martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Delta Air Lines becomes launch customer of Airbus’ digital Prognostics and Risk-Management solution

Providing early detection to enhance Delta’s aircraft availability and reduce unscheduled maintenance
30 May 2016 Press Release

Delta Air Lines has become the launch customer for Airbus’ “Prognostics and Risk Management” solution following a successful year-long collaboration between the Airbus and the airline. The web-based application is part of the Smarter Fleet ‘big data’ solutions platform developed by Airbus in partnership with IBM.

Jim Jackson, Manager of Predictive Maintenance Engineering at Delta Air Lines said: “With Prognostics and Risk Management, we will leverage the strong expertise of Airbus’ design office to provide us with the most effective way to monitor our aircraft systems.” He added: “Prognostic alerting will allow our Engineering and Maintenance teams to detect in advance failures on our components and systems to mitigate possible operational interruptions. PRM will also help us maximise our A330 aircraft turnaround and systems’ reliability and efficiency and move maintenance events from unscheduled to scheduled.”

Didier Lux, Airbus’ Head of Customer Services said: “This launch of Airbus’ digital Prognostics and Risk-Management ‘big-data’ solution is the result of great teamwork with Delta Air Lines and being fully aligned with their expectations.” He added: “The early detection which it offers will enhance Delta’s aircraft availability and reduce both operational costs and unscheduled maintenance.”

Airbus is committed to predictive maintenance benefits and will expand the capabilities of Prognostics and Risk Management to the A320, A380 and A350 Families fleet, while concurrently studying complementary predictive techniques based on ‘big-data’ analysis.

Airbus, through “Services by Airbus”, offers end-to-end fleet lifecycle solutions for all its customers. The portfolio ranges from stand-alone services to the most complete integrated solutions, including: Flight Hour & Tailored Support packages; upgrades; training; e-solutions, engineering and maintenance; flight operations; Air Traffic Management; and material management services. Together these enhance aircraft competitiveness by continuously adapting to customers' evolving needs. With more than 40 years of experience in the aircraft industry and a worldwide network of more than 2,500 professionals, customers benefit from the unique expertise and capabilities from Airbus and its affiliated family companies.

Cathay Pacific Airways becomes new operator of the A350 XWB

Press Release

Cathay Pacific Airways has become the sixth airline to operate the world’s latest and most efficient twin engine widebody airliner. The airline’s first aircraft featuring the carrier’s new livery has arrived at its home base in Hong Kong.

Cathay Pacific has configured its A350-900 with a premium three class layout with a total of 280 seats, comprising 38 in Business Class, convertible to fully lie-flat beds, 28 in Premium Economy and 214 in the main cabin. After an initial period flying on regional routes, Cathay Pacific’s A350-900 will begin long haul operations later this year.

Altogether Cathay Pacific 48 A350 XWB on order, including 22 A350-900s and 26 of the larger A350-1000s.

The A350 XWB features the latest aerodynamic design, carbon fiber fuselage and wings, plus new fuel-efficient Rolls-Royce engines. Together, these latest technologies translate into unrivalled levels of operational efficiency, with a 25 per cent reduction in fuel burn and emissions, and significantly lower maintenance costs. The spaciousness, quietness, beautiful interior and mood lighting in the cabin contribute to superior levels of comfort and well-being, setting new standards in terms of flight experience for all passengers.

To date, Airbus has recorded a total of 798 firm orders for the A350 XWB from 42 customers worldwide, already making it one of the most successful widebody aircraft ever.

Airbus launches the fifth Fly Your Ideas global student challenge

Inspiring today’s generation to build tomorrow’s sustainable aviation
31 May 2016 Press Release

For the fifth time, Airbus challenges students worldwide to innovate for the future of aviation by launching the latest Fly Your Ideas competition.

Airbus Fly Your Ideas is a unique global student competition, designed to establish a strong and lasting relationship between Airbus and the next generation of innovators. Every two years, the competition offers a unique opportunity for students from across the globe to co-innovate with Airbus on real challenges facing the aviation industry and to develop valuable skills for their future careers. This includes learning teamwork, project management, as well as communications skills.

New in this latest competition, students are asked to submit solutions to genuine industry challenges that are either innovations for ‘Now’ or innovations for the ‘Future’; guaranteeing a cross section of ideas that are both applicable today and deliver blue sky thinking for tomorrow. The key challenges submitted to students are:

Business models: What else could be done with aircraft other than transportation?

