miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017
Hyperloop y Carbures comienzan a construir la primera cápsula de viaje para pasajeros
Nota de prensa
Hyperloop y Carbures comienzan a construir la primera cápsula de viaje para pasajeros
- (VIDEO) La entrega de la cápsula de Hyperloop Transportation Technologies se hará a principios de 2018
- El consejero de Carbures y managing partner del fondo de capital riesgo Black Toro Capital, Ramón Betolaza, se incorpora a HTT como miembro del consejo
Playa Vista (California) y Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), 22 de marzo 2017 - Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) y Carbures han comenzado a construir la primera cápsula de transporte de pasajeros del tren del futuro. Esta primera capsula de transporte de pasajeros supone la culminación de tres años de trabajo de ingeniería pionera en el mundo, que acumulan miles de horas invertidas en el diseño, investigación y análisis de un medio de transporte de alta velocidad. HTT ha firmado un contrato con Carbures, experta en la fabricación de piezas y estructuras de materiales avanzados de construcción aeronáutica y aeroespacial, como proveedor de cápsulas fabricadas en materiales compuestos como la fibra de carbono.
La entrega de la primera cápsula está prevista para principios de 2018 y se hará en el centro de investigación y desarrollo de Toulouse (Francia), para su integración y optimización al conjunto del proyecto. La cápsula se utilizará después en el sistema comercial, que también se anunciará próximamente, tras las negociaciones en curso y los diferentes estudios de factibilidad actualmente en marcha en todo el mundo.
Las especificaciones de la cápsula son:
● Longitud: 30 metros
● Diámetro: 2,7 metros
● Peso: 20 toneladas
● Capacidad de pasajeros: 28-40
● Velocidad: hasta 1.223 km/h
"Estamos construyendo la primera cápsula de pasajeros del mundo de Hyperloop a escala completa", ha afirmado Dirk Ahlborn, CEO de HTT. "Estamos enfocándonos primero en los pasajeros, para garantizar que la seguridad es siempre nuestra preocupación número uno. Ha sido crucial en nuestro desarrollo superar los requisitos simples de la carga para construir un sistema mejor y más seguro para todos".
"Es un proyecto pionero en el mundo y en el que aportamos nuestros más de 15 años de experiencia, tecnología y saber-hacer en la fabricación de estructuras y piezas de fuselaje en materiales compuestos", ha destacado Rafael Contreras, fundador y Presidente Ejecutivo de Carbures. "Un proyecto de este tipo forma parte del ADN de Carbures, una compañía que siempre trabaja en fabricación y construcción con nuevos materiales y que contribuye a la producción de vehículos más eficientes. Estamos muy motivados y agradecidos a Hyperloop por trabajar codo con codo con ellos en este innovador, global e importante proyecto".
El consejero de Carbures y managing partner del fondo de capital riesgo Black Toro Capital, Ramón Betolaza, se ha incorporado recientemente a HTT como miembro del consejo. "Carbures es un líder consolidado en el mundo de los compuestos estructurales con más de 15 años de experiencia", ha señalado Ramón Betolaza. "Con más de 1.000 empleados, ocho plantas de fabricación y 5 centros de ingeniería, es el socio perfecto para HTT".
Carbures es una compañía especializada en la fabricación de piezas y estructuras en materiales compuestos para aviones, coches y obra civil. Está posicionada en el creciente número de países – Alemania, USA, Méjico, China, Polonia- en estos países. Particularmente, ahora la colaboración con HyperloopTM en Emiratos Árabes abre nuevos mercados a los que se han de sumar próximamente otros, como se irá anunciando..Así, Hyperloop está diseñando la conexión entre Abu Dhabi y Dubai, de forma que los 160 kilómetros que las separan se puedan recorrer en doce minutos.
"Tenemos algunos de los mejores talentos globales como parte de nuestro equipo, y ahora con Carbures seguimos sumando al proyecto a una empresa innovadora, experimentada y prestigiosa", ha asegurado Bibop Gresta, el presidente de HTT. "Aprovechar esta experiencia nos asegura que somos capaces de construir no solo más rápido, sino también mejor. Hyperloop cobra vida porque estamos construyendo esta empresa de una manera más inteligente".
