miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Empresa española USol prueba con éxito su "drone" Alcotán con alcances BVLOS de 15 km

En Febrero de 2016.

La empresa Unmanned Solutions (USol) ha realizado una campaña de vuelos experimentales en BVLOS con su sistema UAV Alcotán. Se contó con todos los permisos expedidos por AESA.

Como parte de los proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) que Unmanned Solutions está desarrollando se llevaron a cabo tres vuelos del sistema Alcotán en BVLOS- Beyond Visual Line of Sight- es decir más allá de línea de vista, alcanzando distancias de 8, 12 y 15 kilómetros respectivamente. Como es sabido, la legislación actual define las condiciones de línea de vista hasta una distancia máxima operador-aeronave de 500 metros.

Las pruebas se realizaron en los alrededores del aeródromo de Marugán, en Segovia, y para ello se solicitaron los permisos pertinentes a AESA y la segregación del espacio aéreo necesario para la prueba, obteniéndose un corredor de 15 kilómetros de largo que partía desde el aeródromo de Marugán hacia el norte.

Los resultados de la campaña fueron un éxito completo y el sistema Alcotán mantuvo durante los tres vuelos las capacidades de control, monitorización y recepción de telemetría y vídeo en tiempo real hasta distancias de 15 km, que fue lo máximo que permitía el corredor asignado.

Alcotán es un sistema UAV de ala fija de despliegue rápido de 3,5 kg de peso máximo al despegue desarrollado íntegramente por USol. El sistema permite llevar a cabo aplicaciones de monitorización y vigilancia en espectro visible e infrarrojo térmico a precios mucho más competitivos que otros aviones similares.

USol tiene planteado continuar con este tipo de ensayos BVLOS para los sistemas multirotor de Multielfo para satisfacer los requisitos de algunos de sus clientes en aplicaciones de seguridad, vigilancia, monitorización de infraestructuras o, en un futuro, transporte de pequeña paquetería.

Bomb-sniffing drones: US scientists develop UAV nuclear weapon detection sensors - International Business Times UK [feedly]

International Business Times UK

Bomb-sniffing drones: US scientists develop UAV nuclear weapon detection sensors
International Business Times UK
Researchers and graduate students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Fusion Technology Lab have developed a system that can be attached to an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A vehicle is driven out to the location of the hidden explosives laden ...

y más »

Lockheed raises 2016 forecast as F-35, Sikorsky lift sales - Reuters [feedly]

Lockheed raises 2016 forecast as F-35, Sikorsky lift sales - Reuters

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Boeing Reports First-Quarter Results and Reaffirms 2016 Guidance [feedly]

Boeing Reports First-Quarter Results and Reaffirms 2016 Guidance

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Cartercopters wants to build a larger twin-turbofan version of its slowed rotor-compound helicopter cooncept

Carter Aviation Technologies LLC wants to build a larger, twin-turbofan version of its slowed rotor/compound helicopter, which it believes can break the rotorcraft world records for speed, range, and altitude. “We expect to achieve speeds in excess of 400 kt., distances greater than 2,000 nautical miles, and altitudes of over 50,000 ft.,” says Jay Carter, president and CEO of Carter Aviation Technologies.  To achieve this performance, the aircraft would be fitted with ...http://aviationweek.com/bca/carter-looking-partners

Pilot Population—Commercial and Private—Dwindling [feedly]

Pilot Population—Commercial and Private—Dwindling

Reasons for the decline in pilot numbers include retirement age and dismally low salaries, but organizations such as AOPA and GAMA are offering some solutions to help boost private pilot numbers.

read more

​A380 could work for IAG at Iberia and Aer Lingus: Walsh [feedly]

​A380 could work for IAG at Iberia and Aer Lingus: Walsh

IAG is examining the feasibility of allocating a small fleet of Airbus A380s to its Spanish division Iberia and possibly an aircraft with its recently acquired Irish arm Aer Lingus.

