martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

Uber Teams up with NASA Engineer to Make Flying Cars Reality

Ride-sharing giant Uber Technologies Inc. has hired a veteran NASA engineer to help the company realize its vision of flying cars. Mark Moore, a senior NASA research engineer, has been involved with …

Uber’s Flying Car Will Have a Hard Time Getting Off the Ground

If you ever find yourself at the San Jose airport hailing a cab to take you into San Francisco, prepare for your own little bit of hell. The ride will take about an hour and 40 minutes—assuming average traffic—and set you back $110 or more (not …

Loss of Control Occurs on Drones Too

Drone loss-of-communications systems are not foolproof. Drone proponents are quick to point to the safeguard of UAVs' ability to fly safely back to their owners should the communications link between …

This drone operator is helping power companies mechanize their most dangerous jobs

Industrial technology has often been a blessing and a curse for workers, eliminating some jobs while making others safer. That could soon happen at AES Corp., an Arlington-based power utility that generates $15 billion a year in sales powering homes in 17 countries. The company is moving to repla...

RAF Typhoon jets escort Pakistan plane to Stansted

RAF fighter jets have escorted a Pakistan International Airlines plane to Stansted Airport. Stansted said the flight from Lahore to Heathrow had landed in Essex at 14:50 GMT after being escorted by Typhoons. Essex Police said the diversion had been due to reports of a disruptive passenger and was...

German minister forced to change plane after A400M trouble | Reuters

Feb 7 German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen said on Tuesday she had been forced to take a replacement flight back from Lithuania after her brand new A400M military transport plane was grounded due to engine problems.

A Florida aviation college is leading the fusion of fossil-fuel engines with electric propulsion

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University researchers have become the nucleus around which a new nine-seat hybrid electric turboprop aircraft could be built in the near future.

The effort is being run out of the college’s Eagle Flight Research Center, at its Daytona Beach, Florida, campus, and is headed by aerospace professor and researcher Pat Anderson.
  • All-electric propulsion is not a realistic option
  • Powered by a combination of turbine engine(s) and electric motor(s)
  • Textron, GE and other consortium members consider funding mechanisms for a prototype

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Read more in Embry-riddle Aeronautical University web:ç

Airbus Helicopters achieves delivery targets and maintains market leadership in 2016

  • Deliveries up five percent to 418 units
  • 388 gross orders
  • Key military campaigns secured

Marignane, Airbus Helicopters delivered 418 rotorcraft in 2016, a five percent increase compared with 2015, against a challenging market backdrop. The company strengthened its lead on the civil and parapublic helicopter market while maintaining its position on the military market.

Airbus Helicopters logged gross orders for 388 helicopters in 2016, a stable performance compared to the 383 gross orders of 2015. In 2016, bookings notably included 188 orders for light-single engine helicopters, 163 orders for the H135/H145 light-twins and 23 for the Super Puma family. At the end of 2016, the overall backlog stood at 766 helicopters.

“The multiple challenges faced in 2016 have increased our resolve to support our customers with an ever-increasing commitment to quality and safety, leveraging the most modern portfolio of products and services”, said Guillaume Faury, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Helicopters. “For the rotorcraft industry as a whole, 2016 was probably the most difficult year of the last decade. Despite this challenging market environment we delivered on our operational objectives and proceeded with the execution of our transformation plan”, he added.

Highlights of 2016 included success in key military campaigns for the H225M, which was selected by Singapore and Kuwait, as well as for the H135/H145 family which was selected in the UK for military flight training. Last year also saw first deliveries of the new AS565 MBe Panther naval helicopter to Mexico and Indonesia and the first flight of the NH90 Sea Lion for the German Navy.

On the civil side, the first H175 medium-twin helicopter in VIP configuration entered service in 2016, while the public services variant began flight-testing ahead of certification in 2017. A Chinese consortium signed an order for 100 H135s to be assembled locally over the next ten years. Certification of the Helionix-equipped version of the H135 was granted by EASA in November, while flight-testing activities of the next-generation H160 continued at a steady pace throughout the year, paving the way for the first firm orders to be signed in 2017.

