lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Lockheed wins $7.2bn F-35 Lightning II Lot 10 production contract [feedly]

Lockheed wins $7.2bn F-35 Lightning II Lot 10 production contract
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $7.2bn contract for the supply of Lot 10 production of F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft.

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USAF researchers test new aeromedical evacuation stretcher for transporting patients [feedly]

USAF researchers test new aeromedical evacuation stretcher for transporting patients
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Researchers at the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) are testing a new aeromedical evacuation stretcher that has been designed to transport traumatic brain and spinal injury patients.

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​Lufthansa pilots to strike again as talks fail to broker deal

Airbus details duty schedule for A350-1000 test fleet

Airbus s flight-test programme for the A350-1000 will stretch to 1,600h, split almost evenly between the three test aircraft.

Boeing confident WTO subsidy ruling will be reversed | Reuters

Airbus calls for global pact on aircraft aid after WTO ruling | Reuters

WTO rules against tax break for Boeing 777X jet | Reuters

Nueva conexión aérea Tel Aviv-Málaga

Nota de prensa de la Junta de Andalucía

  • Fernández anuncia una nueva conexión aérea con Israel que permitirá a Andalucía crecer en este mercado emisor
  • El consejero, que se encuentra de visita en el país, avanza que este enlace conectará Tel Aviv y Málaga dos veces a la semana a partir del 25 de mayo

Andalucía contará a partir del 25 de mayo de 2017 con una nueva conexión área directa con Israel, lo que permitirá al destino crecer en este mercado emisor, anunció el consejero de Turismo y Deporte, Francisco Javier Fernández. Este enlace, que operará la compañía Sun D'dor -perteneciente a la aerolínea de bandera ELAL- conectará dos veces a la semana las ciudades de Tel Aviv y Málaga.

Francisco Javier Fernández, que se encuentra de visita en el país para reforzar la comercialización de la oferta turística de la comunidad, mantuvo un encuentro en Tel Aviv con el directivo de la compañía Michael Strassburger y se congratuló de que, "después de un trabajo de varios meses", la comunidad "recupere esta conexión directa" que "hará que Israel esté más cerca de Andalucía y unirá las dos culturas".

El consejero explicó que el vuelo entre Málaga y Tel Aviv, que se prevé que se mantendrá durante dos años como mínimo, comenzará a operar el próximo 25 de mayo y se prolongará hasta finales de octubre, con la posibilidad de que se puede alargar a finales de diciembre, al tiempo que avanzó que se ha cerrado con la compañía un plan de marketing para 2017 para promocionar la nueva conexión.

Fernández valoró la importancia del mercado israelí para el destino por los "lazos históricos que nos unen" y aseguró que el vuelo representa una "gran oportunidad" porque este emisor es uno de los que está incluido en el proyecto 'Tus raíces en Andalucía", que busca atraer viajeros de regiones o países que mantienen con la comunidad vínculos culturales y familiares, como es el caso de los judíos y sefardíes.

Sun D'Or es la compañía subsidiaria de la aerolínea de bandera ELAL, cuya marca se utiliza normalmente para vuelos de temporada. Es la mayor operadora de chárters de Israel y cuenta con numerosas conexiones en España, con destinos como Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia o Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a las que ahora se sumarán las frecuencias previstas con Andalucía a través del aeropuerto de Málaga.

Encuentros con operadoresEn el marco de esta visita institucional, también se celebraron reuniones con responsables de los principales operadores turísticos del mercado, como Monatours y Ofakim, así como de otras aerolíneas, como Tal Aviation, a quienes se les trasladó la iniciativa 'Tus raíces en Andalucía', que acogieron con gran interés, y con quienes se analizaron posibilidades de colaboración en materia promocional.

Monatours es el operador de mayor crecimiento en el mercado israelí en los últimos años y ocupa en la actualidad el segundo puesto en volumen de ventas del país. La empresa está especializada en todo tipo de de servicios turísticos y su red de agencias es la mayor de Israel, con 33 oficinas pertenecientes a su touroperador, que emplea directamente a más de 300 personas.

Por su parte, TAL Aviation es la actual representante de Air Europa en Israel y tiene experiencia previa en campañas de comarketing con varias regiones españolas; mientras que Ofakim es el primer touroperador israelí en cuanto a cifra de pasajeros y tiene un gran bagaje comercial en destinos nacionales. Este operador posee servicios corporativos, vuelos chárters y todo tipo de viajes.

