jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017
Airbus’ A350-1000 shows off its cold weather capabilities under the Northern Lights
The latest member of Airbus’ all-new A350 XWB widebody family has undergone rigorous ground and flight tests in the extreme operating conditions of Iqaluit, Canada – which provided a picturesque backdrop accentuated by the Northern Lights.
Iqaluit, a Canadian territory with a polar climate caused by the Labrador Current, allows Airbus’ longest-fuselage A350-1000 version to face-off against one of the most challenging environments for an aircraft. The jetliner successfully completed five days of intensive testing at an outside air temperature (OAT) that fluctuated between -28 degrees and -37 degrees Celsius.
Emanuele Costanzo, Flight Test Engineer at Airbus, said of the results: “The A350-1000 has responded successfully to the ground and flight tests performed in the freezing temperatures of Iqaluit – which demonstrates the already proven maturity and reliability of the A350 XWB.”
All three A350-1000 flight test aircraft have been engaged in the type certification campaign. These latest tests come three years after the A350-1000’s sister – the A350-900 – successfully overcame the uniquely challenging environment in Iqaluit, Canada.
Carbures firma una alianza estratégica con Aristrain
· El Grupo Aristrain concederá un préstamo de 25 millones de euros a la Compañía para financiar el despegue industrial de la filial aeroespacial y así atender la creciente demanda de fabricación de piezas de avión.
· El crédito tiene como objetivo ejecutar la totalidad de su cartera de pedidos y obtener la financiación suficiente para nuevos negocios y compromisos contractuales en el ámbito aéreo y de defensa.
· Carbures, cuya capacidad y calidad industriales habían sido ya premiadas por Airbus, se garantiza la solvencia necesaria para ejecutar su plan de negocio en el sector aeronáutico y de defensa y su crecimiento orgánico.
El Puerto de Santa María, 22 de febrero de 2017. Carbures Aerospace and Defense (CARBURES A&D) sella una alianza estratégica con Grupo Aristrain, uno de los inversores de referencia en el mercado industrial español. El presidente de Carbures, Rafael Contreras, y el citado inversor han firmado un acuerdo vinculante por el que Aristrain concederá un préstamo de 25 millones de euros a Carbures a entregar en dos plazos concretos: catorce millones se depositarán en el tercer trimestre de 2017 y, los once restantes, posteriormente, hasta junio de 2018.
El acuerdo se ha realizado mediante la empresa INVERSIONES INDUSTRIALES TXINDOKI S.L., del Grupo Aristrain, y el nuevo socio industrial de Carbures puede obtener un asiento en el consejo de administración de la Compañía. Con esta operación, Carbures se garantiza los recursos financieros necesarios para incrementar su capacidad industrial, en su filial aeroespacial, e impulsar el crecimiento orgánico del Grupo.
Con la aprobación de este acuerdo por parte del consejo de administración de Carbures, la Compañía abre una nueva etapa empresarial. En 2017, la situación financiera de la Compañía ha quedado saneada y el Grupo ha alcanzado un capital social que supera ya los 100 millones de euros. Carbures ha rebajado la deuda a la mitad, capitalizando 55 millones de deuda, ha recuperado la confianza de los bancos, que abren de nuevo las líneas de circulante a la Compañía y cuenta ahora con liquidez suficiente. Ahora, la Compañía ha cerrado un acuerdo con el inversor industrial de referencia en el mercado español, que va a inyectar 25 millones en la filial aérea de la Compañía y, garantiza así, la operativa industrial y su crecimiento orgánico.
El presidente ejecutivo y fundador de Carbures, Rafael Contreras, afirma que "la entrada de un socio industrial como el Grupo Aristrain supone una nueva muestra de confianza en la Compañía, viene a corroborar el buen hacer de Carbures, su sólida capacidad y realidad industrial, así como el amplio margen de crecimiento que tiene la Compañía". Contreras añade que "con esta operación, se cierra el círculo del emprendedor que crea una empresa de un spin off universitario, empresa que ha pasado por todas las fases posibles de profesionalización y crecimiento de la Compañía, y que ahora se alía a un gran socio industrial".
El crédito puede resolverse por tres posibilidades distintas para devolver el préstamo de 25 millones. Podrá ir devolviéndolo de acuerdo con las condiciones contractuales firmadas (el crédito vencerá a cinco años y tendrá un tipo de interés del 5 por ciento anual y otro 5 por ciento anual PIK). Además, la cantidad dispuesta podrá ser amortizada mediante la conversión de crédito en acciones de CARBURES A&D, la filial del sector aeroespacial de la Compañía, en el marco de una ampliación de capital; o mediante su capitalización en la matriz del grupo CARBURES bajo determinadas condiciones, siempre que la matriz cotice en el mercado continuo nacional o en un mercado de valores internacionales y, de forma simultánea, concurran determinados niveles de capitalización y liquidez.