Sobre HTT
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. (HTT) se fundó en noviembre de 2013 gracias a JumpStartFund, una plataforma de crowdfunding y crowdsourcing que utiliza el conocimiento colectivo para hacer realidad ideas como Hyperloop™. HTT se formó para avanzar en la base de conocimiento técnico y económico del sistema de transporte Hyperloop™; Para desarrollar y construir una investigación a gran escala, desarrollo de prototipos y facilidad de evaluación; Y para implementar el despliegue comercial del ecosistema Hyperloop™ para abordar las necesidades de transporte interurbano cada vez mayores de nuestra sociedad de una manera segura, asequible y ambientalmente sostenible.
HTT tiene un acuerdo exclusivo con el Laboratorio Nacional Lawrence Livermor, que permite el uso de su sistema de levitación magnética pasiva como núcleo de construcción, diseño de bajo coste y seguridad para Hyperloop™. Desde su creación, HTT ha crecido rápidamente hasta incluir en su proyecto a más de 800 profesionales que proporcionan a la compañía ingeniería, física, recursos legales, recursos humanos, relaciones con los medios, logística y construcción de talento para diseñar y construir un nuevo modo de transporte.
Sobre Carbures
Carbures es un grupo industrial tecnológico especializado en la fabricación de piezas y estructuras compuestas y en el diseño de sistemas de ingeniería, que opera en las industrias aeroespacial, automotriz, civil, ferroviaria y de seguridad. Carbures cuenta con un millar de empleados que operan en 13 localizaciones en siete países (China, Alemania, México, Polonia, Francia, España y Estados Unidos) de tres continentes diferentes: América, Asia y Europa. Carbures.com
Transport militaire: l'incroyable dépendance russe de la France [feedly]

Challenges.fr | Transport militaire: l'incroyable dépendance russe de la France Challenges.fr Malgré l'arrivée de l'A400M, les forces françaises dépendent largement des gros porteurs Antonov 124, affrétés via des intermédiaires opaques et dont les deux tiers appartiennent à des compagnies russes. Le député François Cornut-Gentille tire la ... |
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Boeing, Andalusia Regional Government promote supply chain cooperation
Boeing and the Regional Government Department of Economy and Knowledge, through Extenda, Andalusia’s export support agency, inaugurated the first Boeing Spanish supplier event, lasting two days, with the participation of close to 20 companies from the Andalusian aerospace cluster that are part of the commercial mission to Canada and the U.S. organized by Extenda, including the three Spanish Tier 1 aerostructure suppliers: Alestis, Aernnova and Aciturri. - See more at: https://www.skiesmag.com/press-releases/boeing-andalusia-regional-government-promote-supply-chain-cooperation/#sthash.GGidxMm1.dpuf
Is Germany Getting Ready to Build Its Very Own Stealth Fighter? [feedly]
The National Interest Online (blog) | Is Germany Getting Ready to Build Its Very Own Stealth Fighter? The National Interest Online (blog) European fighter, check they bought the Eurofighter, European Transport, check they bought the A400M, European Tanker, check they bought the A330 MRTT with several other European countries. The impact will be about nill, or maybe an extra couple ... |
Dynetics wins DARPA contract for Gremlin swarming drones [feedly]
Alabama-based Dynetics Inc. has won a $21 million contract from DARPA to develop low-cost, swarming drones called Gremlins that can be launched in a volley from an aircraft and retrieved in midair.
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Hydrogen fuel cell maker inks first deal with US drone operator [feedly]
Hydrogen fuel cell maker inks first deal with US drone operator
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Is there an New Mid-range Aircraft gap? [feedly]
The NMA (New Mid-range Aircraft), or, as it's called more and more, the Boeing 797, is hot. The potential buyers at the recent ISTAT meeting in San Diego urged Boeing to take the decision and get it done.
At the same meeting Airbus responds, "Any NMA gap is covered. Our A321neo and A330-800 is available and and no new aircraft is needed."
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At the same meeting Airbus responds, "Any NMA gap is covered. Our A321neo and A330-800 is available and and no new aircraft is needed."
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Terra Powerlifter UAV offers 10kg payload [feedly]

Terra Powerlifter UAV offers 10kg payload Queensland Country Life In Japan, Terra Drone has partnerships with leading mining and construction companies including Hitachi, providing automated UAV surveying and data analysis of construction sites. The company is part of the Tokyo-based Terra Group, which includes Terra ... |
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Boeing’s New Air Force One To Get Additional Scrutiny [feedly]
The U.S. Air Force has installed a two-star general to oversee Boeing's fledgling Air Force One replacement, adding a new level of scrutiny to the high-profile program just months after President Donald Trump criticized its excessive cost.
