miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

ILA 2016: Sikorsky builds up heavy lift offering - Shephard Media


ILA: General Atomics still hopeful Germany will adopt Predator B


Clean Sky at ILA Berlin | Clean Sky



Clean Sky featured at ILA Berlin today with a conference titled 'The Science powering Clean Sky'. Around 100 people attended the event, which also included the inaugural 'Clean Sky Best PhD Awards'.

The conference opened with a welcome address from Clara de la Torre, Director of DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission. The focus was on science and research as essential parts of Clean Sky's activities and highlighted how universities and research organisations help develop technologies from ideas to reality. Other speakers were Ric Parker, Chair of the Clean Sky Governing Board; Peter Hecker, Chair of Clean Sky Scientific Committee; Hannes Krieg, Project Manager, University of Stuttgart; Ron van Manen, Clean Sky 2 Programme Manager; Rolf Henke, ACARE Chairman, Member of the Executive Board for aeronautics research, DLR; and Jean-Francois Brouckaert, Clean Sky Project Officer.

The conference finished with a celebration of outstanding young researchers in the Best Clean Sky PhD Award ceremony. First prize was awarded to Tao Yang (University of Nottingham) for his thesis 'Development of Dynamic Phasors for the Modelling of Aircraft Electrical Power Systems'. Silver and bronze went respectively to Beniamino Guido (Second University of Naples) and Simon Colliss (University of Cambridge). Francesco Grasso, Chair of Aero Technical Institute, CNAM, then rounded up the awards with a presentation highlighting the importance of young researchers to the future of Clean Sky and aeronautics in general.

Embraer's Kyoto Airship planes have floor to ceiling windows and sunroofs | Metro News


Brazil's Embraer ends business jet production in China - Reuters


Brazil's Embraer ends business jet production in China
Embraer said it remained committed to serving Chinese demand for commercial and executive aircraft and supporting local clients through its office in Beijing. The Harbin plant formerly produced the ERJ-145, a prior generation of Embraer regional jet.
Embraer Shuts Down China Factory as Private-Jet Orders Run OutBloomberg

Sikorsky Successfully Completes DARPA ALIAS Phase 1 Competition with Autonomous Flight


Interiors delays continue to stress Airbus delivery schedule


Warplanes: New Israeli UAV/Loitering munition Gets First Combat Experience


UAV Design Challenges: Game On - Desktop Engineering


Desktop Engineering

UAV Design Challenges: Game On
Desktop Engineering
Imagine this: You go online, order a pair of shoes and have it delivered to your door in 30 minutes. But the delivery vehicle isn't a human driving a truck, car, or motorcycle. It's an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Sounds like science fiction, but it ...

Alain Bellemare discusses regional market - The May 2016 Luncheon @ Wings Club - YouTube


Piaggio Aero Drone Prototype Crashes in Mediterranean


One thing spacecraft have never achieved – until now

The era of fully reusable spacecraft may soon be upon us – something sci-fi has predicted for decades. Why has it taken so long? A space rocket plunges earthward, twitching its steering fins and firing gas jets to stabilise itself. It looks for all the world like it is doomed. But as it nears the...


Air Force Plan For 2030 Doesn't Mention The F-35

The most expensive fighter jet in history is missing from the future, even though we're buying 1,700 of them Militaries change slowly, and technology moves fast. The "Air Superiority 2030 Flight Plan," which the Air Force released today, is an attempt to identify the battlefields of the future, a...


Renewable energy surges to record levels around the world

New solar, wind and hydropower sources were added in 2015 at the fastest rate the world has yet seen, according to a new study. Investments in renewables during the year were more than double the amount spent on new coal and gas-fired power plants. For the first time, emerging economies spent mor...



Tim Peake: Spacewalk my finest moment

While Tim Peake has been in space he has handed out Brit Awards, run the London Marathon, and even done a spacewalk. He will return to Earth later in June, but before that he spoke to BBC Breakfast about the highlights of his mission. Dan Walker reports.


EgyptAir Flight 804: Possible underwater signal detected, investigators say

Cairo (CNN) — Investigators said Wednesday that a French naval vessel may have detected an underwater signal from one of EgyptAir Flight 804's so-called black boxes. Specialized locator equipment on board the French vessel La Place detected a signal from the seabed in the Mediterranean Sea, the E...


