viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

China Reveals Plans to Leave NASA's Hubble in the Dust of Space [feedly]

China Reveals Plans to Leave NASA's Hubble in the Dust of Space

Beijing (Sputnik) Mar 18, 2016
null China's proposed orbital telescope will provide for a field of view 300 times that of Hubble, and will dramatically boost space exploration. According to the English-language edition of the Chinese People's Daily, the People's Republic of China intends to place a new telescope into orbit. The unnamed telescope will be similar to Hubble, but with a field of view as much as 300 times larger.

N. Korea test fires two mid-range ballistic missiles [feedly]

N. Korea test fires two mid-range ballistic missiles

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Brazilian Court Drops Charges Against Embraer Consultant - Wall Street Journal (blog) [feedly]

Wall Street Journal (blog)
Brazilian Court Drops Charges Against Embraer Consultant
Wall Street Journal (blog)
In 2014, prosecutors in Brazil filed a criminal complaint against Mr. Sonnenfeld and eight former Embraer vice presidents, directors and managers, charging them with corruption and money laundering in connection with the scheme, which allegedly spanned ...
Embraer consultant says believes CEO knew of bribery: WSJReuters
Embraer consultant: CEO knew about briberyMarketWatch
Embraer Tumbles in Brazil After Report on Bribery AllegationsBloomberg

The CRACUNS wakes: APL team develop submersible UAV that stays on station before aerial mission

The Engineer

The CRACUNS wakes: APL team develop submersible UAV that ...
The Engineer
Developed at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Maryland, CRACUNS – Corrosion Resistant Aerial Covert Unmanned Nautical System – is a submersible UAV that can be launched from a fixed position underwater, or from an ...
New UAV Can Launch from Underwater for Aerial MissionsNewswise (press release)

los 3 artículos informativos »

A Lockheed Martin Missile Intercepts Missile Target in Flight Test [feedly]

PAC-3 MSE Intercepts Missile Target in Flight Test

A Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE) Missile successfully detected, tracked and intercepted a tactical ballistic missile (TBM) target today at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, as part of a U.S. Army-led flight test.

India to double production of Tejas Light Combat Aircraft

India to double production of Tejas LCA

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Dutch industry to join NH90 helicopter sustainment phase [feedly]

Dutch industry to join NH90 helicopter sustainment phase

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA) has entered into an agreement with NH Industries (NHI) to extend support for the sustainment phase of the NH90 helicopter.

Boeing Announces New European Leadership Structure [feedly]

Boeing Announces New European Leadership Structure

Sir Michael Arthur Appointed President Boeing Europe Boeing has announced a regionalized leadership structure in Europe, to streamline its corporate presence and drive business growth. The new structure aligns Boeing corporate leaders across the Continent into a unified team and integrates the company's strategy development and government affairs initiatives at a regional level.

Most powerful hybrid electric powertrain powers up

A major step towards electric powered air travel was achieved on 9th February 2016 in the project HYPSTAIR, with the power-up of the world’s most powerful hybrid electric powertrain for aviation. Read more!

Take a look at the video of the first power-up!

The HYPSTAIR project concerns the design of components of a serial hybrid propulsion system for small aircraft. A serial hybrid propulsion system uses an electric motor to drive the propeller.

The electrical power can be sourced either from a battery pack, that can be recharged during the flight, or from an on-board fuel powered generator. This propulsion system will enable future small aircraft to operate with lower emissions, lower fuel consumptions, thus reducing the environmental impact and travel costs of the aviation. The project deals with the conceptual design of the hybrid propulsion system components. The components will be sized and designed considering the performance and energy efficiency of the complete airframe-propulsion system, and will be tested in a laboratory environment. A dedicated human-machine interface will be designed allowing simple operation of a complex hybrid system. Together with the reliability of electric motors and use of dual energy sources, the system built upon these components will improve the safety of flying. The design of all components will comply with the safety and certification standards. As currently no regulations for aviation hybrid drive systems exist, defining these standards, in collaboration with the authorities, will be an important contribution of the project paving the way for introduction of hybrid and electric technologies to the market. These efforts will help to create a competitive supply chain for the hybrid drive components and to reduce the time to market of such innovations.

Amphibious drone hides underwater until it's go-time [feedly]

Amphibious drone hides underwater until it's go-time

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NASA to light fire on orbiting space craft [feedly]

NASA to light fire on orbiting space craft

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JAXA video: Silent Supersonic Technology Demonstration Program - D-SEND#2 Test Results - Friday, March 04, 2016 7:00 AM

Emular a Lindbergh con un 0% de emisiones de CO2