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Are Low-Cost “COIN” Air Forces the Future of Tactical Air Power? [feedly]
For Nations Without Big Defense Budgets, Small Tactical Air Forces are the Trend. Small, inexpensive, easy to operate combat aircraft with precision strike capability and long loiter times to provide close air support. Versatile, scalable rotary wing assets that do double duty as gunships and utility/rescue helicopters. Aircraft that can be disbursed to unimproved airfields […]
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Polish Parliamentary National Defense Committee Discusses the Future of the F-16s and Prospects of Acquiring 5th Gen. Jets [feedly]
Polish Parliamentary Committee on National Defense analyzed the current state of the Polish Air Force's F-16 fighter fleet, its future, as well as plans related to the M-346 AJTs and JASSM / JASSM-ER missiles. According to the report issued by Tomasz Dmitruk of the Polish "Dziennik Zbrojny" outlet, on Mar. 22, during the meeting of […]
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Autopilot logic kept 747 on fatal descent path: inquiry [feedly]
Autopilot logic kept 747 on fatal descent path: inquiry
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VIDEO: Peruvian 737 caught fire after landing [feedly]
VIDEO: Peruvian 737 caught fire after landing
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Neva Aerospace project opens doors for development of heavy-duty aerial robots
Press release
Heavy duty aerial robots have made a major leap from wish-tech to becoming next generation real-tech innovation after the success of early aeronautical engineering development work by Neva Aerospace. Having secured essential international patent protection of its concepts, the company is now sharing its ideas for aerial robotic platforms (ARPs) with the public announcement of its Vlinder concept. ARPs will meet demand from industrial operators who need to find ways to complement human workforces for maintenance and engineering work in dull, dirty, distant and dangerous locations. While current generation camera and survey drones weigh just a few Kg and have very limited flight endurance, the Neva project is looking towards heavy duty drones, with the flight endurance to work beyond line of sight controlled by flight management systems, and the stability to act as steady platform for on-board robots carrying out precision work. Payloads of up to 2 tonnes are envisaged.
Neva’s inherently-safe and sustainable and scalable technology for ARPs is based on the use of distributed thrust from multiple hybrid ducted electric turbofans(ETF). Using many ETF of different sizes and with precise orientation aids precision control and allows for redundancy.
The Neva turbines that are now being used by the Neva team for its own test prototypes and that will be built into future ARPs are based on the company’s own highly-efficient and powerful patented static thrust designs. Neva announced the world’s first electric static thrust turbofans (ETF) optimized for VTOL and stable hovering at the end of 2016. It is now making this breakthrough available to the OEM market where Neva believes its turbines will eventually and inevitably displace unsafe and uncaged propellers if the commercial UAS market is to win acceptance in urban areas and civil airspace.
Neva Aerospace chairman Robert Vergnes said: “The Neva project started in 2009 and we understand
that there are no short cuts or quick fixes. We are not in the PR business of announcing systems that are
neither technically nor economically viable.
“We are on a long journey and one which we cannot navigate alone – we work in partnership with other
technology providers and with the organisations that will use this technology to customise designs that
can be fully integrated into their enterprise.
“We have of course been talking to such firms over the years, but it is only now we have come to the end
of a long process of securing patent protection that we can share our ideas more publicly. This enables us
to demonstrate the logic and soundness of the Neva vision for heavy duty workhorse drones.”
About Vlinder:
Vlinder ARPs will always be custom designed. They will be designed to be integrated within human
teams, existing fleets of machines and users' data-management workflow.
View our concept video HERE.
The design is intrinsically safe, with no uncaged propeller blades, and will achieve stable flight with
multi-directional turbines from 20kg to 2 tonnes. Payload can be anything from a camera to a robotic
tool. The Vlinder concept is also suitable for heavy lifting as an easily-deployed aerial crane.
These machines will be both versatile and able to work virtually non-stop to deliver RoI. That puts our
estimated costs of between €100,000 to €1,000,000 (depending on size, tasks and payload) into
perspective. Minimum order: 5 units.
