ANA unveils special livery for its new A380 fleet

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017


A deal between India and Russia for the joint development of the Sukhoi-HAL

Defence Aviation Post

India To Go For Sukhoi Fifth Generation Stealth Fighters Only If ...
Defence Aviation Post
A deal between India and Russia for the joint development of the Sukhoi-HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) will go through only if the latter agrees to complete transfer of technology, Times Of India has reported today. This development comes ...


A deal between India and Russia for the joint development of the Sukhoi-HAL

Defence Aviation Post

India To Go For Sukhoi Fifth Generation Stealth Fighters Only If ...
Defence Aviation Post
A deal between India and Russia for the joint development of the Sukhoi-HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) will go through only if the latter agrees to complete transfer of technology, Times Of India has reported today. This development comes ...


Dassault plays down Brexit fears over Anglo-French UCAV project


Report: Germany to Purchase 3 Northrop-Built Triton UAVs from US Navy - ExecutiveBiz (blog)


Vanilla unmanned Aircraft claims world record with 56-hour flight - Aerospace Manufacturing and Design (press release)

Aerospace Manufacturing and Design (press release)

Vanilla Aircraft claims world record with 56-hour flight
Aerospace Manufacturing and Design (press release)
On Dec. 2, 2016, Vanilla Aircraft LLC's VA001 unmanned aircraft system (UAS) completed a non-stop, unrefueled, 56-hour flight at the New Mexico State University UAS test site. The flight was submitted to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale for a ...


Drone pilots discuss the need for laws regulating flight - The Denver Post


MAXimum Overdrive: Boeing Rolls Out 737 MAX 9, Preps MAX 8 for Delivery, and Announces MAX 10


CRJ-200 an unexpected success in P2F market


Press Release: B/E stockholders approve merger with Rockwell Collins

B/E Aerospace, Inc. (NASDAQ: BEAV), the world's leading manufacturer of aircraft cabin interior products, today announced that B/E Aerospace stockholders voted in favor of the proposal to adopt the previously announced Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated October 23, 2016 (the "Merger Agreement"), by and among B/E Aerospace and Rockwell Collins, Inc. (NYSE:COL) at a special meeting of stockholders held on March 9, 2017 at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport in West Palm Beach, Florida.

At the special meeting, approximately 99% of all votes cast, which represents approximately 79% of all outstanding shares on January 18, 2017, the record date for the special meeting, were voted in favor of the proposal to adopt the Merger Agreement.

Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, each share of B/E Aerospace common stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the merger will be canceled and automatically converted into the right to receive $34.10 in cash, without interest, and 0.3101 of a share of Rockwell Collins common stock, subject to a 7.5% collar. Based upon Rockwell Collins closing price of $97.65 on March 8, 2017, the total implied value for each B/E Aerospace share is $64.38.

The merger is subject to certain additional customary closing conditions, including receipt of regulatory approvals in certain jurisdictions. The merger is expected to close during the spring of 2017.

A full description of the proposed merger is included in the proxy statement for the special meeting, which is available without charge through the Securities and Exchange Commission website at You may also obtain copies of documents filed by B/E Aerospace with the SEC on B/E Aerospace's Internet website at under the tab "Investor Relations," then under the tab "Reports & SEC Filings."

About B/E Aerospace, Inc.

B/E Aerospace is the world's leading manufacturer of aircraft cabin interior products. B/E Aerospace designs, develops and manufactures a broad range of products for both commercial aircraft and business jets. B/E Aerospace manufactured products include aircraft cabin seating, lighting systems, oxygen systems, food and beverage preparation and storage equipment, galley systems, and modular lavatory systems. B/E Aerospace also provides cabin interior reconfiguration, program management and certification services. B/E Aerospace sells and supports its products through its own global direct sales and product support organization. For more information, visit the B/E Aerospace website at


Hybrid VTOL fixed-wing drone flies for 2+ hours - New Atlas

New Atlas

Hybrid VTOL fixed-wing drone flies for 2+ hours
New Atlas
At this year's Australian International Air Show, Carbonix displayed its new flagship UAV system, the Volanti. It's a large, fixed-wing, autopilot-driven hybrid drone that uses quadcopter-style rotors for VTOL, then transitions to horizontal flight ...


