martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

­­Resource Group expands Training Capability with Launch of Training Development Services

Resource Group's Aviation Technical Training Division (LRTT Ltd) has launched a brand new business stream delivering Training Development Services.


As an EASA Part 147 Approved Training Organisation since 2003, Resource Group have a wealth of experience in working in highly regulated environments to deliver compliance and excellence in Technical Training. The organisations' new Training Development System complies with recognised Civil and Military standards and includes Scoping Studies, Training Needs Analysis (TNA), Training Material and Media Design, Delivery and Quality Assurance.


Building on their expanding training services portfolio, ranging from customized eLearning courseware, through to full solution, purpose-built and managed aviation training academies, the addition of bespoke and integrated training development services provides a complete, end to end training solution. The range of services is now ideal for clients who may wish to concentrate on core business and outsource all such activities to a single, highly trusted supplier or for those who only wish to engage on one off projects.


Leveraging their existing training experience and the formation of a dedicated training development team Resource Group will work with clients to identify training requirements and analyse training needs to design, create and deliver custom programs that operate within a compliant governance and management framework.  


Managing Director Ian Fitzpatrick Comments "As an industry embedded training provider we recognise the need for appropriate training, aligned to the required competencies of any particular role. We know firsthand how high quality, targeted and effective training can deliver efficiency gains and reduce costs for our clients whilst ensuring they get the best from their people. I am therefore delighted that we are now able to offer innovative, bespoke training development solutions for training to be deployed through the most appropriate and cost effective media thereby meeting more of our clients' operational needs''


Resource Group's training development solutions encompass initial training, cross training, refresher training, equipment training, changes in legislation, new starter training, complex system and process training.




About Resource Group

Resource Group is a private company with a group wide turnover of EUR 100 Million, employing in excess of 250 employees with over 1100 staff deployed on contracts across the globe. Resource Group offers aviation, aerospace, rail, automotive and defence resourcing solutions supporting OEM's, operators and related support businesses.


Resource Group has five business streams comprising Training Solutions, Aviation and Aerospace Resourcing Solutions, Technical Recruitment Solutions, Symbiotic Performance Solutions and Software Systems and Solutions.
More information about the Training Development Services can be found at


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