Airbus urged to find more A380 buyers by Emirates chairman - The National [feedly]

Airbus urged to find more A380 buyers by Emirates chairman
The National
The chairman of Emirates has urged Airbus to push its sales team harder to find more customers for the world's largest passenger aircraft. Emirates is the biggest operator of the A380, with 75 aircraft in service and 65 on order. The carrier this month ...
Airbus should do better job selling A380 superjumbo - Emirates ...Reuters

Business aviation and Brexit [feedly]

Business aviation and Brexit

What effect could Brexit have on the UK's business aviation sector? TIM ROBINSON reports from a recent press briefing where some potential consequences were outlined.

UNVEX, Programa de conferencias

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Lockheed Martin Reports First Quarter 2016 Results [feedly]

Lockheed Martin Reports First Quarter 2016 Results

  • Net sales of $11.7 billion
  • Net earnings of $794 million, or $2.58 per share
  • Generated cash from operations of $1.6 billion
  • Returned $1.0 billion to stockholders, inclusive of $0.5 billion in share repurchases
  • Increases 2016 outlook for sales, operating profit, earnings per share and cash from operations

La industria confirma a UNVEX como la gran cita española de los drones

  • El encuentro pionero en España de vehículos aéreos remotamente tripulados se dividirá en una amplia Exposición, Conferencias profesionales, Talleres y demostraciones aéreas en directo
  • Grandes compañías y medianas y pequeñas empresas confirman su presencia en la exposición y las demostraciones.
  • La nueva edición de UNVEX abrirá sus puertas el próximo 24 de mayo en el Aeropuerto de Cuatro Vientos.
  •  El encuentro pionero en España de vehículos aéreos remotamente tripulados se dividirá en una amplia Exposición, Conferencias profesionales, Talleres y demostraciones aéreas en directo

Madrid, 27 de abril de 2016. El mayor evento en España dedicado a vehículos aéreos remotamente tripulados (RPAS) o Drones, se encuentra en la cuenta atrás para su apertura, que será el próximo 24 mayo en el Aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos, en Madrid.

Grandes empresas del sector como Thales, Indra y Airbus han confirmado su apoyo a esta IV edición de UNVEX como compañías patrocinadoras. Multinacionales como General Atomics o MBDA, empresas españolas de reconocido prestigio como Sener, Inaer, Cesa o el INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) también respaldan un evento que promete ser, una vez más, la gran cita española del sector.

Las mejores empresas del sector participarán también mostrando sus productos y/o servicios en un ambiente profesional que facilitará el encuentro entre potenciales compradores y vendedores.

UNVEX no es solo una Feria, ni unas conferencias, es un evento integral donde se puede ver la oferta de las empresas en la Exposición, aprender en los Talleres del Centro de Información, conocer lo último del sector en las Conferencias, asistir a Seminarios monográficos y disfrutar de demostraciones aéreas en vivo y directo.

El Aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos acogerá todo tipo de plataformas aéreas y equipos y profesionales, pequeños y grandes sistemas, desde aplicaciones en defensa o vigilancia a usos agrícolas, todas ellas en un mismo lugar y durante los tres días.

El período de inscripción ya está abierto, las plazas son limitadas y para asistir al evento, ya sea como visitante a la Exposición y a las Demostraciones, como asistente a las Conferencias, es necesario un previo registro on-line en la web www.unvex16.com

UNVEX’16, del 24 al 26 de mayo, será una convocatoria ineludible donde se podrá aprender, conocer y comparar con las mejores empresas y profesionales del sector.

Para más información: www.unvex16.com

Evektor seeks investment to take EV-55 into volume production

As the flight test programme for its EV-55 utility transport gathers pace, Czech manufacturer Evektor is hoping it can generate the investment to take the country’s first new civil aircraft in the post-Communist era into volume production. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/evektor-seeks-investment-to-take-ev-55-into-volume-p-424613/

Evektor takes flight with second EV-55 Outback flying prototype (press release)

The 2nd flying prototype of the EV-55 Outback made its first flight from Kunovice airport at 11:45, 8.4.2016. The EV-55 Outback, S/N 0003 registered OK-DRM, carried out a 20-minute test flight according to plan and confirmed characteristics expected. The aircraft was piloted by a crew of test pilots, Josef Charvát and Pavel Křížka.

