jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

CT Ingenieros participa en la Feria Internacional Aeroespacial de Japón

  • CT Ingenieros introduce sus servicios de ingeniería en el creciente mercado aeroespacial japonés
  • Más de 600 empresas acuden a esta feria aeronáutica donde CT Ingenieros es la única empresa española con stand propio

Madrid, 11 de octubre. CT Ingenieros acude como exhibidor a la Feria Internacional Aeroespacial de Japón que se celebra en Tokio del 12 al 15 de octubre. CT Ingenieros introduce sus servicios de ingeniería en el mercado aeronáutico nipón, en auge y cada vez más activo.

Durante la feria CT Ingenieros mantendrá más de cuarenta reuniones con importantes empresas aeronáuticas, participará en una conferencia monográfica sobre materiales compuestos en la ciudad nipona de Gifu y acudirá a la recepción de la embajada española en Tokio.

Esta feria aeronáutica, una de las más importantes en el mercado asiático, reúne a más de 600 grandes empresas aeronáuticas y ofrece la oportunidad de entrar en contacto con muchas de las empresas que trabajan en Nagoya, la ‘ciudad aeroespacial’ por excelencia de Japón. De hecho, Japón está empezando a fabricar sus propios aviones, como el MRJ (Mitsubishi Regional Jet), el primer avión de pasajeros fabricado en Japón en los últimos 50 años.

Acerca de CT IngenierosEmpresa que proporciona servicios de ingeniería en el sector aeronáutico, naval, automovilístico, ferroviario, energético, y arquitectura y construcción. En ellos se cubre todo el ciclo de vida de los productos, desde su concepción y diseño, la ingeniería de fabricación hasta su soporte post venta. CT Ingenieros forma parte del grupo internacional The CT Engineering Group, con 1.500 empleados y oficinas en España, Francia, Alemania, Portugal, Reino Unido, India y Brasil.

Nota de prensa: Iberia e Iberia Express, las segundas aerolíneas más puntuales del mundo

Iberia e Iberia Express, las segundas aerolíneas más puntuales del mundo

  • Según Flightstats, ambas compañías se situaron en septiembre de 2016 como las segundas más puntuales entre las líneas aéreas de red internacionales y de bajo coste, respectivamente.
  • El 90,34 por ciento de los vuelos de Iberia llegaron en hora, mientras que Iberia Express tuvo una puntualidad de 92,83 por ciento.
  • En 2015, Iberia fue la compañía más puntual de Europa y la segunda del mundo, al mismo tiempo que Iberia Express fue, por segundo año consecutivo, la compañía "low cost" más puntual del mundo.

 Madrid, 7 de octubre de 2016

Iberia e Iberia Express han sido en el mes de septiembre las compañías más puntuales del mundo en sus respectivas categorías según Flightstats, consultora líder en información de vuelos, servicios y aplicaciones de la industria de los viajes.

Con 17.147 vuelos operados, Iberia alcanzó una puntualidad del 90,34 por ciento, convirtiéndose en la segunda línea aérea de red internacional más puntual del mundo. El 92,83 por ciento de los 2.947 vuelos de Iberia Express, la compañía de bajo coste del Grupo Iberia, llegaron en hora, lo que la sitúa como la segunda más puntual entre las "low cost".

El Grupo Iberia vuelve a liderar el ranking de puntualidad de la consultora estadounidense Flightstats, proveedor de datos globales de vuelos y aeropuertos a las aplicaciones de viajes más utilizadas del mundo. En 2015, Iberia fue la compañía más puntual de Europa y la segunda del mundo. Por su parte, Iberia Express fue, por segundo año consecutivo, la línea aérea de bajo coste más puntual del mundo.

La puntualidad es uno de los valores más apreciados por los usuarios del transporte aéreo. El Grupo Iberia ha implantado una serie de iniciativas, que van desde cambios en el programa de vuelos hasta la revisión de todos los procesos previos al despegue que le han permitido situarse entre las compañías más puntuales del mundo. Esto es también muestra del compromiso de todos los empleados del grupo para convertirlo en líder tanto por la calidad de su producto, como por su puntualidad y servicio al cliente.

Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la compañía líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica, vuela a 125 destinos en 51 países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día con una flota de cerca de 135 aviones. En 2015, Iberia ha sido la compañía aérea más puntual de Europa y la segunda del mundo, mientras que Iberia Express se ha situado, por segundo año consecutivo, como la "low cost" más puntual, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, reconocido como el Mejor Aeropuerto del Sur de Europa en los World Airport Awards 2015 de Skytrax. Es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.

