viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

3D printing: adding a new dimension | Safran

Learning to Fly Gave Me More than Wings | The Bike Shop

By: Jessica Cox, pilot & motivational speaker

    I was born without arms. And with all that I have been able to do without them, I can honestly say that today, if given the choice, I would not want the arms.

What significance is there in this week’s CS300 and Embraer 175 orders? | MRO Network

Bloomberg: CRS Finds Northrop Bomber Bid 'Substantially Below' Air Force-DoD Cost Estimates - GovConWire

Russia looks to develop advanced rotary-wing UAV test bed [feedly]

Russia looks to develop advanced rotary-wing UAV test bed
// Flight Global HEADLINES

Russia s advanced research projects agency is launching a programme for the development of a rotary-winged unmanned air vehicle testbed, which will be used by government agencies to assess advanced robotic technologies for the military.

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Passenger Group Appeals FAA Refusal To Stop Airline Seat Shrinkage [feedly]

Passenger Group Appeals FAA Refusal To Stop Airline Seat Shrinkage
// Aero-News Network

Cites Health And Safety Issues Associated With Smaller Seats, Less Legroom Airline passenger organization has appealed the US FAA denial of its rulemaking petition to halt further shrinkage of airline seats and legroom until minimum passenger space standards can be set. The appeal was filed in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia which has the power to review federal agency decisions.

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Latvia's airBaltic Increases Its Firm C Series Order [feedly]

Latvia's airBaltic Increases Its Firm C Series Order
// Aero-News Network

Now Plans To Acquire 20 Bombardier CS300 Aircraft Latvian flag carrier Air Baltic Corporation AS (airBaltic) has converted its remaining seven option aircraft to firm, Bombardier announced Monday. This latest order brings airBaltic's total firm order to 20 CS300 aircraft.

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Solar Impulse 2 set to continue its round-the-world flight [feedly]

Solar Impulse 2 set to continue its round-the-world flight
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

It was last March that Swiss aviators Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg began a round-the-world trip in their completely solar-powered aircraft, the Solar Impulse 2. Unfortunately, during a July stopover in Hawaii, they discovered that the batteries had overheated, causing serious damage. Now, however, they're finally set to resume their journey.

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Category: Aircraft

Tags: Solar Impulse 2Solar PoweredElectric Aircraft Related Articles: Solar Impulse 2 breaks three records en route to Hawaii Solar Impulse 2 round-the-world route revealed Refurbished Solar Impulse 2 returns to the skies Bad weather forces Solar Impulse 2 to land in Japan Solar Impulse 2 begins historic round-the-world, sun-powered flight Solar Impulse takes off on longest leg of round-the-world flight

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When drones and pork collide [feedly]

When drones and pork collide
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

In a display of true awesomeness, researchers from the Drone Research Lab at Denmark's Aalborg University have built a catapult that fires hobby drones at a pork roast. This display of porcine projectile piercing is not only high on the list of conversation starters, it also has the serious goal of finding out more about the safety hazards posed by the tiny aircraft to people and property.

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Category: Drones

Tags: Aalborg UniversitySafetyUAV Related Articles: Study suggests that HUD tech may actually reduce driving safety Next-gen football helmet blunts impulse and impact easyJet using drones to inspect planes Rail power could light up rural crossings Attention-getting Brainy Bike Lights feature the "Sign of the Cyclist" Battery "kill-switch" prevents overheating and fires

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Drone racing to hit ESPN this year [feedly]

Drone racing to hit ESPN this year
// Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine

With a number of semi-professional leagues popping up around the world, drone racing has teetered on the edge of mainstream sport for a little while now. And a new broadcast deal signed between the International Drone Racing Association (IDRA) and ESPN certainly won't do its popularity any harm, with a series of cashed-up race events to be showcased on the network later in the year.

.. Continue Reading Drone racing to hit ESPN this year

Category: Drones

Tags: Drone racing Related Articles: Drone racing takes off with Dubai's $1 million World Drone Prix Australian pilot clean sweeps first international drone racing competition Fifteen-year-old pilot claims $250,000 in drone racing's richest event Formula One-inspired Drone Racing League to take flight next month Best drones on a budget: Buying guide FLYBi drone features VR headset, wrist remote and automatic battery-swapping

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Former US defense contractor sentenced for passing secrets to India

Russia working on new generation of space rocket engines

Iran's Hamaseh UAV joins war drills for the first time - International Business Times, India Edition

SULSA 3D-printed UAV explores Antarctic in service of Royal Navy - E&T magazine

Buzz Aldrin’s plan for a permanent presence on Mars

Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the Moon. Now the Nasa veteran, and trained engineer, is setting his sights on another part of our Solar System – Mars. Buzz Aldrin's passion is clear for all to see. It's not the jeans, jacket or unexpected striped red braces, but on the T-shirt. Beneath...

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Stephen Hawking Answers Our Questions On The Breakthrough Starshot Initiative

Here's what the astrophysicist says about the future of space exploration Yesterday, Professor Stephen Hawking joined Yuri Milner, among others, onstage for the announcement of Breakthrough Starshot. The $100 million initiative aims to develop microchip-sized space probes and shoot them into spac...

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This Is How SpaceX Unloads A 15-Story Rocket Off A Drone Ship

Photos from Port Canaveral On Friday, SpaceX made history by landing its Falcon 9 rocket booster on a drone ship. The move will help the company recover and reuse more rockets after they launch, and the achievement was a long time in the making--SpaceX tried for more than a year to stick the dron...

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British University Tests Drones That Scan For Evidence Of Landmines

Clever robots seek simple bombs Landmines never stop waiting. The simple machines are explosives with triggers, set in the ground primed and ready for someone to set them off. For landmines, the war never ends. For humans, war does, and the landmines that once marked the front line between warrin...

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Aircraft carrier visit by Pentagon chief Ash Carter unleashes storm in South China Sea

A visit by the US defence chief to one of his country's aircraft carriers is normally a routine part of the job, but not when it is sailing through the disputed waters of the South China Sea. The US has taken an increasingly assertive stance in the face of China's aggressive bid to claim virtuall...

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Steel jobs 'can be saved by tech', says energy researcher

The UK steel industry is doomed unless it embraces cutting-edge technology, a Cambridge professor has warned. Prof Julian Allwood said the only way to save steel jobs was to make high-value products for industries in which the UK leads the world. New methods could scrub impurities from recycled s...

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Belgium minister quits in Brussels airport security row

The Belgian transport minister has resigned over accusations she ignored lapses in security at Brussels airport before the attacks of 22 March. Opposition parties had been demanding Jacqueline Galant step down. They had leaked a confidential EU document, dating from 2015, which criticised securit...

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