Flight operations: How can big data be used to improve efficiency of flight operations?

Passenger experience: How can new processes or layouts ease passenger boarding and disembarking, whilst increasing capacity for luggage?

Design engineering: How can artificial intelligence support aircraft design and/or manufacturing?

Manufacturing: How can manufacturing be optimised to reduce waste and ensure the sustainability of resources?

“With Fly Your Ideas 2017, Airbus offers its innovation expertise to team up with universities and their most inventive students,” said Charles Champion, Airbus Executive Vice President Engineering. “We value and encourage this type of mutually-beneficial collaboration, enabling students to apply their creativity in an exceptionally rich learning environment, and to prepare for a highly-competitive job market. For Airbus, it is an opportunity to nurture new ideas from the imaginative and unrestrained thinking of fresh minds.”

Registration for Fly Your Ideas 2017 opens today, May 31st 2016 at Students must register as a team of three to five members. They are encouraged to include team members from diverse nationalities, backgrounds and disciplines – from engineering to marketing and from science to design. Teams must be supported by an academic mentor from one of the students’ institutions. Projects are assessed by Airbus experts and all teams get feedback as early as Round 1. The 50 teams selected for Round 2 get significant input and guidance from Airbus mentors to develop their idea into a detailed project. Five teams are selected for Round 3 where students are asked to test, prototype or visualise their solutions. Finally the teams present their projects to an expert jury at the final event in May 2017, where the winning team wins a prize of €30,000 and the runners up €15,000.

A320neo with CFM LEAP-1A engines receives joint EASA and FAA Airworthiness Type Certification

Paving the way for the delivery of the first A320neo with CFM LEAP engines in mid-2016
31 May 2016 Press Release

On 31st May 2016, the world's best-selling single-aisle aircraft, the A320neo, received on-schedule the Type Certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the second engine option to be certified – CFM International’s* LEAP-1A engine. This certification paves the way for the delivery of the first A320neo equipped with this engine type in mid-2016. This award follows by six months the initial Certificate of Airworthiness received from the EASA and FAA for the A320neo, powered by the Pratt & Whitney engine option. The first A320neo was delivered on 20th January 2016.

Fabrice Brégier, Airbus’ President and Chief Executive Officer said: “This key milestone for the A320neo programme, and its second engine option – the specially developed LEAP-1A, is a double seal of approval by the two major international governing bodies and comes after the A320neo Family had successfully accomplished a rigorous programme of certification trials. We look forward to the entry into service of LEAP-powered models in the very near future.”

The two LEAP-powered aircraft assigned to the flight test campaign have now successfully accumulated over 1,000 flight hours in more than 350 flights – including 150 flight hours completed with the same aircraft in an airline-like environment to ensure operational maturity at entry into service. Certification of the remaining aircraft/engine variants with LEAP engines will follow in the coming months. When all flight testing has been completed, the NEO development fleet (with both engine options) will have achieved a combined total of 3,000 flight hours.

The A320neo Family offers unbeatable fuel efficiency. Featuring latest engine technologies, Sharklet wing-tip devices and cabin innovations, the A320neo Family aircraft offers the lowest operating costs of any single-aisle aircraft delivering 15% fuel burn per seat reduction at entry into service in 2016, and a 20% reduction by 2020. Furthermore, everyone will benefit from the A320neo’s enhanced environmental credentials – which include a significant decrease in C02 emissions and a nearly 50 percent lower noise footprint.

The A320neo Family offers airlines an engine choice between the Pratt & Whitney Pure Power PW1100G-JM and the CFM LEAP-1A engines. With one aircraft in three sizes (A319neo, A320neo, A321neo), the A320neo Family, seating from 100 to 240 passengers, allows operators to match the right aircraft size to demand and seamlessly covers the entire single-aisle segment on low to high-density domestic to longer range routes up to 4,000nm. Thanks to their widest cabin, all members of the A320neo Family offer unmatched comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18-inch wide seats in economy as standard. Since its launch on 1st December 2010, the A320neo Family has received a tremendous market endorsement with more than 4,500 orders from over 82 customers, representing some 60 percent share of the market.

*CFM International is a 50/50 joint company between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines.

Airbus sales chief doubles-down on CSeries attack

“They can’t make a business about losing $7 million an airplane,” Leahy told reporters on 30 May on the sidelines of Airbus Innovation Days.