The 2nd flying prototype EV-55 will join the certification process being carried out in accordance with EASA CS-23 regulations, within the Normal category. It is a type confirming aircraft for certification testing of systems, performance and flight characteristics.

The first prototype, the EV-55, S/N 0001, has flown 370 hours to this day. The aircraft is currently undergoing terrestrial flight calibration for flight stress analysis. The second prototype, the EV-55, S/N 0002, was used for ground stress testing.

The EV-55 Outback is a versatile, twin-engine, turboprop aircraft for the transportation of 9 passengers or cargo. High operational productivity and versatility given a cruising speed of 220 kts, the spacious cabin, possibility of short takeoffs and from airports at high altitudes, together with low operating costs make the EV-55 Outback the ideal aircraft for regional transportation.

PICTURE: MRJ FTA-2 prepares for May flight [feedly]

PICTURE: MRJ FTA-2 prepares for May flight

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Finland issues RFI for Hornet aircraft replacement [feedly]

Finland issues RFI for Hornet aircraft replacement

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Parachutes+Dronbes, JPADS: circumventing GPS for next-gen precision airdrops [feedly]

JPADS: circumventing GPS for next-gen precision airdrops

 -- via my feedly newsfeed

Power dense zinc-manganese power unit as cheap as a car battery [feedly]

A team of scientists working on analyzing energy flows in prototype zinc-manganese batteries have stumbled upon a new way to make these power cells much more reliable, with many more recharge cycles than the humble lead-acid car battery, but costing around the same to produce. The creators claim that the new battery could become an inexpensive, ecologically-sound alternative for storing energy from renewable sources and a high-density solution for storing excess energy from the power grid.

.. Continue Reading Power dense zinc-manganese power unit as cheap as a car battery

Boeing KC-46 Program’s Second 767-2C Aircraft Completes First Flight

EVERETT, Wash., April 26, 2016 – With a successful first flight on April 25th, Boeing [NYSE: BA] has added the fourth and final flight test aircraft to the KC-46 Pegasus fleet, a 767-2C.

During the 1 hour, 40 minute flight, test pilots performed operational engine checks, flight controls and environmental systems checks and took the 767-2C to a maximum altitude of 39,000 feet prior to landing at Boeing Field, south of Seattle.

The 767-2C is a KC-46 without the aerial refueling system installed. This aircraft, known as EMD-3, will be used to conduct environmental control system testing, including hot day/cold day testing and smoke penetration testing.

As part of the contract awarded in 2011 to design and develop the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation tanker, Boeing has built four test aircraft – two are configured as 767-2Cs and two as KC-46 tankers. Eventually, both 767-2Cs will become KC-46 tankers.

EMD-1, the first 767-2C test aircraft, has completed more than 315 flight test hours since its first flight in December 2014. EMD-2, the program’s first KC-46 tanker, made its maiden flight in September 2015 and has completed more than 240 flight test hours, including refueling F-16, F/A-18 and AV-8B aircraft. It also has been refueled by a KC-10 tanker. EMD-4, the second tanker, first flew on March 2, 2016 and has completed 25 flight hours.

Boeing plans to build 179 KC-46 aircraft for the U.S. Air Force.

Boeing, Xiamen Airlines Announce Order for 10 Next-Generation 737s

SEATTLE, April 26, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Xiamen Airlines, China's only all-Boeing carrier, have finalized an order for 10 Next-Generation 737-800s.

The order, valued at $960 million at list prices, will be posted on Boeing's Orders & Deliveries website once all contingencies are cleared.

"The 737-800 is the best-selling version of the highly successful Next-Generation 737 family," said Ihssane Mounir, senior vice president, Northeast Asia Sales, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "We are pleased to see the 737-800 continues to play an important role in Xiamen Airlines' fleet expansion."

Formed in 1984 as China's first joint venture between the Civil Aviation Administration of China and a municipal government, Xiamen Airlines began flying passengers in 1985 with two 737-200s serving three cities.