Neva’s Vlinder concept is patented internationally: US 29/538,419; US-9096314, EU 003009216-0002,
and UK-2468787 with extensions to some other territories applied for. This technology can only be
provided by Neva Aerospace.
About Neva Aerospace:
NEVA AEROSPACE is a European consortium based in the United Kingdom. We partner with key clients,
technology suppliers, and financial institutions to develop technologies for unmanned air vehicles
PR Ref 20170327
(UAVs), unmanned air cargo(UAC), aerial robotic platforms (ARP), and electric aviation. Neva has a
portfolio of patents and technologies which are among the most advanced worldwide. As of January
2016, the Neva Consortium included 5 companies; and more than 100 people are actively working on
our projects.
Neva Aerospace offers turnkey solutions based on autonomous, low-emission aerial robots capable of
carrying 2kg to 2 tonne payloads. Under development since 2009, our electrical aviation systems are
designed to perform precise tasks and services. Capable of both vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) as
well as horizontal flight, they have the accuracy needed to operate in congested urban environments.
Their remarkable stability in flight will ensure that they are also reliable over long distances and as
platforms for delicate service and maintenance work.
Neva is developing through partnership with key clients (oil & gas, construction, agribusiness,
transportation, industry automation) and technology suppliers (avionics and air system controls,
turbines, composites, robotics, etc), together with financial investors. This consortium development
approach adds strength and ensures balance in the Neva business model. It provides access to our
markets and to the key technologies needed to introduce heavy drones into civilian regulated airspace
and industrial businesses. It also provides synergies between investors, early adopters in our target
markets and providers of key technologies.
Press release
One year on from the start of InnovationHub, many projects and studies have been initiated in Leonardo's business sectors
Particular attention has been paid to the development of joint initiatives as part of major European programmes: from Horizon 2020 to CleanSky 2
Noise and vibration reducing technologies have been developed to improve comfort in helicopter cockpits
Projects to tackle ice formation are underway to improve flight safety, as well as innovative studies on aerostructures, flight mechanics and software engineering
In the space field, projects have been initiated on sensors and control systems for microsatellite constellations and technologies for the identification and capture of space debris
One year on from the start of InnovationHub, the joint project between the Polytechnic University of Milan and Leonardo, created with the aim of promoting cooperation in research, development and innovation, numerous projects relating to Leonardo’s business areas are underway, concerning most of the company’s divisions.
For Leonardo, this partnership represents an important collaboration to promote and pave the way for interactions between the university and business worlds, to create joint observers of technological development, to define and encourage adequate knowledge transfer, and finally to increase the employability of university students through the development of skills which respond to the real needs of the business world.
For the Polytechnic University of Milan, acting in concert with industry has always been a priority. Such alliances reinforce the University’s role in society as a technical-scientific hub with an international vision. For the University, this partnership with Leonardo is an important next step in bringing together the latest technology with university and industrial policies.
During this year, special attention was paid to joint initiatives in relation to the major European programme for aeronautics research, Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever, which includes CleanSky 2, whose objective is to develop cutting-edge technology aimed at significantly reducing the noise and environmental impact of airplanes and helicopters, and air transport in general.
Among the topics developed as part of the agreement, dominated by solutions relating to flight safety and comfort, it is worth noting the project aimed at identifying systems to reduce vibrations within helicopter cockpits, at reducing internal noise and as a result improving the liveability of the spaces, as well as the noise heard from outside the aircraft, a study that will also be extended to regional turboprop aircraft. From a safety point of view, projects were launched to look for solutions to tackle ice formation on aerostructures, one of the most pressing challenges for flight safety. In order to replace the current systems, which mainly use the power generated by engines, low energy consumption technological solutions are being explored, including hydrophobic coatings, vibrator and ultrasonic systems, or enhancement of the predictive power of localisation of the critical areas for ice formation. Further research was initiated on flight mechanics, aerostructures, and software engineering, while in the space field, sensors and control systems for microsatellite constellations are undergoing development, as well as technologies for the identification and capture of space debris.
As well as the technological development goals which are of specific interest to Leonardo’s divisions, the partnership agreement between the two organizations is aimed at ensuring the growth in human resources skills in a strategic sector for the country, such as aerospace.