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Iberia cambia la política de equipajes deportivos e instrumentos musicales para billetes emitidos a partir del 1 de junio.

Madrid, 1 de junio de 2016

Desde hoy, 1 de junio, Iberia modifica su política de equipajes especiales para hacerla más sencilla, donde todos los equipajes deportivos y musicales tienen el mismo tratamiento y, en general, con mejores condiciones que las que regían hasta ahora.

En las rutas de largo radio (América, Asia y Sudáfrica), los equipajes deportivos e instrumentos musicales formarán  parte de la franquicia incluida en el billete. Si al cliente le corresponden dos piezas en su franquicia de equipaje, puede llevar una maleta y la bicicleta o la tabla de surf, por ejemplo, además de su equipaje de mano. Si la franquicia fuera una pieza, además del su equipaje de mano, podría facturar una pieza gratis, ya sea maleta o equipaje especial, y pagar como exceso de equipaje si quisiera facturar algo adicional

En las rutas dentro de España, con Europa, África (excepto Sudáfrica) y Próximo Oriente, todos los equipajes especiales (deportivos e instrumentos musicales) abonarán una cantidad única de 45 euros.

¿Cuáles son los equipajes especiales?

  • Bicicletas
  • Equipo de golf
  • Equipos de surf, windsurf, kite board y body board
  • Equipo de esquí para el agua y la nieve
  • Equipo de pesca
  • Equipo de submarinismo
  • Equipo de tiro con arco
  • Equipo de parapente, paracaidismo o un ala delta
  • Equipo de hockey
  • Equipo de bolos
  • Patines en línea o monopatín
  • Bote de goma inflableo chaleco salvavidas vela
  • Equipos de tenis, squash o bádminton
  • Equipo de lanzamiento de jabalina
  • Tienda de campaña, equipo de montañismo, sacos de dormir y esterilla.
  • Artículos musicales, amplificadores de sonido o audiovisuales.


Toda la información detallada de cada uno de los equipajes especiales, pesos y tamaños admitidos, y cómo deben transportarse, está incluida en   www.iberia.com/es/equipajes/especiales/.



Airbus Helicopters present X3 high speed compound helicopter descendant

  • Airbus Helicopters advances Clean Sky 2 high-speed efficient rotorcraft demonstrator (
  • Completion of wind tunnel testing campaign validates aerodynamic design and paves the way for demonstrator design start
  • Global network of European industries already involved in the development of all major demonstrator components
  • Flight-testing phase to begin before the end of the decade

(click on pictures to enlarge)

Berlin – Airbus Helicopters earlier this year passed an important milestone in the development of the high-speed, compound helicopter demonstrator currently being built as part of the Clean Sky 2 European research programme. A mockup of the breakthrough airframe design has just undergone windtunnel testing in an Airbus facility. The tests proved the viability of the chosen design in terms of efficiency, sustainability and performance, paving the way for a preliminary design review expected end of 2016. Meanwhile, the overall project has passed its first official milestone involving all core partners by reaching the end of its pre-design phase.

Building upon the achievements of the company-funded and record-breaking X3 technology demonstrator, the Airbus Helicopters Clean Sky-demonstrator will help refine the “compound” aerodynamic configuration and bring it closer to an operational design, with the end objective of meeting future requirements for increased speed, better cost-efficiency, as well dramatic reductions of emission and acoustic footprints. Flight-testing of the prototype is expected to start in 2019.

“We are honoured to be carrying out this project on behalf of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and the large number of European companies who are taking part in the development. Our ambition is to become the benchmark of the rotorcraft industry, and as such we are willing to drive a bold vision for the future of helicopter transportation”, said Jean-Brice Dumont, Airbus Helicopters Chief Technical Officer. “Our Clean Sky 2-demonstrator will not only be about going faster; it will help make speed smarter by seeking the best trade-off between cost-efficiency, sustainability and mission performance. We want to break the cost barrier usually associated with increased speed and range and pave the way for new missions sets for 2030 and beyond, by providing crucial emergency or door-to-door transportation services to European citizens where they need it most.”

Development of the Clean Sky 2-demonstrator relies on a wide European network of industrial partners who are bringing their technical skills and know-how to the project. While Airbus Helicopters facilities in France, Germany, Spain and Poland are involved in areas such as structural and mechanical design, other countries like Romania, Italy and the United Kingdom also highly contribute their expertise through a large number of design and manufacturing work packages.