UAV Maker DJI Wants Lowest-Risk Weight Limit Raised - Aviation Week

AV Maker DJI Wants Lowest-Risk Weight Limit Raised
Aviation Week
Leading consumer UAV manufacturer DJI is pushing for a higher weight limit of 2.2 kg (4.8 lb.) below which small unmanned aircraft systems are considered relatively harmless and do not require registration and are only lightly .

y más »


Noticias de la Sociedad Aeronáutica Española

  • Proyecto Alejandría. El proyecto, dedicado a labores de documentación del patrimonio aeronáutico en España, ha alcanzado ya la cifra de 600 activos registrados desde su nacimiento. Este archivo, impulsado por la SAE en colaboración con expertos e investigadores del sector, se postula como uno de los principales compendios aeronáuticos en nuestro país, 

    Para más información, puede consultar la web del Proyecto Alejandría.  

  • Aeroempleo. La SAE toma la iniciativa en la creación de una plataforma que logre servir de nexo entre las empresas y los profesionales del mundo aeronáutico. Con una comunicación fluida con las empresas del sector y mediante una plataforma sencilla, accesible e intuitiva, "El Rincón del Aeroempleo" va ganando fuerza como portal de referencia en lo que a empleo aeronáutico se refiere. 
    El rincón del Aeroempleo
  • Actos recientes. Exposición "Centenari del primer vol península – Mallorca" en el Aeropuerto de Palma de Mallorca. La Fundació Aeronáutica Mallorquina, en colaboración con la SAE y otras instituciones, celebraron en el aeropuerto mallorquín una exposición conmemorativa con motivo del centenario del primer vuelo que unió Palma de Mallorca con la Península. 

    En nuestra web encontrarán más información sobre el evento. 

  • Museo Aeronáutico de Málaga. El museo malagueño acogió durante el pasado mes de febrero las ponencias de sus colaboradores Isidro y Amu sobre dos de los modelos con los que cuenta el museo: el Cessna 172 y el Douglas DC-3. 

  • Museo Aeronáutico de Lanzarote. El museo del aeropuerto insular acogió durante los últimos días del mes de febrero, coincidiendo con la celebración de los carnavales, el taller "En el Museo: mascarízate, juega y recicla". El pasado miércoles 8 de febrero, coincidiendo con la festividad del Día Internacional de la Mujer, se realizó un homenaje. 

  • Fundación Infante de Orleans. La Fundación Infante de Orleans es la tercera colección de aviones históricos en vuelo más grande del mundo. Cuenta con 39 aviones en el Aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos, entre los que se encuentran algunos de película, como el de "Memorias de África" o el de "Con la muerte en los talones". También el avión donde Don Juan Carlos I aprendió a volar, un avión de la Guerra de Vietnam y el Dragon Rapide. Recientemente, ha participado en el rodaje de series de época como Velvet. 

    La Fundación Infante de Orleans estuvo presente en el World ATM Congress. Celebrado en IFEMA durante los días 4, 5 y 6 de marzo, el Congreso sobre Tráfico Aéreo reunió a más de 160 profesionales de todas las nacionalidades. En él, se presentaron las distintas innovaciones del sector. 
  • Mes del Aire. La Sociedad Aeronáutica Española lanza de nuevo el ciclo de conferencias bautizado como "Mes del Aire". En el mes de abril y mayo, la sala de conferencias de B the travel brand en Madrid acogerá eventos de divulgación aeronáutica dirigido a niños y jóvenes. Para más información acerca de fechas, ponentes y títulos de las conferencias, consulte nuestra web
  • Proyecto Alejandría. Aprovechando el crecimiento exponencial del proyecto a lo largo de los últimos meses, la Sociedad Aeronáutica Española prepara su lanzamiento al público. Con ello se pretende acercar a todos aquellos amantes de la aviación el patrimonio documentado en nuestro país, sirviendo también de guía para todos aquellos que quieran ampliar su cultura aeronáutica al visitar los distintos rincones de España. 
  • Museo Aeronáutico de Málaga. Además de las labores del fabuloso equipo de restauración con el que cuenta el Museo Aeronáutico de Málaga, tendrán lugar en los próximos días las siguientes actividades: 