Margaret Hamilton, Apollo Software Engineer, Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom

Forty-seven years ago, humans first set foot on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission. That success would not have been possible if not for the team of 400,000 people who worked to ensure the success of the mission and the safety of astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. One of those 400,000 people was Margaret Hamilton. On November 22, 2016, President Barack Obama awarded Hamilton the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contribution that led to Apollo 11's successful landing.

Pontifications: A fresh perspective at Boeing Commercial is sorely needed [feedly]

Boeing last week named an outsider, Kevin McAllister, as the chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Aircraft (BCA).

I think this has the potential to be an invigorating move.

McAllister comes to BCA from his position as CEO of GE Aviation Services.

I don't know McAllister and have no opinion whether he will be good, bad or mediocre. But I do like the idea of bringing an outsider in to run BCA. (My insider favorites were Stan Deal and Beverly Wyse.)

Here's why:

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Israeli Government Approves Purchase of 17 more F-35s bringing the total to 50 stealth jets [feedly]

Despite criticism, Israel decided to exercise the option for another 17 aircraft. And there might also be some F-35Bs at the horizon to enable the Israeli Air Force to continue operating from dispersed locations in case of attack. On Nov. 27, the Israeli Ministerial Committee for National Security, headed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu decided […]

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Spaceworthy optical clock promises centimeter-level GPS precision [feedly]

As sailors in the 17th century learned the hard way, having an accurate clock for navigation is pointless if it's too delicate to carry aboard ship and the and the same goes for the super accurate optical clocks being developed for future GPS satellites. Now an optical clock built by a team led by Matthias Lezius of Menlo Systems not only has the potential to one day produce centimeter-level GPS location fixing, but is capable of operating in a zero-gravity environment... Continue Reading Spaceworthy optical clock promises centimeter-level GPS precision 

Cape Air first to fly Tecnam P2012 Traveller

Tecnam announced at a joint production development meeting held with Cape Air, that both companies had now entered into formal aircraft delivery negotiations.

Key members of Cape Air’s leadership team, including Dan Wolf – CEO and Founder, Stan Bernstein – Member, Board of Directors and Jim Goddard – Senior Vice President, Fleet Planning & Acquisitions , visited Tecnam’s Capua, Italy assembly facility, where Dan Wolf was the first non-Tecnam pilot to fly the P2012 Traveller accompanied by Tecnam test pilot, Capt. Lorenzo De Stefano.

“This aircraft is so easy to fly. With the performance numbers we see today we are happy to offer our customers a new generation airplane that will both raise the level of in-flight comfort and safety and lower the costs of operations and fleet maintenance.” said Dan Wolf.

The Tecnam P2012 Traveller first flew on July 21st. Tecnam is aiming for EASA and FAA certification by 2018. Since the maiden flight, another 10 static tests have been performed, and the prototype has accumulated more than 45 flight hours during 60 test flights. Initial flight test results have enabled the Tecnam Design Team to improve the Maximum Take Off Weight to 3.600 kg (7937 lbs). (All data is available on P2012 website)

The Cape Air team was especially impressed by the very short take off and landing roll shown during an exemplary display performed by Capt. De Stefano.

The Tecnam P2012 Traveller is an eleven seat next generation piston engine twin, designed to comply with both FAR part 23 and EASA CS-23. Tecnam have developed an aircraft specifically to ensure its customers benefit from very low operating and maintenance costs in particular.

The Tecnam P2012 Traveller will first see service as a passenger aeroplane but has been designed from the start to be a very versatile and flexible aerial platform, offering many multi-role opportunities including Hydro, VIP, cargo shipping, parachuting and medevac services.

More information on the P2012 Traveller at

Embraer is included in the 2017 Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) of the BM&FBOVESPA

São José dos Campos, Brazil, November 24, 2016​ - The BM&FBOVESPA (São Paulo Stock Exchange) announced today, November 24, the inclusion of Embraer as a member of the 12th portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability Index (Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial – ISE). Along with Embraer, 33 other companies form this new portfolio, which will be in effect from January 2, 2017 to January 5, 2018.According to the BM&FBovespa, the companies listed represent 15 sectors and total R$ 1.31 trillion in market value, or the equivalent of 52.14% of the total value of companies that trade on the Exchange, based on the close of November 22. The BM&FBOVESPA also informed that 179 companies out of the 200 most liquid stocks in January 2016 were invited to take part in the new portfolio.

The ISE is a pioneer in Latin America, created in 2005 by the BM&FBOVESPA in conjunction with other institutions, for the purpose of becoming a tool for the comparative analysis of the performance of companies in terms of corporate sustainability, based on economic efficiency, environmental balance, social justice, and corporate governance.