In 2016 the global fleet of approximately 12,000 Airbus helicopters, in service with more than 3,000 operators worldwide, reached 90 million flight hours; helping customers save lives, protect people and carry out their most demanding missions on a daily basis.

About Airbus
Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2015, it generated revenues of €64.5 billion and employed a workforce of around 136,600. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as Europe’s number one space enterprise and the world’s second largest space business. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

CT Ingenieros, seleccionada por Airbus para realizar actividades de ingeniería en el A350XWB

  • CT Ingenieros ha dedicado más de 600.000 horas de ingeniería en diferentes partes del diseño del A350 desde el año 2009

Madrid, 31 de enero del 2017. CT Ingenieros continúa proporcionando servicios de ingeniería aeronáutica para el modelo A350XWB de Airbus Group, tras ser seleccionada por Airbus para realizar este proyecto de ingeniería. Desde el año 2009, CT Ingenieros lleva trabajando en este proyecto proporcionando servicios de ingeniería para diferentes piezas y secciones de este modelo de avión. En total, se han dedicado más 600.000 horas de ingeniería de diseño. Para este proyecto, CT Ingenieros proveerá ingeniería para las siguientes áreas:

  • Certificación, ASR (Air-Vehicle Structural Repair) y modificaciones: Sección 19, cubierta inferior del ala (Wing Lower Cover), Sección 19.1 y el plano de cola horizontal. Este conjunto de actividades están encuadradas en cálculo e ingeniería de diseño.

  •  Apoyo continuo: Sección 19, cubierta inferior del ala (Wing Lower Cover), Sección 19.1, plano de cola horizontal (Horizontal Tail Plane), Upper Lower Shells y el plano de cola vertical. Este conjunto de actividades están principalmente enmarcadas en tareas de apoyo a la fabricación.

Esta adjudicación, por parte de Airbus Group, supone para CT Ingenieros una satisfacción por poder seguir proporcionando estos servicios de ingeniería. CT Ingenieros proporciona al sector aeronáutico diseño de estructuras, cálculo y análisis, ingeniería de fabricación, análisis de sistemas e instalaciones, servicio al cliente y servicio post venta. El pasado mes de mayo del 2016, CT Ingenieros volvió a ser seleccionada por Airbus Group como proveedor preferente de servicios de ingeniería (E2S).

Acerca de CT Ingenieros

CT Ingenieros proporciona servicios de ingeniería en el sector aeronáutico, naval, automovilístico, ferroviario, energético, de plantas industriales, arquitectura y construcción. En ellos se cubre todo el ciclo de vida de los productos, desde la ingeniería de diseño de producto, la ingeniería de fabricación hasta la ingeniería de soporte post venta. CT Ingenieros forma parte del grupo internacional The CT Engineering Group, con 1.500 empleados y oficinas en España, Francia, Alemania, Portugal, Reino Unido, India y Brasil. CT Ingenieros participa en el programa empresarial Cre100do.

­­Resource Group expands Training Capability with Launch of Training Development Services

Resource Group's Aviation Technical Training Division (LRTT Ltd) has launched a brand new business stream delivering Training Development Services.


As an EASA Part 147 Approved Training Organisation since 2003, Resource Group have a wealth of experience in working in highly regulated environments to deliver compliance and excellence in Technical Training. The organisations' new Training Development System complies with recognised Civil and Military standards and includes Scoping Studies, Training Needs Analysis (TNA), Training Material and Media Design, Delivery and Quality Assurance.


Building on their expanding training services portfolio, ranging from customized eLearning courseware, through to full solution, purpose-built and managed aviation training academies, the addition of bespoke and integrated training development services provides a complete, end to end training solution. The range of services is now ideal for clients who may wish to concentrate on core business and outsource all such activities to a single, highly trusted supplier or for those who only wish to engage on one off projects.


