jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Exposición "Los orígenes del control aéreo" [Guadalajara, España]

  • Título: Exposición "Los orígenes del control aéreo" 
  • Cuándo: 30.09.2016 - 05.11.2016
  • Dónde: Palacio del Infantado - Guadalajara

El viernes 30 de septiembre, a las 12:00 h, se inaugura la exposición "Los orígenes del control aéreo. Los ingenieros militares pioneros de la aeronáutica española". Será en el Museo de Guadalajara (Palacio del Infantado. Plaza de los Caídos, s/n. Guadalajara).

La muestra podrá visitarse hasta el 5 de noviembre, en el siguiente horario: de martes a viernes, de 10:00 a 14:00 h y de 16:00 a 19:00 h. Sábados, domingos y festivos: de 10:00 a 14:00 h.

Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

DARPA's 'Aerial Dragnet' Will Monitor Drones in Cities - Live Science [feedly]

Live Science

DARPA's 'Aerial Dragnet' Will Monitor Drones in Cities
Live Science
While air traffic control systems track, guide and monitor thousands of planes and helicopters every day, one group of sky flyers remains unmonitored: drones. In recent years, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as commercial quadcopters and ...

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Sukhoi T-50 jet cannon test-fired in Russia - UPI.com [feedly]


Sukhoi T-50 jet cannon test-fired in Russia
MOSCOW, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- Russia's United Aircraft Corporation has posted video of a test firing of the cannon for the fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 fighter jet. The video was posted late last week on the company's YouTube channel. It shows the NNPU-50 ...

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ANALYSIS: A second chance for A380s? [feedly]

ANALYSIS: A second chance for A380s?

The news that Singapore Airlines will not extend the lease for its first Airbus A380 was not a shock to the finance community.

Newcomers, Established Players Share NASA X-plane Funding [feedly]

NASA looks beyond established transport aircraft makers as it seeks ideas for ultra-efficient X-planes
As NASA widens its search for ultra-efficient X-plane demonstrators, little-known design house Dzyne Technologies unveils its proposal for a blended wing-body business jet and small airliner.

read morehttp://aviationweek.com/new-civil-aircraft/newcomers-established-players-share-nasa-x-plane-funding

FAA To Get Results Of Initial Small-UAS Collision Severity Studies [feedly]

FAA To Get Results Of Initial Small-UAS Collision Severity Studies

U.S. researchers are flinging small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their components at aircraft structures in a speedy effort to provide data on collision risks to help the FAA with future rulemaking.

Opinion: Why Low Oil Prices Are Bad For Business Aircraft [feedly]

Why business aircraft and civil rotorcraft face a cloudy future
Business jet demand was once linked to a wide array of economic indicators, especially equities markets and corporate profits. Since 2008, these links have broken down.

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Piaggio preparing milestone Avanti Evo for delivery [feedly]

Piaggio preparing milestone Avanti Evo for delivery

Piaggio Aerospace is preparing to deliver in early October the very first Avanti Evo to roll off the new production line at its Villanova D Albenga headquarters.

Venturi resets electric vehicle world speed record at 341 mph [feedly]

For years now, the electric vehicle world speed record race has been a competition of one. But that hasn't deterred Venturi and its partners at Ohio State University from pushing the bar continuously higher. Still, things have remained steady for over half a decade since the Venturi Buckeye Bullet 2.5 electric streamliner set a 307.7-mph (495 km/h) record back in 2010. That changed on Monday, when the VBB-3 sped to a new electric vehicle record just over 341 mph (549 km/h) and reached a top speed of 358 mph (576 km/h).

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