Russia eyes Hyperloop-like system of its own [feedly]

Russia eyes Hyperloop-like system of its own
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

We might be yet to see a fully-formed Hyperloop in action, but that doesn't mean some international officials aren't already inspired by Elon Musk's futuristic transport system. According to local news reports, Russia is contemplating a Hyperloop-like project to connect the country from north to south, and east to west.

.. Continue Reading Russia eyes Hyperloop-like system of its own

Category: Urban Transport

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Five Takeaways From a Visit to Airbus

Airbus's annual Innovation Days briefing has drawn more than 170 aerospace journalists from around the globe to Hamburg, Germany. Here are five takeaways from the first day of the event:

DARPA sets sights on Robotic Space Plane for next generation warfare [feedly]

DARPA sets sights on Robotic Space Plane for next generation warfare

Washington DC (Sputnik) May 31, 2016
null The experimental low-cost XS-1 will be able to fly at escape-velocity speeds and catapult 3,000-pound payloads into orbit - and it'll be able to do it again and again. This week the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) solicited design proposals for a satellite-launching robotic space plane, signaling that development of the futuristic aerospace vehicle is all but assured

Drone control [feedly]

Would the registration and identification of drone operators in the UK result in their safer operation? BILL READ reports on a recent RAeS conference which considered the issue from the viewpoint of drone users, regulators and law enforcers.

Combined Vision For Airliners [feedly]

Airlines stand to gain operational and schedule efficiency through a mix of computer-based and sensor-based vision once new products and rules become available.

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U.S. Navy Program Advances Safe Autonomous Rotorcraft Flight [feedly]

Latest phase of Office of Naval Research autonomous resupply program tackles challenges of wire detection, terrain classification and GPS-denied navigation.

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Time-lapse video shows inflatable BEAM space habitat coming to life [feedly]

Time-lapse video shows inflatable BEAM space habitat coming to life

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Fwd: Nota de Prensa: Iberia ofrece vuelos a Shanghái este verano por solo 449 euros, ida y vuelta.


Iberia ofrece vuelos a Shanghái este verano por solo 449 euros ida y vuelta


  • Se convierte en la opción más atractiva para las próximas vacaciones de verano
  • Los billetes se pueden comprar hasta el 15 de junio
  • Desde el 28 de junio, Iberia vuela tres veces por semana a Shanghái -los martes, viernes y domingos-.
  • Shanghái es el primer destino de Iberia en Asia, al que seguirá Tokio el 18 de octubre.



Madrid, 30 de mayo de 2016


Iberia ha lanzado una oferta irrepetible para este verano: una tarifa para su vuelos directos de Madrid a Shanghái por tan solo 449 euros ida y vuelta, precio final, y aplicable en los meses de julio y agosto. Una oportunidad única para sumergirse en la cultura china y en las costumbres milenarias de este exótico país, y disfrutar también de una de las ciudades más modernas y vitales del continente asiático.



Los billetes están ya a la venta en y agencias de viaje, y pueden adquirirse hasta el 15 de junio.


Desde el 28 de junio, Iberia ofrece tres frecuencias semanales -martes, viernes y domingos- entre Madrid y Shanghái, operadas por los modernos Airbus A330/200, y donde se ofrecen los nuevos asientos en clase Business y Turista, con un sistema de entretenimiento individual y a la carta para cada pasajero, y wifi a bordo.


Shanghái es el primer destino de Iberia en Asia, al que seguirá Tokio el 18 de octubre, también con tres vuelos semanales y operados por el mismo tipo de avión.


Sobre Iberia: Iberia es la primera compañía de España y líder en las rutas entre Europa y Latinoamérica. Junto con su filial Iberia Express y su franquiciada Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, ofrece alrededor de 600 vuelos al día a 126 destinos en 49 países de Europa, América, África, Oriente Medio y Asia, con una flota de cerca de 135 aviones. En 2015, Iberia ha sido la 2ª aerolínea más puntual del mundo y la primera de Europa, según FlightStats. Iberia tiene su hub en el aeropuerto de Madrid, reconocido como el Mejor Aeropuerto del Sur de Europa en los World Airport Awards 2015 de Skytrax. Es miembro de la alianza oneworld, que ofrece más de 14.000 vuelos diarios a cerca de 1.000 aeropuertos en más de 150 países.