miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

The astronaut who wants to change how we see the world

Astronaut Ron Garan was profoundly moved by his view of the Earth from space. Now he wants us all to get a similar glimpse of the fragile world he witnessed. The World View manufacturing facility in Tucson, Arizona contains what looks like the world's largest wallpaper-pasting table. At 540ft-lon...


Australia’s hypersonic plane for a new space race

It's been a long time since Australia was a player in space exploration. One man wants to change that – with the help of a plane that travels five times the speed of sound. On 28 October 1971, the bullet-shaped Black Arrow rocket blasted into the clear sky over the desert plain at Woomera in sout...


Stephen Hawking: Why we should embrace fusion power

In an exclusive video for BBC Future, the world's most famous physicist explains how he would like to change our society. How can we build a better world for tomorrow? At the launch of Cambridge University's Big Data Institute, we recently asked the physicist Stephen Hawking to describe the one i...



Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is pioneering military flight safety with the introduction of its Collision Warning System (CWS), an innovative, lifesaving solution designed to warn combat pilots in situations when potential collision with commercial and civilian aircraft is imminent. CWSwas developed by IAI's MALAM Division and will be on display at the I/ITSEC exhibition in Orlando, FL, from November 28- December 2, 2016.

Increasing congestion in civil air space poses a growing challenge to flight safety in general and, specifically for military operations in near proximity to, or within civilian airspace. Extending the collision-warning functions of IAI's EHUD range-independent air-combat maneuvering instrumentation (ACMI), the CWS system can now monitor non-military platforms and warn of the proximity and risk of collision with commercial aircraft. Monitoring is performed through integration of IFF (Interrogation Friend/Foe) and ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast).

The CWS creates an aerial picture and provides a complete air situational picture with warnings visible only to the military pilot - no indications are provided to civilian aircraft. Warnings are provided in three different forms - a voice warning, graphical indication on a tablet panel and via symbols presented on existing cockpit displays (MPD/MFD). The CWS is embedded in existing or new EHUD/ RAIDS/FRP systems, or carried as a stand-alone pod, which requires only a single interface unit, and thus requires only minimal integration into the aircraft.

The system builds the air situational picture based on the reception and interrogation of EHUD, IFF and ADS-B signals. By plotting existing and projected flight paths of all aircraft flying in the area, the system identifies potential collisions and warns the pilot in advance of such events. Among the data processed are the flight characteristics and maneuverability of each fighter jet, which are profoundly different from those of civilian aircraft. Warnings are therefore generated only when a clear and imminent danger exists.
The system is designed for 4th and 5th generation fighter jets, training aircraft, military helicopters and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). It is based on the extensive experience gained by MLM in the development and deployment of many generations of ACMI systems, and high bandwidth, real-time datalinks. The system is currently in evaluation by a few leading air forces.

"The growing congestion of the airspace and lack of integration between military and civil air spaces requires new, independent solutions to prevent collisions. Such systems will improve flight safety without compromising operational freedom," said Jacob Galifat, General Manager of the IAI/MALAM Division. "The CWS we are introducing today combines the independence, operational freedom, ease of integration and affordability which are so important for the military operator, enabling military pilots to fly safely without risk to civilian or military aircraft nearby, in both training and operational flights."
Israel Aerospace Industries:IAI Ltd. is Israel's largest aerospace and defense company and a globally recognized technology and innovation leader, specializing in developing and manufacturing advanced, state-of-the-art systems for air, space, sea, land, cyber and homeland security. Since 1953, the company has provided advanced technology solutions to government and commercial customers worldwide including: satellites, missiles, weapon systems and munitions, unmanned and robotic systems, radars, C4ISR and more. IAI also designs and manufactures business jets and aerostructures, performs overhaul and maintenance on commercial aircraft and converts passenger aircraft to refueling and cargo configurations.

NASA's first-ever global water survey to be launched by a SpaceX rocket [feedly]

NASA's Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission will be the first-ever global survey of the Earth's surface water. The space agency has just announced that the satellite it will use to carry out the measurements will be hitching a ride on SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, set to launch in April 2021.

