domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

The U.S. Air Force’s Stealth Drone Could Have a New Mission [feedly]

The U.S. Air Force's Stealth Drone Could Have a New Mission
// War Is Boring - Medium

Photographs point to possible maritime tasks for the RQ-170

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ESA Offers Vega Flight Opportunity For Multiple Small Satellites [feedly]

ESA Offers Vega Flight Opportunity For Multiple Small Satellites
// Aero-News Network

Flight Planned For The Second Half Of 2018 Europe's Vega small launcher is set to demonstrate its extended capability to deploy multiple light satellites using its new versatile Small Satellites Mission Service (SSMS) dispenser, in the second half of 2018.

Leonardo AESA Radar To Go On North African User's Unmanned Rotorcraft [feedly]

Leonardo AESA Radar To Go On North African User's Unmanned Rotorcraft
// Aero-News Network

Contract Signed With Scheible To Provide The System For Camcopter S-100 Leonardo has announced, at the Avalon airshow in Geelong, Australia, that the company has been selected by Austrian-based Schiebel to deliver its active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar technology for the Camcopter S-100 unmanned air system (UAS) being provided to the armed forces of a North African nation. The radar, Leonardo's PicoSAR, will be used to support border-monitoring and anti-terrorism surveillance missions. PicoSAR will be delivered in 2017 and go into service the same year.

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Airbus e Italdesign trabajando en un híbrido coche-multicóptero [feedly]

Airbus e Italdesign trabajando en un híbrido coche-multicóptero
// Sandglass Patrol,el Blog

Polar Kid, la vuelta al mundo en ULM circunvalando el Ártico [feedly]

Polar Kid, la vuelta al mundo en ULM circunvalando el Ártico
// Sandglass Patrol,el Blog




Loïc Blaise acompañado del astronauta ruso Valéry Tokarev, apoyados por Life Odyssey, se lanzarán a la aventura a mediados del próximo abril, circunvalando el ártico en un ultraligero anfibio ruso. La aventura espera lanzar una llamada de atención sobre la ecología y la desaparición de los grandes glaciares, y de paso sobre la esclerosis múltiple, enfermedad que sufre Loïc y para la que quiere recoger fondos.

Airbus-RAAF to develop automated aerial refueling for A330 MRTT - Aviation Analysis Wing (blog)

Aviation Analysis Wing (blog)

Airbus-RAAF to develop automated aerial refueling for A330 MRTT
Aviation Analysis Wing (blog)
Initial approach and tracking of the receiver is performed manually from the A330 MRTT's console. Once the image processing system acquires the receiver and the receptacle position, the operator can use the system aid allowing the boom to automatically ...

Airbus, Precise Flight Expand Bird-strike Prevention - Aviation International News

Aviation International News

Airbus, Precise Flight Expand Bird-strike Prevention
Aviation International News
Airbus Helicopters and Precise Flight (Booth 4317) have been granted an amended supplemental type certificate (STC) for the latter company's Pulselite bird-strike prevention system, which is installed on more than 25,000 aircraft (around 84 percent of ...

Lithium-Ion Battery Inventor Introduces New Technology for Fast-Charging, Noncombustible Batteries | UT News | The University of Texas at Austin