Leveraging their existing training experience and the formation of a dedicated training development team Resource Group will work with clients to identify training requirements and analyse training needs to design, create and deliver custom programs that operate within a compliant governance and management framework.  


Managing Director Ian Fitzpatrick Comments "As an industry embedded training provider we recognise the need for appropriate training, aligned to the required competencies of any particular role. We know firsthand how high quality, targeted and effective training can deliver efficiency gains and reduce costs for our clients whilst ensuring they get the best from their people. I am therefore delighted that we are now able to offer innovative, bespoke training development solutions for training to be deployed through the most appropriate and cost effective media thereby meeting more of our clients' operational needs''


Resource Group's training development solutions encompass initial training, cross training, refresher training, equipment training, changes in legislation, new starter training, complex system and process training.




About Resource Group

Resource Group is a private company with a group wide turnover of EUR 100 Million, employing in excess of 250 employees with over 1100 staff deployed on contracts across the globe. Resource Group offers aviation, aerospace, rail, automotive and defence resourcing solutions supporting OEM's, operators and related support businesses.


Resource Group has five business streams comprising Training Solutions, Aviation and Aerospace Resourcing Solutions, Technical Recruitment Solutions, Symbiotic Performance Solutions and Software Systems and Solutions.
More information about the Training Development Services can be found at


Carbures arranca su fábrica de China con la obtención del Qualification Report de Airbus

  • Carbures ha obtenido el certificado de Airbus para poder fabricar en su planta de Harbin, China, situada puerta con puerta con la del gigante aeronáutico y Hafei.
  • El grupo industrial dirigido por Rafael Contreras empezará con la fabricación de estructuras en materiales compuestos y seguirá realizando los cortes de paneles Honeycomb del Airbus A350.
  • Carbures se posiciona como uno de los fabricantes de referencia en un sector con tantas barreras de entrada como el aeronáutico y en un mercado tan exigente como el chino. Es el único Tier 2 europeo que ha conseguido implantarse en China y certificarse.


El Puerto de Santa María, 30 de enero de 2017. Carbures despega en China. La compañía liderada por Rafael Contreras arrancará su producción en su planta de Harbin (China) después de obtener por parte de Airbus el certificado necesario para poner en marcha los procesos industriales aeronáuticos de fabricación en materiales compuestos.


De esta forma, Carbures supera las altas barreras de entrada en la aeronáutica y se consolida como uno de los fabricantes de referencia en este sector. Además, la Compañía consigue dar el paso definitivo para acceder de lleno al también exigente mercado chino.


En línea con su estrategia operativa, la fábrica de Carbures en China está situada puerta con puerta con su principal cliente en el sector aeroespacial, Airbus, y Hafei. La ventaja competitiva de la fabricación de Carbures en Harbin es geoestratégica –tiene el objetivo de fabricar materiales compuestos para clientes chinos– y, además, pretende reducir costes manteniendo los estándares de calidad europeos y con los altos performances industriales y de calidad de Carbures  reconocidos por Airbus.


Carbures ultimó el proceso de certificación del autoclave en Harbin en los últimos meses de 2016 para poder comenzar a funcionar y fabricar piezas de avión en materiales compuestos. En ese momento, ya produjo las primeras piezas en esta fábrica, como parte del proceso técnico-industrial necesario para que las autoridades competentes certificaran que la planta sigue los rigurosos procesos de fabricación que la industria aeroespacial exige.


Se realizó el curado de las piezas, consistente en un proceso químico llamado polimerización de la fibra de carbono y la resina para que, una vez curadas, obtengan las propiedades mecánicas y estructurales exigidas. Este proceso se realiza en un autoclave, un horno de ocho metros de longitud, donde se controlan la presión y la temperatura.