.. Continue Reading NASA's first-ever global water survey to be launched by a SpaceX rocket 


CT Ingenieros, Titania y Eurecat inician un proyecto de I+D para aumentar y optimizar la fabricación de materiales compuestos

CT Ingenieros, Titania y Eurecat inician un proyecto de I+D para aumentar y optimizar la fabricación de materiales compuestos

·       La pultrusión es una técnica que permite fabricar en forma continua fibra de carbono o de vidrio

·       El proyecto Pultrubeam tendrá aplicabilidad en el sector aeronáutico, ferroviario y automovilístico

Sevilla|Madrid, 22 de noviembre. CT Ingenieros, Titania y el centro tecnológico Eurecat trabajan en un proyecto de I+D sobre pultrusión de materiales compuestos. El proyecto, denominado Pultrubeam, pretende mejorar la tecnología de pultrusión para la fabricación en forma continua y fuera de autoclave. "Esto permitirá conseguir una óptima cadena de producción para fabricar piezas de material compuesto (fibra de carbono o fibra de vidrio) disminuyendo el coste drásticamente", explica Rubén Piornedo, responsable del área de I+D de CT Ingenieros en Madrid. La pultrusión es una técnica de fabricación en proceso continuo de materiales compuestos con sección constante.

Reducir los procesos en autoclave supone dar un giro de 180º en este tipo de procesos. Se trata, por tanto, de incrementar la automatización, reduciendo los pasos intermedios y el coste asociado. Este proyecto pretende aumentar el uso de materiales compuestos (fibra de carbono o fibra de vidrio) en estructuras aeronáuticas, ferroviarias y automovilísticas (en este caso, especialmente en los vehículos eléctricos).

Durante los tres años de duración del proyecto (2016-2018) CT Ingenieros aporta todo su conocimiento en diseño de estructuras aeronáuticas, definición y control de procesos de fabricación y diseño durante el proceso de pultrusión; mientras que Titania se encargará, por una parte, de la integración en el autoclave de su centro de I+D de fabricación de composites de los elementos fabricados por pultrusión en el demostrador fabricado con material preimpregnado, y por otra, de la caracterización del proceso y de los materiales utilizados. Eurecat (miembro de TECNIO) aporta tecnología punta y el conocimiento investigador en materiales compuestos. El proyecto se realizará en Andalucía.

La Secretaría General del CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) ha valorado la calidad científica y tecnológica del proyecto Pultrubeam y lo ha dotado con ayuda económica de la convocatoria del año 2016 del programa de la Unión Europea FEDER Innterconecta.

Acerca de CT Ingenieros

CT Ingenieros proporciona servicios de ingeniería en el sector aeronáutico, naval, automovilístico, ferroviario, energético, de plantas industriales, arquitectura y construcción. En ellos se cubre todo el ciclo de vida de los productos, desde su concepción y diseño, la ingeniería de fabricación hasta su soporte post venta. CT Ingenieros forma parte del grupo internacional The CT Engineering Group, con 1.500 empleados y oficinas en España, Francia, Alemania, Portugal, Reino Unido, India y Brasil. CT Ingenieros forma parte del programa empresarial Cre100do.

Acerca de Titania

Titania es una empresa dedicada a la realización de ensayos, estudios y proyectos de investigación para la industria. Sus servicios abarcan el control de calidad de los diferentes procesos utilizados en construcción aeronáutica, y está especializada en caracterizar la práctica totalidad de materiales que forman parte de un avión. Cuenta con unas instalaciones de 1.500 m2 de laboratorios desde los que trabaja para más de 100 clientes en todo el mundo.

Acerca de Eurecat

Eurecat, Centro Tecnológico de Cataluña (miembro de Tecnio), aglutina la experiencia de más de 550 profesionales que generan un volumen de ingresos de 45 millones de euros anuales y presta servicio a más de 1.000 empresas. I+D aplicado, servicios tecnológicos, formación de alta especialización, consultoría tecnológica y eventos profesionales son algunos de los servicios que Eurecat ofrece tanto para grandes como para pequeñas y medianas empresas de todos los sectores.

Nokia and UAE's GCAA to support commercial use of unmanned aerial systems - Airport Technology [feedly]

Gulf Business News

Nokia and UAE's GCAA to support commercial use of unmanned aerial systems
Airport Technology
Nokia and the UAE's General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) have collaborated to develop a new ecosystem to support regular commercial use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in the country. With the new UAS ecosystem, the UAE will allow businesses ...
Nokia, UAE Aviation Authority to collaborate on drone management systemGulf Business News
War on drones: UAE-Nokia partnership to stop airport closuresAMEinfo
Nokia collaborates with UAE General Civil Aviation AuthorityVoice & Data Online

los 4 artículos informativos »

Germany eyes future spending of one billion euros on new tanker fleet - Reuters [feedly]