    - 18 de marzo. LIBROS QUE ALIMENTAN. Un mapa del tesoro esconde libros de aviación entre las salas del Museo para regalar a sus visitantes. 
    - 20  de marzo. GROUND CONTROL, VÍCTOR GUERRERO. No sólo máquinas, fotografía e ilustración. 
    - 1 de abril. RECREACIÓN HISTÓRICA. 30 figurantes de los años 50-90 en acción en el Aeropuerto de 1948. 
  • Museo Aeronáutico de Lanzarote. En los próximos días tendrán lugar actos con motivo de: 

    - Café teatro: a lo largo de todo el mes de marzo. 
    - Día del libro: 23 de abril. 
  • Otras conferencias y eventos. En la sección Eventos de nuestra web, encontrará un calendario actualizado de todos aquellas charlas, exposiciones, congresos y demás eventos que guardan relación con el mundo aeronáutico en España. 
Hazte miembro


Hisdesat confía el lanzamiento del satélite PAZ a SpaceX

Madrid, 7 de marzo de 2017. La empresa española de servicios gubernamentales por satélite, Hisdesat, ha suscrito un acuerdo con la compañía norteamericana SpaceX para poner en órbita el satélite radar de Observación de la Tierra, PAZ, con el lanzador Falcon 9. El lanzamiento está previsto que se realice durante el último trimestre de 2017, desde el Complejo de Lanzamiento Espacial (SLC) 4E de la Base de la Fuerza Aérea en Vandenberg (California), que SpaceX utiliza para lanzamientos a órbitas polares. Los numerosos éxitos de Falcon 9 han sido decisivos para la elección de Hisdesat por este lanzador, en el que ya han confiado otras grandes empresas.

El satélite PAZ, incorpora como carga útil principal un sensor activo con tecnología radar de apertura sintética que proporciona imágenes de distintos tamaños y resoluciones, tanto diurnas como nocturnas, y con independencia de las condiciones meteorológicas, lo que le permitirá dar soluciones de observación de la Tierra para múltiples aplicaciones, tanto gubernamentales como comerciales, incluyendo aquellas que precisan de imágenes de muy alta resolución, por debajo del metro. El satélite podrá tomar más de 100 imágenes diarias, con las que cubrirá un área de más de 300.000 kilómetros cuadrados al día, con imágenes de alta resolución. Dará quince vueltas diarias a la Tierra, a una altura de 514 kilómetros y con una velocidad de siete kilómetros por segundo. Dada su órbita cuasi-polar ligeramente inclinada, PAZ cubrirá todo el globo con un tiempo medio de revista de 24 horas.

Además como cargas útiles secundarias, el satélite PAZ llevará a bordo un experimento de Radio Ocultación y Precipitación Extrema (ROHP) del ICE-CSIC y un receptor AIS (identificación automática de buques) de última generación de la empresa cotizada canadiense exactEarth, de la que Hisdesat es el mayor accionista, de manera que por primera vez se podrá realizar una fusión de datos SAR (Radar de apertura sintética) y AIS captados de forma simultánea, lo que permitirá disponer de la mejor monitorización posible del entorno marítimo en todo el mundo. Su peso total estimado es de 1400 kg., mide 5 m. de altura y tiene 2,4 m. de diámetro.