AAR Cinches $909M Deal for USAF’s Landing Gear Prgm | ARDEC Test Fires 3D Printed Grenade & Grenade Launcher | Leonardo to Unveil Falco 48 UAV [feedly]
AAR Cinches $909M Deal for USAF's Landing Gear Prgm | ARDEC Test Fires 3D Printed Grenade & Grenade Launcher | Leonardo to Unveil Falco 48 UAV
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ARL Considers Giving Troops a Third Arm | China to Build A UAV Factory in Saudi Arabia | Malaysia Up in the Air with $2B Spend; Rafale or Eurofighter? [feedly]
ARL Considers Giving Troops a Third Arm | China to Build A UAV Factory in Saudi Arabia | Malaysia Up in the Air with $2B Spend; Rafale or Eurofighter?
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The European Union And South Asia Strengthen Ties In Civil Aviation [feedly]
The European Union And South Asia Strengthen Ties In Civil Aviation
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Bombardier C Series Aircraft Completes Landmark Non-Stop Transatlantic Flight from London City Airport to New York John F. Kennedy Airport
press release
Bombardier C Series Aircraft Completes Landmark Non-Stop Transatlantic Flight from London City Airport to New York John F. Kennedy Airport
- The CS100 would offer the only economically viable commercial option for direct intercontinental flights from London City to John F. Kennedy Airport
- Flight follows the completion of steep approach demonstration flights at London City Airport
- CS100 aircraft expected to receive Transport Canada and EASA steep approach certifications in the second quarter of 2017
MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - March 27, 2017) - Bombardier Commercial Aircraft confirmed today that a C Series aircraft with a representative payload successfully flew non-stop from London City Airport (LCY) to John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport in New York City. The direct intercontinental flight followed a series of successful flights to demonstrate the CS100 aircraft's exceptional capabilities for operations to and from LCY, including steep approach landing and short runway performance.
"The C Series aircraft program achieved another significant milestone with the completion of the demonstration tests at LCY. The C Series is the only commercial aircraft that was specifically designed for operations at LCY and we are very proud of its performance. The aircraft smoothly performed all eight take-offs and landings during a two-day period, as planned. This confirms the C Series aircraft's unparalleled capabilities," said Rob Dewar, Vice President, C Series Aircraft Program, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. "The aircraft is meeting all performance expectations and clearly demonstrates that it is the best performing and most efficient aircraft in the 100- to 150-seat class."
"It has been a pleasure to welcome the Bombardier CS100 aircraft and its team to London City Airport for the first time, as part of their testing and evaluation process. Following the landmark C Series non-stop flight to JFK, we look forward to the completion of its regulatory certification, followed by entry into commercial passenger operation with SWISS," added Declean Collier, CEO of London City Airport.
Transport Canada and EASA certifications for steep approach operations with the CS100 aircraft is expected in the second quarter of 2017. Bombardier has extensive experience operating at LCY Airport with various aircraft types, including the Q400 turboprop aircraft, as well as the Challenger 650 aircraft and Global 5000 and Global 6000 business jets.
The CS100 aircraft is the most efficient and economical commercial aircraft allowing airlines to viably offer direct intercontinental flights from LCY Airport to both North America as well as the Middle-East on top of opening numerous new route opportunities within Europe, Russia and Northern Africa, which were not possible with old-generation aircraft.
SWISS is expected to be the first airline to offer service with the C Series to and from LCY later this year.
With the lowest noise and emissions levels of any commercial aircraft in its class, the C Series aircraft is ideal for urban operations and noise-sensitive airports. The CS100 aircraft has a much lower noise footprint compared to other commercial jets, and provides a better quality environment for London residents as it is the quietest commercial aircraft in production.
About C Series Aircraft
The C Series is the only aircraft optimized for the 100- to 150-seat market segment, which drives the aircraft's phenomenal economic proposition and performance, opening up new opportunities for single-aisle aircraft operation. The C Series aircraft is manufactured by the C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership, an affiliate of the Bombardier Commercial Aircraft segment of Bombardier Inc.
Comprised of the CS100 and the larger CS300 aircraft, the C Series family represents the fusion of performance and technology. The result is aircraft that deliver unmatched performance and economics in the 100- to 150-seat market segment and an 18 per cent lower cost per passenger, making them the ideal candidates to complement larger single-aisle aircraft. Airlines can now operate routes that were previously not profitable or even possible. An improvement in range in excess of 20 per cent out of hot-and-high airports such as Denver, Mexico City or Lhasa has been confirmed.