Ron Van Manen, Clean Sky 2 Programme Manager, highlighted that “The LifeRCraft Demonstrator project in Clean Sky 2 will pull together capabilities from across the European Research Area, addressing technology gaps in systems, structures and overall design and demonstrating the viability of a compound rotorcraft design that can bring a fundamentally new combination of payload / range / speed to the aviation market. In particular where a rapid response or a key range requirement exists (such as in disaster relief, medical evacuation or search & rescue) this aircraft concept can bring important benefits to the public and open new market opportunities that will strengthen Europe’s already formidable competitive position in the vertical lift aviation sector”.

About Airbus Helicopters

Airbus Helicopters, a division of Airbus Group, provides the most efficient civil and military helicopter solutions worldwide. Its in-service fleet includes nearly 12,000 helicopters operated by more than 3,000 customers in 154 countries. Airbus Helicopters employs more than 22,000 people worldwide and in 2015 generated revenues of 6.8 billion euros.

» (www.airbushelicopters.com)

The Vietnam People's Army delegation visits and review of early warning aircraft EC-295 raises the question that we might be interested in buying this type of aircraft

A partir del 2 de junio, Iberia ofrece vuelos diarios a La Habana

  •   Desde que reinició los vuelos hace exactamente un año, la aerolínea ha incrementado su oferta con La Habana casi un 30%
  •   Iberia vuela en Cuba con su avión más moderno, el Airbus A330/200 MTOW 242t, y ofrece sus nuevos asientos en clase Business y Económica y el mejor servicio wifi disponible para vuelos transatlánticos
  •   Los vuelos de Iberia con Cuba conectan a través del aeropuerto de Madrid con cerca de 100 destinos en Europa, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, lo que favorece el turismo a ambos lados del Atlántico.


Madrid, 31 de mayo 2016


A partir del próximo jueves, 2 de junio, Iberia operará un vuelo diario con Cuba, muestra de la apuesta que la aerolínea está haciendo en la isla y donde reinició sus operaciones en junio del año pasado.


En apenas un año, Iberia ha incrementado su oferta con Cuba casi un 30%, pasando de cinco frecuencias semanales a seis el pasado mes de diciembre, y ahora al vuelo diario.


A Cuba en el avión más moderno


Iberia opera sus vuelos a La Habana con los Airbus A330/200, sus aviones más modernos, que se han incorporado a su flota en los últimos seis meses, y con capacidad para 288 pasajeros.


Los Airbus A330/200 son aviones bimotores, muy eficientes en cuanto a consumo del combustible y, por tanto, más respetuosos con el medio ambiente.


Además, estos aviones incorporan los nuevos asientos en clase Business y Económica.


En Business, butacas-cama de 2 metros, cada una con acceso directo al pasillo, con pantallas táctiles, con uno de los más avanzados sistemas de entretenimiento a bordo que incluye los últimos estrenos de cine, documentales, series de TV, todo tipo de música… Además, menús basados en la dieta mediterránea, elaborados con materias primas de alta calidad y que se maridan con los mejores vinos españoles.


En clase Económica, nuevas butacas más ergonómicas y cómodas, con reposacabezas regulables en altura y ajustables para mayor confort del pasajero, y con pantallas individuales para disfrutar de un sistema de entretenimiento individual "a la carta", y todo tipo de conectores para los dispositivos personales.



Además, en ambas cabinas Iberia ofrece el mejor servicio wifi para vuelos transatlánticos a través de banda KU, que permite a los clientes conectarse desde sus propios dispositivos a redes sociales, mensajería, y, enviar y recibir correos entre otros.


Las mejores conexiones con Europa


Los horarios de los vuelos de Iberia entre Madrid y La Habana permiten las mejores conexiones desde otros destinos en España como Barcelona, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Bilbao, Mallorca, Vigo, A Coruña, Asturias…; y en resto de Europa, como Londres, París, Roma, Milán, Ámsterdam, Frankfurt, Múnich, Zúrich…


En total, los vuelos de Iberia con La Habana permiten conectar a través de la T4 del aeropuerto de Madrid con cerca de 100 destinos en Europa, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, lo que favorece un mayor tráfico de turistas y beneficia los intercambios empresariales a ambos lados del Atlántico.



Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la compañía líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica, vuela a más de 126 destinos en 49 países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día con una flota de 135 aviones. En 2015, Iberia ha sido la 2ª aerolínea más puntual del mundo y la primera de Europa, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, reconocido como el Mejor Aeropuerto del Sur de Europa en los World Airport Awards 2015 de Skytrax. Es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.


Sukhoi Superjet 100 Delivered to Its First European Airline - Sputnik International [feedly]

Sukhoi Superjet 100 Delivered to Its First European Airline
Sputnik International
A Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) plane has been delivered to Irish CityJet airline, its first European customer, the United Aircraft Corporation said on Tuesday. MOSCOW/VENICE (Sputnik) — According to the corporation's statement, a ceremony of ...
Europe gets its first modern Russian-made airlinersRT
CityJet Gets First Sukhoi Superjet 100Aviation Week
CityJet Takes First Sukhoi SSJ100Aviation International News
ch-aviation -Financial Express -CAPA - Centre for Aviation
los 14 artículos informativos »

ILA 2016: An-178 debuts in Berlin as Antonov steps-up international ... - IHS Jane's 360 [feedly]

ILA 2016: An-178 debuts in Berlin as Antonov steps-up international ...
IHS Jane's 360
Antonov is showcasing for the first time at the ILA Airshow in Berlin its newly developed An-178 transport aircraft, as it seeks to build on its recent export success with Saudi Arabia. The prototype aircraft will perform in the flying display at the ...

y más »

Airbus aircraft programs in review [feedly]

Airbus aircraft programs in review

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Brussels Airport Returning To Normal Departure Procedures [feedly]

Brussels Airport Returning To Normal Departure Procedures

BRUSSELS—Brussels Airport (BRU) will close down the makeshift temporary structure it built following the March 22 terrorist attacks (Aviation Daily, March 22), and starting June 2, it will provide full check-in capacity in the main departures hall.

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Reimagining Military Re-supply With 3-D Printing [feedly]

Reimagining Military Re-supply With 3-D Printing

Push is on to certify 3-D printing for critical military parts
As 3-D printing capabilities grow, military users eye the process as a way of meeting urgent part needs where and when necessary.

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Pilot Report: BCA Flies HondaJet


Luftwaffe Steals Berlin Air Show [feedly]

Luftwaffe Steals Berlin Air Show

This is once again confirmed by the fact that the Bundeswehr will be the largest of the 1,200 exhibitors at ILA 2016 June 1-4. On display will be Luftwaffe Eurofighter and Tornado combat aircraft, A400M, A310 MedEvac, A319 and C-160 Transall transports, and CH-53, NH90, Tiger, UH-1, EC-135, Sea Lynx and Sea King helicopters. The army will be present with various unmanned aerial systems.

Airbus aiming to raise A330neo take-off weight [feedly]

Airbus aiming to raise A330neo take-off weight

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Lithium ion batteries to fly again on Airbus A350-900 [feedly]

Lithium ion batteries to fly again on Airbus A350-900

Lithium ion batteries will be installed on A350-900 aircraft delivered to customers by the end of the year after passing a series of extended safety reviews caused by the battery fires that grounded the Boeing 787-8 three years ago.

#ILA: LET Aircraft Industries targets 2016 sales for new L410 turboprop [feedly]

ILA: Aircraft Industries targets 2016 sales for new L410 turboprop

about LET aircraft industries: http://www.let.cz/?lang=2

Bell-Boeing: $58.8M to Integrate VARS for MV-22 | Saudis Blocked from Buying Cluster-Bombs from US | UK Looking at Boeing for $2.9B in AH-64E Apaches [feedly]

Bell-Boeing: $58.8M to Integrate VARS for MV-22 | Saudis Blocked from Buying Cluster-Bombs from US | UK Looking at Boeing for $2.9B in AH-64E Apaches

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Bullet-fast shrimp club could lead to better body armor, airplanes and more [feedly]

Bullet-fast shrimp club could lead to better body armor, airplanes and more

For a relatively small critter, the mantis shrimp certainly makes some major waves in the scientific community. The crustacean has served as the inspiration for research into everything from cancer-detecting camera technology to polarized lenses to strong and light composite materials. Adding to the body of knowledge in that last category is research out of the University of California Riverside (UCR) that has unravelled one of the secrets that helps the animal's claw move as fast as a .22 caliber bullet but not suffer any damage.

.. Continue Reading Bullet-fast shrimp club could lead to better body armor, airplanes and more