Germany eyes future spending of one billion euros on new tanker fleet
BERLIN The German military could spend up to 1 billion euros in coming years for use of new Airbus (AIR.PAA330 MRTT tanker planes to be bought as part of a new European multinational fleet, according to a German budget document. In a project ...

y más »

Make in India sees first unmanned UAV - Ahmedabad Mirror - Ahmedabad Mirror [feedly]

Ahmedabad Mirror

Make in India sees first unmanned UAV - Ahmedabad Mirror
Ahmedabad Mirror
India has taken its first step into the domain of indigenously developed active drones (unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs) for the defence forces. The Defence ...
drdo scientists develop surveillance uav for armed forcesThe Indian Panorama
New Drone Will Be Used For Surveillance And Not Combat, Says ...Swarajya

los 5 artículos informativos »

UK Will Pay $1 Billion To Bolster Reaper UAV Fleet - Aviation International News [feedly]

Aviation International News

UK Will Pay $1 Billion To Bolster Reaper UAV Fleet
Aviation International News
The cost to the UK of buying a new fleet of armed Reaper UAVs from General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems Inc. (GA-ASI) appears to have increased from earlier estimates. As notified to the U.S. Congress last week, the sale is worth an estimated $1 ...

La réorganisation d’Airbus va entraîner des centaines de suppressions de postes

L’intégration d’Airbus dans Airbus Group va faire disparaître plusieurs centaines de postes dans les fonctions support. La CFTC table sur 780 suppressions, FO sur plus de 1.000.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/air-defense/0211520408473-la-fusion-dairbus-et-airbus-group-va-entrainer-des-centaines-de-suppressions-de-postes-2044818.php?eoZMH0w2H9QlF5eU.99

A350-1000 carries out high-speed take-off abort test [feedly]

Report: Global Drone Payload Market To Exceed $7 Billion By 2022 [feedly]

Cameras and Sensors Expected To Generate The Largest Market Share A new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, "World Drone Payload Market by Type, End user, and Geography - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2014 - 2022," projects that the world drone payload market is expected to garner in excess of $7 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 5.5% from 2016 to 2022.

Newly spotted ice field buried on Mars could provide water to future colonists [feedly]

In the mid-northern latitudes on Mars, a large flat area exists called Utopia Planitia, which roughly translates as "plains of paradise." Unlike the lush areas we might consider paradisiacal here on Earth, this region of Mars consists of cracked and pitted red dirt – more a desert than a delight. Thanks to a new discovery though, the area could one day be a paradise indeed for astronauts landing on the planet, as all that barren regolith hides a frozen lake beneath that holds as much water as Lake Superior, the largest of North America's Great Lakes.

.. Continue Reading Newly spotted ice field buried on Mars could provide water to future colonists 

The ill-fated Beagle 2 may have landed on Mars after all

Good dog Long before October's ExoMars lander failure, the Beagle 2 was Europe's first attempt to land on Mars. On Christmas Day in 2003, the Beagle 2 lander separated from the Mars Express orbiter, headed for Mars' dusty red surface, and was never heard from again. Scientists initially thought t...


How the internet is changing the way we fight wars

The future of warfare Technology is really a marvel. So often, as new advances come out that allow us to do things that were thought impossible in the past, we hear the phrase "The future is now." Popular Science and XPRIZE are teaming up to explore and explain technologies like these in a video ...


Accident Involving Facebook Experimental Drone Under Investigation

Accident Involving Facebook Experimental Drone Under Investigation

No one was hurt in the incident, which came during the unmanned aircraft’s first test flight on June 28. The high-altitude drone, which has a wingspan wider than a Boeing Co. 737 and is powered by four electric engines, suffered a “structural failure” as it was coming in for a landing, according to a previously undisclosed investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.

After Accident, Facebook UAV Ready To Fly Again
Facebook it preparing to fly its Aquila stratospheric unmanned aircraft for a second time as the NTSB investigates the structural failure that occurred when the aircraft encountered turbulence just before landing on its June 28 first ... 

Ukrainian company unveils new high-speed helicopter at Iran Air Show

Ukrainian company Softex-Aero has unveiled its next-generation VV-2 high-speed helicopter at the Iran Air Show , held in Kish Island in the Persian Gulf from 16-19 November.

The VV-2 is a high-speed, single-engine, two seat (tandem) helicopter. It is designed for either piloted or unmanned flight. VV-2 is equipped with modern navigation instrumentation, including autopilot. This fact allows to access necessary information in any time.

related: first flight video