martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Boeing unveils first image of 737 Max 10 [feedly]

Boeing unveils first image of 737 Max 10

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

USAF to Host Light Attack Experiment Aircraft | France Selects Airbus’ H160 as Light Rotorcraft Replacement | RAAF’s KC-30A to Get Air-to-air Refueling [feedly]

USAF to Host Light Attack Experiment Aircraft | France Selects Airbus' H160 as Light Rotorcraft Replacement | RAAF's KC-30A to Get Air-to-air Refueling

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Hybrid VTOL fixed-wing drone flies for 2+ hours

Bioinspired 3D-printing tech makes for strong-but-light structures

Novel 3-D manufacturing builds complex, bio-like materials

press release

By Tina Hilding, Voiland College of Engineering & Architecture

PULLMAN, Wash. – Washington State University researchers have developed a unique, 3-D manufacturing method that for the first time rapidly creates and precisely controls a material’s architecture from the nanoscale to centimeters – with results that closely mimic the intricate architecture of natural materials like wood and bone.

They report on their work in the journal Science Advances ( and have filed for a patent.

The work has many high-tech engineering applications.

“This is a groundbreaking advance in the 3-D architecturing of materials at nano- to macroscales with applications in batteries, lightweight ultrastrong materials, catalytic converters, supercapacitors and biological scaffolds,” said Rahul Panat, associate professor in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, who led the research. “This technique can fill a lot of critical gaps for the realization of these technologies.”

The WSU research team used a 3-D printing method to create foglike microdroplets that contain nanoparticles of silver and to deposit them at specific locations. As the liquid in the fog evaporated, the nanoparticles remained, creating delicate structures. The tiny structures, which look similar to Tinkertoy constructions, are porous, have an extremely large surface area and are very strong.

Silver was used because it is easy to work with. However, Panat said, the method can be extended to any other material that can be crushed into nanoparticles – and almost all materials can be.

The researchers created several intricate and beautiful structures, including microscaffolds that contain solid truss members like a bridge, spirals, electronic connections that resemble accordion bellows or doughnut-shaped pillars.

The manufacturing method itself is similar to a rare, natural process in which tiny fog droplets that contain sulfur evaporate over the hot western Africa deserts and give rise to crystalline flower-like structures called “desert roses.”

Because it uses 3-D printing technology, the new method is highly efficient, creates minimal waste and allows for fast and large-scale manufacturing.

The researchers would like to use such nanoscale and porous metal structures for a number of industrial applications; for instance, the team is developing finely detailed, porous anodes and cathodes for batteries rather than the solid structures that are now used. This advance could transform the industry by significantly increasing battery speed and capacity and allowing the use of new and higher energy materials.

Graduate students Mohammad Sadeq Saleh and Chunshan Hu worked with Panat on the project.

The research is in keeping with WSU’s Grand Challenges initiative stimulating research to address some of society’s most complex issues. It is particularly relevant to the challenge of “Smart Systems” and its theme of foundational and emergent materials.

Airbus presents the world’s first online booking assistant of its kind and other travel trends at ITB from 8 to 12 March 2017 at ITB Berlin 2017

A one-of-a-kind booking tool for the world’s most iconic aircraft: Airbus created the online booking assistant to take travel planning to the next level. features the first and only flight search system that sorts results by aircraft type, heralding a new trend in flight differentiation with the double deck A380. For the first time, passengers are free to select the A380 flight of their choice. They are empowered to design their own in-flight travel experience, opting for wider seats, superior service, more entertainment options, and a more comfortable flight overall. is also a useful tool for travel agents wishing to offer a memorable travel experience to their customers: including A380 flights will enhance their travel offer and create a distinctive advantage.


Function: On the site, travellers can browse all A380 flights, explore all A380 destinations, and discover the distinctive on-board services that world-class airlines offer in every class.

Ease-of-use: Users simply select their departure location, destination, and travel dates. The search results show all relevant flights on the A380, indicating carrier, price and itinerary. After selecting a preferred flight, users are automatically redirected to the carrier’s website to finalise the booking.

About the A380

The passengers’ favourite: The world’s most spacious aircraft has a proven track record with passengers; according to an independent survey, 98% of A380 passengers would recommend flying on the A380 to their friends and family, and 60% are willing to make an extra effort to fly with the aircraft.*

To date, some 170 million passengers have flown with the A380. Flying with the world’s leading airlines on over 110 routes and 55 destinations, the A380 has been awarded Best Aircraft Type by Global Traveller magazine for two years running.