Sobre Iberia Express: Iberia Express, filial de Iberia, opera rutas de corto y medio radio y aporta tráfico directo, además de alimentar la red de largo radio de Iberia. Es miembro de oneworld, una alianza de quince compañías aéreas que ofrece a sus pasajeros 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos de 150 países. En 2015, Iberia Express ha sido la aerolínea lowcost más puntual del mundo por segundo año consecutivo, según los informes de la consultora FlightStats.


Airbus Helicopters CEO, Guillaume Faury, open letter to Polish Prime Minister

Open letter to the Polish Prime Minister
Warsaw, Poland, 11 October 2016 – In light of recent statements regarding the status of the multirole helicopter tender in Poland, Airbus Helicopters feels the need to refute a number of misleading allegations reported in the media. It is our belief that Polish citizens and the Polish armed forces deserve full transparency on the tender process in which Airbus Helicopters and Airbus Group have been fully committed over the last four years.
The decision to break the offset negotiation process was made unilaterally by the Polish Ministry of Development on October 4th. The Ministry stated that this decision was made because Airbus Helicopters' offset proposal allegedly did not meet the essential security interests of Poland.
In April 2015, Poland selected Airbus Helicopters' offer for the modernization of its multirole helicopter fleet. This proposal encompassed both the deliveries of H225M Caracal helicopters and the associated offset offer (industrial activity in Poland). Airbus Helicopters was chosen as the sole offer fully compliant with the demanding Ministry of Defence requirements, including the transfer of high-level technology deemed essential to guarantee the essential security of interests in Poland.
Airbus Helicopters strongly refutes some allegations reported in media that it has carried out this negotiation process in bad faith. On September 30th, four days before the Ministry of Development's decision, Airbus Helicopters accepted to extend the validity of its offer at the request of the Ministry of Defence until November 30th. In spite of a slow negotiation process initiated with the Ministry of Development in September 2015, Airbus Helicopters has remained fully committed to finding an agreement with Poland:
·         Our offset offer would have generated more value in Poland than the revenues that would have been generated for Airbus Helicopters through the helicopter supply contract.
·         Out of a global Airbus Group ambition to create 6000 jobs in Poland, the Airbus Helicopters project would have led to the creation of 3800 jobs, including 1250 direct employments mainly in Lodz, Radom and Deblin.
·         In a letter dated October 3rd, Airbus Helicopters proposed new concessions in order to reach the agreement, in the best interest of both parties.
Airbus Helicopters deeply regrets this decision and would like to provide full clarity about the content of its offset proposal.
Offset value
·         Airbus Helicopters confirms that it offered offset contract above the net value of the supply contract for 50 Caracals, which was evaluated at PLN 10,8 Bn. This would have been the real cost for Poland, and the real turnover for Airbus Helicopters.
·         The Ministry of Development required Airbus Helicopters not only to compensate this value through offset, but also to compensate an additional 23% corresponding to Polish VAT, to stay in Poland, leading to a total offset value of PLN 13,4 Bn.
·         Although compensation of a value added tax through offset is not standard practice, Airbus Helicopters agreed to compensate this gross value.
Preserving the essential security interests of the Polish State
·         Airbus Helicopters' offer included among others 45 transfers of technologies answering to requirements specified by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Development in the tender as serving the essential strategic security interests of the Polish State.
·         Our offset offer would have provided Poland with at least 30 years of activity for state-owned Polish companies through multiple industrial projects preserving Poland's essential security interests, such as:
o   State-owned helicopter manufacturing facilities for Poland and the export market.
o   Full helicopter maintenance, repair and overhaul capabilities.
o   Transfer of source codes, licences, together with granted rights to modernize helicopters and their systems.
·         Our offset offer included the direct involvement of 28 major international aerospace companies transferring their technology and know-how to the Polish industry.
·         Our offset offer would have transformed WZL1 company, a state-owned company belonging to Polish Defence Group PGZ and currently in charge of maintaining old-generation Russian helicopters, into a world-class helicopter industrial centre with capabilities ranging from full assembly line, systems production, maintenance, overhaul and modernization capabilities, serving the needs of both Poland and the international market.
Full Assembly Line in WZL1
·         In its offer, Airbus Helicopters agreed to establish the first state-owned helicopter plant in Poland with WZL1 company, and in which Poland would have had a 90% stake.
·         Airbus Helicopters offered a full H225M Caracal assembly line mirroring the capabilities of the existing French facility. This would have allowed the production of helicopters both for the domestic and the export markets, as well as a growth potential to produce other helicopter types in the future. Our offer included a firm commitment to deliver helicopters from WZL1 to the export market. It is therefore misleading to compare this project to a mere "painting shop".
·         As part of our offer, a minimum of 50 H225 helicopters would have been fully produced in Poland. Taking into account the time needed to transfer technology in country, and in order to comply with the urgent operational requirements of the Polish armed forces, an initial batch of helicopters would have been assembled in France, by Polish workers from WZL1. This would have ensured the proper transfer of skills, know-how and technology to Poland.
New projects requested by the Ministry of Development
·         Airbus Helicopters has presented Poland with a global offer preserving the security interests of the country, in line with offset regulations.
·         Independently from the Caracal Full Assembly Line that would have been established in Lodz, Airbus Helicopters offered Poland the creation of an additional and new production plant dedicated to the manufacturing of rotor and transmission complex parts for the full range of existing and future Airbus Helicopters products. The initial investment represented 370 Million PLN. Over 10 years, this project would have generated a turnover of 1.7 billion PLN and more than 200 Million PLN per year beyond this period. This outstanding project was rejected from the offset proposal by the Ministry of Development.
·         In August 2016, new requirements were introduced by the Ministry of Development. Airbus Helicopters acknowledged that it was impossible to include some of these new projects in particular as they were not compliant with EU regulations governing the tender.
Many statements have been made regarding the ability of other competitors to better serve the interests of Poland. Airbus Helicopters would like to make the following comments on the matter:
·         There is no Polish state-owned helicopter manufacturer in Poland. All established facilities are fully-owned by their foreign parent companies and are the result of a different industrial approach. PZL Swidnik is a Leonardo company, while PZL Mielec is a Sikorsky / Lockheed Martin company. Airbus Helicopters would have been the first and only helicopter company to meet Poland's ambitions to develop a state-owned rotorcraft manufacturing capability.
·         All competitors in the tender went through the same demanding nearly three-years process: request for information, sessions of technical dialogue and request for proposal. The two other competitors did not submit compliant offers.
·         Despite all the communication done by Sikorsky / Lockheed Martin and Leonardo since the selection of the Caracal, Airbus Helicopters remains the only company having made the effort to fully comply with the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Development requirements in its offer.
·         The offer from Airbus Helicopters was the only one bringing additional employment, high-end technologies, while truly supporting the development of the state-owned Polish industry and securing a significant growth potential for future activities within the next decades.
Airbus Helicopters stands ready to provide all the supporting information deemed necessary to clear any doubts or misinterpretations about the content of its proposal.
Guillaume Faury, Airbus Helicopters CEO