El contratista principal del satélite ha sido Airbus Defence & Space, involucrando a un consorcio de 15 empresas y 3 universidades españolas. Por otra parte, el propietario del segmento terreno es el INTA, que ha tenido como subcontratistas a un grupo industrial español encabezado por INDRA, con GMV y DEIMOS y el DLR alemán.

El satélite PAZ se ubicará en la misma órbita de los satélites alemanes TSX y TDX para formar una constelación de satélites SAR, que explotarán Hisdesat y Airbus DS GEO, que proporcionarán mucho menor tiempo de revisita y mayor número de imágenes a nuestros clientes.

El satélite PAZ forma parte del Programa Nacional de Observación de la Tierra por Satélite PNOTS, siendo el satélite óptico Ingenio, liderado por el Ministerio de Industria y el CDTI, el segundo integrante de dicho programa.

Acerca de Hisdesat

HISDESAT nace en el año 2001 como operador de servicios gubernamentales por satélite para actuar fundamentalmente en las áreas de defensa, seguridad, inteligencia y servicios exteriores. Desde 2005, la compañía proporciona servicios de comunicaciones seguras por satélite a organismos gubernamentales de distintos países, así como nuevas constelaciones de satélites de observación de la Tierra y de información del tráfico marítimo por satélite (AIS). Más información:




- In 4Q16, Embraer delivered 32 commercial and 43 executive (25 light and 18 large) jets. The Company ended 2016 with 108 total commercial aircraft deliveries and 117 executive (73 light and 44 large) jet deliveries, both meeting their respective Guidance for 2016;

- Revenues in 4Q16 reached US$ 2,027.8 million and in 2016 were US$ 6,217.5 million, slightly above the Company’s 2016 Revenue Guidance range of US$ 5.8 to US$ 6.2 billion;

- EBIT and EBITDA margins were 13.6% and 18.7%, respectively, in 4Q16, and for fiscal year 2016 the EBIT and EBITDA margins were 3.3% and 8.6%, respectively.

- During 4Q16 and 2016, the Company had several non-recurring items related to the Republic Airways bankruptcy, the voluntary dismissal program, and finalization of the FCPA investigation. Excluding these non-recurring items, adjusted EBIT and EBITDA margins in 4Q16 were 12.1% and 17.2%, respectively. For 2016 adjusted EBIT and EBITDA margins were 8.0% and 13.3%, respectively. Adjusted EBIT and EBITDA margins met their Guidance of 7.0% to 8.0% and 12.7% to 13.5% for 2016, respectively;

- Free Cash Flow adjusted for non-recurring cash impacts was positive in 4Q16, at US$ 285.0 million, while 2016 Adjusted Free Cash Flow was negative, at US$ (359.2) million. Adjusted Free Cash Flow met the Company’s guidance for usage of US$ (400) million or better for 2016;

- 4Q16 Net income attributable to Embraer Shareholders and Earnings per ADS were US$ 195.2 million and US$ 1.06 per ADS (US$ 209.1 million and US$ 1.14 per ADS excluding deferred tax and non-recurring items). In 2016 Net income attributable to Embraer Shareholders and Earnings per ADS were US$ 166.1 million and US$ 0.90 per ADS (US$ 290.5 million and US$ 1.58 per ADS excluding items);

- Embraer releases 2017 Guidance for total revenues of US$ 5.7 to US$ 6.1 billion, driven by expected deliveries of 97 to 102 jets in Commercial Aviation and 105 to 125 total jet deliveries in Executive Jets. Consolidated EBIT margin is expected to be within a range of 8.0% to 9.0%, and Guidance for Free Cash Flow is for a usage of US$ (150) million or better for 2017. Further Guidance details are on page 10.

