are involved in the intensive flight test programme, which will reach 1000 flight hours during the tour of the Airbus plants.

Launched in July 2014, the A330neo family is the new generation A330, comprising two versions: the A330-800 and A330-900 sharing 99% commonality. It builds on the proven economics, versatility and reliability of the A330 family, while reducing fuel consumption by about 25 percent per seat versus previous generation competitors and increasing range by up to 1,500nm compared to the majority of A330s in operation. The A330neo is powered by Rolls-Royce’s latest-generation Trent 7000 engines and features a new wing with increased span and new A350 XWB inspired Sharklets. The cabin provides the comfort of the new "Airspace" amenities.

Airbus-C Series closing a “positive catalyst,” say analysts [feedly]

Airbus-C Series closing a "positive catalyst," say analysts

 -- via my feedly newsfeed