Airbus Helicopters launches flight-test campaign of H175 in public services configuration

  • New variant opens the H175 mission set to operations such as search and rescue, emergency medical services, law Enforcement, firefighting and border security.
  • Entry into service with launch customer Hong Kong Government Flying Service (GFS), planned for end of 2017.

Airbus Helicopters has kicked-off the flight test campaign of the public services variant of the H175 medium twin-engine helicopter. An initial flight-test campaign was successfully concluded last week after 12 flights. This included a demonstration carried out last week with customer Hong Kong's Government Flying Service (GFS), who became launch customer for this new variant in September 2015 with an order for seven units.

Flight-test activity of the public services variant will resume in December, with two additional aircraft to support the certification process ahead of a planned entry into service in late 2017.

"I am extremely happy for this unique opportunity to fly the H175 in public services configuration" said Captain Michael Chan, Controller Head of GFS. "The aircraft offers excellent hovering capabilities and high power margin that make it the ideal helicopter to carry out SAR missions over land or sea. I am particularly impressed by the Human Machine Interface, which significantly enhances flight safety and reduces pilot workload. The H175 has met my expectations in every way and I can't wait to receive the final product to start operations" he added.

One of the benefits of the public services variant is its inherent swing-role capabilities, enabling speedy and seamless re-configuration based on mission requirements. The wide range of missions that can be performed include SAR operations, emergency medical services, firefighting, law enforcement and land/maritime border security patrols.

"I want to thank GFS - a world reference for SAR missions- for their collaboration and constant support in the development of the public services configuration", said Marc Allongue, Head of the H175 programme. "I am proud of the teams who worked hard to reach this milestone on time. This initial flight-test campaign has demonstrated that the H175 retains its excellent handling characteristics, cabin comfort, smooth ride and low noise levels while dramatically enlarging its mission capabilities".

GFS' H175s will have a built-in electro-optical system for observation and tracking, along with an enhanced digital map display, both managed from an operator's console in the cabin. Other mission equipment include dual hoists, loudspeakers and a steerable searchlight. The H175's highly capable autopilot will incorporate additional advanced modes to further decrease pilot workload during complicated SAR operations.

Airbus Helicopters has also certified the Automatic Pilot SAR modes for the H175 Oil &Gas configuration, enabling O&G customers to also perform certain SAR missions with their helicopter.