Bombardier has created a new standard in cabin design and flexibility to ensure an unrivalled passenger experience. The aircraft's larger seats, overhead bins and windows deliver a wide body feel that offers passengers unparalleled comfort in a single-aisle cabin.
The CS100 and the CS300 aircraft have over 99 per cent parts commonality as well as Same Type Rating. The groundbreaking Pratt & Whitney PurePower® PW1500G engine, combined with the aircraft's advanced aerodynamics, delivers reduced fuel burn, noise, and emissions - making the C Series the most community-friendly aircraft.
About Bombardier
Bombardier is the world's leading manufacturer of both planes and trains. Looking far ahead while delivering today, Bombardier is evolving mobility worldwide by answering the call for more efficient, sustainable and enjoyable transportation everywhere. Our vehicles, services and, most of all, our employees are what make us a global leader in transportation.
Bombardier is headquartered in Montréal, Canada. Our shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD) and we are listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index. In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016, we posted revenues of $16.3 billion. News and information are available at bombardier.com or follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.
Notes to Editors
Images of the aircraft at London City Airport are posted with this press release at www.bombardier.com.
For more information on the C Series aircraft, visit http://news.commercialaircraft.bombardier.com/
Follow @BBD_Aircraft on Twitter to receive the latest news and updates from Bombardier Commercial Aircraft.
To receive our press releases, please visit the RSS Feed section of Bombardier's website.
Bombardier, C Series, CS100, Q400, Challenger 650, Global 5000, Global 6000 and The Evolution of Mobility are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.
Electric wind vortex generator reduces drag on trucks
Press release:
For road vehicles, wind resistance increases fuel consumption. But one way to fight wind is with wind. Researchers in Sweden are experimenting with reducing drag on trucks with electric wind devices that mimic the way vortex generators increase lift on airplane wings.
You might have noticed them while staring out an airplane window, studying the wing. Those little fins – the vortex generators on the upper side of the airfoil – create vortices to enhance lift at takeoff and landing. Now researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology are successfully testing a way to reduce drag on trucks by creating similar air vortices on a vehicle’s front corners.
But unlike airplane vortex generators made of solid material, these are invisible ones made with the help of electric wind.
KTH researcher Julie Vernet says the electric wind vortices she is testing can reduce fuel consumption by up to 5 percent on a flat-nosed, cab-over-engine design that is the standard for tractor trucks in Europe and Japan.
Vernet says the electric wind is created by plasma actuators, devices that apply a high voltage between two electrodes. Surrounding air molecules become ionized and accelerate through the electric field – which results in wind. There are no moving mechanical parts, and unlike vortex generators on an airplane wing, these actuators can adapt to the strength and direction of the wind, she says.
“Also, trucks can’t have sharp things sticking out of the body, so this is a way to achieve the same effect,” says project supervisor Henrik Alfredsson, Professor of Fluid Physics at KTH.
Vortex generators operate on a basic aerodynamics principle – that if you reduce the separation of the airflow on the leeward side of an airfoil, you can enhance the lift and at the same time reduce the drag.
Likewise, when wind hits a truck at an angle, friction deprives the air of the energy it needs to push all the way around the opposite side of the truck. As it moves around the corner towards the leeward side of the vehicle, the air in the boundary layer slows down and cannot any longer follow the surface. This separation of the flow forms a bubble filled with eddies and swirls of air. That, incidentally, also explains why rain drops don’t blow off your rear window but sort of swirl around instead.
A vortex generator placed at the front corner slices through the boundary layer right at its head, creating a spiral of air that mixes high velocity air into the boundary layer. This injection of high velocity air towards the surface keeps the air from separating and makes it follow the surface and thereby lowering the drag substantially.
Reducing this drag has a measurable impact. It’s estimated that more than 20 percent of the vehicle’s energy losses come from wind resistance.
“Our ultimate goal is to reduce the flow separation that occurs on the front corners of the truck,” Vernet says. “By adding momentum close to the surface, the size of the separated region is reduced.”
The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agencyand is being conducted in cooperation between truck manufacturer ScaniaCV AB and the Departments of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering and Mechanicsat KTH.
