miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

In Pictures: Russia's New Narrowbody Rolls Out [feedly]

In Pictures: Russia's New Narrowbody Rolls Out
// Things With Wings

Russian aircraft manufacturer United Aircraft Corporation this morning rolled out a prototype of its new single-aisle aircraft, MC-21.

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Dassault demonstrates nEUROn UCAV at French Air Force's air meet [feedly]

Dassault demonstrates nEUROn UCAV at French Air Force's air meet
// Air Force Technology News Press Releases

Dassault Aviation has presented its nEUROn unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) demonstrator at an air meet organised by the French Air Force.

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PurePower Geared Turbofan Featured At Sustainable Brands 2016 [feedly]

PurePower Geared Turbofan Featured At Sustainable Brands 2016
// Aero-News Network

Sustainability Leaders To Learn Of 'Breakthrough Improvements' United Technologies is showcasing Pratt & Whitney's PurePower Geared Turbofan engine to attendees at this year's Sustainable Brands conference.

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Why the new ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital is revolutionary


PICTURE: Chengdu Airlines works to enter ARJ21 into service


Avec le MC-21, la Russie rêve de se passer d'Airbus et Boeing - Les Échos


Irkut Rolls Out First MC-21 Jetliner - Airways News (blog)


RUMOR: Warner Brothers Purchased a $5 Million WW2 Plane for Christopher Nolan to Crash |


One thing spacecraft have never achieved – until now

The era of fully reusable spacecraft may soon be upon us – something sci-fi has predicted for decades. Why has it taken so long? A space rocket plunges earthward, twitching its steering fins and firing gas jets to stabilise itself. It looks for all the world like it is doomed. But as it nears the...


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Drones And Helicopters Team Up To Scout Targets In Iraq

Shadow scouts Predators and Reapers defined the last decade of drones at war. The future of drone war is likely different than its present. Large drones, flying for full days at at time, scouring the countryside for insurgents, is labor-intensive and requires safe skies to operate. In Iraq, the A...


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Masten Unveils Two New Reusable Rockets

They're too small to reach orbit, but could be useful for science Rocket manufacturer Masten Space Systems unveiled two new reusable rockets today. Xodiac and XaeroB join their siblings Xaero, Xoie and Xombie in the Masten family. The new unmanned rockets can take off and land vertically, can be ...


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SpaceX Plans To Re-Use A Rocket For The First Time This Fall

After four successful upright landings Here we go again. At least, that's the hope. Today, Elon Musk tweeted out a picture of SpaceX's used rockets hanging out in a giant hanger, itching to be re-used. There are now four lucky rockets that have landed successfully. According to the tweet, one of ...


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Irkut is rolling out its MC-21 airliner

New drone system relays real-time target data to Apache helicopters - ExtremeTech [feedly]

New drone system relays real-time target data to Apache helicopters
The venerable Apache helicopter (it turned 31 last year) has been paired with unmanned reconnaissance drones to improve its strike capabilities, target acquisition, and information gathering roles. The Manned-Unmanned Teaming or MUM-T, allows the ...

Mass Production: China to Build 1,000 220-Ton Planes [feedly]

Mass Production: China to Build 1,000 220-Ton Planes

As part of its military boost, China plans to increase its fleet of heavy strategic transport aircraft. In January, the China Daily reported that the People's Liberation Army Air Force was preparing to develop a new fleet of stealth fighters and heavy transport aircraft. The latter, the Xian Y-20 transport, was in particularly high demand, given Beijing's lack of a "fast and reliable platform" t

After Airbus, Iran edges toward historic Boeing deal - Reuters [feedly]


After Airbus, Iran edges toward historic Boeing deal
The Iranian flag carrier is also talking to Boeing about providing support for its ageing fleet following the deal between Tehran and six major powers to ease economic sanctions in return for curbs on Iran's nuclear activities. "Meetings and ...
Prospect of a major order with Iran moving closer: Boeing CEOTehran Times
Boeing, Airbus rivalry for Iran's marketMehr News Agency - English Version
Company Update: The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) - After Airbus ...Jutia Group (press release) (blog)

los 7 artículos informativos »