​JAPAN AEROSPACE: Bell, Fuji engineers busy with UH-X specifications [feedly]

​JAPAN AEROSPACE: Bell, Fuji engineers busy with UH-X specifications

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Boeing Opens First St. Louis Commercial Airplanes Facility [feedly]

Boeing Opens First St. Louis Commercial Airplanes Facility

Company invests more than $300 million to bring enhanced composite production to St. Louis region

Russia certifies Embraer E170, E175 aircraft - ATWOnline [feedly]


Russia certifies Embraer E170, E175 aircraft
"This certification opens new opportunities for the two aircraft types, which have attained significant success in other regions of the world,"Embraer Commercial Aviation president & CEO John Slattery said. "Today, we see in Russia more than 400 ...

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​INSIGHT FROM FLIGHTGLOBAL: Ascend widebody fleet forecast [feedly]

INSIGHT FROM FLIGHTGLOBAL: Ascend widebody fleet forecast

Chris Seymour, head of market analysis at Flight Ascend Consultancy, examines the drivers of future twin-aisle demand

Intel Puts Its Brand on the Upcoming Falcon 8+ UAV - Studio Daily [feedly]

Studio Daily

Intel Puts Its Brand on the Upcoming Falcon 8+ UAV
Studio Daily
At the 2016 InterGeo conference in Hamburg, Intel has announced the first Intel-branded commercial drone, the Falcon 8+ V-form octocopter. The Falcon 8+ is an integrated system including the UAV, the Intel Cockpit controller, and the Intel Powerpack ...
Intel Falcon 8+ UAV takes to North American skiesThe Tech Report, LLC
Intel targets commercial market with company-branded Falcon 8+ ...PCWorld
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UAV Show à Mérignac: la filière des drones est prête à décoller - Sud Ouest [feedly]

Sud Ouest
UAV Show à Mérignac: la filière des drones est prête à décoller
Sud Ouest
Il suffit de rester quelques minutes au salon UAV Show, qui se tient jusqu'à aujourd'hui au Pin Galant à Mérignac, pour mesurer l'effervescence de la filière des drones professionnels. Une filière qui compte déjà plus d'une centaine d'applications ...
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The evolving European legacy carrier [feedly]

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has fought its way back from a near-death experience in 2012, readjusting to the growing low cost carrier environment in Europe.

After nearly being bought by Lufthansa in 2008 the airline has had to slug it out themselves, gradually fighting its way back to sustained profitability.
  • The mainline problem, the cost level
  • Travel patterns
  • Premium economy
  • The future for an ex-national carrier

Next-gen Space Stations Likely To Be Smaller, Single-use [feedly]

Based on lessons learned from operations of the International Space Station (ISS), the next-generation of space station is likely to be smaller, designed for a single purpose and possibly just crew-tended, NASA says.

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As Brazil Matures KC-390, Other Nations Select Developed Tankers [feedly]

Russia is upgrading tanker fleets with modernized Il-76 and Il-96 platforms.

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INSIGHT FROM FLIGHTGLOBAL: How big is the MRO opportunity in Europe for 787 and A350?

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Italian Air Force conducts refuelling trials with KC-767A tanker [feedly]

Italian Air Force conducts refuelling trials with KC-767A tanker

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First Operator airBaltic Ramps Up For CS300 Aircraft Entry-Into-Service [feedly]

First Operator airBaltic Ramps Up For CS300 Aircraft Entry-Into-Service

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Anger as Airbus workers get dressing down for not dressing up

An internal row has broken out after Airbus (AIR.PA) managers at a plant in Britain berated staff for dressing casually and spending too much time in the canteen, fuelling tensions just as the aerospace group embarks on a new reorganisation.

Workers at Filton, southwest England, were angered when they received a memo accusing some staff of slacking and setting out recent sartorial offences including the wearing of "outlandish t-shirts", shorts, football shirts and flip-flops.

Fire spreads across Aer Lingus passenger jet after ground equipment bursts into flame at Orlando airport leaving 200 passengers stranded

This is the moment an Aer Lingus passenger jet became engulfed in flames after a piece of ground equipment caught alight while it was refuelling at a Florida airport.

Two baggage handlers were seriously injured in the fire and 193 passengers were left stranded after a large section of the plane burst into flames last week.

Dramatic photographs now released show fire engulfing the mid-section of the Airbus A330-200 as it prepared for take-off at Orlando International Airport.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3834852/Fire-spreads-Aer-Lingus-passenger-jet-ground-equipment-bursts-flame-Orlando-airport-leaving-200-passengers-stranded.html#ixzz4MziuWM5p
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