Please click here to access the full news release (PDF)​​


Embraer Rolls Out the E195-E2, the Most Efficient Next-Generation Commercial Jet in the World

São José dos Campos, SP - March 7, 2017 – In a ceremony held today at the Company's facilities in São José dos Campos, Embraer presented the largest aircraft of the second generation of the E2-Jets family, the most efficient aircraft in the single aisle jet market: the E195-E2. With the first flight scheduled for the coming months, the jet is expected to enter into service in the first half of 2019.

“The E195-E2 has the potential to significantly change the fleet profile of airlines around the world. With a 20% lower cost per trip and a cost per seat similar to larger aircraft, the E195-E2 becomes the ideal aircraft for regional business growth as well as low-cost business plans and complementing existing mainline fleets” said John Slattery, President & CEO, Embraer Commercial Aviation.

The E195-E2 has three additional rows of seats, when compared to the current generation E195, and it can be configured with 120 seats in two classes of service, or up to 146 in a single class. The aircraft also has a significant increase in range of 450 nautical miles, which allows trips of up to 2,450 nautical miles.

The aircraft has a dedicated wing, with the highest aspect ratio among single-aisle jets, increasing fuel efficiency. In addition to a more balanced specification, Embraer applied over 17 million hours of flight experience on today's E-Jet fleet of over 1,300 units to come up with the optimal E2 design. For example, being designed with an intelligent combination of materials, the E195-E2 can carry 10% more passengers than a direct competitor and still have the same weight.

“We introduced in the proven E-Jets platform all new technologies that would add value to customers. One example is the fourth generation of fly-by-wire, which allowed a 20% reduction of the empennage area, minimizing drag and weight,” explained Luís Carlos Affonso, COO, Embraer Commercial Aviation. “The airplane will save up to 24% in fuel and 20% in maintenance costs per seat, when compared to the current E195. A portion of these savings will be achieved with the new engine technology, but the greatest competitive advantage of the E195-E2 lies in the optimization of its structure and of its various systems.”

Embraer will use two aircraft for the E195-E2 certification campaign. The first prototype will be used for the aerodynamic and performance tests. The second prototype, which will also make its inaugural flight by the end of this year, will be used for the validation of maintenance tasks and of the interior.

Since its launch, the E2 program has reached 690 commitments, 275 of which are firm orders and 415 of which are options and purchase rights, from both airline customers and leasing companies. Currently, the E-Jets are operating with about 70 customers in 50 countries, being the global leader in the segment of aircraft with up to 130 seats, with over 50% market share.

With an investment of USD 1.7 billion, the E2 program was launched in June 2013 and reinforces Embraer's commitment to continuously invest in its commercial aviation products as well as maintain market leadership in the segment of 70 to 130 seats.


Brazil’s Azul becomes the E195-E2 Launch Operator

São José dos Campos, Brazil, March 9, 2017 – Embraer announced today that Azul Brazilian Airlines, the largest operator of the E195s current-generation in the world, will be the launch operator of the E195-E2. Azul’s contract with Embraer is for up to 50 aircraft, being 30 firm orders and 20 purchase rights.

“Azul played a key role in the E195-E2 development, actively participating in the design specification of the aircraft and helping Embraer design the most efficient single-aisle aircraft in the market today,” said John Slattery, President & CEO, Embraer Commercial Aviation. “The significance of having Azul aboard the E2 Program and to now identifying them the launch operator can be summarized in two words: trust and partnership.”

Currently, the Brazilian airline has a total of 73 E-Jets in service. The E195-E2s will be configured by Azul in a comfortable single-class layout with 130 seats and the aircraft will entry into service with the airline in the first half of 2019.

The E-Jets E2 backlog has 275 firm orders, in addition to Letters of Intent, options and purchase rights covering another 415 aircraft, totaling 690 commitments from airlines and leasing companies.

Embraer is the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial jets with up to 130+ seats. The Company has 100 customers from all over the world operating the ERJ and the E-Jet families of aircraft. For the E-Jets program alone, Embraer has logged more than 1,700 orders and over 1,300 deliveries, redefining the traditional concept of regional aircraft by operating across a broad range of business applications.


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