miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

Why Argentina Was Chosen For Record-Breaking Perlan II Attempts [feedly]

Why Argentina Was Chosen For Record-Breaking Perlan II Attempts
// Things With Wings

The Airbus Group's Perlan II glider is attempting to break the world record of wing-borne altitude this summer, aiming to reach 90,000 ft. Choosing the right place is essential to the success of the flight, so why did the team choose Argentina?

Things With Wings

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K-MAX Is Back [feedly]

K-MAX Is Back
// Things With Wings

After a 12 year hiatus the K-MAX is back in production.

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The Man Who Ruined the Soviet Warplane Industry [feedly]

The Man Who Ruined the Soviet Warplane Industry
// War Is Boring - Medium

Meet Adolf Georgievich Tolkachev

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Spanish Air Force's first A400M conducts maiden flight [feedly]

Spanish Air Force's first A400M conducts maiden flight
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

The Spanish Air Force's first A400M four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft has successfully completed its maiden flight.

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Drone USA Expects Commercial Drone Market To Increase [feedly]

Drone USA Expects Commercial Drone Market To Increase
// Aero-News Network

Says Part 107 Aligns With Its Business Model And Growth Projections Drone USA has announced that Small UAS Rule, a new regulation that was passed by the FAA governing the operation of drones, or unmanned aerial systems (UAS), in United States airspace, is aligned with Drone USA's business model and growth projections for the commercial drone segment of the Company.

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[Photos]MiG-29K flights from the “Admiral Kuznetsov” [feedly]

MiG-29K flights from the "Admiral Kuznetsov"
// English Russia

Photos of flights of regular MiG-29KR / KUBR from the recently reconstituted 100th separate naval fighter air regiment (SNFAR) of Naval aviation of the Northern Fleet from the deck of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet … Read more...

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SpaceX Explosion May Help Boeing - 24/7 Wall St.


L'avion de ligne chinois C919 pourrait voler fin 2016 - L'Usine Nouvelle


China's much-delayed C919 jet may make maiden flight by end 2016 - The Indian Express


'Second-phase' engine for Sukhoi T-50 nears completion - IHS Jane's 360


Bombardier slashes CSeries ramp-up on engine delay


ANALYSIS: Swarming UAVs set to disrupt battlespace and marketplace


Airlander developer HAV plans rapid return to flight


Airbus and Local Motors push forward with crowdsourcing project on cargo drones - GeekWire


British military plans deadly 'drone SWARMS' to overwhelm enemies with missile and laser strikes - Mirror.co.uk


India’s Light Utility Helicopter Takes Flight

Boeing: Blended Wing Body Back to the Tunnel