Esta operación financiera le aporta a Carbures A&D, que ha sido reconocida por Airbus por su calidad de producción, la "gasolina" necesaria para incrementar su actual capacidad industrial y así poder atender la creciente demanda de fabricación de piezas de avión en fibra de carbono.
Sobre Carbures
Carbures es un grupo industrial especializado en la ingeniería y fabricación de estructuras con materiales compuestos, como la fibra de carbono, para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, como el aeronáutico, la automoción y el de obra civil. A lo largo de más de una década, Carbures ha desarrollado una tecnología propia y unos sistemas que le posicionan como la compañía líder en Europa en la fabricación, tanto en series largas como cortas, de piezas de fibra de carbono para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, así como elementos estructurales de construcción.
Iberia lanza una nueva convocatoria de pilotos
Iberia acaba de lanzar una nueva convocatoria para contratar pilotos.
La compañía ha publicado en su portal Iberia Empleo https://portal.iberia.es/
Los interesados podrán presentar su candidatura hasta el 7 de marzo incluido a través de la web de empleo Iberia, donde también se han publicado los requisitos básicos para poder acceder a las pruebas de selección:
Requisitos básicos:
• Nivel mínimo de estudios: Prueba de acceso a la universidad aprobada, o equivalente. • Cualificación mínima ATPL(A) frozen EASA parte FCL y MCC. • Certificado médico clase 1 en vigor. • Certificado de competencia lingüística en Inglés mínimo nivel 4 y Castellano nivel 6. • Para candidatos extranjeros equivalente al nivel C2, según define el MCERL (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas) o equivalente. • Certificado de historial aeronáutico libre de incidentes o accidentes. • Derecho a trabajar en la Unión Europea y pasaporte sin restricciones. • Certificado de antecedentes penales.
Se valorará:
• Estudios universitarios, formación profesional, experiencia aeronáutica según edad del candidato, idiomas, habilitaciones, licencia de piloto de planeador, vuelo acrobático y trabajos previos dentro del ámbito aeronáutico o fuera de él.
Sikorsky to Offer Modified Black Hawk as Huey Replacement [feedly]
Sikorsky to Offer Modified Black Hawk as Huey Replacement
DoD Buzz
An HH-60G Pave Hawk, assigned to the 58th Rescue Squadron from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, performs water operations training March 15, 2016. Sikorsky plans to offer a semi-modified HH-60U as the new Huey replacement. Airman 1st Class Kevin ...
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Jets, missiles and lasers: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman net $1.4B worth of work [feedly]
Orlando Business Journal | Jets, missiles and lasers: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman net $1.4B worth of work Orlando Business Journal Northrop Grumman: The company's aerospace systems division in Melbourne won two contracts with the U.S. Navy — one totaling $17.8 million and another totaling $10.9 million. Work for the $17.8 million contract is to develop an Airborne Laser Mine ... |
A321neo powered by CFM LEAP-1A engines receives type certification
Customers to benefit from two engine options
Following a comprehensive flight test programme, the A321neo powered by CFM International’s LEAP-1A engines has been granted joint Type Certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The EASA Type Certificate was signed by EASA’s Certification Director Trevor Woods and Michael J. Kaszycki FAA’s acting Manager Transport Airplane Directorate - Aircraft Certification Service. Both certificates were handed over to Airbus Senior Vice President A320 Family Programme, Klaus Roewe and Airbus A320 Family Programme Chief Engineer, Pierre-Henri Brousse.
“The A321neo offers operators the perfect balance between fuel efficiency, comfort and environmental performance. It is the clear market leader in the 200 plus seat category,” said Fabrice Brégier, President of Airbus Commercial Aircraft.” Today’s certification is a rewarding tribute to all the teams who have been instrumental in achieving this essential milestone.
The A321neo powered by CFM engines, successfully completed a certification programme accumulating over 400 flight hours in more than 160 flights. The tests validated the aircraft airframe and systems well beyond their design limits to meet all airworthiness criteria. The A321neo with CFM engines is the fourth member of the NEO Family certified over the last 15 months, giving customers of the A320neo Family the option of two engine types; Pratt & Whitney’s Pure Power PW1100G-JM and CFM’s LEAP-1A.
The A320neo Family is the world’s best-selling single aisle product line with over 5,000 orders from 92 customers since its launch capturing 60 percent share of the market. Thanks to their widest cabin, all members of the A320neo Family offer unmatched comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18” wide seats in economy as standard.
