jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Risk Management & Airspace Integration: RPAS | Laura Samsó, MSc | LinkedIn


On 19th May, Centurion Technologies Consulting LLC will deliver a conference during the Annual Airport Security summit that will take place in Barcelona (Spain) from 19th to 20th May 2016.

FAA tests FBI drone detection system at JFK - GPS World magazine


Unmanned aircraft drone refuels autonomously in MID-AIR for longer missions - Daily Mail


Daily Mail

Unmanned aircraft dronerefuels autonomously in MID-AIR for longer missions
Daily Mail
Engineers have developeddrones that can refuel in midair. The tanker (right) uses cameras and markers to establish the position of the receiver (left). Once it has got itself into the right position, it drives forward and refuels the receiving drone ...

China's 1st Homemade Long-range UAV Makes Maiden Flight - CRIENGLISH.com


China's 1st Homemade Long-range UAV Makes Maiden Flight
China's first homemade long-range unmanned aerial vehicle for emergency material transport has made its maiden flight on May 10, 2016, in the Xixian New Area of north China's Shaanxi province. [Photo: sxdaily.com.cn]. China's first homemade long-range ...

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INAER, INDRA launch public service UAV project - Air Traffic Management


INAER, INDRA launch public service UAVproject
Air Traffic Management
Indra also plans to establish at the Rozas airdrome in Galicia its Optionally Piloted Aircraft TARGUS, the first of its kind in Spain, supported by a mission and data processing centre for real-time collection and management of data sent by an UAV. It ...