For road vehicles, wind resistance increases fuel consumption. But one way to fight wind is with wind. Researchers in Sweden are experimenting with reducing drag on trucks with electric wind devices that mimic the way vortex generators increase lift on airplane wings.Autonomous reconfigurable hybrid tail-sitter UAV U-Lion
We present in this work the development of a novel hybrid unmanned aircraft platform, U-Lion, which has both vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and cruising flight capabilities. Our design is in tail-sitter structure with reconfigurable wings, which combines the advantages of a fixed-wing plane and a rotor helicopter effectively. This allows it to transit from vertical take-off to hovering, before flying in cruise mode for efficient long duration flight. The propulsion comes from two coaxial contra-rotating motors fixed on a gimbal mechanism, which can change the direction of the motors for the required thrust. This thrust-vectored propulsion system primarily provides control in the VTOL mode but also enhances flight capabilities in the cruise mode. The hybrid aircraft is equipped with GPS and airspeed sensors, and has an onboard avionic system with advanced flight control algorithms to perform fully autonomous VTOL and cruising flights, in addition to transiting effectively between VTOL and cruising flight modes. The overall design has been successfully verified by actual flight experiments.
Continue reading: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11432-016-9002-x
How Jetpacks could shape the future of personal transport
How Jetpacks could shape the future of personal transport
As Mayman told us earlier this year, Jetpack Aviation is actually about much more than just jetpacks. He explained at length the company's plan to introduce a manned, multi-rotor Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) vehicle. Often referred to as "flying cars," these are the type of vehicles that Uber hopes to ferry customers around in about a decade or so from now. Continue reading: http://newatlas.com/jetpack-aviation-david-mayman-future-autonomous-drone/48632/
The first "civilian" Jetpack pilot gets off the groundhttp://newatlas.com/jetpack-aviation-mischa-pollack-jb-10-civilian-pilot/48546/
As Mayman told us earlier this year, Jetpack Aviation is actually about much more than just jetpacks. He explained at length the company's plan to introduce a manned, multi-rotor Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) vehicle. Often referred to as "flying cars," these are the type of vehicles that Uber hopes to ferry customers around in about a decade or so from now. Continue reading: http://newatlas.com/jetpack-aviation-david-mayman-future-autonomous-drone/48632/
The first "civilian" Jetpack pilot gets off the groundhttp://newatlas.com/jetpack-aviation-mischa-pollack-jb-10-civilian-pilot/48546/
NASA Developing a Drone to Fly Above Mars to Survey the Planet
NASA is developing a VTOL drone, called the Mars Electric Reusable Flyer, that is designed to fly in the thin atmosphere surrounding the Red Planet.
When it runs out of energy, it’s designed to be recovered by a land-based rover.
NASA scientists have already completed testing the concept drone in a low-pressure chamber at its Langley Research center.
continue reading: http://www.realclearlife.com/science/nasa-developing-a-drone-to-fly-above-mars-to-survey-the-planet/
Imagine being able to survey more parts of another planet like Mars than ever before. Orbiters and rovers have been successful so far but engineers keep looking for new ways to gather information. One way may be by using an unmanned aerial vehicle like this Mars Flyer concept.
When it runs out of energy, it’s designed to be recovered by a land-based rover.
NASA scientists have already completed testing the concept drone in a low-pressure chamber at its Langley Research center.
continue reading: http://www.realclearlife.com/science/nasa-developing-a-drone-to-fly-above-mars-to-survey-the-planet/
Imagine being able to survey more parts of another planet like Mars than ever before. Orbiters and rovers have been successful so far but engineers keep looking for new ways to gather information. One way may be by using an unmanned aerial vehicle like this Mars Flyer concept.
NASA and FAA Put Dummies and Baggage to the Test for Airplane Safety
Ten crash test dummies buckled into seats in a cut-out section of a regional jet fuselage will soon help develop new crashworthiness guidelines for future airplane designs.
The dummies were part of a vertical drop test from a height of 14 feet (4.27 meters), impacting at speeds of 30 feet per second (9.14 meters per second), at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The test was a joint NASA/Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) research project.
Continue reading: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/langley/nasa-and-faa-put-dummies-and-baggage-to-the-test-for-airplane-safety
Video: https://youtu.be/fiFLzLSP6X8
Self-healing membrane extends life of hydrogen fuel cells [feedly]
Self-healing membrane extends life of hydrogen fuel cells
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