Carbures ya trabajaba para Airbus en China, concretamente desde octubre de 2014, con la firma de un contrato para el corte milimétrico y la preparación  del Honeycomb, parte de los paneles Belly Fairing del Airbus A350.


Carbures, que llegó a China en 2013 con cinco empleados, da trabajo en ese país a 26 personas actualmente.




Sobre Carbures


Carbures es un grupo industrial especializado en la ingeniería y fabricación de estructuras con materiales compuestos, como la fibra de carbono, para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, como el aeronáutico, la automoción y el de obra civil. A lo largo de más de una década, Carbures ha desarrollado una tecnología propia y unos sistemas que le posicionan como la compañía líder en Europa en la fabricación, tanto en series largas como cortas, de piezas de fibra de carbono para los sectores relacionados con la movilidad, así como elementos estructurales de construcción.


Building a Sukhoi Superjet 100: Who Does What? - aeronewstv


Building a Sukhoi Superjet 100: Who Does What?
Like Boeing for its 787 Dreamliner, the aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi calls on many partners to manufacture its Superjet 100 (SSJ100). As shown in the illustration, subcontractors obviously come from Russia, but also from France, the United States and ...

Extreme Endurance Solar-Electric UAV Development in The Works - i-HLS - Israel Homeland Security [feedly]

Extreme Endurance Solar-Electric UAV Development in The Works
i-HLS - Israel Homeland Security
A solar-electric UAV will support commercial and security requirements. Bye Aerospace announced an important engineering, development and production collaboration with SolAero Technologies Corp. to put SolAero's solar cell technology on Bye's ...

[Detect & Avoid] Trying to Conquer The UAV Line-of-Sight Obstacle - i-HLS - Israel Homeland Security

Trying to Conquer The UAV Line-of-Sight Obstacle
i-HLS - Israel Homeland Security
Vigilant Aerospace has completed successfully a testing beyond line-of-sight flight testing of its new FlightHorizon detect-and-avoid collision avoidance system for unmanned aircraft at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center in California. FlightHorizon ...

Schiebel to supply S-100 UAV for Australian navy - [feedly]

Schiebel to supply S-100 UAV for Australian navy
The S-100 Camcopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, with military and civilian applications. The aircraft is capable of navigating automatically using pre-programmed GPS checkpoints during missions. For military customers, the product is ...
Australia selects Camcopter for naval VTOL UAV requirementIHS Jane's 360
Schiebel To Supply Camcopter S-100 UAV To Australian

U.S. Navy Moves Ahead On Carrier-based Drone

The Pentagon wants an unmanned refueling capability to extend the range of the carrier air wing.

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Kratos Combat Drones Go On The Offensive

Kratos has two armed combat drones and a number of secret projects under development for the Pentagon. Its newest design could reach China from Guam.

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Giant drone racing could be the next big thing

When it comes to drone racing, the folks at Freedom Drone Sports apparently believe that the bigger the aircraft, the better. After all, imagine how much less exciting auto racing would be if all the cars were just tiny models. With that in mind, the Australian company is developing a big drone for use in a new type of racing, known as Freedom Class. The prototype made its first successful test flight late last month.

.. Continue Reading Giant drone racing could be the next big thing

Watch DARPA’s robot arm catch a drone in mid-air

It can snag unmanned aerial vehicles that weigh as much as 1,100 pounds. The laws of physics dictate that aircraft carriers have to be giant targets. Fixed-wing planes, faster and more efficient than their helicopter brethren, need runways to take-off and land, and those runways have to be long e...

AvWeek's Editorial: London’s Wishful Thinking On Brexit’s Impact On Industry

The British government has fired the starting pistol on discussions to leave the European Union. The publication of a white paper Feb. 2 outlined the principal aims of what the UK wants in its Brexit negotiations to leave the EU.

It does little to address the ongoing concerns of the aerospace and defense industry, and it is vague and detached from geopolitical realities. In short, it is a wish without a plan.