martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

Specialists of TsAGI have performed strength tests of MC-21 wing box

Press Release

In mid-November, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky (an affiliate of Research and Development Centre “Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky”) completed another stage of static tests of a composite load-bearing wing box of MC-21-300 aircraft. The lead designer of the aircraft is Irkut Corporation.

The goal of the tests was to confirm the safety of implementation of aircraft flight tests on the terms of wing strength under impacts of maximum flight loads, defined for design by Irkut Corporation.

As a result of conducted tests, a wing box has withstood the load exceeding one determined by the tests program, without destruction. This is the experimental proof of sufficient strength of wing box under maximum flight loads of MC-21 aircraft with parameters accepted for flight tests.

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