miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

NASA Selects Six Companies to Develop Habitat Prototypes, Concepts | NASA


NASA has selected six U.S. companies to help advance the Journey to Mars by developing ground prototypes and concepts for deep space habitats.

Through the public-private partnerships enabled by the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships-2 (NextSTEP-2) Broad Agency Announcement, Appendix A, NASA and industry partners will expand commercial development of space in low-Earth orbit while also improving deep space exploration capabilities to support more extensive human spaceflight missions.

The selected companies are:

    Bigelow Aerospace of Las Vegas
    Boeing of Pasadena, Texas
    Lockheed Martin of Denver
    Orbital ATK of Dulles, Virginia
    Sierra Nevada Corporation's Space Systems of Louisville, Colorado
    NanoRacks of Webster, Texas

Habitation systems provide a safe place for humans to live as we move beyond Earth on our Journey to Mars.

"NASA is on an ambitious expansion of human spaceflight, including the Journey to Mars, and we're utilizing the innovation, skill and knowledge of both the government and private sectors," said Jason Crusan, director of NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems. "The next human exploration capabilities needed beyond the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion capsule are deep space, long duration habitation and in-space propulsion. We are now adding focus and specifics on the deep space habitats where humans will live and work independently for months or years at a time, without cargo supply deliveries from Earth."

The six partners will have up to approximately 24 months to develop ground prototypes and/or conduct concept studies for deep space habitats. The contract award amounts are dependent on contract negotiations, and NASA has estimated the combined total of all the awards, covering work in 2016 and 2017, will be approximately $65 million, with additional efforts and funding continuing into 2018. Selected partners are required to contribute at least 30 percent of the cost of the overall proposed effort.

The ground prototypes will be used for three primary purposes: supporting integrated systems testing, human factors and operations testing, and to help define overall system functionality. These are important activities as they help define the design standards, common interfaces, and requirements while reducing risks for the final flight systems that will come after this phase.

NASA made the first NextSTEP selections in 2015, which include deep space habitation concept studies that also advance low-Earth orbit commercial capabilities. Four companies were selected under that solicitation: Bigelow Aerospace LLC, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Orbital ATK.

This round of NextSTEP selections are part of a phased approach that will catalyze commercial investment in low-Earth orbit and lead to an operational deep space habitation capability for missions in the area of space near the moon, which will serve as the proving ground for Mars during the 2020s. These missions will demonstrate human, robotic and spacecraft operations in a true deep space environment that's still relatively close to Earth and validate technologies for the longer journey to Mars.

The activities of these NextSTEP awards will inform the acquisition and deployment approach for the next phase of flight systems for deep space including important aspects, such as standards and interfaces, module configurations, and options for deployment using SLS and Orion and commercial vehicles. In addition to U.S. industry, NASA is in discussions on collaborative opportunities with our international partners to enable fully operational deep space habitation capability.

NextSTEP is managed by the Advanced Exploration Systems Division (AES) in NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. AES is pioneering innovative approaches and public-private partnerships to rapidly develop prototype systems, advance key capabilities, and validate operational concepts for future human missions beyond Earth orbit.

For additional information about this round of NextSTEP habitation selections, visit:


To learn more about NextSTEP, visit:


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UAE Space Agency, Mubadala and Lockheed Martin Launch Comprehensive Space-based Workforce Development Program [feedly]

Emerging leaders of the space industry have embarked on a journey to learn what it takes to make it to space through an intensive training program that includes classroom training, professional development and mentoring.


Masdar City, UAE, August 10, 2016 – Today global technology leader Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT), the UAE Space Agency and Mubadala launched a space-based workforce training program to develop emerging leaders in the UAE space industry.

Generation Space: The Space Fundamentals Training Program for early career professionals across the UAE aerospace industry will run for the next four months and includes training in the UAE and the United States. The program begins in the UAE with training in "space foundations" and moves into more technical topics, covering more than 200 hours of course work. Participants will also complete mentor-guided research projects.

Dr Khalifa Al Romaithi, Chairman of the UAE Space Agency, said: "This latest initiative represents and realizes the long-term strategic vision of the UAE Space Agency, which seeks to bring together Emirati stakeholders as well as maximizing international cooperation in the space sector. Furthermore, we are committed to instilling a sound scientific understanding among up-and-coming Emiratis as part of our efforts to develop a knowledge-based economy."

Homaid Al Shimmari, Chief Executive Officer of Aerospace & Engineering Services at Mubadala said: "Mubadala is proud to be a part of Generation Space, which will provide the UAE's next generation with hands-on experience across the UAE and US space industries. The future strength of the UAE's aerospace industry depends on the development and innovation of the young professionals who will lead our country into space for the benefit of the people of the Emirates."

Masood M. Sharif Mahmood, Chief Executive Officer of Yahsat said: "It is essential for us to focus on the development of our human capital to ensure the sustained development of the UAE's space sector. We are proud to be associated with an initiative that provides our youth with a platform to learn, develop and attain their full potential. 'Generation Space' is a program that will not only equip young engineers with the skills needed to excel in the aerospace industry but also help them chalk out a path for their long-term career growth."

"We are excited to be a part of the UAE's journey into space," said Nabil Azar, Regional Director of Lockheed Martin's Space System's Company. "This program brings together emerging Emirati leaders to support their training and development to literally reach beyond the stars. But much more than a training opportunity, 'Generation Space' supports the growth of a generation dedicated to the UAE's space industry and the country's dynamic vision towards a diversified knowledge-based economy."

In September, the early career professionals will complete a US space industry immersion program hosted by Lockheed Martin. This segment of the program will include attendance at the OSIRIS-REx launch along with job shadowing, touring Lockheed Martin's virtual reality facility, and seeing satellite production facilities.

The headquarters for all classroom training, guest lectures, and other major events with leadership from all participating agencies with be at the Lockheed Martin Center for Innovation and Security Solutions in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi.
Generation Space Participants
About the UAE Space Agency

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has embarked on an historic initiative via setting up a Space Agency that will join others in promoting space exploration and contributing to the global scientific space community.

The UAE Space Agency has developed a strategic framework to guide the Agency in executing its mandates dictated by the Decree that was established in July 2014. These areas include developing the space sector, creating space policy and regulation, supporting the development of a generation of engineers and scientists and directing national space programs that will have direct benefits to the UAE's economy and developing human capital.

About Lockheed Martin

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 125,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.

Air Lease sounds caution note for Airbus, Boeing [feedly]

xecutives of one of the world's most influential leasing companies said Friday they doubt Boeing will increase production of the 787 from 12 to 14/mo.

Air Lease Corp. made the predictions on its 2Q2016 earnings call Friday.

ALC also predicted Boeing will further lower the production rate of the 777 Classic from the announced 5.5/mo in 2018. ALC did not specify a rate, but some aerospace analysts believe a rate of 4/mo is coming.

ful text in:

Emirates B777 crash was accident waiting to happen

A veteran pilot's opinion:

It was not the fault of the pilots, the airline or Boeing, because this accident could have happened to any pilot in any airline flying any modern glass cockpit airliner — Airbus, Boeing or Bombardier — or a large corporate jet with autothrottle.
It is the result of the imperfect interaction of the pilots with supposedly failsafe automatics, which pilots are rigorously trained to trust, which in this case failed them.

full text: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/emirates-b777-crash-was-accident-waiting-to-happen/news-story/ada045343f0fe335bebc4e1e4b08665a

reading coments it's highly valuable, both pro and against

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.. Continue Reading Slow-motion showreel provides dramatic look at SpaceX's rocketing adventures

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