Airbus welcomes new agreement on industrial partnerships with Japan
It seeks cutting-edge Japanese aerospace technologies for future aircraft
Tokyo, 1 March 2017 – Airbus welcomes the signature of a new chapter of the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) in Civil Aeronautical Industry between the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI) and the Directorate General for Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) of the French Republic.
The agreement was signed today in Tokyo between Toshihide Kasutani, Director-General, Manufacturing Industries Bureau of METI, and Thierry Dana, French Ambassador to Japan.
With this agreement, which aims to strengthen the cooperation between Airbus and the Japanese industry, an Airbus-Japan Ad Hoc Civil Aeronautical Industry Working Group will be established, and it will meet on a regular basis to discuss technology fields that could be considered for cooperation between Airbus and Japan such as material, aircraft system and equipment, or manufacturing technologies for the development of future Airbus aircraft.
“We are very pleased that Japan and France are together providing support for enhancing our partnerships between Japan and Europe,” said Stéphane Ginoux, President of Airbus Japan. “We see Japan as a key country for partnerships in areas such as future aircraft technologies, R&T and digital innovation. We are committed to expand our industrial footprint in Japan further.”
METI and the Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) have agreed to enhance cooperation and partnerships between Japan and France since 2013.
Journalists are invited to join the social media and outreach event held at ESA's mission operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany.
There, 100 selected social media players from all over Europe, official guests, ESA Earth observation experts and the new generation of Copernicus data users will mingle in a new, more informal and interactive setting. Next to a small event stage, exchanges will take place around four thematic corners on: 'Land and food security', 'Space technology, operations and business trends', 'Sea and coastal areas' and 'Cities and society'.
In this new mission launch event spirit, everyone is invited to follow the event hashtag #Sentinel2Go and to join these debates on the leading channels (such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram).
Copernicus is headed by the European Commission in partnership with ESA. It provides accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change, and ensure land monitoring, emergency management and security.
The new fleet of Sentinel satellites are delivering a wealth of data and images that are central to the ambitious Copernicus programme.
The optical imaging Sentinel-2 mission is based on a constellation of two identical satellites: Sentinel-2A, which was launched in June 2015, and the upcoming Sentinel-2B. Although launched separately, the satellites will be placed in the same orbit, separated by 180°. Every five days, the satellites will jointly cover all land surfaces, large islands, and inland and coastal waters between latitudes 56°S and 84°N, optimising global coverage and data delivery for numerous applications.
The mission carries an innovative high-resolution multispectral camera with 13 spectral bands for a new perspective of land and vegetation. The combination of high-resolution, novel spectral capabilities, a field of vision covering 290 km and frequent revisit times will provide unprecedented views of Earth.
Among its applications, the mission provides information for agricultural practices, helping in the management of food security. It also maps the status and changes in land cover and monitors the world's forests.
It also provides information on pollution in lakes and coastal waters. Images of floods, volcanic eruptions and landslides contribute to disaster mapping and helping in humanitarian relief efforts.
Sentinel-2 is equipped to benefit from another ESA programme, the European Data Relay System (EDRS). EDRS is creating a network of geostationary laser communication payloads for the continuous relay of low-orbit satellite data, and will enable the Sentinel's Earth observation data to be transmitted faster than ever, using laser links.
The Sentinel-2 mission is the result of close collaboration between ESA, the European Commission, industry, service providers and data users. It is designed and built by a consortium of 60 companies led by Airbus Defence and Space.
Learn more about Sentinel-2 at:
Learn more about Copernicus at:
Covering the launch
SocialSpace early morning event at ESOC
100 selected social media players and young Earth observation enthusiasts will participate in the interactive event at ESOC.
Doors open at 01:00 CET. As well as watching the launch, the main programme includes talks by experts explaining the benefits of Copernicus.
The event ends at 04:00 CET, when breakfast will be served.
The interactive launch event at ESOC will be webstreamed on ESA's web site.
Startup To Provide Orbital Debris Tracking For LEO Constellations [feedly]

Startup LeoLabs to use a global network of ground radars to track orbital debris and provide collision prevention services to operators of LEO satellite constellations.
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Boeing Lands $678M DoD Contract for USN | Airbus Retrofitting CH-53’s for German Mil | Saab Pitches Swordfish to NZ’s P-3C Replacement Program [feedly]
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Tooth-inspired tech could make for tougher planes [feedly]
.. Continue Reading Tooth-inspired tech could make for tougher planes
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SOAPdrones variable pitch quadcopter uses petrol power for heavy-lifting endurance [feedly]
.. Continue Reading SOAPdrones variable pitch quadcopter uses petrol power for heavy-lifting endurance
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