Comfort: The A380 offers more personal space and the widest seats in the sky in all classes, including economy class. As the smoothest, quietest flight, it offers accessible luxury and unparalleled comfort in all classes.

A memorable aircraft: A modern feat of engineering and design, the A380 is the universally recognised benchmark. It provides airlines with a canvas to create the most outstanding business and first classes in the air, with amenities like showers, beds, bars and lounges.

Facts & Figures
Flying with 13 premier airlines: Air France, Asiana Airlines, British Airways, China Southern Airlines, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Korean Air, Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways International
Serving 55 destinations in 32 countries, including the world’s most visited cities, such as London, Paris, Dubai, New York, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney and Shanghai. A complete list is available at
2,000 flights per week on over 110 different routes
Around the world, an A380 aircraft takes off or lands every 3 minutes.

A380 Fact Box

55 Destinations
13 Operators
2,000 Flights per week
98% of A380 passengers would recommend it to friends and family

Photos, infographics and videos are available at:

See what passengers share on social media about their A380 experiences: 

SM el Rey Felipe VI recibe a los presidentes de Iberia e IAG y al Comité de Dirección de Iberia

Nota de prensa

SM el Rey Felipe VI recibe a los presidentes de Iberia e IAG y al Comité de Direccion de Iberia
·         Con motivo del 90 aniversario de Iberia, que se celebra este año
·         El bisabuelo del actual monarca inauguró el primer vuelo de Iberia, en 1927



Madrid, 6 de marzo de 2017


Su Majestad el Rey Felipe VI ha recibido hoy en audiencia a los presidentes de Iberia e IAG, junto con el Comité de Dirección de Iberia, con motivo de la celebración este año del 90 aniversario de la aerolínea.



© Casa de SM el Rey


Iberia se fundó un 27 de junio de 1927, mientras que el vuelo inaugural tuvo lugar el 14 de junio de ese mismo año entre Madrid y Barcelona, inauguración que fue presidida por el Rey Alfonso XIII, bisabuelo del actual monarca.


En sus palabras, Antonio Vázquez, presidente de IAG, ha dicho: "Estamos conmemorando una gran historia, sin duda, pero lo mejor es que estamos celebrando un gran futuro, dentro de un gran grupo, como es IAG"


"Majestad, es un motivo de orgullo para nuestro país que el tercer grupo aéreo de Europa y sexto del mundo tenga su sede social en España, en Madrid; que esté integrado, entre otras, por dos aerolíneas españolas, Iberia y Vueling, con negocios de primera división, como el Mantenimiento y los Servicios Aeroportuarios; que tres las cuatro aerolíneas que lo componen están presididas por españoles, y que haya elegido España, en concreto Barcelona, para el lanzamiento de su nuevo proyecto aéreo, los vuelos de largo radio de nueva generación".


Por su parte Luis Gallego, ha dicho: "Estamos celebrando nueve intensas décadas en las que hemos unido España entre sí y con el resto del mundo, en especial con América Latina. Millones de familias y varias generaciones de españoles han conocido el mundo, han encontrado nuevas oportunidades y se han hecho mayores a nuestro lado. Por eso, Iberia ha sido siempre un poco de todos"


Para añadir: "Majestad, este Comité de Dirección, junto con los 16,000 empleados de la compañía, y con el apoyo incuestionable de IAG, estamos transformando Iberia en una empresa mejor, mejor para nuestros clientes, para nuestros accionistas, para la sociedad en general, y capaz de ofrecer un futuro más brillante a nuestros empleados".




·         Presidente de IAG: Antonio Vázquez

·         Presidente de Iberia: Luis Gallego

·         Comité de Dirección de Iberia:

o   Directora de Clientes: Carolina Martinoli

o   Director Comercial: Marco Sansavini

o   Director de Producción: Rafael J. Hoyos

o   Director de Planificación Estratégica y Finanzas: José Antonio Barrionuevo

o   Director de Red y Alianzas: Neil Chernoff

o   Director de Servicios Aeroportuarios: Angel Marcos

o   Director Técnico: André Wall

o   Director de Personas: Carlos P. Fernández

o   Director de Comunicación y RRII: Juan Cierco