viernes, 6 de enero de 2017

Anti-Drone Market Size To Reach $1.85 Billion By 2024 [feedly]

Anti-Drone Market Size To Reach $1.85 Billion By 2024
// Aero-News Network

Research Published By Grand View Research, Inc. The global anti-drone market size is anticipated to reach USD 1.85 billion by 2024, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The increase in the adoption of UAVs/drones has resulted in the commencement of another market that focuses on a solution for rogue drones, complete with net-firing bazookas, electromagnetic shields, and anti-drone death rays.

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SpaceX Falcon 9 cleared for flight after investigation [feedly]

SpaceX Falcon 9 cleared for flight after investigation
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

After four months of intensive investigation, SpaceX says that its Falcon 9 booster has been cleared for flight and will return to service on January 8. The reusable booster was grounded after a catastrophic launch pad explosion during a fueling operation on September 1, 2016 at Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. According to the company, the cause of the accident has been identified and steps have been taken to prevent its recurrence.

.. Continue Reading SpaceX Falcon 9 cleared for flight after investigation

Britain approves funding to develop laser weapon [feedly]

Britain approves funding to develop laser weapon
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

Following in the US military's footsteps, Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a £30 million contract to the UK Dragonfire consortium to build a Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW) Capability Demonstrator. The prototype laser, which is scheduled for completion in 2019, will be used to assess the practicality and effectiveness of laser weapon technologies in the field.

.. Continue Reading Britain approves funding to develop laser weapon

Le C919 rejoint le centre d'essais en vol de la COMAC - Le Journal de l'Aviation

Le Journal de l'Aviation

Le C919 rejoint le centre d'essais en vol de la COMAC
Le Journal de l'Aviation
Ayant manqué le rendez-vous de 2016, le C919 volera en 2017. La COMAC a confirmé que le premier vol aurait lieu au premier semestre de cette année. Une progression a été enregistrée dans le programme à la toute fin du mois de décembre puisque ...

C919 being prepped for maiden flight - ecns


C919 being prepped for maiden flight
The C919, China's first self-made passenger jet airliner, has been moved from its assembly base to the test flight center, an indication that the development of the plane has reached a new phase, according to industry sources. The 168-seat passenger ...

Sikorsky Recognized as Florida Manufacturer of the Year - PR Newswire (press release)

NASA testing Space Launch System for transonic behavior

Hampton VA (SPX) Jan 04, 2017
Tucked away in Hampton, Virginia, is a 56-year-old NASA wind tunnel capable of generating winds speeds of up to 900 miles per hour. In its lifetime, the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel has hosted hundreds of NASA projects, recently welcoming its latest guest, a 10-foot model of the world's most powerful rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS). SLS will send an Orion spacecraft to an asteroid and o

India to launch 103 satellites in record single mission

​B-52 bomber drops engine

A US Air Force B-52 bomber dropped one of its engines during a training mission over North Dakota this week, according to the service.

PICTURE: Airbus prepares Beluga XL core for integration

Airbus has assembled the basic core airframe of the initial Beluga XL high-capacity transport designed to replace the A300-600ST logistics fleet.

Vanilla Aircraft Claims World Record with 56-hour Unmanned Aircraft Flight - PR Newswire (press release)

 Vanilla Aircraft, LLC today announced that on December 2, their VA001 unmanned aircraft system (UAS) completed a non-stop, unrefueled 56-hour flight. The flight was submitted for a world duration record for combustion-powered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the 50-500 kg subclass (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale Class U-1.c Group 1). A representative from the National Aeronautic Association was present to witness the record.

The flight, planned as a 120-hour mission, was ended early due to forecasted severe icing and range restrictions. However, the airplane landed with enough JP-8 fuel on board for an additional 90 hours of flying, or enough for a total of six days of flight.

Pontifications: Embraer, contrary to others, looks to momentum in 2017

2017, a tougher year for European airlines?

Battle Begins For T-X Advanced Pilot Trainer

U.S. Air Force kicks off its $16.3 billion T-X contest as gaps in fighter pilot training grow.

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BMT UAV performs perched landing using machine learning algorithms... - sUAS News

The very first UAV to perform a perched landing using machine learning algorithms has been developed in partnership with the University of Bristol and BMT Defence Services (BMT), a subsidiary of BMT Group Ltd.

The revolutionary development of a fixed wing aircraft that can land in a small or confined space has the potential to significantly impact intelligence-gathering and the delivery of aid in a humanitarian disaster.

Airbus expands counter-UAV product range with new portable jamming system ... - Airforce Technology

Airbus expands counter-UAV product range with new portable ...
Airforce Technology
Airbus DS Electronics and Border Security (EBS) has expanded its Counter-UAV product range with the introduction of a portable jamming system. The system is capable of detecting illicit intrusions of small drones over critical areas and it offers ...
Airbus Adds New Portable Jamming System to Counter-UAV ...ExecutiveBiz (blog)
Airbus DS Electronics and Border Security adds portable jammer to

los 3 artículos informativos »

Drone engine maker to set up facility close to Boeing's InSitu unit - The Seattle Times

The Seattle Times

Drone engine maker to set up facility close to Boeing's InSitu unit
The Seattle Times
Following a $90 million agreement with Boeing's UAV subsidiary InSitu, Australian company Orbital will set up a facility in the Columbia Gorge to make engines for InSitu's ScanEagle UAV. Orbital will initially bring about 15 jobs to the area, with more ...

DARPA discloses endurance record for diesel-powered UAV - IHS Jane's 360

DARPA discloses endurance record for diesel-powered UAV
IHS Jane's 360
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced on 4 January a world-record breaking endurance flight for a diesel-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), with a nearly 56-hour sortie flown by a craft built by Vanilla Aircraft of ...

Why careers in UK Aerospace are booming

We Fly: Tamarack's Active Winglets | Flying Magazine

Tamarack Aerospace is in the final stages of FAA certification for the first commercially viable installation of its Active Technology Load Alleviation System (ATLAS), which allows wingtip extensions with winglets to be installed without increasing the load on the wing. The installation includes Tamarack Active Camber Surfaces (TACS) on the outboard portions of the trailing edges of the wings.