Mirroring the rapid growth of China's air travel industry, the carrier now has expanded its fleet in service to 135 airplanes – 17 737-700s, 108 737-800s, 4 757-200s and 6 787-8 Dreamliners.

Boeing: Flying Toward a Cleaner Future [video]


Thales Alenia Space wins initial funding for high-altitude platform, plans 2018 demo

Space-hardware manufacturer Thales Alenia Space on April 26 contracted with the French state investment bank, Bpifrance, to build a prototype high-altitude platform for future telecommunications, Earth observation and surveillance missions.

The Stratobus project, which Thales Alenia Space has been designing for several years, has won 17 million euros ($19.2 million) in backing from France’s Investing in the Future public bond program to reduce technology risks over 24 months - Full text at: http://spacenews.com/thales-alenia-space-high-altitude-platform-wins-initial-funding-plans-2018-demonstration/

Stratobus project takes off! (Press Release:)

Cannes, April 26, 2016 – Thales Alenia Space announced today the official kickoff of its Stratobus research & development project. Stratobus is an autonomous stratospheric airship that was just approved by the French government’s “investment in the future” program, with funding of 17 million euros. These funds cover a 24-month development phase for key enabling technologies, culminating in the construction of a demonstrator. Since the project has also won support from four different French regions, additional funding of about 3 million euros is expected.

Thales Alenia Space and its French partners in this program signed the initial contracts with state investment bank Bpifrance today. The company CNIM (Construction Navale Industrielle de la Méditerranée) will build the structure and associated equipment, the ring and the nacelle, while Solutions F will provide the electric propulsion system, Airstar Aerospace the fully-dressed envelope, and Tronico-Alcen the energy conditioning system. In addition to these French partners, Cmr-Prototec of Norway will supply the energy storage system and MMIST of Canada the parachutes. Thales Alenia Space is the lead company, and also in charge of systems integration, avionics, solar arrays and certification.

Stratobus will be positioned at an altitude of about 20 kilometers (12 miles) over its theater of operations, in the lower layer of the stratosphere, which offers sufficient density to provide lift for the balloon. Winds at this altitude are moderate and stable throughout the entire zone between the tropics, at not more than 90 km/h (55 mph), allowing the airship to remain stationary by using its electric propulsion system. Stratobus will carry payloads to perform missions such as the surveillance of borders or high-value sites, on land or at sea (videosurveillance of offshore platforms, etc.), security (the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, etc.), environmental monitoring (forest fires, soil erosion, pollution, etc.) and telecommunications (Internet, 5G).

“The new market for high-altitude pseudo satellites, or HAPS, is estimated at one billion dollars from now to 2020, but is awaiting a product. With Stratobus offering a field of view of 500 kilometers, we’re convinced that it will win a large share of this market,” said Jean-Loic Galle, President and Chief Executive Officer of Thales Alenia Space.

Thales Alenia Space project manager Jean-Philippe Chessel added: “Stratobus is midway between a drone and a satellite, making a low-cost product offering permanent regional coverage and ideally complementing satellite solutions. Using only solar energy and green technologies, Stratobus has a very small carbon footprint – much smaller than that of a small private plane.”

Thales Alenia Space and partners plan to launch a demonstrator in 2018, followed by the first qualification and certification flights in 2020. A number of potential customers have already been identified. Market forecasts indicate a return on investment in less than three years following its commercialization.

About Thales Alenia Space

Thales Alenia Space, a joint venture between Thales (67%) and Finmeccanica (33%), is a key European player in space telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation, exploration and orbital infrastructures. Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio form the two parent companies' “Space Alliance”, which offers a complete range of services and solutions. Because of its unrivaled expertise in dual (civil/military) missions, constellations, flexible payloads, altimetry, meteorology and high-resolution optical and radar instruments, Thales Alenia Space is the natural partner to countries that want to expand their space program. The company posted consolidated revenues of 2.1 billion euros in 2015, and has 7,500 employees in eight countries. www.thalesaleniaspace.com