Airbus narrows gap with Boeing after 83 orders in May - Reuters [feedly]


Airbus narrows gap with Boeing after 83 orders in May
Boeing remained ahead on orders, with 298 bookings or 268 after cancellations, and also held its lead in deliveries as Airbus handed over 234 jets between January and May. Comparable figures for Boeing were not available but the U.S. planemaker had ...
Airbus narrows order gap with BoeingSeeking Alpha

los 3 artículos informativos »

China Sets up First UAV Emergency Rescue Team - CRIENGLISH.com [feedly]

China Sets up First UAV Emergency Rescue Team
The undated photo shows staff from Beijing's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) emergency rescue team are testing an aircraft. [Photo: Beijing Daily]. China's first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) emergency rescue team has been established in Beijing. The UAV ...
New report examines the Global multi rotor UAV industry report ...WhaTech
Global UAV Flight Training and Simulation Market 2016 Analysis ...NewsMaker (press release)

los 10 artículos informativos »

The Royal Air Force completes F-35B with Airbus Tanker Trials a Week Early [feedly]

The Royal Air Force completes F-35B Tanker Trials a Week Early

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MH17: Missile exhaust displayed as prosecutor builds case [feedly]

MH17: Missile exhaust displayed as prosecutor builds case

Dutch prosecutors have displayed a large missile component, the exhaust of a Buk surface-to-air weapon, as they work to build a criminal case over the destruction of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

C-130 Super Hercules Multi-Year Contract to Save $680M | Israeli APS Heavy Combat Vehicle Passes Milestone Test | Competition to Extend Life of UK’s Challenger 2 Fleet [feedly]

C-130 Super Hercules Multi-Year Contract to Save $680M | Israeli APS Heavy Combat Vehicle Passes Milestone Test | Competition to Extend Life of UK's Challenger 2 Fleet

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DARPA’s CODE Program: Collaborative Unmanned Air Sys | Aermacchi Presents First M346 for Poland | France & Germany Discuss Inter-governmental Arms Exports [feedly]

DARPA's CODE Program:  Collaborative Unmanned Air Sys | Aermacchi Presents First M346 for Poland | France & Germany Discuss Inter-governmental Arms Exports

GA-ASI and Fokker to collaborate on Predator B landing gear systems development [feedly]

GA-ASI and Fokker to collaborate on Predator B landing gear systems development

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May's top stories: Pakistan and China jointly produce JF-17B aircraft, UK DIO awards RAF Mount Pleasant complex refurbish contract [feedly]

May's top stories: Pakistan and China jointly produce JF-17B aircraft, UK DIO awards RAF Mount Pleasant complex refurbish contract

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Astronauts enter BEAM inflatable module for the first time [feedly]

Astronauts enter BEAM module for the first time

The Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) was unsealed today by the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) without incident. At 4:47 am EDT, NASA astronaut Jeff Williams, with the assistance of Russian cosmonaut Oleg Skripochka, opened the hatch of the experimental habitat module as part of a two-year project to assess the technology of the inflatable unit.

.. Continue Reading Astronauts enter BEAM module for the first time

Gravitational-wave hunter LISA turns out to be a true high performer [feedly]

Gravitational-wave hunter LISA turns out to be a true high performer

The mark of a very fine scientific instrument isn't usually how well it can fall, but in the case of the LISA Pathfinder spacecraft, that one metric could help astrophysicists decode the very fabric of the universe. Fortunately after just two months of testing, the tech aboard LISA has done exceptionally well in free falling – performing much better than expected and boosting hopes that we can soon have a powerful tool to capture gravitational waves.

.. Continue Reading Gravitational-wave hunter LISA turns out to be a true high performer